What were you doing in summer 2012, Yea Forums? Were you being a zoomer who was playing Minecraft, or were you being a boomer
What were you doing in summer 2012, Yea Forums? Were you being a zoomer who was playing Minecraft...
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Probably playing New Vegas.
Failing at life.
Prob fucking a slam pig at university.
I remember how all the Youtube ranters back then hated the late 00s-early 10s and wanted "le 90s" back. People were very cynical about the Recession and the pop culture of that time.
But now in 2019, the late 00s-early 10s have become nostalgic and beloved due to zoomers taking over.
I was replaying the Spyro trilogy on my PSP I think
Posting on here while being in High School. I've been here since 08. Send help.
Based downfall shit era autist.
Lurking Yea Forums on my PS3 and playing Persona 3 FES probably.
One of the few good things about being born in the late 90s is getting to experience the early 2000s as the main part of your formative years.
There really is no better time to be a dumb little kid than the late 90s and early 2000s.
Wasting my time and money at a shitty university and not thinking about my life.
That was Tortanic era Yea Forums right? I was playing GW2 probably.
If you were born in say 99, then you wouldn't remember much of the early 2000s (2000-2003). Your memorable childhood would be more 2004-2009, which was the MID and LATE 2000s.
2012? I think I was playing a lot of WoW then.
/x/ and cytube, and a bit of BC2
If you were born in 99, you'd remember 2002-2005.
Those were the days
>had my own place
>had my own internet
>lods of gaems
Got some good fps in my system that year:
BFBC2 during a steam sale
all 3 Penumbra games
amnesia (eh)
metro 2033
replayed half life 1-2
I played other titles but those stand out, not that any of them came out then but I had the summer off from anything and just had a blast.
2004-2005 weren't early 2000s.
I was in boot camp, sweating my ass off.
>boomzoomzipzapzoomies thread #568
Remember Bobby's World?
They were the last good years though. Might as well just lump them in with the other "old-school" years.
2006 was the beginning of Shitworld.
>Tfw early zoomers with "Fortnite good Minecraft bad" are becoming in 2019 what le 90s kids were in 2012.
At the time, early zoomers got mad at the 90s nostalgia elitism and were like "Hey, not my fault I was born in 2000, stop being arrogant and bullying/patronizing us, 90s kids. I'll be sure to never act arrogant like you to the next generation, never, ever, never."
But then Fortnite happened with the floss dancing, and early zoomers started hating later zoomers, despite vowing they would never do it. The cycle goes on, lol.
? lol
>Early Zoomers
Is that like zoomers who were early to the party or something? Like they're still wearing their backpacks?
This meme gets more retarded every day.
you seem mad'
maybe you should do the same
Early gen z retard
Was working full time and married, it was fucking horrible. So glad to be NEET and single again.
My last year of freedom before women came into my life. Ahhh now it's stress non-stop ever since.
have sex
Playing transformice, shitposting on here, watching synchtube? Fuck if I know. I guess I had kind of an excuse being 20 years old, but now I'm a 27 year old incel and doing arguably worse. My days consist of porn, masturbation, and staring at the ceiling.
How about we make that 2002 instead of 2012.
I was at my step mom's company using one of their cubicle computers to beat it to hentai in 2002.
2012 is too soon to reminiscence.
Watching my Pentium D hit 105°C playing L4D2 at 40fps with dips into the lower 20s.
I wasn't a boomer back then I was probably playing Skyrim
its funny too, this shit wouldn't be around if SOCIAL MEDIA wasn't a thing......
its all social media that is blowing this shit up to the degree that we hate it. i can tell you 100% that if we had just message boards and shit, we wouldn't be 90% as bad as we are now.
board game online nibba
i think... 2011-2015 kinda blend together
minecraft on vee
I think that was around the time I stopped lurking Yea Forums occupy wallstreet/arab spring/anonymous shit and started lurking Yea Forums. I was probably playing skyrim, I finally got it around that time
I was being a NEET and complained about my life.
Now I have a job and now I have something to really complain about.
I had just dropped out of college and became a neet. Now I'm a wage slave.
Watching monogatari, playing little busters and first danganronpa.
People born in 1997 remember 02-05. Stop trying to pretend you're two years older than you actually are just because you were born in the 90s
i believe that was when Metal Gear Online 2 shut down, so I was playing that during its final moments.
I was 19 and playing minecraft. I was also working 30 hours and was a full time student. Now I'm a neet.
Not really.
I don't remember the 80s as much when I was that age.
Most people don't remember much if anything of their toddler years.
bf3 bros, where you at?
I beat the following games for the first time in 2012:
>Metroid: Zero Mission
>Super Metroid
>Xenoblade Chronicles
>Tales of the Abyss
>Tales of Symphonia
>Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
>Metal Gear Solid
>Suikoden I
>Suikoden II
>Klonoa: Door to Phantomile
>Live A Live
>Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga
made good progress in Terranigma but dropped it at Bloody Mary, I regret not finishing it
Probably a few more that I forget.
recovering from my NEETdom, but soon after quit that job to play Dark Souls on my old ass PS3.
