HOLY MOLY! How did intelligent systems make such a kino character?
HOLY MOLY! How did intelligent systems make such a kino character?
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>tfw feel compelled to not like her because she is popular
its not fair bros
stop being a hipster and embrace autism.
Bernie is trans.
I thought she was conplete garbage until I saw her post-timeskip portrait.
I'm glad Dimitri fucking demolished her during the battle at the field post time skip.
She's shit.
Wrong character
Post some funny stuff.
The true top kino character is my boy Sylvain
As much as I love Dedue, Sylvain is fucking amazing and easily takes the award for best written character in the game.
I thought she was kind of shitty up until release, but her silly spaghetti dropping while talking to her in her room + her coming out of her room when Jeralt died made me really, really like her. Still married Lysithea though, I'll save Bernie S-rank for Church route when I save everyone.
>not including her death quote
my fucking sides
I thought she was a horsefucker, not a dogfucker
She doesn't discriminate
>dude she's so cute
>What this guy is a neet? disgusting
Does she actually say this? And is
NG+ or do they actually reuse that map a 3rd time...?
Guys, does anyone else leave you besides Flayne if you go Empire? Mercedes and Marianne seem like the type not to go against the church, do all your other recruits come with you? Even the teachers?
This game has too many good girls, how the fuck do I choose?
Help me narrow it down by telling me what some of the good non-Byleth pairings are, so I can at least have the ones I don't fug be happy.
>That one time Flayn got herself and Seteth trapped in the Mcdonalds play place.
Pic related is too old, trash her immediatley.
Everyone goes full retard in Edelgard's route (Leonie is particularly stupid) and will ally with you, Flayn is the only one who outright leaves you I believe. Other Church members like Catherine aren't even recruitable before then on that route, and surprisingly, Shamir, Hanneman, and Manuela will side with you.
So, the game is $50 on Amazon right now. I've played Path of Radiance and Shadow Dragon and thought they were both pretty boring and not my thing. I like the art style and am interested in the character relationship stuff in Three Houses. Should I get this game or not?
Flayn is the only one who leaves. Everyone else that would have left (Catherine, Cyril) won't let you recruit them in the first place.
For Lysithea, you'll want to pair her with Claude, Hanneman, or Linhardt for a happy ending if you're not marrying her.
one moron posts that in every FE thread
If you didn't like Path of Radiance, you probably won't like 3H. The game is very different in presentation from previous entries, but the core gameplay is still Fire Emblem.
can somebody remake this, but instead of two Flayns it's two Edelgards, and instead of fishes they're holding lit torches? thanks
she doesn't deserve a happy ending
she's unsufferable
Shamir is my wife.
Im debating between her and Shamir. I've also really grown fond of ingrid. Something about her seriousness and determination.
Is bernie really that popular? I havent checked the online stuff yet. I figured edelgard and dorothea would be the most popular.
I don’t know how they made Lorenz either.
Should I feel like a pleb if all my favorite 3H girls are the most popular ones?
Edelgard literally sends her retard lackey out to be slaughtered like a filthy beast, and then burns her corpse
>Abused by her father
>Anyone that tried to be her friend would be beaten up by her dad
Bernie had a hard life.
She chills out significantly after the timeskip
Her Ignatz support is the only really terrible one imo
Not that surprising. Shamir is just a merc, and Hanneman and Manuela are former empire and have sympathetic ties to them
Never tried Cyril though, fuck that kid, he can die with the rest of them
Why would she have torches
Edel and Dorothea are among the most popular I find online, Bernie is up there too, on every online list I see.
>gets Uriah the Hittite'd by Edelgard
>Edelgard then sets her corpse on fire
did Edelgard secretly hate Bernadetta, or something?
>ignatz looks like a dork
>5 years later, he is slaying all pussy in supports
I never got the impression Hanneman actually gave a shit about the Empire from his supports I've read (like with Dorothea), but I haven't played Beagles yet to see his stance on that there either.
I recruited both Annette and Mercedes to my team, so I'm actually really curious.
Do they have any special dialogue together if they end up fighting on opposing factions?
Is it heart-rending?
she's actually really cool when she's not being a sperglord
still not muh marianne tho
Every time I see Lysithea, I always see Togame. Part of the reason why I'm going for her.
Can I fuck Rhea for my first playthrough? I'm going Lions, of course.
I love Bernie
to light the ballista platform on fire, of course
His support with Hubert is nice
Cyril is just a dogshit Donnel.
Am I the only one who likes Leonie?
Why is Punished Dimitri so hot?
I want to like her because she's gotten amazing stats for me. But none of her supports have impressed me.
muh jeralt
Anyone who doesn't hate her pre-timeskip personality clearly hadn't gone through puberty yet.
Kids during that phase is always terrible.
Lorenz like her too, well part of her.
>game's not even hard
>still sweat when this comes on
Her A support with (you) is pretty cute.
Probably. I cant stand her talking about Jeralt all the time.
Not recruiting her just so I can hear her scream
felix please
>not showing the aftermath where she lights the mound for a whopping 7 damage per turn
>fucks your dad
>calls your hobby something only retards enjoy
umm... yikes...
I'm not one for waifufagging, but god fucking damn Leonie does things to me.
She's not much character-wise though.
You have to be beta to find her pre-timeskip personality intimidating. She's cute, she tries to be a sassy grownup and fails. I like how three houses never has characters take spergs like her and felix seriously.
Why wont she teach me her secret weapon disarming technique? Is it some sort of imperial family sercet? How many years did she spend training it? I've tried flailing my arms around in a similar manner on the battlefield, but I just look like a dumb hikikoimori
Her calmer, more mature moments are really nice, but Bernie suffering and sperging also make me laugh.
It's funny how Byleth gets so many options to troll her in dialogue choices compared to the rest of the cast.
Yeah, at first I thought she was just a daddysexual character, but I think she actually has some good character growth.
>not the death knight theme
the burning mound really fucked me up on my first try because I had both Dimitri, Felix AND Shamir on there and Claude came and raped my ass before I could escape.
She sleep like a log.
>lions route
>beat final boss
>literally nothing explained and the game ends
What happened to Rhea? Who were those evil mastermind guys that just disappear from the story? What the fuck was Edelgard's plan anyway? Who were those black robed guys in the final map? I killed the name one and they said their plans cant fail so the rest ran away. Did I fuck something up? Shitty unsatisfying ending.
>You’re a fucking faggot.
>You’re a fucking faggot. Also, my brother is dead.
>You’re a fucking faggot, but you’re pretty sweet.
Every Felix support.
Based Claude taking what he wants
>Like train wrecks. Especially train wrecks with a heart of gold.
>Game throws Bernie, Dorothea, Manuela, and Marianne in my face.
