Here's your PAX video game convention that you spent over $200 on for a ticket bro.
Here's your PAX video game convention that you spent over $200 on for a ticket bro
I have never gone to a convention, concert, or any other kind of "Spend money to be around retards" event. I never will either
okay, retard
I can't even imagine what it's like paying real money to be told you're a terrible person for being born white and male.
Isn't this a game dev conference tho?
I have friends that go to the east one that insist it's the best thing ever even though I know they're not into this lgbt shit. I've never had a good time at cons so I can't imagine this would be any different.
PAX is a video game convention for the general public. E3 is the big dev conference.
>So You Said Something Stupid on Social Media
Got a chuckle out of me
Don't you mean "pay money to be advertised to" events?
How many outrage points have you racked up today?
I only ever went to the first two pax conventions. Placed third in a guitar hero two tournament at the second one. I have no idea what they are like these days but I recall there being a huge rush of people into the exhibition hall to be able to play Left 4 Dead and see Dragon Age Origins. Good times.
A few. I triggered a boomer on twitter by calling Ted Cruz a faggot.
Anime cons got the same shit too. Western civilization was a mistake
concerts are fun user
>Nerdy People of Color
This can't possibly be the entire line up, right? There's other shit going on right?
I imagine that for normalfags it's fun to do literally anything among lots of other people
same but its because I dont have friends and I dont want to go alone.
I unironically hope some unhinged incel unloads his AR15 there.
>more postmodern "everyone's a winner" bullshit while championing literal mental illness
Wow I sure do love video games!
>no actual discussion of games
oh god they're just like us
>how to break away from eurocentrism
I mean on some levels, this might be neat. More varied settings for games could be a good thing.
Of course they wont be framing it that way. It'll be just your average DONT REPRESENT YOUR OWN HISTORY AND CULTURE, REPRESENT THEIRS.
Which, ironically, would be called cultural approrpiation at any other time by these same people
E3 is for journalists. GDC is the big dev conference.
all I know about PAX is that colin was going to go there but got blacklisted after PAX already got all the fans money and refused a refund
Sounds like a bunch of commie gobbledygook.
>break away from eurocentrism
Sounds like someone who's never played anything other than AAA sameshit.
>be at ax
>"how to people at cons"
>went in expecting con stories or whatever
>Which, ironically, would be called cultural approrpiation at any other time by these same people
This exactly.
Make a game with lore inspired by your culture and you're white supremacist.
Make a game with lore inspired by a "minority" culture, and do so respectfully, and you're also somehow a white supremacist because you're white.
I went to PAX in 2012 and I don't remember any of this stuff going on
What the fuck, someone out there believes you can't be black and enjoy video games or something? They need to step into a fighting game tourney and see how many black dudes play those.
>NPC Collective
>be japanese
>make game inspired by japanese culture
As a Spanish speaker, they can fuck right off. Spanish is a gendered language no matter how much jew propaganda retardation they wanna pour into it. La mesa is still la mesa, not mesx. They can shove the X up their incredibly stretched assholes.
Welcome to the mind of the average white basement dweller. The FGC is filled with blacks and asians yet they can't even bother turning on a stream to confirm this.
They're racists trying their hardest to not appear racist.
It's essentially the same logic europe pulled when they force-colonized the world and dragged every barbaric peoples kicking and screaming into the industrial revolution.
"we know what's best for you"
the people spewing that latinx bullshit are all chicanos, not white people
Its funny how you fags ignore the fact that the biggest pressures to stay within the "culture" comes from other black people and parents.
Sonyfags confirmed for NPCs.
Do they still allow sexy cosplayers at PAX? Would I be able to get a Tina Armstrong cosplayer to sit on my face or is it too far gone?
What's a "Blerd"?
Black nerd?
What a clown world we live in.
Cosplay is not consent.
That is why you ask nicely, please sit on my face.
Have they never met black weeaboos?
What happens here?
get robbed and rapped by niggers while blaming the white man
White people circlejerk over how "diverse" they are.
After looking at that, can you really blame gamers for wanting women, uppity minorities and fags to stay the fuck out of gaming?
well this is based
People patting themselves on the back about how forward thinking they are.
>Queer, non-European world building
So making games about chucking queers off of the roof in Syria?
GDC and Unite remain uncucked. Mostly. The tickets are also like $500 a pop so maybe that has something to do with it.
WHy so triggered user?
>sexy characters for the rest of us
wtf does that mean?
Is it just gonna be characters mentioned in other events on this list? Because if so it.doesn't really sound like you're in the minority there.
Or does it mean shit like loli and furries?
>NIMBY faggots don't realize how sane western civilization is compared to that of dune coons
Color me surprised.
A spic from the future?
Why are you even asking this lol, it's obviously referring to women and fags.
>Isn't this a game dev conference tho?
PAX is meant for fans and the general public. GDC is specifically for developers.
spanish is an extremely-gender heavy language, it's built right into the language, it's built into how pronouns work, and like english, you use the male form by default when talking about a group in general, idiots americanized chicano who got brainwashed by the university system now think it's their duty to be inclusive by using gramatically incorrect shit like latinx when refering to latinos/latinas, or just latinos.