Seven years later, and I'm a NEET yet again
In 2002, I didn't even have a PC, so I went to cyber-cafes to look up information on some shit anime sites and trying to copy and memorize drawings so I could jack off later kek
University stoner living with terrible people. I dont miss it.
2012 was the middle of my 3 year break from vidya. Wish it stayed that way.
>What were you doing in summer 2012, Yea Forums?
Shitposting, masturbating and playing modded Skyrim
Not much has changed.
absorbing Yea Forumss autism, some day I should look through my old laptop for vintage reaction images
In 2012 I was 14-15 years old and used to lurk Yea Forums for recommendations. I beat the following games for the first time in 2012:
>Metroid: Zero Mission
>Super Metroid
>Xenoblade Chronicles
>Tales of the Abyss
>Tales of Symphonia
>Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
>Metal Gear Solid
>Suikoden I
>Suikoden II
>Klonoa: Door to Phantomile
>Live A Live
>Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga
made good progress in Terranigma but dropped it at Bloody Mary, I regret not finishing it
also just the year before I'd beaten what is still my favorite game of all time, Ghost Trick
Probably a few more that I forget.
I still try play video games a lot now, but a lot of my time is divided up between hanging out with bros and my gf, and I only really got to play Mario Maker 2 and DQB2 this entire summer because my internship took up most of my time. The little time I did have left I spent at the gym to not lose my gains (having a job can be a huge gains goblin).
I'm surprised at how alright my life turned out given I was kind of a loser who has been lurking Yea Forums since middle school in 2010. I think seeing all the autism greentexts, beta white knight stories, and anons self-loathing for not accomplishing anything, etc. made me a lot more aware of the pitfalls of life, how not to interact with girls, and how important it is to not be a loser. If I hadn't found this place I'd actually be more of a loser in addition to having missed out on a lot of great video game recommendations. This board completely unironically affected my life for the better.
Thanks Yea Forums. Especially to all of you who've been posting since 2011 and before.
The OP made me reminisce more than it should've. Thanks for reading my blog post.
Getting drunk by myself and screaming in alleys. I was very depressed and very dysfunctional at the time.
I also played through Fire Emblem Sacred Stones that summer. Solid 8/10.
Lmao 17 and it was my one summer i just bummed around and had no job cause i started doing shit loads of benzos and painkillers and was basically not even lucid. Best and comfiest summer ever.
I think that was around the time I sunk really deep into my depression. I guess I did play some minecraft to keep my mind occupied while I was isolating myself completely. I don't really remember much of anything really.
I was having sex, INCEL
I was playing Clash of Clans and Super Smash Bros. Shit on me all you want for the first one.
I was shitposting with my bros on /mlp/
great days
Playing KH BBS on my PSP.
I was honestly probably stll playing modernwarfare2 amd halo 3
srs about to kill myself
Zoomers are now trying to cram Minecraft, Adventure time, Bieber, and Twilight into the old school, when they used to be firmly considered the "first of the new school".
I first played Minecraft in 2011 but I'm not nostalgic for it at all
It's fine to be nostalgic for it. Stop trying to get a free pop from Yea Forums boomers.
Summer 2012 was when I was 20, and I was on here messing around with Synchtube and Ace of Spades. It feels very weird that Yea Forums used to complain about people my age for being too young back then, yet now I'm considered an "old boomer" on Yea Forums these days.
i was watching people play minecraft because i didnt have a gaming pc
You don't need a gaming PC for Minecraft. I was playing Minecraft in the early 2010s on a 2010 laptop.
i couldn't take the crappy fps
Ecstasy and fucking, mostly. Sometimes some tribes ascend.
>Sometimes some tribes ascend.
Ah, I remember those days. Just like today, back then I was wondering who the hell seriously replies to CIA datamining threads like this one.
I was still finishing my teacher training by doing a post graduate. I'd long since graduated past Minecraft
I was 20, working, drinking myself sick every night and playing Bayonetta/DMC/MGR/Ninja Gaiden until my thumbs literally bled.
Fuck you and fuck your Minecraft.
Tbh the best time I had playing it was when I came back from a rave still high and just flew around tdm with a grenade launcher getting kill after kill.
>le boomzoom
I was enjoying Yea Forums before you helped ruin it
I was spending my nights staying up until 5am binge watching Vsauce videos and occasional watching Monty Python. I do remember playing minecraft really late and building a huge castle then see a raccoon on my porch and it scared the shit out of me
Living in Chernarus.
Said like a true self centered brainlet
>tfw earliest memory was getting a gamecube
I was a league of legends boomer
>Bieber, and Twilight
no one is doing this
>I was at my step mom's company using one of their cubicle computers to beat it to hentai in 2002.
based boomer
I was probably playing skyrim
playing TF2
Delivering sandwiches, mostly. I don't really remember what I was playing at the time, other than TORtanic.