How in the FUCK am I supposed to choose here.
Play the other routes. This is a 200+ hr game, goy.
>what is fishing
So Black Eagles Chapter 12?
Wait what? I thought this was a NG+ playthrough of that 2nd map?
Lions is the feels/nakama route, play Golden Deer for lore.
Felix and bernie support is fantastic. He chases her around and demands that she teaches him her superior form of autism.
Worst character in whole game. Her fucking scream is disgusting.
The Professor really loves food if those colorful descriptions of every meal are supposed to be his.
>1shots with 100 accuracy
>crits for the hell of it
damn Dmitri calm the fuck down
if you want shitty dragons and modern fire emblem shit play GD, if you want politics between countries and betrayal play BL the kino route
Local Lord too angry to die.
>C Support with her
>Byleth at the end randomly brings up her singing in the greenhouse when she thought no one else was around
>all those dialogue choices that are blatantly teasing her
Even our autism MC can't resist making her sperg.
That isn't Dimitri.
Is there a way to keep the costume of the post skip design?
Lysithea’s warlock outfit is way better than the generic gremory one.
All that really matters is that you save Lysithea.
You can save her aids cancer if she A ranks with Lindhart, Claude, Hanneman, and Edelgard.
The rest of them have pretty good lives regardless. Most of the girls get married to faceless villager men or to their work if you don't pair them with anyone.
Also, Hilda and Caspar hit it off so well that Hilda doesn't even wait for the ending. She just drags him up to her room in the A rank, presumably fucking his brains out. Caspar pumps her full of so many babies that I think he may have every other male beat.
Man those girls always make melt my heart
Ignore the fujo cocksuckers, BL isn't the be-all end-all of the story. Every route contributes to things making sense.
>Rhea C support is her taking you to her room
Damn she works fast
I'm about to make Bernie dance for everyone's amusement at the dancing competition!
Does Edelgard actually light bernie on fire?????????????????? I don't think I can play the BE Edelgard route anymore....I can't justify this cunt
why didn't he divine pulse more than five seconds to save his dad
Vote niggers.
Bernie is for love and protect.
So we're all in agreement that her dub voice is miles above her shitty JP one, right?
Also, post-timeskip fanart when?
He just got top tier aesthetic and his arc only makes it fucking better along with his voice.
She won't light it on fire until Bernie and one more character is dead and you supposedly have half your army on there, but Bernie sure as hell is bait for this trap.
fantastic dub voice, same voice actor as maki from danganronpa V3
Wtf. If I S rank hilda am I just getting caspers used goods
when you kill bernadetta she says "I wish I could've died at home at least, not in this stupid field."
then edel lights her corpse on fire
she won't set Bernadetta on fire while she's alive, no. only after she dies. Bernadetta dying is literally central to Edelgard's battle plan.
Not exactly, she puts her up on the hill with the ballista as bait, it was rigged to set on fire, then when she is defeated Edelgard lights it up
Her dub voice is shit and her JP voice is the best in the game. You're a stupid casual faggot. Never post about Bernie ever again.
Fated deaths cannot be avoided. Its a common trope since geneology of the holy war, where you get a staff that revives one fallen unit, and lorewise it can only be used to revive people who were not supposed to die yet.
The pink haired stacy and purple haired foreigner are the best.
Bernadetta is the only thing making me occasionally wish I was playing the dub
Caspar has fantastic supports with all the BE girls. I feel like there's something memorable about all of them.
>Dorothea's big sis teasing
>Bernie's sunset
>Petra's dad
>not sending all your Fortress Knights to protect Bernie from Claude/Dimitri's forces while taking 0 dmg from ballista shots before having your entire army advance on Edelgard
does someone have that Ingrid picture with Felix, Dimitri and Sylvain and then Ingrid goes full FUCK NIGGERS on Dedeu?
Thanks for the advice, I'll hold back until I can get if for under $40.
I understand all that but it just makes me think that they shouldn't have written time reversal into the story so casually. at the very least the super evil bad guys should have been disabling your time travel instead of just blocking your attack and then disappearing again, if you ask me
Hilda is based
suck my chode weeaboo
Best girl
now that's some exquisite taste
Part one...
>plays japanese game
>calls others weebs
Why what's wrong with it.
>canonically looks like this after the second battle of the eagle and lion
yeah..no thanks
thanks brah
This seems to be a pretty core part of Edelgard's character. She always seems to justify her actions by "well I wasn't the one who ACTUALLY did it" yet she sets everything up knowing that'll happen.
Like she doesn't directly kill Jeralt herself but she does cover for, aid, and integrate Monica and the slithers knowing full well that they ARE going to kill students and Jeralt and she just happens to benefit from it. She's such a bitch.
Caspar himself is incredibly underrated as a character.
Everything out of his mouth is fucking gold, and his "Fuck your bullshit rules and noble titles, I just want to punch fuckers who deserve it" personality is great. He's like that South Park parody of Russel Crowe. Just looks for every excuse he can fight people.
There could theoretically have been a scene where byleth tries to rewind spam to prevent something from happening and reality rewrites itself to keep ensuring the thing happens anyway, but that would be too meta, break the pace, and wouldnt serve the story very well beyond what we already saw. Also those types of things tend to cause weird shit like post-scouring elibe having snow in summer and rainstorms/deep fog that last about three minutes at a time.
I always get shit fucking stat ups. Both my church and edgelord route playthroughs he had to be benched almost immediately
These are the Chron’sin, and they can grow up to 5 feet tall.
Is the duscur tragedy ever properly explained?
The only thing they tell you in the BL route is that it miiiight have been orchestrated by dimitri's stepmother + some lords that didn't like the king + some people in duscur that didn't like him either
Her's underrated as fuck. I think all the BE guys are.
>Hilda’s dub voice
it's just too squeaky and overdone for me. it really sounds like she's from a different game when comparing her performance to the other voice actors.
now that I think of it, I don't actually know what Beru's dub voice sounds like. but I assume it doesn't have the same issue
>No Judith option
here you go
I thought they outright state it was caused by her just because she actually hated his family and wanted to go back to her empire family
Mommy of the year
dub fags are very low IQ. How they didn't turn that shit off as soon as Sothis started talking is beyond me.
weapons? just use my fists bros
It was the slitherers, partly aided by dimitiri and edelgards mutual mommy (not MC, the other mommy). From dialogue hints they lied to her about how they would help her return to edelgard and the rest of her family in the empire, and then used her as an in route to cause the disaster. After the fire they kidnapped her and then ??? and now we have DLC bait.
>Best caster in the game
>1 shots the Death Knight
>Doesn't take shit from any of her house members
>Basically unhittable
>Terrorizes armored knights, beasts
>Healer too when she classes Gremory
>Can kill flyers
>Has autism
Does she actually end up back with her empire family? Also why the fuck did you marry Dimitri's dad if you fucking hate him?
