Monster Hunter Thread
Monster Hunter Thread
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For me, it’s Kaiser X.
You ARE buying my game, right user?
I've got a basic bitch ass question. Where do I go to make layered clothing? I can't find it anywhere and I know I'd have enough to make them
Lets get this show on the road
Post your:
>Favorite game
>Favorite weapon
>favorite armor set
>favorite monster
Zignore is all but confirmed
Confirmed new siege monster
Everwyrm is end boss, if it’s icon is the iceborne logo then it’s most likely a fatalis like monster
Possible new Val Hacak variant
Yian Gauruga or new poison monster could be in
Khezu and lagi officially deconfirmed
Iceborne will probably have around 25-30 monster if you include the standard 2-3 they don’t reveal pre launch and old/new variants/ subs for returning monsters
No Valstrax or Chameleos, no buy. I'm not buying. World has yet to produce a new elder dragon that impresses me.
Also fuck Capcom for neutering Kushala Daora's weapons in World so Velkhana could have the spotlight.
No, I'm buying HIS new game!
Magala Bros
Based and Magalapilled
Alatreon or riot.
Garu-Ya-Ku is real
Velkhana uses the same skeleton so probably. They have Glavenus a subspecies so lets hope
>Favorite game
>Favorite weapon
Light Bowgun overall, but I tend to play almost anything. I've used every weapon in every game I've played with the exception of World bow out of sheer spite because I hate what Capcom has done to it.
>favorite armor set
Barioth X, Grimclaw, and Azure Starlord.
>favorite monster
Now lemme ask YOU a question. What's your favorite weapon specifically?For me, it's the Rathling Gun.
>being a Khezufag OR a Giggicuck
>tfw still no zinogre teaser
bros i can't take it anymore...
>Favorite game
>Favorite weapon
Tonfas when it got buffed last year
>Favorite armor set
Barioth X
>Favorite monster
Bogabadorumu (Boggers)
>being thunder element charge monster
>talking shit
Baleful Giggles was the last unique thunder monster.
Is Tigrex retarded or just really autistic?
Please let it be so
Yes. But some more so than others.
Why is Kushala Daora the only monster in the entire game to be truly passive? I actually feel bad for killing it in World.
Uhhhh switchaxe bros is it finally happening?
>Charged axe mode is fantastic, greatly increases flinch damage
>~20% bonus damage for Uppercut
>~20% bonus damage for Overhead
>New excellent fade slash for axe mode
>You can now combo Side -> Overhead
SA is getting very competitive times now, and it's doing it 100% in axe mode. Is it finally happening?
It's only passive in World because new world Elders are basically grandpas.
Old World Kushalas are cunts
No I'm buying this asshole's games. What even are you?
>still has World's slow af combo and hasn't reverted it back to the old one
It's trash, nigga.
>morph spam
Oh, would you look at that. It's only optimal SA strat from vanilla.
well they did what they should have done and made axe mode have equal damage to sword mode, before phials / charged state are taken into account.
The extra flinch damage will probably be very useful and the overhead -> fade slash combo is very good for sniping damage on tough monsters
I think it will be much improved. It can certainly kill things faster than LS in Iceborne as things stand, but you won't have a counter.
If each of his weapons have anything less than 35 dragon, then I won't touch this faggot's weapons.
and actually, given the big buffs to axe mode damage, it is doing equal damage power phial sword mode based on the beta weapon. But when sword mode is buffed, it does more.
Lots of variations in axe mode's moves now too, glad about the focus they're giving it
I sure flash raptor is passive too
Titzi will attack if you stand in front of him for too long. Even Kirin, Teostra, Vaal, and Jagras will do this. It just takes longer than your average monster except for Legiana and Lunastra, who always attack on sight.
The only time he morphs at all though is after the Wild Swing finisher, and then most of the time he's wild swinging he's doing the new vertical chop that leaves you in Axe mode.
arekkz just did a video today about official confirmed monsters:
he says there's probably 4 monsters left unannounced which is kind of a let down, desu.
the only time he morphs is when the monster flinches or roars. otherwise he is usually just poking with the buffed uppercut, which gives you a quick fade slash option to get out.
>tfw I still can't beat solo AT Nerg
Being a shitter is suffering.
He went with 4 as a lowball estimate, and he doesn’t have any info we don’t. I’m assuming between 20-25 since they said that Icebor e will be on par with past G Rank expansions, and 4U + GU as the most recent G Rank expansions both added between 20-25 monsters to their respective base games.
Evade Extender + Tremor Res + Health Boost
Roll to the right
But muh crits.
i hope so.
we'll know soon enough i guess
Evade Extender and Tremor seem overkill. Roll to the right and vit 3 is all you need once you know his moveset. If you don't know his moveset, you're going to die anyway.
Tremor is so fucking bad in World that whenever I don't have tremor res, I now roll into the attack if I know I can survive it. I got tired of dying to follow ups because Behemoth and Jho could watch the entire Freebird solo before I get up. Apparently auto-sheathing your weapon and causing you to miss out on DPS wasn't enough for some reason.
Tremor Res lets you actually get a couple hits in or reposition after dodging the shoulder slam and it's less investment than Earplugs.
Well there's Ruiner Nerg who hasn't actually been announced yet and was just in the trophies
Then the new Seige monster they mentioned
And probable post-story big boss monster like Fatalis or whatever
And Brachydios and Zinogre haven't been shown yet but we all know they're in
And whatever inhabits the other parts of Hoarfrost we haven't seen yet
Great Wulg when
>FU or World
Guys, I miss old bow. What do I do?
>200 hours into 3U learn that charm tables are a thing
>also learn your charm table is complete shit
What was your first game Yea Forums?
Damn that shit is sick
I barely got into the series 3 years ago thanks to my cousin. First game was 4U and i'm planning to play the older ones and maybe world. Currently playing generations ultimate
>Switch Axe
>Nerscylla armor
>astalos, brachydios, and gammoth and possible rajang
>XX is so hard bros!
>Play it
>Kill each of the fated 4 in their first encounter quests where they have bloated health with a shitty frog Gunlance or the rock GS.
