Why do people think Dark Souls "lore" is even somewhat passable? It's inconsistent with no proper structure told through half-paragraph item descriptions.
Why do people think Dark Souls "lore" is even somewhat passable...
Why is it always Doomfags, Quake Fags & WRPGfags who spam these autistic chart threads? I never even see Sonyfags or Nintendo fags do this for their cancerous console war bullshit.
Because they learned it through video summaries of someone else who just read other people's summaries and compiled it into his script. They're so far removed from the process that From expects you to take in order to learn the story that they forget how fucking shit it is.
Is Planescape Torment just reddit the game?
Yes, Reddit is obssessed with western games & largely shits on anything from Japan except the most mainstream games possible
don't listen to weeb faggots it's the best fantasy novel you'll ever play
take your meds wrpg-kun.
>planescape torment
Why do weebs like cringy jrpg's so much?
Because they want to insinuate opinions as facts via cherrypicking
People like fun games more than D&D sims for people without friends
>jap faggot game made yesterday big and good
>western game made 20 fucking years ago small and bad
god, fucking weebs and zoomers
go together like peanutbutter and jelly
>implying weebs have friends
you certainly argued against at least one of the points in that image.
Stay in your containment thread, retard.
stay in your mom's basement, retard.
westfags are schizo trannies.
> AAA Games: Japan > West
> Indie Games: West > Japan
This has always been true, no matter how many buzzwords these trannies want to spam.
Weebs are trannies AND pedophiles.
> Bbbbut Japan bad
> He says when America is literally a third world country now & arguably the least safe country that isn't in the middle east or Africa
Swing and a miss. I'm a jrpgfag. XB2 was just bad.
still better than planescape
Torment and BG are so good, I'm tempted to buy the Beamdog ports even despite knowing they're Beamdog ports
>weebfaggots and their bodypillows, waifus, and cosplay
>not in mom's basement
get a screen for this cuck, he's projecting hard
>Japan > West
I cannot remember the last jap game that even broke 100 million copies sold or ended up GOTY for anyone but Yea Forumsveebfags
weeb faggot tries to play a real RPG:the image
PST Enhanced ain't bad at all. No changes beyond scroll zoom and graphics options no one uses.
BG EE has all these dogshit additions and changes you gotta fuckin weed out
planescape faggot tries to articulate a counter argument: the post
it's crazy how I've gotten a total of 30 replies to this image and not a single planescapecuck can prove any of the points wrong
Is it literally the same fucking person making these threads? Because the IP count hasn't gone up & everyone in this thread essentially is shitting on the OP
>this thread AGAIN
I think you know you're being disingenuous with the quality of the writing and lore in Dark Souls. I mean that's the thing; for a game like this, it's just amazing how little lore there is or how limited the options are in the game and how little backstory you have about the world, especially considering how much it was created before the game came to light. The lore surrounding Dark Souls isn't just a product of being incredibly dense and complicated and richly detailed, it's an effort to flesh out a place in a universe that is so incredibly vast, in a world that needs time and the imagination and the creative imagination and you can really be a lot more creative when you have a deep understanding of the game and the lore you're playing in and if you like it you can really enjoy it and it's really just a wonderful thing for players to know about their character, so it really doesn't come from a place of laziness or having a blank canvas. It's not laziness in a game with a heavy focus on mechanics or writing or lore and I think one of the most important things for the future of the series is to develop that into more characters and more locations and to make it less a formula as much as a product of the game to be more imaginative for players.
>I cannot remember the last jap game that even broke 100 million copies sold
Did you blow a vessel?
stop arguing with the wrpg-kunner.
This is pretty dumb. Really grasping at straws by implying all JRPGs are anime girls.
Just off the top of my head
>Robo, from Chrono Trigger
>Cait Sith, from FF7
>Vivi, from FF9
>Mewtwo, from Pokemon
These are some of the most mainstream options ever, so I can't be cherrypicking.
>compares game made with modern technology and design philosophy to a game older than him
>wHaT wERe tHEy tHiNkINgG??//
no one's responding because your points are shit
how about we compare PST to fucking Ultima while we're composing critique like disingenuous faggots
neck yourself
>implying modern technology is applicable to rpgs when the best in both both wRPG/jRPGs occurred over a decade ago
>using reddit speak
>no one's responding because your points are shit
why are they shit? most of the image is just factual information about both games. No one has been able to formulate a proper argument against the image, because they cannot. cRPGs died for a very good reason.
the item descriptions aren't from the main character's perspective brainlet
kirby lore is the best lore
>>wHaT wERe tHEy tHiNkINgG??//
>implying modern technology is applicable to rpgs when the best in both both wRPG/jRPGs occurred over a decade ago
i don't even know what you're getting at with this faggot, jumbled word salad
>most of the image is just factual information about both games.