Bernie's dub voice is actually really good
A surprising amount of characters have pretty good dub voices, though weebs will tell you otherwise.
Replace unarmed combat with mortal blow RIGHT NOW you fucker
Thanks. My murderboner has been satiated. For now.
Quick Riposte seems kind of wasted on a guy with 31 speed, 48 STR and low weapon weight.
It's better for her sanity. Everyone does it. Admit it, you do this a lot as well.
>not mentioning Bernie being able to snipe enemies 5 squares away before Canto-ing away
How well does the game automate the monastery stuff?
i recruited her my second playthrough just to save her from this awful fate of being destroyed by chad dimitri and then bursting into flames because of edelgard
fists are a meme weapon. Base mount is too low to deal with armor knights and the low mount makes crits get ripped off. brave weapons are common. They were really just a cheap way to deal with mages before they counter attack which you should be able to do with just a combat art anyway. You can one round anything without them.
Fucking hell, Dimitri's crit quote is pure anger.
Sothis wasn’t awful.
It’s what they did to Ingrid that I can never forgive.
They gave her the effie treatment.
She looks like she smells
>Bernie double crit Edelgard to beat BL
Best girl.
I’ve never played a FE lunatic mode other than FEH.
How does the difficulty change exactly
you're dumb. The dub voices are not tolerable let alone good. Sub voices don't see great but you can't notice bad acting as well in another language. Only deviant art fags use dubs.
I am playing my first run with Golden Deer and during the Dance scene I had an event with Mariane. Is it always with Mariane or did it had to do anything with support?
This is triggering my autism.
Generally increases stats, gives enemies new passive skills/powers their existing ones up, adds more enemies in certain places.
Whoever has the most support points, or you can talk to the gatekeeper beforehand to pick
Pretty much every good character is at least somewhat popular in this one. It's over for us hipsterchads.
you were supposed to pick through the "GREETINGS PROFESSOR" gatekeeper guy which girl you wanted to see after the dance
i guess it just automatically put you with marianne
>Sothis wasn’t awful.
Yes she was. I wanted to try dub my second playthough mainly because I heard Byleth would be patched out or some shit but I couldn't get passed sothis first sentence.
She talks like a slut which I like
>Timeskip black eagles
>"Will you spare claude?"
will it have major effects?
If you explore before the dance some NPC will tell you about how meeting beneath the tower is romantic and Byleth thinks about if there's anyone they want to meet like that and you get a list of characters to choose from.
If you don't do that maybe it just picks whoever has the highest support.
I like her supports with other people but her only interaction with byleth is wanting to fuck his dad
"Mt" means "might", not "mount". That is the worst attempt to decrypt an acronym I've ever seen.
her hair texture is clearly that of uncombed hair right out of a shower with lots of shampoo. Bernie smells like heaven.
No. The only choices with major effects are the choice of house at the very start and the two choices in BE that explicitly say they're a big deal.
>he doesn’t explore
End yourself my man
Like what?
>you can talk to the gatekeeper beforehand to pick
I thought it was to set HIM up with a girl so I sent him Mercedes since she's a nice girl like that.
If i knew i would have picked Annette, fuck.
This, I thought he was going to be some generic fighter guy, but he actually has a lot going for him once you get over his energy.
When should I upgrade to master classes? I just unlocked them. Do they improve the growth rates or not so much? Would it be better to max out my current classes?
>Dislikes: Herself
This got me more than anything
Threadly reminder that sub-fags are, 100% of the time without fail, disgusting fat weebs with small cocks who hate their own language yet are too lazy to learn another language that they practically worship because they lack any drive and ambition in life.
and that's okay
it was a Freudian slip because usually when discussing game balance it's about classes without a mount being useless.
It's not her fault she's so popular.
I was pretty butthurt at how they go out of their way to remind you that "those who slither" exist in the final chapter and they proceed to not tell you shit about them in the ending. I wouldn't say the ending is too unsatisfying though, that final cutscene is kino.
Like a good girl.
Fists have 30 more crit than brave weapons and are much lighter. Armors explode to magical attacks so that’s not even an issue.
I like her too, she is a monster stat wise and I don't mind her talk about my dad, definitely wife material for me.
>No one likes Claude
it's pretty inconsistent from game to game. I'll wait and see
Literally half the roster
I wish none of this school shit was in the game. I want my srpg to be cold, heartless spreadsheet simulation and statgrinding autism.
Guess I'm not the intended audience.
>The roider build
Also curious. I think almost all of the timeskip outfit designs are as good as or better than the class designs.
I got Ingrid "Clean Plate & Duscur Hate" Galatea
shouldn't you go ask seteth's voice """actor""" to say trans rights again, dubfag
GOTY for anyone else? Came at a time when I was bored with games and I even though I’m not one for waifuing the game’s cast and world are fleshed out enough for me to be pretty immersed. Plus I love the discussions about it since everyone’s playthrough(s) are varied.
>year ago
>FE 3H trailer shown
>people ridicule it for its bad visuals
>fast forward to current year
>becomes the most well-received FE game
But I don't think it will sell a million copies though
golden deer explains everything
obsessed casual. Japan subs of the Simpsons are shit too and no one minds the english voice acting. You just have no standards and don't realize how talentless english anime VAs are and how little of a fuck the company gives when recording their lines. They literally give them a script they have never read and tell them to act as they go.
user. You cannot be this retarded.
That's some hardcore shit?
How does this hold up against the other fire emblems?
Between this and punished Dimitri this seems way more fun than awakening(only FE I played).
What does she do in her room all day?
At this point, IS has to be thinking the reason AW died and FE lived is because character shit, and sales numbers are just continuing to reinforce this.
eat cake
>Dimitri thinks her mother escaped to the empire
>Edelgard thinks her mother spent her days in the kingdom
>That faggot arundel is most likely involved
>The DLC is dimitri and edelgard putting their differences aside to find the whereabouts of their mother while claude tags along just because
I can see it already
I almost wish isis never included jap voices so the threads will actually have something to talk about other than VA drama.
Look, I was ready to help a nigga out for the prom night.
my GOTY is Outer Wilds thus far, and DMCV is probably above this as well, and Death Stranding isn't out yet which should either be extremely satisfying or extremely disappointing.
But 3H is definitely up there
What the fuck. My level 25 caspar has like 17 strength. I have to bench him always.
First trailer just made it look like medieval Harry Potter/full Personafag pandering. E3 reveals actually got people hype for the story, and the game ended up being really good.
Felix is much better at that.
AKA the DLC where Dimitri's life goes even further into a flaming dumpster fire because almost nothing ever goes right for him.