The 1st and 2nd gen games where the only hard MH games.
I never got a charm more generally useful than than Evasion +6 OOO in all my time playing 4U, so don't worry it's not just charm tables that can fuck you.
shhhh youll wake the nintenbabs
It's still fucking weird seeing Tigrex properly back up to face you
I killed them in the first encounter too, or at least i stopped caring for the mitzune and killed everyone else
says fucking who?
Isn't Dodo also passive?
Same here actually, but 3U was the first MH game I got into.
Feel free to brag after you clear Dreadqueen. GU's village is World tier easy bar Nibelsnarf.
>mhw is ugl-
Dodo will attack if you stand in front of him for too long.
Yah, I'm not wasting my time with this garbage up to G rank. Catch me in a hunterverse lobby for FU.
Feel free to do so yourself without Hunter arts and valor style
What are you censoring?
>Join Extremoth SOS
>Get to last room easy
>It all goes to shit
>Final ecliptic
>People standing out in Africa die
>”Slayed Behemoth”
You can fight Dreadqueen as early as HR2. Go kill Cold Monkey Dick.
Play Arena mode, the best part of every monster hunter game.
You're not a scrub who needs top tier skills to get good clear times are you?
>medium bowgum
>magnet spike
Which ones do you think are the most likely to come to the next MH game? Prowler seems the most probable.
Fuck you, give me Great Boomerang
Medium bowgun never ever again sadly, the other 3 can stay out though.
>indecisive bowgun
World arena doesn't count. That game completely gutted the arena.
Magnet Spike might be a little out there but I’m surprised we don’t have Tonfas.
Medium bowgun was literally the most useless weapon out there. What the fuck was the point?
Fuck you, give me the dog
you forgot accel axe.
Tonfas as they are now will hopefully never make it out of Frontier.
>taking picture of the screen
I'm really surprised they never added more than a couple arena missions. Guess it was low priority. I hope Iceborne has a bunch.
Brachy Axe from 3U
Brachy G Rank set from 4U
the point was the customization potential of being able to make hundreds of different bowguns, i guess a leap from heavy and light would be too jarring or unbalanced so they introduced it as a midway.
small res nintendo good, small res mhw bad
>dark ukanlos
This is getting really tiresome.
Why are gen 4 players such cum guzzling faggots?
I love Tiggy
I started well before Gen 4, Princess.
I could see them revising them to be a rapid fire fisticuffs weapon with slightly more aerial potential than ig. Maybe instead of flying around, aerial functionality is more positioning yourself where you can launch in an arch over a monster, good for getting a lot of head hits in. Ryuuki could also be reconfigured to something less fantastical to give tail cutting capabilities, like maybe you can charge up studs by attacking, plant those studs into a body part, then attack those studs to set them off and do cut damage.
I like all monster hunters, don't bunch me up you dork.
stop bullying tigrex
He looks goofy I love it
I want Nakarkos back because of its armor and weapon design.
>Gnarly skeletor armor
>Sleek spacey armor
so cool
Dude is just fishing for (you)s, it's best to leave him alone.
>Why are gen 4 players such cum guzzling faggots?
Imagine ignoring MHFU and Tri, but then deciding the 240p handheld QTE game is the right time to start the series.
That's why 4babs are faggots.
>not Astalos
plebian incarnate
The jump being something like the Dual Blades spin but in an arc could be good, but I don't think it should be able to get any hangtime out of it.
I want the GU newcomers, all off them.
The only GU newcomers are Valstrax and Ahtal-Ka, the rest were from the base game.
I was referring to both games, for simplicity sake.
Fuck you Yea Forums, I've been playing Freedom Unite for 10 hours and it's fucking shit. You tricked me.
>I beat the easy mode
>It was easy
Your point?
FU's easy mode was much fucking harder
>XX is so hard bros!
>in the game where aerial gs and valor in general is a thing
Post your favourite monster and I'll draw it poorly.
Damn. I really like those critters. I wish I could see more but I need to get up for work in the morning. Sleep tight, critters!
Finally did that Witcher 3 crossover shit
What a terrible, terrible sidequest. I’ve heard the FF shit is worse.
None of them honestly, I don't especially Magnet Spike/Tonfas coming to mainline due to the fact that it will force the main MH team to redo the previous weapon movesets for them to compete against them (Magnet Spike only has Extreme Style to boot). Nevermind the fact that Magnet Spike is the best weapon in Frontier in terms of raw damage, get Tenrou/Ravi MS of your choice and just unga bunga everything to death.
tl;dr Fucking Ravi killed Frontier.
We talk a lot about favorite monsters.
But what is your LEAST favorite monster?
Hard mode: No Khezu
funny you post hc gravios of all monsters
>that back up and beam sweep
>Frontier Gravios render
>gets reminded of how Zenith Gravios was a goddamn roflstomper in rando road runs.
Congalala, the whole "le fart mon key XD" shtick isnt interesting or funny in the slightest
Black Gravios
Gold Rathian
Oh huh that is from Frontier. I just meant to get a regular Gravios pic.
I knew he looked kinda weird.
this fuck right here
>all the spastic movement of the chicken
>flash, lol
>G-rank gave it even more poison bullshit
Tzitzi-ya-ku unironically did the gimmick better, and is a total bro
>FU's easy mode was much fucking harder
Because of shitty hitboxes
It's the only way these games are difficult, just like souls games
get over it
Oh so you admit World is also easy because it got rid of a ton of clunk?
could probably be a tie between plesioth, lavasioth, cephadrome and paolumu
>Constant SOS for Behemoth EX
>Nothing for Ancient Leshen
Is it really so bad?
Young Daoras are cunts
I have no problems with AT Kush, AT Luna, AT Nerg, or Behemoth. I consider ALeshen a garbage fight that I hope never comes back.
>tfw bought it on release and still haven't opened mine
It's just a damage sponge and a shitty fight to boot.
What style, in particular? This is important.
Most interesting.
>Oh so you admit World is also easy because it got rid of a ton of clunk?
Yeah? When did I ever say otherwise?