>combat being simplistic
>party building being simplistic
>exploration being simplistic
half of your points are literally just "why didn't they have the resources and conventions that games today made" zoomer faggotry
because they didn't weebshit. of fucking course devs in 1999 are gonna be constrained to a smaller/more simplistic game than the jap cunts making a game in 2017.
comparing is dumb
you're dumb
please, neck yourself immediately
>devs in 1999 are gonna be constrained to a smaller/more simplistic game
Wow I didn't know enjoyable combat and party members required advanced technology.
But WRPGs are more popular now than ever before while JRPGs have been circling the drain since the PS1 era. Really put into perspective that a lot of the "best" JRPGs are from well over 20 years ago and they're still overrated from nostalgia.
>clearly never played a game before 2006
holy fucking shit
>b-but it was good for it's time
Not that user but he's asking you why it's a better game overall, not why it's better for its time you fucking faggot
that may be true for exploration (even so many jRPGs of the same era had better exploration than planescape), but the others are moot. party building and combat are irrespective of technology. At the very least, planescape garbage combat isn't excused.
I believe I stated cRPGs in particular, and the only major wRPGs are bethesda games and witcher 3
> JRPGs have been circling the drain since the PS1 era
stop thinking FF = jRPGs. Persona, Ys, Xeno, Nier/drakengard, tales of are a couple of examples of series just getting off their highest sold entries
Jrpgs are kinda cringy compared to wrpg's tbqh.
Did the person who made this image even pretend to look up a quick synopsis about those jrpgs?
JRPG soundtracks are all so mediocre, and all sound the same. Exact same orchestral latin vocals over and over again, there's zero innovation or experimentation with Japanese soundtracks. Completely and totally overrated. Planescape doesn't even have great music, but it fits the game well and is completely memorable, I can still hear that theme playing in my head years and years later. I can still hear that soundtrack in the "brothel" and the mystique from it all these years later, it truly sticks with you and it was then that I knew Planescape was a special game.
JRPGs are generic, both in terms of character and sound design. It's not necessarily that they're bad games, but the art styles are all completely derivative and there's little innovation. The only real reason I ever play JRPGs is because of the variety of gameplay styles that exist.
Wtf I love reddit now
No wrpgkun doesn't actually play videogames
everyone who likes dark souls is a stupid hipster faggot, the game plays like shit and is usually boring, the only fun is in invading and fucking people's games up
>JRPG soundtracks are all so mediocre, and all sound the same.
Yeah Valkyrie profile and Wild arms are exactly the same bro!
They are though, they're both equally bad and generic. It's like comparing the sound of a wet fart and a dry one. They both still smell like shit.
Fallout 1 and 2 has the most god-tier music ever from any game. I wish we could shift the topic from Planescape to Fallout, because it's way better.
I agree, that's the thing about WRPG music, the soundtracks are themed for the game, and the sound design is incredibly important with each soundtrack setting the tone and atmosphere for that level.
Meanwhile, JRPGs it's just all orchestral track after orchestral track after orchestral track that slightly vary, they can still be atmospheric, and I'm not going to argue that ALL JRPG music is bad, it's just that in the Japanese industry there's a lot less variety and experimentation with video game music compared to the west.
Thanks for confirming you haven't listened to a JRPG soundtrack ever.
Have you guys ever noticed that all the best Japanese games throughout history are by Westaboos? I'm not trying to meme you right now, I'm genuinely wondering if you've noticed.
I bet you're the type of guy that think Neir's soundtrack is the greatest thing ever made, am I right?
The most mainstream ones are but not the best.
why wrpgkun hates japanese games so much?
They're soulless and boring.
yeah western games suck,
Because he hasn't had fun playing a video game in a decade, and is resentful that there are literally dozens of JRPGs (both niche and popular in the mainstream) that people eat up and chat about every year without exception, and on Yea Forums of all places, a plethora of discussion, fanart, etc. runs abundantly. Meanwhile the only WRPG worth note in the past six years has been Divinity OS2.
No I meant faggy jrpgs.
did you ignore the image or something? look at the music tab.
You're remarkably ignorant if you think that there's not a dedicated following of WRPGs with regular discussion even right now. Even if you only know the popular ones, like Undertale and Witcher, that doesn't mean they don't exist.
>image specifically says the game contains celtic folk, bulgarian orchestra, and irish choir
>latin vocals
planescape is ffxv if it was written by reddit.