I was playing the first ass creed and just cause
This shit happens with literally every single generation. It's just happening faster and more visibly now thanks to social media.
Stop thinking you're special.
Playing monster hunter freedom unite and begging my parents for a psvita so that i could play it with two sticks. I got it eventually but i mostly played soul sacrifice.
Just fucking say what you mean instead of using nebulous fucking memewords you absolute god damn cuntwaffle mcdougalkins
i think i was still hooked in das1
2012 I was playing EverQuest. Things havent changed much.
I was busy trying to beat that stupid whore Byakuren.
Playing and watching Starcraft 2.
Those goddamn GomTV streams must have been 240p back in the day.
Falling from the top of the world to its deepest depths.
Nah i was brought into existence in 94 and don't remember anything before 99.
I was with my wife enjoying a rainy Virginia summer talking about what we should be doing for our 5th anniversary coming up and laughing for getting married so young and wondering if everything would work out over the years. We are hitting 12 years now and it's surprisingly better now for us than it was back then. Thanks for the trip down memory lane OP.
Summer of 2012, I was mostly playing MW2 with my normalfag friends, browsing Yea Forums and playing other vidya as well.
It was actually a pretty good time in my life, last year of secondary school and was in a weird phase of being really popular with everyone somehow and even being invited to parties and shit. Passed all my exams with really high marks due to all the studying I did.
I was playing tons of vidya as well that year, finished the entire MGS series, Uncharted series and even the classic Sonic games, bought a PS3 so I was enjoying vidya I missed out on throughout the gen. I even had time to finish games I put off for years such as LTTP, Super Paper Mario and Yoshi's Island.
Smoking weed in university and playing dota 2 beta.
>late 1989-mid 1990 born's peak: 1996-2000 (absolute peak 1998)
>late 1990-mid 1991 born's peak: 1997-2001 (absolute peak 1999)
>late 1991-mid 1992 born's peak: 1998-2002 (absolute peak 2000)
>late 1992-mid 1993 born's peak: 1999-2003 (absolute peak 2001)
>late 1993-mid 1994 born's peak: 2000-2004 (absolute peak 2002)
>late 1994-mid 1995 born's peak: 2001-2005 (absolute peak 2003)
>late 1995-mid 1996 born's peak: 2002-2006 (absolute peak 2004)
>late 1996-mid 1997 born's peak: 2003-2007 (absolute peak 2005)
>late 1997-mid 1998 born's peak: 2004-2008 (absolute peak 2006)
>late 1998-mid 1999 born's peak: 2005-2009 (absolute peak 2007)
>late 1999-mid 2000 born's peak: 2006-2010 (absolute peak 2008)
>late 2000-mid 2001 born's peak: 2007-2011 (absolute peak 2009)
>late 2001-mid 2002 born's peak: 2008-2012 (absolute peak 2010)
>late 2002-mid 2003 born's peak: 2009-2013 (absolute peak 2011)
'99 zoomers grew up in the LATE 2000s, they barely even count as mid 2000s kids, let alone early 2000s kids. Consuming early 2000s culture in 2006 doesn't count, yous are new school, deal with it
this is true. 1990, and I got star craft, mgs, half-life, oot
I was thirteen then but I never played Minecraft because I'm not a faggot.
That's a lot of bassets.
was doing drugs and masturbated furiously most likely
Probably raging at Halo Reach with my dudes.
Can't wait to play it again on PC whenever 343I gets their shit together, sadly I won't have my dudes to play with.
playing counter strike
Who here a /2001/ chad
Probably Minecraft. 2012 was actually the year I started browsing Yea Forums.
I miss the days of the mid-2000s more than anything because I was a kid.
>literal babies born in 2001 are able to speak and use computers somehow
I have plenty of memories from 2003 at the earliest and I was born in 1999. It's not my fault that you have early onset dementia.
I was doing conscription service in 2012
I'm a 1997 guy and I remember yearning for the 2005 era of my childhood as early as like 2008, although these days a lot of misinformed people would attempt to lump those two years together
I've been incredibly nostalgic for everything pre-middle school since I got to middle school. At that point, I felt like life was becoming really shit.
I've come across old tapes recently that date back to my birth in 1999, and there's one that is of my entire 6th birthday party (2005) and I was nearly in tears.
2007 was the peak of my life and ive felt that way since at least 2010
I personally hold the view that everything slowly went to shit in 2006. For me personally, that year was really difficult. I started to become detached from my older brother since he was entering his teens, I stopped following the latest kids trends and youtube type crap also came out.. I feel sorry for 99 borns, since they got to experience even less of the old world than I did.
2012 was the glorious year for Dragon's Dogma and wage slavery. I wish I could go back to those simple days
2012 doesn't stand out to me as much as before or after, i had to really think about what i'd be playing
yeah, well uh, im still a virgin, so uh, eat that loser
i was a boomer playing WoW