Fucking stupid ass tranny liberal.
I bet you thought this was some big "gotcha" moment, didn't you?
I haven’t played MH in a few months but holy shit.
>finally get free time to play vidya
>boot up MHW and join a random lobby
>”anyone welcome”
>”chill hunting”
>haven’t played in awhile, sounds good
>see there’s the summer event going on
>greatest jagras
>getting some decos before iceborne sounds good
>7 mins in, collected his vomit, he’s limping away
>”user has joined the quest”
>cool someone in lobby jo...
>”user has fainted”
>”user has fainted”
>user: another shitter who doesn’t know how to do the quest
>”user has fainted”
>quest failed
Return to lobby and dude spouts off autistic shit about it being a discord lobby and any jagras runs must be completed in 2 minutes or less before kicking me.
Why leave it public? I don’t want to have to create private sessions each time when it’s easier to just join randoms, but fuck you autistic min maxers, go back to wow or ff14. I just wanted to play some monhun and relax.
>user, my game is dying. Can I join the main series again?
To be fair, that tremor-locking is no fucking joke. Jap randoms tend to pick Zenith Ruko too, and unsurprisingly fall flat on their ass. Off the top of my head they tend to make some funny decisions in general.
>Lagi officially deconfirmed
I agree to some extent. If you're spending hours farming greatest jagras, in two minute cheese runs with no difficulty, why not just mod in decorations?
Get in line bucko, you were already in FU.
Now Espi, hand over the gacha money.
>think about picking up GU again because I was more caught up with other games at the time and only got as far as transfering my english save and clearing out HR village
>remember I'll have to do the lao urgent again
just host, the online for late game is still active
hell, monhan is ever green. even 3-4U is active
there's no easy way to get the necessary tokens for pic related is there? i got the jail hammer but im trying to get the binder mace.
really trying to make a hammer support build but i dont think i'll get this hammer any time soon
But I don't want to give those jews any money for internet access
Not him but I did fine without gacha. On the other hand:
>Get the 10th anniv premkit
>Newer sets generated are mostly if not exclusively using ZX pieces six months later
looking back at the unique design weapons in MHW, I think the core issue behind it isn't the lack of unique weapon designs, but the fact that most endgame weapons are just iron/bone weapons reskinned. Only 2 weapons out there that got a unique design BiS is Lance and IG
you might alr have given the bigger Jews 60 bucks, alr for MHW online
well, unless you played on PC/is a pure lonehanta
at least the flagships in IB is getting all their unique weapons back
i still want more wacky shits like in the older games tho
Threadly reminder that Yasunori Ichinose hasn't been credited in any games since MHXX released in March 2017, nor is he on the World or Iceborne teams, which means he's probably working on the next Monster Hunter title.
How would you feel if MH took on a more stylized graphical style to more closely resemble the concept art?
I forget, is Sharq Attack in World? Because I loved that lance, and it really should be a staple weapon.
they would have to collab with Platinum/ArcSys for dem stylized 2d looks tho
and with ArcSys being spread too thin, and Platinum cant really work with other companies (GBF re:link came to mind...), i dunno
well they did tried a full 3d stylized game on the 3ds, and it look plenty good
World has almost no joke weapons
There's the downy crake DBs and the bristly crake hammer and they're both event weapons
Why do so many black people play this game?
t. a black person
no, sadly
they shelved all the joke weapons in World. even the DLCs are all serious-looking weapon (except a flower hammer)
at least they skill keep the wacky head armor. Wriggler is fun
The ugly Pickle head
Dragonator dildos
If you mean like Zelda BOTW cel-shading, it would be quite an achievement
There’s the Crake weapons too.
I'm still impressed at how well most things translated to Stories
I would love it
why the fuck would you use a range weapon in Monster Hunter?
braindead farming
nah that's LS and GS
>playing MHX
>get the astalos hammer
>is designed as an axe but is a hammer therefore is a blunt weapon
>every hunt I always forgot that is a hammer, not an axe and hit the tails in hopes to cut it
i never felt so retarded in monster hunter
why wouldnt you?
oh boy
>tfw in FU i though the scythe LSs are worthless cause you have to hit the very tip to deal good dmg
primordial hunters IRL
why are hammerfags so dumb? gosh i hate them so fucking much, they interrupt your attacks by hitting you and then they go anywhere but the head,you fucking idiots, you want to get the hornsm go for the head, what a group of imbeciles
>hurrr im sharpening my blunt weapon durrrr
god i hate hammer users
Thanks imma use a ranged weapon
Light or heavy?
so basically im monky
heavy, all day, everyday
>Sharq Attack
>design a hammer after gobul
>make it look like a lotus flower with his lantern in the center, but with hidden spikes that flare out when charged up
>P3 comes around and gobul gets cut
>like the hammer design enough to include it again, this time made from qurupeco and rathian and with poison instead of paralysis
>3U brings back gobul and makes it paralysis again
>4/4U cuts both peco and gobul but keeps the hammer around through trade parts, changing it back to poison
>gone entirely in Gen/GU
>brough back in World, this time as a pukei pukei weapon because feathers I guess
And that's the story of the hammer design that's mostly the same despite being completely disconnected from its monster origin
Thanks for coming to my TED talk
I'll give it a whirl
Share times when you finally realized you got gud
>can now parry every single attack from Astalos, break horn, cut tail, stagger the fuck outta him, and never use items
>all in 3 minutes
It's LR but compared to carting like crazy and drinking a lot, It's a damn good improvement
There is the mysterious new water elder
About fucking time we got some water monsters.
Would not mind at all, my good sir
>1st game
>brute forced everything
>walled by Tigrex
>went to watch vids, actually put in research
>hunted him over and over
>perfect GS timing, dodging inder his arms
>smooth as butter run
feel absolutely great
aside from Ahtal and Valstrax: boltreaver, soulseer, rustrazor, nightcloak, elderfrost and bloodbath are all new to Ultimate and the original monsters to these deviants are a beta test.
