Would you welcome Draenei and Blood-Elves into Classic WoW after Naxx?
No other TBC content only their respective leveling zones. Perhaps one tweak would be replacing the Draenei Jewelcutting racial.
Would you welcome Draenei and Blood-Elves into Classic WoW after Naxx?
No other TBC content only their respective leveling zones. Perhaps one tweak would be replacing the Draenei Jewelcutting racial.
having both palas and shamans in vanilla would trivialize every raid even more.
But i thought the point of classic was to be a "NO CHANGES time capsule"(aka dead after a few months)
Naxx and BWL are unclearable without world buffs, T1/T2 gear and minmax autism I doubt giving each faction the unique class would change it up completely.
Blood elves are a really shitty fit for Horde. They don't aesthetically fit horde at all, and their lore reason for joining horde is more fanfic tier than the forsaken's.
Fuck blood elves on horde. Even though I'm an alliance player, I don't want to see faggy elves on the other side of the battlefield. I want to see orcs, and trolls, and tauren, and even undead. Ever since blood elves came out, almost 50% of horde enemies I see are elves. Makes me wonder what the hell happened to horde.
maybe if a quarter of your raid are shitters
belfs in horde make as much sense as forsaken in horde.
>Naxx and BWL are unclearable without world buffs
Maybe its because I'm not that into Warcraft lore but I kinda like the idea of high elves, which are typically the good guys in fantasy, being apart of the "evil" faction. What I don't like however is the fact that half of the people who play Horde play elves
Bloodelves and Draeni should be Illidari along with playable Naga.
WoW is dead because Blizzard is a shit company.
They were even filthy liars when they sad "no changes" which just meant "Here is the right click report system".
I hope a new company will create a great single player fantasy mmo with a race like Nelfs. Kingdoms of Amalur tried it and it nearly succeeded, but because EA owns it it's a broken mess which can't support 4k and never will be because EA doesn't support games without cash shop gambling.
They're only there because the majority of people wont play anything except humans.
Warhammer online could have been good if EA didn't kill it too.
>but I kinda like the idea of high elves, which are typically the good guys in fantasy, being apart of the "evil" faction
as stupid as the reason for belves being in the Horde is, this is cool
They shouldn't release TBC content at all, instead they should develop and release the planned and teased but unfinished content for vanilla.
Fuck expansions.
I agree, i've played during retail and then private servers since wrath. and I have to admit that TBC is a soulless piece of shit with a grotesque emphasis on grinding.
Blood elves were a mistake. Remove blood elves best day of my life
>zoomer who cleared Naxx on a private server thinks he knows what he's talking about
You won't even see the inside of Naxx on classic, mate.
>try to RP as Horde
>Throm'ka, friend! I'm not like the other Blood Elves, I'm as tough as any orc!
>Ayy, mon! Welcome to the Bloodtusk Clan! Don't let my appearance fool "ya", I can do the voodoo as well as any troll!
>Blood Elf? Haha, no. I'm a Dark Ranger. For the Dark Lady!
>Hail, traveler. Welcome to the Featherhoof Tribe, our traditional Tauren storytelling will begin soon, take a seat by the fire. I may be a Blood Elf, but I hear the call of the Earthmother as well as any Tauren.
>Welcome to the Scarletfeather Cartel! I'm Trade Princess Elfyra Sunblossom. I may be a Blood Elf, but I can wheel and deal as well as any goblin!
>Slow down, friend! Here at the Jademist Brewery we take Pandaren teachings to heart. Though I am a Blood Elf, I was trained in the way of the monk by the wisest Pandaren teachers! Family, food, and friends!
Would it be less stupid if the Night Elves who hate the fuck out of them and arcane magic suddenly went "sure welcome drink the magic from our sacred moonwells".
As soon as Night Elves went Alliance Blood Elves had to go Horde. Shit even the night elf mages after cata irks me more than blood elves in the Horde.
Personally though, I'd much rather have goblins. Love the little bastards, and will miss them when classic hits. Don't mind the classic model either, just want goblins.
Leave Silvermoon.
Though I'll admit that one in Stonard that went native was funny the first time I saw him.