>That paralogue where Dorothea saves Ingrid from being sold as a trophy wife to bandits and proposes to her at the end
>not understanding how the game's stat growth works
>her base stats aren't even close to as bad as sylvain's
no she isn't shit, its a real shame you didn't recruit her
As usual, certify right away if it is giving the unit a boost to their base stats, then finish up mastering the advanced class unless you don't need its ability.
If Edelgard toned things down a little she could have probably gotten Claude on the "fuck the church" train.
What chapter is this?
Looks like the battle of the Eagle and Lion? Do you revisit the area in BL path?
Or never bothering with dubbing it to begin with.
saves time and money.
>Do you revisit the area in BL path?
Oh senpai...
it definitely gets into politics / morality more than the others do, particularly the babbified 3DS originals. it's refreshing to see people having arguments about whether or not character's actions were justified in earnest, rather than just playing devil's advocate for Garon or whatever.
But most of the game is straightforward rpg stuff, managing items and stats, and building character relationships. you can skip that stuff if you want and just play the tactical battles with little or zero prep. the drama and politics only make up like 5-10% of the game.
Keep playing user
I’d put it in the middle, with the biggest complaints being the class system fucks over certain builds and the general lack of difficulty. It’ll probably be top 3 for me if the lunatic patch makes it more difficult without being bullshit.
Not him, but I did recruit her on BL. She was absolutely str and spd starved by the final stretch of the game, meanwhile I took Sylvain down the swordmaster route just for shits and giggles and he was destroying and avoiding everything.
Hanneman actually defaults to BE as an enemy post timeskip if you dont recruit him
I'm not a devout FE fan so can't say if have an opinion on that. Still, the core gameplay is nice enough that I wish they release something similar but with the modern XCOM approach to base/team management instead of this visual novel crap they seem to be doing.
>get silenced
>no options against magic-immune enemies
>can't x4
>low def
>low range
>gremony can't cantos
>do not learn physics
>painful dark knight path because she isn't good with a lance
Though now when I went out of my way to say all of this it really does seems like she is more suited to be a dark knight rather than a gremony. She is trash as a healer anyway. If she run out of magic just make her use a magic weapon or something, that should work.
>also it takes place in an active volcano
Claude outright says at one point he somewhat agrees with Edelgard's view, just that he can't support the level of bloodshed she's proposing.
what did he mean by this?
Is the Authority skill worth keeping on?
Seems pretty useless for something that is used only once.
Not who you were talking to but my Sylvain is my worst I use. He’s just significantly worse than Dimitri, Dedue, and Ingrid. I benched Ashe.
Sylvain is made for Dorothea
pretty tough for Bernie to get STR screwed with her personal giving +5, Bowfaire giving another +5, and the promotion system ensuring she has at least 17 at level 20. not impossible but pretty tough.
It lets you use stronger battalions
BL have better guys and girls, its not fair to compare caspar since hes a not stupid fucking op like the nothin personal kid felix. At least he can hold in a crowd.
Dimitri drags the entire Kingdom army to the Imperial capital in a quest for revenge. He tries to ally with the Alliance but the Empire tricks them both into thinking they're hostile with eachother, and it all turns into a 3-way battle at the same place as the old legendary battle. Many friends die by your hand.
>I wish they release something similar but with the modern XCOM approach to base/team management instead of this visual novel crap they seem to be doing.
So soulless grunts that only attachment you can have are its stats?
No thanks.
That said i'd like a XCOM where you units have personalities like FE.
>Literally dabbing why dropping her while dropping that spear
Based Chadmitri
Authority is basically a second weapon. Even if you don’t use gambits the battalions themselves offer great boosts.
Please help, I don't know whether to make Dedue a warrior or fortress knight.
>one of those fucking dragon beasts shows up
Just beat chapter 54 and I almost fucked up, they're actually really fucking cool. I only hope if I face another one it will be balanced and not get tossed into a battle with other enemy units.
he meant the ability that you have to equip that just gives additional MT to gambits
>get silenced
By literally what enemy? I recall seeing a single unit with a silence staff in my entire first run.
>magic-immune enemies
She casually 1 rounds even most high res enemies.
>low def
>low range
Non-issue if you give her either +2 or even +1 range accessory, pretty hard to accidentally end up in enemy range with the giant arrow indictators constantly flashing.
Every map should be over long before she runs out of uses mid-lategame, she as a fuckton of spells.
Only used to equip stronger battalions. It can also unlock meme strategies that involve keeping a battalion below 30% health.
Her personality reminds me a lot of a girl I used to date, a weird mix of shyness yet also very talkative.
Not really, he shows up after the battle and says he's leaving Fodlan.
>people actually like FE
Has IS redeemed themselves?
He still hasn't seen her post-timeskip yet
high level battalions are insanely powerful
fortress knight, his DEF boost on wait makes him untouchable, give him a pocket healer and he can just tank everything but the strongest magic
My Bernie had like 23 strength at the high 30’s
How do I get Bernie gf, bros?
>pairing nobles with commoners
Be an anime character
Give the man axes and fists. His defense growth is so ridiculously high he'll have fortress knight level defense either way.
my Ingrid with battalion desperation + darting blow + death blow doesn't feel like a meme at all
My fortress knight Dedue was pretty pathetic after the timeskip. I was able to salvage him somewhat with warmaster but he still wasn't good. Let Gilbert be your fortress knight instead.
Personal skill only activates when she's hurt. Most people are probably making her bow classes that rely somewhat on avoid, you don't really want her getting hit. 17 str at 20 is laughably low for a purely offensive unit.
does the market theme remind anybody else of FF12
People like the toei story. The graphics and gameplay are both ass.
>Well, how do we know this guy is slimy?
>Lets go scope him out, where is his base of operations
>Its a volcano that is literally oozing lava
Not with that JP voice.
Armors is useless.
Then war master.
get your local archbishop to replace your heart with a magical stone containing the remains of a godess
Don't steal my Bernie Gf comments please.
But seriously where do I find one.
t. Lorentz
Gameplay is fucking great what are you talking about
The last 2 fist classes look so fucking awful. It's like fucking gay fetish gear on grappler especially. I miss the Tellius class design.
Are there any maps that are as good as Conquest? I'm right about to visit Remire village in chapter 9 and everything's pretty much a cakewalk, I'm still hoping for a Ninja Rape Cave equivalent though.
why is kill all niggers ingrid bullying a smelly hiki? its not fair berniebros...
I meant the ability that only gives additional damage
The Almyrans are the fucking mongols and would pillage Fodlan if they got the chance, that's why the Throat is locked up so tight, it's the reason why the Officer's Academy exists in the first place. They fucking do it in Edelgard's paralogue. Fuck Open borders Claude
But in the game she's a fucking shut-in don't let others influence you.