>Looking back at your newbie self and realizing how far you've come from a 30-minute Great Jaggi hunt
Always satisfying
God, I fucking hate Rathalos and I fucking hate the ancient forest, why can't those two things disappear forever? why Rathalos always have the best armor and always ask for super rare shit so you have to kill it until you fucking die of boredom and frustration because the faggot piece of shit won't stop flying, is not fun, is not challenging, is not even worth the effort but I just cannot see that armor with those skills and let it go even if I will replace it with some other shit later.
Flash pods bro. They turn all non Tempered flying monsters into little bitches.
>Finally do at kulve after months on pc
>There's this one rando yelling about sniffing until 6 then going in for the breaks
Soon the room went quiet and everyone chilled out for some kulve hunts no one sniffing the tracks still what the fuck.
This method is boring as fuck compared to the usual sniff & smash until area 2/3 then going in for the kill at 4+ investigation. That gold cunt gave me a handicraft jewel so I like her now, but what are the optimization methods against her now?
That's for faggots, I rather die of boredom than being a flashing faggot.
Go die then dumb ass
P1 is for sniffing because KT has too much health
I might die, but at least I'm not a cheap faggot.
Then don’t complain about boredom if you don’t use the game’s mechanics as intended.
So you be saying that everyone should run a cluster HBG and nothing else because it is the best way to kill stuff in the game and is intended to be used, so naturally you should use it too.
If you’re gonna ignore the tools the game gives you then don’t bitch and moan when the fight isn’t fun.
Move aside
No I’m just saying there’s plenty of options for grounding flying monsters, and if you choose not to use any of them then it’s on you. HBG fucking sucks duck and I’d die before touching one.
Using an item for one of its intended purposes is hardly the same as advocating for absolute speed kill meta meme-ery. But by all means go chase Rathalos around Ancient Forest all day and whine about it instead, I’m sure that’s offering a sufficient challenge worthy of being dealt with honestly.
Good story. I love that hammer.
>there are people (if you can even call them like that) right now in this thread that flashes monsters
Yikes, git gud, only losers flash monsters.
My friend literally yelled at me today because I don't find this game fun. He had been shilling MHGU to me for months and told me on and on about how much fun we would have playing it. I've been playing it for about a month now and I'm not enjoying it and he physically cannot even comprehend how I'm not having fun? "What do you mean you don't like the fights? That's the best part!" "Yeah it takes a long time to get the armor but it makes you feel accomplished, you just don't like to commit to anything". I've never seen him so genuinely mad.
I wonder who might be behind this post
Sounds like something a monster trying to run away would say
>Not just swatting Rathalos out of the sky with your weapon
Lmao imagine letting him fly away in the first place.
King of the skies? more like King of the cucks.
>punches you out of the sky
Why yes, I fuck Rathians, how could you tell?
Coincidentally I'm farming Astalos and jesus he's giving me a hard time
>have all pieces done BUT swifttail
>tried my literal hardest to get it cut
>dies before it happens
>this has been happening for 10 hunts
half the time I just capture but still dont get it
Yeah there’s a lot of autists in this fanbase, the game isn’t for everyone and if you don’t like it you don’t like it. Just ignore him.
He looks really happy to see him
scissortail I mean
Now the fight got a lot more boring to me. appreciated user.
Just use lance and poke it's tail.
Literally only 3-5 NEW monsters for a fucking new expansion how did capcom get away with this?
I'm stealing this for future use
that's actually more than the average G-rank expansion
>Haha, you know I haven't played since Tempered Jho really, let's jump back in and try out these AT guys everyone says is so hard.
Hahahahaahahaha, how tf are AT Nerg and AT Luna real. Attacks this quick shouldn't just instantly kill you. Like yeah okay, i'm fucking trash and that's fair but jesus these numbers are pretty fucked. Extremoth is at least designed to be a 4 man so of course soloing it is stupid hard, didn't expect the same of Nerg and his retarded instant slam.
Past G-Rank expansions only got two new original monsters, with the rest being subspecies or imports. There's many more weapon changes too, the rest is par for the course.
Have you played past MH expansions? That’s way more than usual. Normally you get a new flagship, the new final boss, and a bunch of subspecies and variants, that’s it. Iceborne has the most completely original monsters out of any G Rank expansion ever.
you can still do shit in P1 user but it'll take lots of resources and time
Better than older G Ranks for the most part.
>MH1 G Rank added 1 new monster, 10 subspecies and 2 rare species for a total of 13 added monsters.
>MH2 G Rank added 6 new monsters, 4 subspecies and added back in Yama Tsukami who was cut from Portable 2nd for a total of 11 added monsters.
>MH3 G Rank added 2 new monsters, 5 subspecies, 2 rare species, 1 variant, 4 returning monsters and added back in 3 monsters cut from Portable 3rd for a total of 17 added monsters. It did, however, remove 6 from Portable 3rd, so the net gain was only 11 added monsters.
>MH4 G Rank added 2 new monsters, 8 subspecies, 2 variants and 11 returning monsters for a total of 23 added monsters.
>MHX G Rank added 2 new monsters, 6 deviants and 14 returning monsters for a total of 22 added monsters.
>MHW Master Rank adds 3 new monsters, 6 subspecies, 2 variants and 5 returning monsters for a total of 16 added monsters (so far, the game isn’t out yet and not everything is revealed).
2nd gen: Tigrex
3rd gen: Brute Tigrex
4rth gen: Molten Tigrex
4.5th gen: Grimclaw Tigrex
5th gen: ??? Tigrex
So what do you think the new Tigrex variant/sub/rare species will be? surely there should be one, is a tradition at this point.
The pepega slam should not oneshot you if you have endgame armor
Frostbite Tigrex
Only mainline upgrade he doesn’t have is a Variant. Monsters with Subspecies don’t get Variants and vice versa, but a lot of Brute and Molten’s moves have been worked into World Tigrex’s moveset so there’s not really much of a need to bring those two back, opening the way for a Variant.
Lmao bioenergy Tigrex
So with the addition with Snowy mountains and Hotsprings will we see Blangonga and Rajang take a nice bath?
