What are your thoughts on the Metro games?

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Metro is and always will be the poor mans S.T.A.L.K.E.R

Amazing concept, dogshit execution
Retards fall back on the words "kino" and "comfy" because in reality its just shit

the original Metro 2033 was the only good one.

Its a fun game. I like creepy games that make me conserve my ammo. I like the use of fas mask filers.

Why? I just played the second one and am now playing the first and it seems pretty similar so far.

Last Light was good to stop lying, although I can see why you would prefer the first.
Exodus is open world trash, Metro's strength lies in it's linearity.

I mean the originals not the redux trashfires. The redux killed the graphics, changed the way the watch/flashlight worked, reworked some levels, and made the game generally easier. Worst of all though, it reworks the UI and makes it literally unusable on max difficulty (which is what I enjoyed 2033 on, it was seriously great) because the UI for changing throwables literally does not show up on Ranger Hardcore (among other things).

I was seriously thinking about getting the redux bundle. I enjoyed the first two game, for the concept and lore mostly but that sounds like a bad way to revisit them.

I refuse to play games without replay value

A million times better than STALKER, but then again thats a pretty low bar to pass.

Exodus > 2033 > Last light

I fucking loved the first two games, while Exodus was a very mixed bag for me. I've always loved how your playstyle was the one that influenced the ending and not the decisions that certain characters make you have, and that's why Exodus is pretty much the lesser Metro game for me. Even if it has some fun shooting galleries like the bunker full of cannibals

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What are you talking about? Your play style affects Exodus a lot. Killing surrendering enemies, blind ones, people defending their homes or slaves. And if you fuck up the plan and get your friends hurt. What decisions are you talking about that characters make you have?

I personally love 2033 and Last Light. They can be pretty janky because...Ukraine, but I really like them. I love the atmosphere.

Im actually playing Exodus right now, not sure how to feel about it. I am playing on Ranger Hardcore with the reduced HUD. Its really good as far as tension because you fucking die in literally 2 hits, one if its a shotgun, but the weapon degradation is comical. I dont know why every game thinks they have to do this, but I did sign up for it I guess.

I like it because I like the games in general but Im not sure much was gained in the transition to the semi-open world. Especially on the higher difficulty the game becomes more tedious than anything. Traversal of the open world is super tedious when you have to sneak everywhere. Would be much better in a linear experience.

Exodus isn't all open. There are linear levels. Really the only two real open ones are the swamp and desert after

Ignore me, brain fart in that regard.

Hmm. Those areas will probably be a lot better overall. Im at the tail end of the snowy area.

I have never understood the STALKER comparison, they are only superficially alike but have fundamental differences.

>Destroy a statue in Exodus
>Get an achievement for Decommunization


They are all good

The new DLC with Sam is supposed to be all open-world in Vladivostock (sp?) which could be fun.

I like the swamp a lot more than the desert, and actually didn’t mind the more linear parts, but I feel like I would’ve preferred the whole thing be linear or open world.

We’ll see. The new wolfenstein game has really made me kind of hate shooters for a while.

I think some of the stalker team went to 4A?

People always compare them, I personally thoroughly enjoy both. And the books for both. I just looove that supernatural soviet atmosphere.

You’ve barely started.

I want a dlc with the train museum. I used gamepass so sadly I won't play the dlc unless they include it

Im aware. Its taking forever because on Ranger Hardcore you can't not sneak. Everywhere.

Tbh man I'd play hardcore first. There's a part later on I can't even imagine on Ranger hardcore blind. I did hardcore first and loved the game. If the weapon degrading bothers you ranger makes it worse cause there are less places to fix them

last light had too many fucking problems desu and i didn't really give a shit about the story
haven't played the new one.
i enjoyed every second of 2033

Fair enough. Like the other guy said playing without a HUD gets really frustrating sometimes in this one.

Yes but STALKER is a more open world game with a lot of exploration while Metro is a standard linear single player game.

Exodus is the best one next to 2033. LL is eh. Sub to gamepass for a buck and play exodus it's good. Got 60fps 1080p on high with a 970

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An apple will always be a poor mans Sherman tank

The lack of HUD has been great, Im not on the full dive so I still have some of it. The shitty autosave points and stuff have been an issue.

I guess you could argue Exodus is similar to that.

The issue is that you have a lot of consumables and ammo to keep track of and you can’t easily check your magazines anymore.

Stalker is a buggy, hollow open world whereas metro feels like a polished and detailed linear experience

Stalker isn’t really that buggy unless you install a bunch of mods and break it.