>people spending years saying private servers arent hard enough
>private servers tune to make the game harder
>only the biggest spergs can beat the raids without the buff
>wow classic beta starts
>TRUEEEEEEEE vanilla is shown to be piss easy compared to private servers
>retards still think the content wont be cleared on release and wont be speedran because its the only way to justify being able to breeze through raids
i mean come on man, everyone knows classic is dog piss
To further rant
Previous to TBC, the horde was comprised of hideous monsters with bare feet and bad posture. It was the kind of heavy metal fantasy races that looked and acted like the horde. With blood elves, suddenly there were cute characters that worked well as paper dolls for faggoty roleplayers to dress up in there epic armor. Thematically they didn't fit the horde and should have been an alliance race. In terms of lore it didn't really make sense to align themselves with the horde since they had allowed the forsaken in, who had destroyed their entire world with the destruction of the sunwell. They handwaved it by saying that sylvanas was formerly an elf so it's ok, but by that reasoning arthas could be allied with the alliance because he used to be the prince of lordearon. It's stupid and It brought faggots and women into the horde and made the horde.
There's literally a ne mission in TFT where you're allied with blood elves. Illidan, the leader of the blood elves, is a night elf. You're also stupid for thinking they have to belong to either faction
Just play a nightelf, faggot.
>True Vanilla
Lol you're pretty dumb if you think it is
Potentially. I'm sorta hoping they go the OSRS route and add new stuff to classic in a branch from the retail route. But more curated and not fan voted. Instead of TBC, Horde get Broken and Alliance get High Elves and there is a different story instead of the bare bones "kill these WC3 characters because reasons" story TBC had.
Imagine being stupid enough to think they would waste resources on this
>only replies to the all caps joke
regardless, it wont be and thats the problem, there are more blizzlike servers outside of classic and they're free, if you like a harder autism experience there are private servers for that too, the only thing classic wow has over private servers is a larger guaranteed playerbase and we only know that is certain for release.
i'll give classic a go but i'm less than hopeful
Retails story is running out. Why wouldnt they wrap up WoW in the next two expansions, then branch Classic out. Blizzard cant do new shit. Overwatch was a miracle. Other than that they recycled the same three IPs for years. Why wouldnt they just recycle the same three IPs even more?
>Draenei and Blood-Elves into Classic
>No other TBC content only their respective leveling zones
How mentally ill do you have to be to play dress up in Classic? Go back to retail where you belong, tranny.
Illidan was also imprisoned for ten THOUSAND yeeears because he made a new well of eternity and indirectly the Sunwell.
There's exactly two breeds of elf, magic loving and magic murdering.
No. Blood Elves ruined the aesthetic of the Horde and Blizzard had to do a lot of retconning in order to get the Draenei on the Alliance.
I wonder why Blizzard put so much effort into implementing the Draenei when the Pandaren were initially planned to be the Alliance's new race. I know the Pandaren had (and still have) a mixed reception among the community but they would have been easier to implement than the Draenei from a story perspective. Were Draenei a highly requested race or something?
>High Elves
And have the Alliance playerbase be 50% elves? I get where the suggestion is coming from but I would rather humans than more elves.
>not joining a race exclusive RP guild
Was in an Undead only guild for awhile and had a lot of fun, I know there were big Troll and Tauren only-guilds on my realm too.
Put Goblins in Classic
They wanted the Alliance to have an "ugly" race since it was full of pretty races, but then they changed Draenei lore and turned them from ugly race to one of the most popular porn races in the game.
only if high elves for the alliance and ogres for horde.
This, most people are turbonormies and don't want to play a "monster" race.
I still don't get how theyre not a fully playable race yet.
No, classic wow has perfect balance (4 titanic races, 2 elven races [trolls are nigger elves], 2 furry races)
Draenei are good only for porn and both sides already got elves.
WoW in general has lost that classic warcraft sword and sorcery aesthetic and atmosphere, it's not rough or edgy anymore with that classic operatic/haunting soundtrack. barely feels like warcraft anymore.
I mean the pandaren arent the prettiest race in Warcraft either. They could have decent a good job as the "monster race" of the Alliance as long as they were written to be less of a joke and their lore/culture got more focus.
Blizzard doesnt want to put them in, despite their extensive history with the Horde. Maybe they're too lazy to model a female model? Or maybe they're concerned with how the models would fit into buildings?
No new races, but new classes might be cool.
Could level 60 Deathknights work? I like the look of them
Yeah it's called Forsaken Warrior with Enchanting for pretend Runeforging and Engineering for pretend magical abilities
I mean they can go FFXIV route and make gender exclusive race like female only Viera and male only Rhogar