It's not a literal one shot from full no, it's the fact that I play GS and if he decides to use it I just get to eat shit and there's nothing I can do about it. Sometimes he just starts spamming it too like 3-4 times in a row.
Rajang only bathes in blood and pussy juice
>Against AT Nerg
First mistake
Narga, turn off my pain inhibitors.
I guess with piss pukei on the way it'll get a water version next
I still think Numbingbird is arguably the best weapon name in the series
That's what Diorex pretty much was.
Enlightened tigrex that mastered his anger in the guiding lands. Doesn't enrage and isn't a retard.
Diorex is lmao magnetism
Alright I’m gonna crunch some numbers and autism out for a bit to determine the scale of every MH expansion.
>Monster Hunter G
Added 1 original monster, 10 subspecies, 2 rare species and G Rank to Monster Hunter.
>Monster Hunter Freedom
Added 1 original monster to Monster Hunter G and was reworked extensively to run on PSP.
>Monster Hunter Freedom 2
Added 3 original monsters to Monster Hunter 2, but removed 1 too. Reworked extensively to run on PSP.
>Monster Hunter Freedom Unite
Added 6 original monsters and 4 subspecies to Freedom 2, as well as adding back in the monster Freedom 2 cut. Added G Rank.
>Monster Hunter Portable 3rd
Added 8 original monsters, 9 subspecies and 9 returning monsters to Monster Hunter 3, but removed 3 from the game as well. Reworked extensively to run on PSP.
>Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate
Added 2 original monsters, 5 subspecies, 2 rare species, 1 variant and 4 returning monsters to Portable 3rd. It also added back in the 3 that Portable 3rd cut, but cut another 6 itself. Added G Rank and was reworked extensively to run on 3DS and Wii U.
>Monster Hunter 4G/4 Ultimate
Added 2 original monsters, 8 subspecies, 2 variants and 11 returning monsters to Monster Hunter 4 and added G Rank.
>Monster Hunter XX/Generations Ultimate
Added 2 original monsters, 6 deviants and 14 returning monsters to Monster Hunter Generations, and added G Rank.
So from this you can ascertain the size and scale of Iceborne compared to all the past expansions and rereleases.
Just regular Tigrex but he's bipedal now
dude you pretty much summed up why I don't listen to 99% of complaints against MH series as a whole. usually there's an easy fix to things people complain about they're just too shit or too lazy to fix it and just want to vent.
It's Thunder, and was curbstomping Japs so hard it got nerfed.
Just hunted the bird t-rex
am I almost done with this game?
That’s pretty much their whole argument, yeah.
You’re still in Low Rank, the first half of the game. You’re a few quests away from High Rank, which adds new monsters and areas, new tiers of equipment and stronger versions of all the Low Rank stuff.
Not at all
You are nowhere near the end of the game, ask again when you reach the 100 hours.
Thanks bro, got it with HBG. Fuck GS on that fight.
Will IB let me put guildie dolls in my house again?
D-did she find the hole I cut between the plushy’s legs?
Now that bowguns have the same defense than bladecucks why would anyone use a bladecuck weapon again? if you want speed and safety go for LBG, if you want sheer power go for HBG, if you want a dick shoved up your ass for being a flaming faggot go for Bow, see, is all covered bladecucks have no reason to exist anymore.
I want to believe that after all the bullshit with Ceadeus and Alatreon the 3u hunter finally settled with her and they fucked like baboons
>Possible new Val Hacak variant
The weapon deriving from its LS path starts at rare 10, so it can't be an Elder Dragon.
>Iceborne will probably have around 25-30 monster
There is no way for us to know that.
>Officially confirmed: Banbaro, Beotodus, Velkhana, Nargacuga, Tigrex, Glavenus, Brachydios, Barioth, Ebony Odogaron, Fulgur Anjanath, Acidic Glavenus, Nightshade Paolumu, Coral Pukei-Pukei, Viper Tobi-Kadachi, Shrieking Legiana
>Leaked: New water siege, Ruiner Nergigante, Zinogre, Old Everwyrm
>very likely from LS tree: Brute Tigrex, Yian Garuga, Silver Rathalos, Gold Rathian, Bazel variant
25 is possible, but nothing is really suggesting around 30 at launch right now.
the level of baller this would be has me mad it wont happen
Hopefully they’ll realize they should do it with MH6/W2 when they see adding more shaders and pixels for Ps5/scarlet is a dumb way to improve looks
Ceadeus has to be the worst fight in the series.
25 is Khezu.
You forgot that you now get a 30% raw boost during wild swings after the first 2-3 hits.
I think it's reasonably likely that brachy will have a new sub, since he's only ever had a variant before
Officially deconfirmed, sorry.
How many new skeletons we getting in Iceborne? (“New” as in not in World)
Post proofs.
>You can now combo Side -> Overhead
What do you mean by "can"? Did they reshuffle the default triangle attack rotation again, so it goes side-overhead-uppercut again? Or do you still have to press some button combo that's anything BUT the default triangle combo?
So far only the pseudowyvern one
Probably only the final boss
I don't know what he's talking about, the basic combo is still the same. You can just do overhead from thrust now.
Pseudowyverns are technically just modified flying wyverns
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Tigrex skeleton...
So which is it? From thrust or from the side chop? Is it just forward+triangle->triangle or some other button combo? I could only play for a little while on the days IB demo was up, so I didn't get to test all the weapon changes.
>why would anyone use a bladecuck weapon again?
From thrust, and it's just forward+triangle->triangle.
The side chop gets shafted again, I guess, but at least I have a reason to use the running attack now.
So you have fun being a bladecuck? that's some twisted shit right there user, I think you need more guns in your life.
You ARE playing her game with 93 monsters, right user?
> Being this much of a retard
Because I don't play MH for guns, there's plenty TPS out there. And if you want gameplay reason, blademaster has extra defense, Gunner has extra element resistance. This essentially mean that using the same armor Gunner can be 1 shotted, while Blademaster can survive.
So you are afraid of damage? bladecucks sure are cowards.
guns suck dude such cowardly playstyle
t. bladescum
Go back to turtle behind your shield and huge ass defense.