Pretty much,
>those japanese only make games for creepy pedos, lmao totally not insulting their culture btw
wtf you portrayed MY culture in a respectable manner in a video game? FUCK YOU CULTURAL APPROPRIATION!!!!!!!!!!
Wow this is extremely hispanophobic. First you colonize our people now you're trying to colonize our language? BAKA.
This is still a stupid snowflake term
It's always funny to be when faggots think third world immigrants will treat them with unquestioning reverence. Homosexuality is only tolerated in the west because of decades of social programming. The average African things gays are possessed by witches. Though from what we've seen, that may be true.
Latin languages are heavily gendered with masculine and feminine words.
So they try to "fix the language" by making every word be unpronounceable.
>Nerdy People of Color
I read that as "Needy People of Color". I was half right.
Imagine being so video games you video games video games with video fucking games
get your shit off my board
Is TGS the only good vidya convention alive?
It's gonna be great seeing the Spanish get a taste of political correctness finally, but they vote for it oh well
People doing this shit are in every latin country, but in most they're laughed at by the local population.
Latinos arent as pussyfied as whites. These people are mocked and beaten.
t. Puerto Rican.
I rememeber when we used to laugh at those people 20 years ago. Now there are unironic discussions about which bathroom is acceptable.
How long until nippon also got WOKE'd?
you know when they say "something stupid" they mean "problematic"
I wish you luck, but despite your gangs, it seems the seeds of subversion are planted in other countries besides "white" ones. I shouldn't be surprised, but this is the first time I'm hearing about it.
I don't care enough to look it up myself, but is that all the panels, or just a portion of them? Maybe there are some regular ones as well.
Jesus, how crowded do these panels get? Are a lot of people actually interested in that shit?
As far as I can tell there are only two reasons why you would go to PAX in particular:
>play games before they come out
Which would be an intriguing proposition if the event was free and if the games weren't primarily indieshit. I don't know why I would pay to play games early which I will eventually be able to play from the comfort of my home, but then again I'm also not retarded enough to buy into early access and that's even less of a retarded idea.
>associate with people who share your hobby
Considering the OP image, I doubt people that go to PAX actually enjoy playing video games. Plus, I can do this for free at my local university or FLGS.
So yeah, it's an event for retards.
if they survive tokyo 2020 they're good for several decades
>NPC collective
they're not even hiding it anymore
Based Normposter
It's just a lounge with a fancy name. It's like selling people magic water from a hidden mountain in asia, when it's just filtered tap water.
I went to that exact panel, goddamn that was a shit show
>went expecting it to be a panel about meeting people and making friends with the people at the panel
>entire thing was a lecture from LITERAL strippers talking about consent
>"When I cosplay as a cat I identify as a cat so touching my tail is the same as groping me"
They had a sour attitude too when they did a "skit" about accidentally pulling a cat ear off of someones cosplay and when they asked what the person did wrong in the scenario I told them that they didn't yank the other ear off too
>diversity lounge
>every single person in the picture is white
>maybe 3 of the people there are women
fuck dude i couldn't get away from that shitshow fast enough, how could anyone sit through that, the room was packed, and people were still waiting in the stand-by line when I left.
Why couldn't they just not be children and say dont touch my fucking property. Are these people all just schizo?
Now you know why western games haven't been good since 2011.
I hope that ax actually reads the reviews on panels you could leave on the app. I left them a scathing review, specifically mentioning that the panel was not 18+ but they were plugging their stripping careers and online handles.
Oh, and of course who can forget that the bitch literally opened the panel with "I don't watch/like anime"
Because they're actually psychotic and have severe mental issues.
Have the Penny Arcade guys been unpersoned by their own con yet? I know the lefties wanted to cancel them after the Dickwolves incident but I don't know that they ever found the chance.
PAX has went downhill, Jesus fuck.
why does nobody ever record panels at anime conventions like they do with with other conferences, they couldn't even complain since their con badge explicitly says you can be recorded for any purpose by anyone
>Nerdy People of Color
It's common courtesy (especially in Japan) since people don't want their degenerate cosplays to leak all over the internet.
Looks painful. I can't imagine going to something like that for fun.
I've been to a con once and 90% of the time I spent wandering the vendor's hall searching for specific figures and kits that I couldn't find online.
ok ok............
Pig Ugly?
>Thirst Unquenched? Sexy characters for "The Rest of us"
This one I'm actually curious who "the rest of us" are and what they apparently find sexy the rest of us don't. Like it can't be a race thing because we know black guys fetishize hot white girls more than white people do and the japs love them some big titty girls too.
>How to Build a Healthy Community Without Toxicity!
Zero tolerance policy towards leftists and using "ethnic collective punishment" against Europeans who think like this (something white nationalists have failed to do for far too long). Maybe western civilization wouldn't have this garbage if more people did that.
>What the fuck, someone out there believes you can't be black and enjoy video games or something?
This is why "fake gamer girls" were a controversy like 10 years ago. People with no interest in the hobby coming marching in and demanding concessions. If you give them, any they immediately claim it isn't enough and demand that more attention be paid to their concerns. All of their rhetoric is the same.
5 bucks says it's some "not enough games have furry representation" level fetishist bullshit.
amen. instead, i spend all my spare time...
well, here.