>What is Persona
>What is TWEWY
>What is Shin Megami Tensei
>What is Etrian Odyssey
why is "the greatest wrpg ever made" so much worse than a mediocre jrpg that most fans of the genre cringe at?
how long ago planescape came out is irrelevant when games like super mario world and link to the past are even older and still hold up today.
I liked the Burnt Ivory King's lore. He was a cool dude
yeah, why can't jrpgs ever have robots that don't look like anime girls?
>Indie Games: West > Japan
touhou, cave story and melty blood alone run circles around every single indie "game" that the west has ever produced.
How the fuck are Final Fantasy 15 and Planescape Torment anything alike? Is this a joke? This is a staggeringly superficial overview. I can't tell if it's worse if, 1. you've never played either of these games and are purposely encouraging others with stupidity, or, 2. you really have (somehow) come to these conclusions and you are purposely encouraging others with stupidity.
I just don’t know, man.
jrpgs had enjoyable combat and party members before 2006. why couldn't wrpgs do that?
I've played Doom mods better than those games. Try harder.
smt nocturne
>fictional real-world
resonance of fate
soul hackers
>superhero fiction
z.h.p.: unlosing ranger vs. darkdeath evilman
>science fiction
ar nosurge
>alternate history
valkyria chronicles
>urban fantasy
the world ends with you
>high fantasy
dragon quest
>science fantasy
Truly a mystery
>How the fuck are Final Fantasy 15 and Planescape Torment anything alike?
they both have abysmal gameplay for the same reasons.
the only difference is that ffxv's director openly admits that the gameplay was supposed to be casualized, whereas planescape's fanboys think they're "hardcore" for playing such a pitiful game.
>Was the first to swing his blade in all times of conflict
>The literal shield and sword of his kingdom that all of his loyal military followed closely behind, going so far as to mimic their lord's masking of his face from the public
>Set his throne right next to the Old Chaos in case some shit ever started, so he'd be the first one to deal with it
>Ruled as a benevolent and powerful ruler until his literal soul started degrading due to his adjacency to the Old Chaos, and he went down there personally to stop it, his soldiers following close behind their king
>Didn't succeed at quelling it, but that's typically what happens when you try to fight a literal void of fire armed with a fucking sword
>Romanced a daughter of the apocalypse so hard that she remained his loyal lover until she withered away, abating and burying the Chaos Flame and turning away anything that might cause it to surge forward until she withered away
>Said daughter of the apocalypse was so successful that the Old Chaos is literally on its last embers in the following game, and demonkind is on its way to extinction
Literally the Chad Ivory King, most based ruler in the entire setting.
i think the subtle lore delivery in dark souls really suits the game since it's a very gameplay oriented ARPG and the world has a very sort of ancient mystery that requires you to connect all the dots to understand it -- but it's not at all necessary to enjoy the game
>Even if you only know the popular ones, like Undertale
it's really telling that one of the only popular wrpgs you can come up with is a shameless ripoff of classic jrpgs.
wrpgs are garbage too.
>How the fuck are Final Fantasy 15 and Planescape Torment anything alike?
did you try reading the image?
JRPGs are a ripoff in the first place, so who gives a fuck?
>But WRPGs are more popular now than ever before while JRPGs have been circling the drain since the PS1 era
this is some next level mental gymnastics
Evidently retards like the OP, who make these moronic threads crusading against his manufactured "enemy" in the form of RPGs made in a different country.
at least jrpgs took the ideas they ripped off and made better games with them. tumblrtale is just another indie earthbound ripoff in a market full of indie earthbound ripoffs.
>ywn be as based as the Ivory King
>ywn date someone as loving as Alsanna
So, what RPGs are you guys playing at the moment? I’m playing Witcher 3, Dragon’s Dogma, and TWEWY. Got any recommendations?
>JRPGs have been circling the drain since the PS1 era.
meanwhile in reality, pokemon is still the highest-grossing media franchise on the planet, persona just got its best-selling and most critically acclaimed game ever, kingdom hearts just got its best-selling game ever, monster hunter just got its best-selling game ever, dark souls became a huge hit with normalfags, etc.
the only wrpgs that non-autists have cared about since the ps1 era are skyrim, nu vegas, and shitcher 3, and they're all garbage.
>at least jrpgs took the ideas they ripped off and made better games with them
Like what. Name one thing that JRPGs added or improved to the lexicon of RPGs.
>tumblrtale is just another indie earthbound ripoff in a market full of indie earthbound ripoffs.