Gunning is actually kind of brain dead. But it’s really effective obviously so you know, that’s my go to when I want to lazy farm.
I’m trying hard to get into GU, but the switch joycons are too janky for me. Is it worth it to get the pro controller?
Sleep tight MH thread.
t. Triple carting randoms
Adapt and use the weapon for the appropriate monsters you fools
Sleep tight little screeching monstrosities.
It’s a comfortable controller and I use it for most Switch games so imo it’s worth it.
Monster Hunter: NEXT Frontier, releasing 2020
>When you start consistently i-framing Nargacuga's attacks and roars
God i fucking hate Rathalos and Rathniggers in general
If you like Rathalos you're a faggot
Probably Valstrax. But all of gen 4 should just be erased and forgotten.
How would you feel if hunter arts returned, but not styles, and only weapon-specific arts?
>using Kjarr Paralysis glaive
>blunt boost
>the blunt kinsects are all worse than Pseudocath
how will I minmax my gameplay now
I just use the glowy dragon from the roided final fantasy fursona
back in my freedom 1/2 days i could more or less predict exactly which move a rathalos or rathian were gonna do next to a pretty good degree.
Just use a max speed blunt bug? It's not like your kinsect hits for jack shit anyway.
The secret is in the fast and slow turns.
The slow turn got phased out from Tri onwards, and turning animations are almost gone as of World.
>cowardly playstyle
guns don't do any damage if you don't get close. It's basically using blade but actually needs brain+hard mode.
Yeah just a fucking dumb ass
yea it was usually based on how they turned but younger me felt like a fucking genius when i could, specially when my friends couldn't.
I'd be fine because I only ever use Hunting Horn and it had probably the tamest set of arts of all.
>Double notes for all attacks even if they miss for a short time
>Play all songs at once, but only affecting yourself
>Small dodge before a performance or encore for a short time
The only real exception was Sonic Smash, which was pretty useless anyway. Not sure how ridiculous the other weapon arts got.
how do i get good at insect glaive bros? it's the most enjoyable weapon for me
I only get one of those though so I can't match elements to everything, which boosts kinsect damage significantly
FF bug with dragon element hits Deviljho's head for 29 damage per hit all on its own accord while spreading blast dust everywhere.
If you're not pheremoning the monster you're not playing IG right
Get the juice
Don't spam the flying attacks, they do shit damage
Weapon specific arts were mostly shit, with every weapon usually having only 1 or 2 even close to being worth considering over absolute evasion, and even among those most were just self buffs rather than direct attacks
The exceptions were LS, DB, and especially SA, they had some pretty potent arts
How does it feel to be a nigger?
How many should I do per engagement? Usually I try to do two or three heavy air attacks followed by a light air attack and then attack it from the ground.
Air attacks are useful for 3 things, avoiding sweeping attacks mounting and hitting Lunastra's wings, other than that they don't really have any uses
>AT Nerg SOS
>host has 300 def and no weapon augs
Get your juice, then stick pheromones on a monster's weakpoint. The bug will attack on its own and spread dust; just fight like you normally would and reap benefits of dust if you can hit the clouds. You have literally no reason not to do this because it's automated.
Make a lot of different bugs and give them different elements; a kinsect with effective element deals a ton more damage.
Aerial attacks are worth using but not over your ground attacks. Vault when you have good reason (like over breath attacks) and aerial attack right back.
Well it is an SOS
>search for dedicated Nerg lobbies
>no one in them is doing AT Nerg, or any Nerg form for that matter
>back to SOS I suppose
>join a quest from a host called Ciri
>uses the Ciri layered set and what appears to be a standard iron bow
>carts twice within the first three fucking minutes somehow
>goes fine for about five minutes
>AT Nerg decides to slam FOUR fucking times in a row
>decides now is the time to get in close despite staying a fucking mile away for the last four minutes
You can guess what happened next. How’d this fucker even reach HR50? I don’t see him being carried considering how fucking awful he was, no one no matter how skilled can counterbalance that level of bad.
>standard iron bow
I'm sorry what
You heard me.
Anyone can get carried if they've got enough hapless goons to do it for them.
Best girl
Aisha best girl
She looks and acts like a SEA uggo.
Tanzia Grill is the aryan master race.
Recommend a longsword path for mhgen (DS)
They’re doing a new Glavenous stream and showing off the Yuko layered armor, new info mighttttt be talked about? It starts in about 1hr 20mins
He's in
Imagine being so wrong.
Not without Death/Seeth he isn’t, they’re a package deal like the Magalas.
I liked having housekeeper guildies. I don't know if I'd want the feature in World though, because all the girls are 3D uggos, even if it would go nicely with the customizable house in IB.
>they gave the handler Guildmarm's clothing
Sophia deserves better than this.
>because all the girls are 3D uggos
Untrue, the gathering hall girls are pretty cute and I like the serious handler.
>forgetting about Shadow
I want all the other guild gals to gangrape Handler with monster strapons!
The "uguu am i kawaii uguu whore" who sells you items in the World gathering hub is acceptable
The one who also gives you quests is ok even if she has the personality of a brick
Oh shit I totally forgot, you gotta kill 10 Shadow Cantios before Fatalis summons him.
Looks like Anjanath but actually good.
But it's a flying wyvern
>Sophia talks about a girl from Moga she met during guild training who was the first person to not laugh at her drawings and became her first real friend
>Aisha says she came to Dundorma to visit a friend she hasn't seen in a long time because she was feeling lonely
>neither of their dialogue ever gives the impression that they actually talked at any point
Felt kinda disappointed desu
>Not even Great Maccao can stand up to Shadow Cantios
Holy fuck
Shut up Steve, you pinecone faggot, Rathian doesn't love you.
Thanks for the new phone wallpaper user, I love chameleos
Love and consent are secondary to Seregios
How can the collective majority agree on Handler, but not on World's gameplay?
Help me, I'm craving more Monster Hunter while waiting for Iceborne, is there a good MH title that won't force me to destroy my eyes and hands on a 3DS?
