Why did ye stop playin WoW, laddie?
Why did ye stop playin WoW, laddie?
dungeon finder
I realized that I was wasting literally thousands of hours playing a shit game and talking to jobless failures and then I stopped.
i didnt because i have bad taste and am an addict
When parties and raids had gearscore requirements. It absolutely killed all enjoyment and adventure for me.
I played it for free for a week and thought it was boring
I quit a couple days after Uldir released. All the new stuff they added was either boring, buggy, or straight up unfun.
Because it sucked compared to old SWG and planetside was better.
After the seventh expansion of saying 'Remember [Insert Last Expansion Here]? Yea that was a lot better than this crap' and realizing the perpetual cycle of bull shit I was in
I never really stopped. Every major content patch I come back for maybe a week and then stop. In all honesty it seems like a fairly healthy way to play an mmo. Can't deny that as time goes on any sort of desire to continuously do that starts to really diminish. It's easy to point to one thing like dungeon finder or class design or any of that shit but it's really a death from a thousand cuts. The biggest thing for me is the state WoW is in now where the devs demand you turn WoW into a daily chore to play through your M+, world quests, etc. A lot of those systems (not 1:1 mind you but the concepts behind them) have been in place for a long ass time but there's just something about the concept of Diablo style "new thing to do every mintue!!!" style objectives that seem to suck the fun out of shit.
My fire mage could barely solo in WoD, and my alts just did chores in their garrison. By the time I was done with garrison busy work. I had enough wow for the day every time. Also crafting went from mediocre to worthless, and wow crafting was never great. There was just nothing to love anymore.
>Dark Irons are forever trapped in this horrible mess of a "game"
That's not fucking fair. They deserve more love.
The devs don't give a fuck about it anymore.
i got tired of blizzard's bullshit and realized they were a horrible company that didn't deserve my support as a consumer
The files on my computer got corrupted or something and it was way too much data to redownload on my shitty Australian internet.
Cataclysm happened.
Legion got boring so i quit. Waiting for Classic
thats basically what posting here is
Left after Cataclysm ruined the old world. Coming back for Classic. I hope all the braindead choads currently playing stay where they are and leave Classic to the purists.
When I realized that WoWs Zelda cycle is worse than Zeldas Zelda cycle
flying mounts
dungeon queue
raid queue
ability pruning
talent tree removal
battlegrounds (open world pvp was always more exciting, especially when raid pvp groups would form and attack towns. Areas such as Halaa should have been how pvp went instead of instanced battlegrounds)
cross realm anything
cataclysm ruining old zones
broken lore and timelines (which get worse every expansion)
level scaling zones
removal of pvp servers for "war mode"
stat simplification
expansion based crafting
combat became brain dead aoe fest around Wrath, was fixed in Cata, but then reverted by MoP
welfare tier 0.5 blues/epics and any catch-up mechanics
probably a fair bit more but that's what comes to mind right away
I'll be back for classic, and then become depressed that the post wrath expansion content could easily be as good as the vanilla content if they hadn't gone full retard with casualizing the game and incentivizing money transactions for level boosts to skip content
Everything became to balanced everybody could do anything. Classes lost their identity.
Classes became shit: deathknight, panddas werwolfes, really? It was clearly marketed for 12 year olds.
Ingame purchases made effort worthless.
Roaming around the vast emptyness of the internet for a decade. Wasting thousands of hours shitposting and watching porn.
It is time to go home to azeroth, hopefully we can get a good year or even 2 out of it before never returning.
It was a very good way to waste our time
I had fun playing a panda warrior, but the grind for the latest expansion got pretty obnoxious, and I wasn't really enjoying myself anymore.
i didn't because im a fucking retard
I play WoW, but only to farm gold and jew the auction house for wow tokens so I can get other bad games for free
Between that I play cutie fat panda dressup simulator