You need to raise one yourself. Get a Bernie daughter and raise her into your Bernie daughter-wife.
Is it me or do his stats go down after the timeskip?
I remember him having mid 30s in strength and high 30s in defense, and when he showed up he had 25 strength and mid 30s defense. Does anyone else lose stats like this?
Dorothea is Ferdinand's waifu
No, this game is on the easier side of the FE games right now while Conquest Lunatic is probably the hardest "fair" difficulty. It's the only huge criticism I have with the game.
Hopefully Lunatic patch will fix it, but that's not until October.
Low IQ.
What sort of Byleths are you making?
I just got enlightened so now I don't know what kinda byleth I wanna go with. Does it really matter?
So tie her to a chair all day and beat up anyone who tries to befriend her?
Should Felix stay swordmaster or promote to Mortal Savant?
The latter seems to have horrible growth rates.
wait, I dont have the game, is this real?
I know his battalion gets unequipped. I don't know about his base stats.
Haven't played today. Is Dorothea still the most popular unit?
she's a commoner. She's his concubine at best.
i went with mortal savant because i wanted my 1-2 range felix.
it goes pretty well when he's facing armored guys.
He's broken no matter what you pick, go with what's fun
I went Hero/Warmaster for my BL run, dunno what I'm gonna do for a BE run
He felt exceptionally weak to me as well, especially when pre-timeskip he casually runs around cracking skulls while tanking the entire map as long as you rush after the mages. I did salvage him with a bit of experience gem babying but he was never quite the same. Missing out on those few chapters really hurts him, I feel.
Doesn't really matter, I'm on my second playthrough and planning to go full mage for shits and giggles.
Enlightened One is a very good class though, and Sword of the Creator is excellent when awoken. There's nothing like Medeus or CQ Endgame Takumi that demands you use it though, so just pick anything you want.
swordmaster gets astra as an ability, not that he needs it but the animation is cool
Thank you all, I've made him a warrior and I'm going to work on his fist skills now, I had him as an armor knight before and his def only went down a little bit so he still seems pretty tanky.
Felix is retardly strong either way. With mortal savant he has +1 mov and thoron but loses his sword crits unless you have S swords.
Well the writing in this game seems horrid for so complete removal of 'personalities' of the characters is a good start. They all feel incredibly one-note anyway, as if written to fit certain anime archetypes.
Sorry, but you're the psycho here.
Swordmaster gets the crit bonuses, growths, and astra. Savant lets Felix have a fast 3-range option with thoron, class bonuses, and movement.
I have him as a savant because I like the movement bonus and 1-3 range option too much and don't rely on crits anyway.
There's nothing that will give me trouble? That fucking disappointing, but I can see how that turned out. With so much variation in runs being possible they likely had to be sure even the dumbest people could beat the game on Hard Classic, hence what we got.
How is the Fates DLC that uses the child units? Is it any good, or trash?
Dorothea or Annette? I recruited too many fucking students. I have so many units now.
First run I was set on axes, then I saw how awful the axe classes look yet again so I just let him get railroaded into enlightened one. He looks alright as a Bishop as well.
Annette is pure and sweet, Dorothea is the eagles bycicle.
There are definitely a couple of tricky maps in the game, but nothing too difficult.
did they fugged?
Meteor+Thoron vs Excalibur+ str/res/spd rally. Your choice.
>literal thot or cute girl with dumb hair that gets fixed after timeskip anyway
tough choice, captain
>recruiting everyone on your first run
You fucked up.
There won't be any characters left for you to discover for your other 2 house run.
Don't forget she also gets FF endings with Petra and Edelgard
The only remotely threatening thing in this game is siege units and they're not even introduced until lategame.
meme savant is good for variety sake, you can deal with range units and armored easier since he learns thunder shit. but in truth replacing your abilities to account for reason is areas is shit. Stick with sword master if you want a proper speed tank dps but mounts are still infinitely better
But user I wanted to save them
oh, hey, it's the story of John Adams and Thomas Jefferson.
Is Bernie good in any class besides Bow Knight? I'm going to use her a third time on my 4th route playthrough, and I want to try something different.
Maybe i'll pick it up when I get a switch, because each time I hear and see about the game I like it more and more
not even armor knights are a good excuse desu, should just give the swordmaster a rapier
She was a decent peg knight. Snipe someone with a bow and then dip.
They don't get any main story dialogue outside their houses route.
Get on the ballista, Bernadetta
They don't do anything creative with the beast units that you have to kill three times? That's seriously disappointing.
Peg knight, plausible holy knight because she gets physic.
Yeah but they play the same and so are their support.
I want to hug Bernie!
No, most girls are great. Worst is probably Leonie who won't shut the fuck up about your dad
Try armor or great knight with spears maybe, I haven't made it far enough to see if it'll pay off yet but it makes sense to me on paper. Personal skill will frequently be active and crest will occasionally offset the bad speed. It's probably going to be fucking garbage but the game's easy enough at the moment that it doesn't matter. I was going to make Hanneman a grappler on my church run just for fun.
>not one Mercedes post in the entire thread
more for me. she is a devout christian and prays to god for guidance, white mage, likes sweet and cute things, she is the purest wife material. while I marry her and have missionary sex for the sake of procreation and love making, you can all fight over the scraps.
Her Byleth supports are shit and her timeskip design is shit
If I recruit students to the Blue Lions, will they follow me along? I want to romance Bernie or Lys but don't want to have to murder them.
I think people here hate her because they're all filthy dubfags and after hearing that MLP-tier voice I can't blame them. She's absolutely precious in JP though.
I'm on 2/22 right now. How much longer until the timeskip? I've only recruited Dorothea and Felix
This is my wife youre talking about user.
This level of obsession with your Sensei can't be healthy
She doesn’t shave
I don't get why everyone hates her timeskip design. The hat and outfit are cute.
dumb dyke
>jp dub
>50%+ of mercedes dialogue begins with either あら or あらあら
You're literally right before it, it happens in March
should've posted her first dumb akari poster
What is dark mage and should I, or should I not, turn one of my mages into dark mage?
I hated her hair but she grew on me too much for me to let her hair keep me from having a million babies with her.
Right here user to bad her support conversations are boring
IS has such a hard-on for that volcano map that they will find literally any opportunity to cram it into a game.
there's a reason most Paralogue's have their time limit set to 2/22
has someone done the math on whether going with master classes is optimal or not for certain classes (like swordmasters)?
>She doesn’t shave
even better. only sinners shave.
Tfw Claude actually meant it when he said he'll finish the job for her, and that's why his route is the longest and her route is the shortest
You know, it's really astounding how FE went from Awakening and Fates' anime tropey as fuck characters to this game where the characters are actually characters
Well, I guess Bernie and Mercedes are getting the sword
I dont see the problem.