Citra, dolphin
Worlds is on sale on PSN right now, is it worth getting? Never played Monster Hunter before.
most people have shit taste and only care about bright colors and graphics while they press the buttons.
everything about monster hunter aside from the textures is a horseshit downgrade in all respects
just play 4G or XX seriously this shit is for skyrim fans
What the fuck
You're better off waiting for Iceborne to release and getting the Master Edition, it comes with the base game and the expansion and is cheaper than buying them separately
You overestimate the amount of skill required in 4-player hunts, that's as braindead as it gets. I'd wager most of these kinds of players have never done a single quest without multiplayer help.
>fated 4
>not out of the frying pan
>or any of the advanced arena village quest
extra points if you complete it without being a carried faggot with rare 7+ armor and fully upgraded deviant weapon.
cool man thanks
Even the textures look like ass too. World has no redeeming qualities.
judging any MH by the monster versions in early quests is like judging a car's top speed by only using first gear
Congrats dude, you beat low rank monsters in low rank. So proud of you.
Anyone wanna play duo-only when IB drops
They massacred my boy
Nerg does an attack up roar when is around 60% health. You can flash him to stop the buff.
>every weapon has an overtuned power move or finisher
Not a fan, I really don't care about how cool or flashy something is, especially if it's universally amazing. It was dumb in X/XX and it's extra dumb in world.
I realize I'm in a minority, few people are autistic enough to care about having a balanced weapon that utilizes a handful of situational options. A relatively simple hunter against powerful monsters has always held some part of the appeal for me, but World has exploded in popularity so they must be doing something right.
MH is at its best when you're only really using 3 or so simple attacks. No fancy combos or super moves.
They marketed it to the dark souls normalfags who never heard of Monster Hunter before, something something "dark souls of destiny with dinosaurs"
Except those super moves are optional in XX
30 minutes till glavenus hunt starts on capcom tv
Never an argument. Especially when they're the game's biggest selling point.
Honestly they made him too fluffy in Iceborne
If you truly care about your franchise, start making public efforts like protesting.
YFW the best supers are the ones that grant invulnerability
There'll always be a special spot in my heart for Garuga which is filled with nothing but hate.
>Tzi-Tzi doing anything better
One of the most boring monsters ever put into Monster Hunter and is only useful to shitters that somehow forget flash pods. Gypceros and Purple are so much more interesting with the flash mechanic because of their baiting tactics and hiding the flash clicks behind other attacks even in low rank.
MHW endgame is like bashing your head agents the wall. No fun. I just can't kill AT Nergigante no matter how much i try.
>your franchise
>behaving like a child throwing a tantrum
I have a job.
He's not that difficult once you get your head around him and realise you need to be aggressive, not stupid
>legacy monster focus
Scary to think how true that is. Especially since MH threads here are nothing but rosterfagging and monsterbegging.
Because I like ranged weapons and the armor isn't as bulky for the males. Until World came and ruined that.
What time were people guessing the next trailer was gonna be again
>dude just hit the monster lots and dont get hit its so easy
Huh why didnt I think of that, BASED!!
I like glass cannons
This image really isn't necessary, everybody familiar with the series knows that a portable game is almost an inevitability even without all of the 'leaks' and other stuff supporting it.
Holy fuck if this isn't true, remembering all those early game hunts where I was new to the franchise that would take 30 minutes and I had to take considered steps in each of them that I'd get angry about if I missed.
>mentally guabortin is at it again
please remember that the report button is there for a reaaon
This, Monster Hunter hasn't been hard for years, it took me a while to accept this but in the end, I can enjoy a game even if it isn't as difficult as it used to be, at the very least MH can still sometimes retain that feeling of trying your hardest to get through a challenging hunt and coming out on top
Thursday, no specific time
>Tfw I got walled by Gypceros for days originally
It's an abstract feel
If there's a trailer coming, it'll probably be tomorrow or friday to give publications like Famitsu ample time to write up their shit for next week.
Prior to MHW I could respect that it actually had some mechanics and nuances to separate it from just playing like a shooter, a certain skill/knowledge floor. Really don't like where they went with them, critical distance especially falls off too sharply but I do have some gripes about how other aspects of bowguns were treated mechanically. Pellet/Spread being relevant on HBG is cool but that's it, Gunner designs like pointed out is an unfortunate loss as well.
Bow might as well be an almost completely different weapon, like GS. They're good but they changed a shitload.
Yeah sure, his usual tail spin attack does 200 HP damage and has no wind up like his dive. And don't get me started on his dive hit box were he hit you even if you were behind and away from him.
How the actual fuck do you get his by dive like lmao just superman dive
i treally liked gravios in FU and 4U
rapid fire water and hes dead
also his sideways beam is good rolling practise
Where were you when we have been warned of the apocalypse three years ago?
I too remember when MHW was a single open world map with cinematic action gameplay that focused on QTEs and had no gathering at all and had half its weapons cut.
World's post game content is probably the laziest I've ever been in a Monster Hunter game. Only thing left for me now is completing quests of monsters I murdered more than enough times or farming tempered, which is also hunting the same monsters again more than enough times only now with RNG deco and augments. Tempered and AT grinding is up there with Hyper and Deviant grinding in that it's okay the first few times but ultimately isn't that fun and just heaps of unnecessary padding.
That said I'm really looking forward to Iceborne's G Rank with the expectation it'll bring more to the end game.
roll right
Like most end of the world predictions, none of it came true.
Unlike most tailspins, Nerg stops after doing a 180 so just dodge to the side. And don't be under him since his arms get the same hitbox
Oh and it does have a windup, it's nearly the same as his normal tail slap
I wish weapon augment stones were tied to what you were actually using, I've got like six or so unused Hero IG/Bow ones. Wonder if augmentations will be cleaned off high rank weapons in Iceborne if they upgrade into MR ones though, stuff like health vampirism is very powerful.
>There are people to this day who deny this guy was legit
Hard to say
I hope I can keep Health augments on my Lances through MR, it keeps chip damage much more managable.