It's not even like EarthBound, in my opinion. It's still overrated, but what does that say about clueless casuals? Japs love that game and they're casuals.
>tfw Vendrick would regularly bro up with the Iron King, Sunken King, and Ivory King
>tfw you can't even die with your mates properly
nothing right now, but the grandia hd collection is coming out soon and i'll be playing that.
Try out devil survivor
starting up baten kaitos the origins. Last of the major monolithsoft games I have left to play
Played it already and loved it. DeSu 3 when?
I don't know, the Iron King was kind of a bitch
>Like what. Name one thing that JRPGs added or improved to the lexicon of RPGs.
that's easy: the overall quality and polish of their games compared to the west.
this whole debate reminds me of an old jay-z lyric: "so yeah I sampled your voice, you was usin' it wrong / you made it a hot line, i made it a hot song." old wrpgs had a few decent ideas trapped in what was otherwise jank-filled shovelware - they were "using them wrong." jrpgs took those ideas and made actual playable games with them.
next year.
Just finished Divinity OS2 for the third time. I feel like I'll revisit this game after blowing through a few other retarded niche JRPGs I like (Spectral Force Genesis, Vanguard Bandits, etc.) but damn was it fun doing some of the mixy little builds in that game.
>jrpgs originally based mechanics on Wizardry, therefore all of them just rip off wrpgs wholesale like Undertale did with Mother
Fucking brilliant.
Can you name some old WRPGs you've played and which games improved upon them please?
>Name one thing that JRPGs added or improved to the lexicon of RPGs.
They invented action RPGs. Every little shit WRPG you play nowadays that has mediocre Left/Right click combat with zero variance can owe its existence to Japan with this game.
you could reverse this and apply it to western aRPGs with Ys
>it's another "HURR THING I LIKE GOOD THING OTHER PEOPLE LIKE BAD" thread that will get 200+ replies
You know who the real shit is? The people who can't accept both things for what they are instead of forcing their opinion on people.
Not that guy but Etrian Odyssey took Wizardry and improved on it in like every way.
No, jrpgs are based on Ultima. Ultima invented open world games, towns, quest, etc. Mother is a copy of Ultima.
Ultima is an action RPG.
What was the first arpg?
Really? Which games feature bumper car combat?
>Mother is a copy of Ultima.
Fantastic shitpost.
>Ultima invented open world games
already wrong. as usual, it was japan who innovated first while the west took all the credit later.
>JRPGs are carbon copies of WRPGs!
>JRPGs are total shit compared to WRPG systems!
Which is it
Is rpgcodex raiding?
>Ultima is an action RPG
Okay, now I know you're retarded
who the fuck are those cunts, they sound like people who'd make shit bait threads like this one
Okay, it's Dragon Quest that's a clone of Ultima. Mother is just a conversion of Dragon Quest that uses a retro American setting instead of fantasy Europe. All jrpgs are still fundamentally copies of Ultima. For god's sake, even Final Fantasy has a spell named after Ultima that appears in almost every game.
People who spend days avidly fellating games they do not actually play so that they can feel "superior" to the plebeian masses because of their remarkably refined tastes, despite nothing they praise to high heaven ever being even remotely interesting, fun, or good.
Much like Yea Forums
A site for hardcore wrpg autists.
>All jrpgs are still fundamentally copies of Ultima.
>DQ and FF are every single JRPG ever made and any other JRPG is assuredly a copy of DQ and FF
>Fuck, I'm completely wrong so let me backpedal and bring up more games I haven't played
I know, right?
>All jrpgs are still fundamentally copies of Ultima.
whatever you need to tell yourself to cope, westaboo.
>Ultima is an action RPG
>Okay, it's Dragon Quest that's a clone of Ultima. Mother is just a conversion of Dragon Quest that uses a retro American setting instead of fantasy Europe. All jrpgs are still fundamentally copies of Ultima.
I know you faggots don't actually play the games you talk about, considering you're wrong in almost every way, but how the literal fuck are all FF and DQ games clones of an Action RPG?
>still using the fantasy europe and light rpg mechanics after all this time
Yeah, i'm thinking they are.
It's you who's never played Ultima if you think Dragon Quest isn't a copy. The level of influence is borderline unbelievable.
>Fantasy """""Europe"""" is the bar that is drawn to determine if a video game is an Ultima Clone
Holy shit
What about this
>Dragon Quest (1986), which combined the overhead exploration of Ultima with the first-person menu-driven combat of Wizardry,[106][107] created a streamlined gameplay format that made console RPGs accessible to a wider audience.[108]
What I'm saying isn't controversial, it's very much an established fact. Jrpgs come from casual versions of Ultima and Wizardry.