How often do you bother save scumming stats? I realize that hardcore doesn't let you basically cheat maxed stats like casual but I'm srsly getting pissed off with rng cause every other level up I swear I'm getting 2-3 stat ups. I even had the 2-stat growth 3 times in a row for mercedes.
I mean its still fine but it sucks not having nice big dick numbers to send units to solo an entire map..
for it was the shit hair cut post time skip
All mounted classes have the benefit of defaulting to an advanced class when you dismount.
Great Knight dismounting is a fortress knight, for example.
Gremories are quite good.
Mortal Savant is a really dumb gimmick though unless there's some hidden cheese involving Lysithea, her budding sword talent, and a levin sword.
thank koei tecmo who will probably take majority development in the future now
BL is the longest. but yes edelgard's is the shortest.
If The Simpsons were a Japanese show and got the exact same English dub it has now I guarantee you would be shitting on it.
mage(+6 mag when attacking) > dark mage(deal damage after you attack) > priest(miracle)
dark bishop (heal on ko) = warlock(bowbreaker) = bishop (heal hp each turn)
Dark mage/bishop are pretty much the same as regular mages, they just have different passives/masteries.
I didn't say it was a problem
I liked her supports with Seteth and her A support with Byleth.
Yes. Jeralt is my dad not hers.
This is wrong though, GS and BL have the same amount of chapters
>have to sacrifice speed for magic memes as a meme savant
>literally didge everything as swordmaster anyway, and can now throw handaxes or javelins for ranged enemies
is there any good reason to use meme savant over swordmaster?
Why are you slandering Dimitri's wife like this
Lysithea mortal savant is a meme, just make her gremory
Meteor is fucking bullshit.
2-3 stat growths are fine and normal.
>Can I fuck Rhea for my first playthrough?
Believe so since all you need is
1 buy gifts.
2 Give them to rhea
>devout christian
>loves ghosts and practices occult magic
Golden Deer and Blue Lions both have twenty two chapters.
>save scumming
not as lions. you'll have to go eagles if you want to fug your mommygf
>>literal thot
I love when people say this. They clearly never bothered with any of the character's supports.
And the end of the day, Dorothea is just a hard core lesbian in denial that can only be tamed by a select few dicks. Every man she dates ends up disgusting her before the end of the first date, but she's quick to throw herself at all her girlfriends.
>not loving ghost stories with her
>not dabbling in the occult so she can strengthen her wards against satan the devil and become closer to god
>Claude route: 22 chapters
>Dimitri route: 22 chapters
>Church route: 21 chapters
>Edelgard route: 18 chapters
Odd that the more difficult(to a point) route to unlock is the shortest. But I guess you are siding with what should be the Red Emperor penultimate boss so you don't have that anymore
Still better than half the female JP voices and it gets better after the timeskip anyway.
I see it more as a class for casters than as an upgrade for Swordmasters. Lysithea is pretty obvious, as well as conceivably Edelgard, Dorothea and Ignatz. seems kind of bad on Felix to me
>Mommy of the year
Cornelia is hotter.
Oh, im doing GD right now after doing blue chads and i heard they had 20 chapters.
doing church next and then edeltard last, after that i will cleanse the bad taste of doing edeltard by doing blue chads one last time before moving on to other games.
This game is amazing
>Open Borders Claude
>is brown
>Is an Almyran Anchor Baby
>Doesn't believe in the Goddess despite having her avatar/second coming right in front of him
IS is pretty based
Is it even worth using weapons that a class isn’t bonused for?
i agree her milkies are better but her voice sounds like sandpaper
>whenever I even speak to her, without saying anything, Love+ goes up with her
what a slut. no one its one of the very first females you see in the game besides the loli.
Not so lazy in bed. Insatiable, in fact. Unstoppable. Merciless.
How does rhea supress her urges to /ss/ ?
But it's not like Claude is trying to get his mongol horde into Fodlan to rape and pillage it. His entire route is fixing all of its shit, bring peace and prosperity to the region, putting someone experienced and knowledgable in charge of it(You or Lorenz), and then as King of Almyra, strengthening both countries.
It's not like Almyra is Mexico and he's trying to get his refugee family in, he's trying to get his country to become more civilized and Fodlan to become less sex culty
with whom, Cyril?
This is literally every single honest woman ever
How many women do you talk to user?
>already the best selling FE game of all time
so this is the power of social sims
I wonder if she refuses to join BE because she can smell how rotten Edelgard is. She will join BL.
I recruited her to BL just because I didnt want to kill her.
Now she sits there unused.
Shamir is me archer cunts.
Uncensored version of her and Shamir when?
From BL route she adopts children whom dimitri trains in his support with you aswell. but yeah mainly cyril who literally cannot wait to be /ss/'d by her
She doesn't, her whole motivation is trying to have 7 dimensional incestuous sex with you
user. She's not a slut.
Sluts get laid.
Manuela is just incredibly desperate.
But she's also incredibly loyal and uses the last of her eggs with incredibly efficiency as she still manages to be a baby factory at 40 in your ending with her.
Honestly, must be some kind of white magic thing that allows her to stay looking that good and that fertile.
Or maybe Byleth's dick just does things to a woman. Like grant them eternal youth and fertility so long as they take regular loads from his not-dragon cock.
>Wyvern Master
Keep playing he gets a unique class that is basically an upgraded version of that
Depends personally it's better to rush Master Class then revert back to advance class cause some of them have unique combat arts like Swordmaster with Astra, Assassin with Assassinate, and Grappler with Fierce Iron Fist.
In terms of mages however I only made my Lysithea a gremory cause she was an all around in terms of magic and warping my power houses nearly 1/4 across the map was just broken.
Outside of that it just looks like Mastery is there for the mobility.
Catherine is subjectively the best Three Houses girl.
social sim alone isn't what sells. It's the combination of social sim with story and battles that makes it good.
Only one writer worked on Three Houses, and it was a different person from Fates or Awakening
Here's hoping they hire her back for the sequel (I think it's a woman, I don't remember)
there is MOMMY characters and then there is desperate MOMMY characters. I'm not saying I wouldn't, but desperate women are just as pathetic/unappealing as desperate men.
>Rhea's personal carpet muncher
Nah mate.
Except you forgot the part where Claude is on good terms with their leader.
Then stop talking about them. Nigga move on.
>Dimitri ends some 9d chess plot by just killing everyone involved
Cute gorilla
>>Rhea's personal carpet muncher
But that's Byleth.
Future DLC will be Byleth manning up and making everybody STFU while he/she/ze kills the mole people.
She's not a slut, she's your typical cake who can't get laid.