>there are people to this day who believe this guy was legit
Yeah I remember one of the biggest criticisms of MHW was the removal of the timer
>The only game where Lance can negate chip damage from guard entirely with a skill is Frontier
Yeah, I miss the timer. I miss the gunlance and switch axe too, but the timer was the real loss.
>Incorrect on a small detail (obviously the guy he was talking to thought expeditions were what the whole game was going to be like)
I think you severely underestimate how implausible the whole of that leak sounded before both XX and World were actually announced. It's blatantly obvious it wasn't just a lucky guess.
DINO BALDO will be shown later on Capcom's stream. Remember to tune in niggers
On Icebone?
yes in iceborne
Iceborne only has Glavenus, i care about Icebone, which has Dino Baldo
No, you’re thinking of El Dino Blanco.
How many hours until the stream?
It's happening now, but just going through SFV now. IB will be later
They're not going to show anything new. It's just the same stage demo build with Glavenus hunt they showed at Hong-Kong.
no your wrong we get news soon, reee REEEEEEEEEEEEE
Archtempered Handler!
>the Barioth hunt is because Handler wandered off AGAIN
What the fuck, stop being such an ass woman
>I wish weapon augment stones were tied to what you were actually using
That's what made grinding Bitterblack in Dragon's Dogma somewhat bearable. The cursed gear was mostly tied to the vocation of you and your pawn.
Arch Tempered Apex Savage Hyper Zenith Hardcore Handler (Extreme)
Yian-Garuga reveal soon guys
>just finished fighting both Teo and Lunestra
>Teo went down quickly but Lunestra kept on trucking after some serious hits with my Charge Blade
>finished with her super nova nearly melting me to a skeleton
>really want those Charge Blades for the cool factor
The eternal grind never ends
Gamescom isn't that soon though.
I smelled scatternuts.
Are you serious?
Also, Ryozo is here
She also gets almost killed by ice lavasioth
Remember when you were hired help and everybody waited for you in the village as you risked your life? Now I have to share my glory with some stupid bitch that keeps getting herself into trouble and isn't worth saving in the slightest. There's no solitude in World throughout the story. Either Handler gets her ass in a jam during a cutscene or somebody's talking to you in the midst of your hunt as if you're actually going to listen. I mean it's better than the game completely stopping like in Tri and 4, but that doesn't make it any less unnecessary.
>Now that bowguns have the same defense than bladecucks
Why did they do this anyway?
Gunning has always been easy mode, it didn't need a buff
Aisha's a nigger....
Why the fuck do they keep using this? It was boring after the first time and became outright annoying with the Odogaron hunt.
They want to force her down our throats
>I too remember when MHW was a single open world map
Honestly I wish it was
Fucking consoles probably couldn't handle it
She's basically a device for you to meet new monsters thanks to her wandering off, instead of you being the hunter you are, picking up tracks to find the monster yourself
13 million sales and growing
MH will never be exclusive to nintendo again
I pity you
they could've at least made her a cute loli if they were going to make her this much of a child
Niggers can swim? If the 3rd gen art book is anything to go by the people of Moga, including Aisha, are all fish people with webbed feet.
get in here
nooo muh new trailer
>the people of Moga, including Aisha, are all fish people with webbed feet.
Who's asking for it to be Nintendo exclusive again?
Where is the gameplay
She's got regular humie feet.
This does put a smile on my face.
Why do MH characters all have tiny feet?
And the sea folks.
Yes, it's a shit fetish.
On what channel are they streaming?
Because Frontier and Online existing means Monster Hunter was Nintendo exclusive, right? Stop being stupid.
While I'm at it I'll post two other pages relevant to Tri NPCs. If anyone doesn't have the artbooks already, get them from exhentai before they may be gone permanently.
Don't forget about Explore
Does this mean even High Rank Bows in MHWI are going to be busted?
Bows are getting big MV nerfs across the board.
The Free Element and Element attack up are both locked behind continuous attacking if that wasn't clear enough
Not MVs, the elemental damage component of bow damage is getting nerfed hard.
>NEB nerfed
Guess i'll actually need to build around elemental this tine around
Element was the problem than the raw, really.
Now that's good.
3u on wiiu
It's a new skill like repeat offender
To be fair, if you had a 300+ true raw weapon, you'd be looking at 30+ bonus raw from a single Lv2 deco if it wasn't nerfed. It's fair.
>Max Might Lv5
Wow, nice so they keep it, but only to the max level
It WAS pretty crazy but both of my main weapons relied on Raw in World and the extra damage was nice
>Repeated Offender
He's in
I wish...
It will still suck
>immediate load and shoot
Oh shit, Capcom HQs is on fire!
Glavenus gameplay
*raughs in japanese*
You can kidnap the penguins
Cute penguins
Getting +15 raw from a single deco is still pretty good if MHWI plays kind with deco slots. It'll just be more of a side thing than a main feature when stronger skills will be present as well.
As long it's not aubergine, you're fine.
The hunt for monsters is dead. The hunt for feng shui starts now.
>Prior to MHW I could respect that it actually had some mechanics and nuances to separate it from just playing like a shooter, a certain skill/knowledge floor
That's a really roundabout way of saying they played like absolute shit.
>ryozo zooming in on the slut instead of hunting
Sasuga, Grugzo
Rathian btfo
I wish he isn't and that he won't ever get into a future MH game. What a garbage design.
>No combos or interesting gameplay
>Extremely safe, especially in GU with hunting styles and world with mantles
>Have to autistically manage your inventory and constantly generate more items for ammo you can combine during a hunt
>Overpowered in literally every single game because they have half as much downtime as a blademaster
>Status gunning is essentially cheating
I hope so.
I agree
That's it?
Delete this.
Did they tweak any other weapons or just GL?
they didn't want people to see how little damage it was doing
All the weapons will get some tweaks, claw attacks and some even new non-claw moves.
Iceborne is going to suck. You have the definitive MH game with ALL returning monsters (only here they aren't neutered and toned down)
Why aren't you a GUchad, user?
Don’t lie Listfag.
>ALL returning monsters
If you're going to lie like that then that means everything else you say is a lie too. GU doesn't have every MonHun monster in it.
No, but you can have this.