>yggdra union
>light rpg mechanics
You just went full retard
>>still using the fantasy europe and light rpg mechanics after all this time
You heard it here, folks. Ultima invented fantasy Europe AND RPG Mechanics.
westaboos are getting utterly humiliated once again in this thread, as always. maybe someday they'll finally grow up and admit to themselves that japan makes the best games.
It popularized it in Japan. Japan had no DnD and Tolkien for mainstream, their first encounter with Western stuff was from games and anime made by people who liked Western stuff more than the average person.
>Japan had no DnD and Tolkien for mainstream,
Dear god do you have no idea how popular tabletop is over there?
Yes, Dragon Quest and FF were inspired by Ultima and Wizardry. There are thousands of JRPG franchises, a number of which that were created by Squaresoft, Enix, and Square Enix as well, which had little to zero inspiration from Ultima, Wizardry, FF, or DQ. The fact that you are clinging to this as your singular lifeline shows your desperation to make a vague "point" that you clearly have practiced in a vacuum without anybody to actually contest it, but you need to realize that you do not know what you are fucking talking about. You can make this thread when discussing exclusively DRPGs and other things most people outright state are Wizardry clones, but when discussing the entirety of RPGs coming from Japan, your point dies the instant you leave your comfort zone.
Yet nobody could respond to these properly: Sad.
It's not today, and it wasn't 40 years ago. Prove your claim using facts and evidence, if otherwise.
>Japan had no DnD and Tolkien for mainstream
Not only are you wrong, but you are also hideously uneducated on this matter.
>Prove your claim using facts and evidence, if otherwise.
Wow that was hard
Every one of those has a counterpoint you refused to comment on, retard.
D&D is based though.
Fuck off to rpgcodex tranny.
t. Tranny pedophile fatass weeb.
Westcuck snoy.
>. Planescape doesn't even have great music,
I beg to differ
Not gonna link 10 youtube links but you know
Turn based combat isn't enoyable you autist. Not the very least japshit, Fallout 1 and 2 is how you revolutionize and make turn based combat not shitty.
>Fallout 1 and 2 is how you revolutionize and make turn based combat not shitty.
Best joke I've heard all year
Fact's aren't jokes weeb tranny.
>Turn based combat isn't enoyable you autist.
not all jrpgs have turn-based combat, retard.
>Fallout 1 and 2 is how you revolutionize and make turn based combat not shitty.
lmao, loving every laugh. fallout has always been garbage for neckbeards.
Reminder that Kingmaker is the best RPG since BG2. Everyone who says otherwise is a brainlet.
>at least jrpgs took the ideas they ripped off and made better games with them
Yeah I sure love Dragon Quest 28932980 playing exactly the same as Dragon Quest 1 or Dark Souls just being Monster Hunter for emo kids! Way more innovative than a bullet hell/logic puzzle hybrid battle system with tangible impacts on the plot's outcome. Fucking gaijin bakas just dont get it.
This. From designs the levels first and then tacks on the lore to make it all work. Between the numerous edits and botched localization, nothing coherent is left.
>b-but my tumblr shit has a gimmick forced in so it's good!
kamiya gets criticized for shoving unrelated minigames into his games, but when a western developer does the same shit, he's praised as a genius. just goes to show how much higher the standards are for japanese games.
>bullet hell/logic puzzle hybrid battle system
>Japan had no DnD
God help you if you're actually this stupid.
That looks cringe as fuck my dude.
I don't think that Dark Souls necessarily implies that your character knows all the lore you read. It's like when you read a book, if you've ever done that. It's not unheard of for the author to tell you stuff that the main character doesn't know.
>They invented action RPGs. Every little shit WRPG you play nowadays that has mediocre Left/Right click combat with zero variance can owe its existence to Japan with this game.
Wrong. The first action-RPG ever made was Gateway to Apshai, a western game from 1983.
And that's 2D. The west also made the first 3D action-RPG ever made: Ultima Underworld in 1992.
>you could reverse this and apply it to western aRPGs with Ys
Oh yeah, Deus Ex is totally a ripoff of Ys. The two are so similar, how could I never have realized this?
It's pretty pointless to think autistic incel weebs know these things user.
That is true, it's shallow as fuck, tho I enjoyed the intro of ds1.
>inb4 autistic weebs say Deus Ex isn't an rpg
>me lEik pRRetY PictUres
>mE PosT prREtY JIF thAt wiLl prOve tHose wRPGfag wRONg
this is the epitome of the jRPG fan
You messed up, tourist.
Okay weeb tranny.