Her room is a sanitation nightmare and cockblocks prospective dudes.
The real slut in this game is Dorothea, who actively dates and sleeps with different dudes everyday.
Even girls who were betrothed like Ingrid, Marianne, Bernadetta and Mercedes are pure. Even Shamir who had a dead lover at age 15 is way purer than Dorothea.
Lysithea also gets Warp, aka the best spell in the game.
Pretty sure she can join you on BE once Edelgard fucks off and you start the church route
So who is stronger as an Unga Bunga? Edelgard or Dimitri?
I mean, not that it matters since Claude, while less strong than either, is a fucking Wyvern Lord on crack with a relic bow that shoots accurately from three pegs away
It's okay if you like whores, user. Don't assume everyone does though. Sensible people will leave her on the bench where she belongs.
Dimitri's lance has an art that is effective against everyone, he can Unga for days.
Isn't Mercedes gay though? Despite being a religious fag?
Show me the exact line that says Dorothea is fucking anyone.
Because all of her A rank supports imply that Dorothea never gets laid either. The only difference between her and Manuela is that Manuela keeps getting rejected, while Dorothea just can't stand the men she dates and rejects them.
>english localizations
Once you're in NG+ you get access to a journal in your room that you can use to toggle between pre and post timeskip appearances for any character in your house.
Was Fates bad because of NIPPON STRONK?
Were they too afraid to make a morally gray story?
Dimitri remains relatively speedy so he tends to deal with attackers easier. Edelgard is a slow tank.
Don't forget she also gets all the good offensive white magic as well like seraphim which trivializes most monster enemies. You don't invest in white magic on her to make her a healer, you do it so she can kill shit more effectively and support a couple times a battle with warp.
Outside of very early game battles I don't think I've wasted a turn using a healing spell with her even though mine has max faith.
It's clear you either haven't seen the supports or have no social skills.
Jellymad fujoshi detected. I know you girls just want to be Dimitri's beta orbiter but you must come to understand that a real man likes conquest. I'll be over here turning your antithesis, a bangin hot stacy queen, into my bangin hot warrior woman housewife. Get fucked nerd.
classic Jacobean drama!
>tfw like more of the girl designs then boys
>don't want to play waifu emblem and do some weird female only class
It was bad because they made 3 split routes that never made any sense, it had nothing to do with NIPPON STRONK. Hoshido isn't strong anyway and they are on the defensive in every route until Corrin shows up.
3H was different, Koei Tecmo knew how to handle split routes and they never marketed one route as canon.
Yeah she's great and check all the marks.
But Annette exists.
>used to skills like vantage, desperation, defiant, in FE games
>play casual cause story mode first
>those abilities are totally pointless
Also wtf why are these rusted weapons so fucking overpowered? Gradivus Range 1-2 MT 17
One thing I love is how stupid some characters can get like Dorothea group nuking capabilities you from across the map with meteor.
It's bad because nothing makes sense and Corrin is an ineffectual retard that does whatever Azura tells him to
There's one map where there's a shit ton of them hiding in fog. That one was fun. Oh, and one of your units is placed in the middle of them.
Do you think Koei Tecmo will make all future FE games?
What was the fucking point of this LARP anyways?
>Was Fates bad because of NIPPON STRONK?
Among other reasons, like it being an unbalanced cash-grab shitshow of stat detractions, de-buffs, awful RNG, inherently broken weapon triangle, unlikable characters, the spineless whimpering retard faggot apparently being (You,) a shit gimmick per map and being sold as three thirds of a game.
>Don't assume everyone does though. Sensible people will leave her on the bench where she belongs.
Considering the fact that she is quite literally the most deployed unit in the game.
Actual, genuinely sensible people will ignore the fact that a girl dates a lot of men when she's one of only two units in the game capable of dropping a stupid accurate fuck you meteor on the heads of entire enemies groups from half a map away.
It's good now, but I'm still wondering how ass the magical everyone lives DLC route is gonna be.
Edelgard teaming up with the other houses would make no sense at all.
She's bi.
Does byleth sit on the chair in edgelord route? Because that would be a pretty easy starting point for golden route, just have ng+ give an option where byleth sits on the chair and gets memories of all four routes at once
Allowed the players to see what the bad guys were doing without spoiling Edelgard being a massive cunt.
Does Flyne relic work with anyone? Also Cyril is a good boy. Axing people from his dragon.
Fates was bad because the story was a mess after ISIS hired someone else to write the story for them, but then they didn't like what they got so they went full retard.
the OST and conquest's maps were great though so it wasn't a complete shitshow. more than I can personally say for 3H right now. the writing can only carry a game so much when the maps are lackluster.
Can i make Manuela a dancer? Or only students are allowed?
Literal autism, like most FE villains.
which girl has the closest personality to curly
I must avenge my failure
You did pick who first showed up at the tower, right Yea Forums?
I think the only fitting way to do the golden DLC is you all team up to beat the main bad guy and the Edelgard pulls a sudden but inevitable betrayal and you have to BEFRIEND her Nanoha style
sounds like it'll be a blast.
She invented most of this plan at age 9 and failed to adjust it over time
There won't be a Revelations-tier ending, all the endings are good endings for each route.
Revelations only existed because it was developed alongside Birthright and Conquest.
I mean, I know that, but what did Edelgard herself get out of it?
And man she needs to work on her branding. Her three reps are a scary chinese costume, a guy literally called the DEATH Knight, and Hubert.
Not exactly screaming "I'm actually the good guy, trust me."
I didn't pick. I had no idea what I was doing. I was planning on romancing Edelgard with Byleth. Instead. Instead. This guy showed up. I have never felt more cucked.
>Show me the exact line that says Dorothea is fucking anyone.
Like stated before you can't trust the english localization.
Regardless tho if you do it's heavily implied that Dorothea WANTS the D from a NOBLE she's just rejecting commoners while most NOBLES wont give her the time of day cause she doesn't have a crest. Thus the endless cycle she's in because Dorothea impatiences.
There's already a confirmed DLC route, and all signs point to it being Revelations tier.
you go right the fuck back to her game and finish it you god damn cock
Through some bullshit McGuffin, Sothis stops being a ghost that lives in you and starts being your Stand instead.
Everyone else can now see her and communicate with her.
The fact that the Goddess is now able to speak to everyone causes Rhea's Seiros half to shut the fuck up because Mommy demands she stop being a spoiled brat, and Edelgard sees that her professor is has the exact tool necessary to reform the church and end crest bullshit without the need for bloodshed.
Gotta agree, I was really hoping for Conquest style maps. A few paralogues were cool but for the most part it was slightly less broken Awakening-tier "put your big dude up there and they'll kill themselves on them" open fields.
