I'm gonna do it, I'm gonna fucking kill Garrus by sending him in the vents on my Captain Kirk playthrough, a question first though how will this impact 3? Will I be missing much? Been ages since I played it
Mass Effect
Not too much, he isn't a key character in the grand scheme of the galaxy like Tali turns out to be.
You just don't get him as a companion and a few people mention that he died.
my first trilogy playthrough
>fuck up Samara's loyalty mission
>choose Miranda over Jack in stand off
>go to collector base
>use Samara as biotic barrier
>she fucks up
>Garrus kidnapped by bees
>Samara and Jack get killed holding the line
You barely miss anything, considering after the Palaven mission Garrus doesn't really impact anything. I think some other random Turian takes his place, just like that other Salarian doctor replaces Mordin if he's dead.
I sent the black guy in the vents because he is black
won't impact much at all, in fact very few of your choices do.
I strongly suggest just quitting while you're ahead because the ending to 3 is infamously bad, no matter what choices you made and is gonna piss you off
>I think some other random Turian takes his place
That doesn't happen user, he's the only character that doesn't have a replacement of some sort.
Oh, interesting. Man that's kind of sad when you think about it - it means Garrus was pretty much inconsequential even if he's alive. He could just not be there and it's still fine.
>sole survivor
>recruit as few people as possible in ME1
>kill as many crew members as possible in ME2, leaving only the ones who can die in 3.
>kill the virmire survivor, sabotage the genophage cure, side with the geth
>pick destroy ending
Shepard is made for suffering
>trick him with the cure
>he finds out
>confronts you at the Citadel loading docks with the evidence
>tries to fucking murder you
>you can either shoot back and kill him or wait for C-SEC to take him down
>they ask Shepard "what was that all about?"
>you can say "I don't know, he just suddenly went wild"
>news report later that a Krogan was killed on the citadel after becoming enraged about unpaid gambling debts
Um, Garrus? Sweetie? No
People need solid reason for a character or event to exist in a game for justification? He's a good character, that alone is fun to have him until the end.
I had fun playing the entire trilogy, I got satisfaction for just doing good things, and I liked the updated destroy ending, it had a conclusion unlike most games. The game can be as good as you make it out to be.
Nah, he's just too awesome to replace with some shitty random. Other characters get replacements because they're not as cool, Garrus is too cool to be replaced.
>recruit as few people as possible in ME1
Aren't only garrus or wrex missable? And only one of them.
How did you mess up Samaras loyalty?
>choosing Miranda over jack
Oof, I mean both are the most irritating characters in the game but I will take Jack over Cerberus muh father miranda, I mean she actually tries to justify the shit they did in one
I've already played 3, I was actually fine with the ending even before the extended cut
Does Garrus have kino conversations in 3 tho
>implying geth isn't the right choice
Fuck the quarians
Most of his conversations are lamenting the destruction the war is causing across the galaxy, and asking Shepard how he's handling it
so yeah pretty good
>How did you mess up Samaras loyalty?
By not realizing it was possible to scare Morinth away during the conversation in the club.
>Oof, I mean both are the most irritating characters in the game but I will take Jack over Cerberus muh father miranda, I mean she actually tries to justify the shit they did in one
I thought there would be a scene like there is in Mass Effect where Ashley makes you pick between her and Liara.
Was trying to troll Miranda by romancing her and Tali then picking Tali in the scene.
Was looking forward to seeing the look on muh father's face when I did that.
But the game just gives priority to Miranda, so I dumped her ass after the suicide mission then made sweet interspecies love with Tali.
He says something about calculus
>Fuck the quarians
I will
I never finished his story, why did he have a piece of the original Normandy on him in ME2?
She had the fucking best power in the game, shame you had to choke on her dick in ME3.
>No data
Colonist / Ruthless is best choice
fuck batarians
>siding with toasters
lol retard
Legion is yandere for Shep
>there was a hole.
>Garrus kidnapped by bees
same thing happened to me on my first playthrough
You probably won't miss Garrus in ME3 at all then, given that you're clinically braindead.
I think my only mistake on my first suicide mission run was assuming that Thane's infiltration skills would get him through the vent quicker.
Oh and I also took so long mopping up my last few errands and making a last stop at the gun shop that my entire kidnapped crew was turned into V8 juice by the time I found them.
>nothing ever happens in vidya when they tell you to hurry anyway
>took my sweet time doing all side missions and DLCs
>mfw all the crew get turned to goo
Only thing that went wrong on my first ever run was I sent tali in the vents and she died because I chose legion over her
>"What Took You So Long?!"
>jump-cut to Shep's last trip made to the Citadel just to refill the fish tank
They are a fan.
unironically based and redpilled
Yeah it being tied to morality points is retarded because it limits your choices so bad and because if you do the loyalty missions fairly quickly you'll just auto lose one of em because you didn't have enough Good Boy Points even if you pick all Paragon options the whole game
That was one thing I think ME3 genuinely improved on. Putting all Paragon/Renegade points into one charisma stat pool so that you aren't forced to play one or the other for the entire game in order to get the best dialogue options.
>played through ME1 like 5 times
>still only use Garrus and Wrex every time
>Killing garrus
>Play Soldier
>Take Tali and Liara every time
> End up with a balanced team of combat, biotics, and tech
>Take whoever I think will have something fun to say every time
>stealing technology and subverting groups
literally space jews
That's more the Volus, Quarians are more Irish Gypsies
>yes prrrrsht earthclan, those dirty clanless are the problem. Never mind us we're just prrrrsht manipulating the galactic markets.
We have reached a consensus! You have great taste.
Also fuck the Suitrats!
I don't think you looked at my post (2) hard enough, you flashlight fuck
It's because it's an Artificial intelligence.
Irony and puns are wasted on synthetics