If they'd nailed map design like that again, and not fucked up the class system with genderlocks, and either disposed of -faire skills that force you to use one weapon per class or added more classes or any number of other things, I think 3H could have been the best FE yet.
Also the pacing. Feels like every route needed another 10 chapters. But y'know. That's thirty more chapters.
Of course I married Annette because I spoke to the gatekeeper and chose her
>all signs point to it being Revelations tier.
and what are those signs user?
Why does everyone in this game including the MC have some sort of fucking mental health issues? I mean everyone except for Edelgard, she's fucking perfect.
Anyone pls. This is important
How old is she?
How many Cyrils have there been?
Finally someone else that appreciates the shota.
There's a reason he has a budding talent in axes. You're supposed to level it so he has better close-ranged options.
>They don't do anything creative with the beast units that you have to kill three times? That's seriously disappointing.
I mean you can go out of your way to break the 4 barriers for the smithing shit but outside of that no they are just sponges.
No, it's not real.
That said, the voice actor for Seteth DID do a funny and actually voice that text and post it on his twitter.
Students only
Why would you be cucked, Ferdinand cucked Edelgard
You've never seen his Goddess Tower dialogue have you user
Who besides Bern are popular, haven't followed these threads
because war never changes
bottom text
Oh well. I wonder who should I choose. Thanks
I want to ____ that jannie
Why does every single character look fucking mad when I press X to Banter?
>That said, the voice actor for Seteth DID do a funny and actually voice that text and post it on his twitter.
Don't just say it, link it too asshole.
Flame Emperor LARP would have made more sense if Edelgard herself was a tactican unit or there was sexism in her country or even a situation like in Sengoku Rance where the Flame Emperor is more of a symbol than a specific person.
But it makes no sense because the Flame Emperor is only her, the empire is fucking psyched to work for Edelgard, and she's a fucking one woman army.
There's literally no benefit to Edelgard dressing up as spoogie chinese emperor. Fuck, she doesn't even try to make it seem like the Flame Emperor is from Dagda as a false flag. I guess she drew a "badass costume" in crayon when she was five and decided she really wanted to wear it
Of course. She asked me to marry her right then and there and waited 5 years for me to come back when everyone else thought I was fucking dead, she's the strongest unit ever made in the history of FE shut up while also being a delicate flower, and she's canon.
>there should be a golden ending of some kind where you deal with both the church and the slitherers!
The only complaint I have with her is that she's female so she can't get dark mage or dark bishop even though she gets dark magic.
>Why does every single character look fucking mad when I press X to Banter?
You do know what "banter" means right?
How else you expect to leisurely get those expression in "tea time"?
Datamind supports between Edelgard, Dimitri, and Claude have been found.
why can't I romance Catherine
Do you see us waving at you?
People say this but no one has ever posted them or shown them. Are you sure they're not just placeholder supports - i.e. blank?
They could be dummied out like the playable data for Sothis and Rhea.
deerchads were right all along
>why can't I romance Catherine
1 is she dead?
2 do her support shit
Burny, nukeloli, edgelord, petra, and the idol are the most popular units by far.
Which students are good for Pegasus Knights? Thinking on recruiting one.
Based Alolan Holmes.
There's a video of this somewhere too
Ingrid is pretty good.
Yeah, but you'd think some of them would be able to handle bantz
But not a single one can. From the autistic mute no less.
Thanks senpai appreciate it.
Ingrid and Petra, anyone that has a good def and str growth like Hilda and Leonie should do fine in it too.
She is mentally dependent on Sensei
Indeed, placeholders are there for their supports but the dialogue and rank bonuses are currently blank.
Beagles is the mcdonalds faction
>Yeah, but you'd think some of them would be able to handle bantz
Well the "professor" has a super power. He can't be resisted.
S/He will pair up who ever s/he wants, use divine pulse to save whomever s/he wants, and will bang whomever s/he sees fit to bang. You can't question these powers senpai.
Even then, those four girls are the most recruited by other houses.
Her supports make it pretty clear Edelgard is smothering herself with her own duties, obligations, and plots, and never gives herself a break. LARPing as the flame emperor was probably liberating for her. She got to pretend to be somebody who could do what they wanted to do rather then having their entire life already planned out and set in stone.
What am I missing for the weird creepy cam shit during Tea Time. Shit reminds me of one of those 3D hentai games, like am I supposed to do something? Like get the girl/guy to orgasm or something?
The only thing worse than Bernie is JP Bernie.
Sylvain is and always will be the most recruited unit because of the brilliant gimmick they added with his recruitment mechanics
So my dad died because of Edgelord's fursona, great
>use divine pulse to save whomever s/he wants
You don't say.
How do I get into the Sauna? What does the Sauna do?
I remember thinking "JUST TURN BACK TIME YOU KNOB" and then Byleth did and got rejected
>>already the best selling FE game of all time
this was fate because jeralt is nemesis
>You don't say.
Had only 1 divine pulse then. A shame really.
Yeah, it's pretty heartwrenching.
So does this mean that canon wise Byleth only gets one divine pulse?
Enough to supress her /ss/ urges until you came back.
Where were you when FE had SOUL again?
You've only finished 1/4 of the game, fag
>Like get the girl/guy to orgasm or something?
If you can successfully joke 4 times in a row, then banter, you unlock an alternate costume.
However, you need to reset each failed attempt with a nod.
So Joke Joker Banter Joke Joke Joke Joke Banter?
That fails.
However, Joke Joke Banter Nod Joke Joke Joke Joke Banter succeeds as the Nod reset the first pattern failure.
If you can do this three times across three separate tea times, you get a free master seal, that character's motivation is capped, and they get a gargantuan boost to I just made all of this up fuck you.
>So does this mean that canon wise Byleth only gets one divine pulse?
Well it's implied until Byleth combines with Sotiths it's Sothis doing it and comes off as lazy/tired so doing it once is reasonable. Yet after that it's never implied to be used even when you fight at the monastery.
Oh yeah, shit. What the fuck Byleth, why didn't you just pulse to save Rodrigque?
Anyone have a link to the credits song?
Good news everyone!
I just got Lindhart and Lysithea's A rank.
I did it. I saved her. She won't die.
Byleth kills rodrigue personally in one of the routes
It was probably sothis's doing alone and you have no such power lore wise.
Good boy!
*pets user*
I've played Awakening and Three Houses, which FE game should I play next?
Play the game BEagle tard
>Oh yeah, shit. What the fuck Byleth, why didn't you just pulse to save Rodrigque?
Yeah I found it kind of awkward how the ability was gonna be used/introduced once he got it but story wise it's like Byleth can't even access it. I mean if you use sothis shield after that she still appears yet when you go into the holy team your alternate gendered version is there.
Man this is fucked.