>anime avatar
Anime avatar
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It's actually sad, I hope one day they can get laid
>Yea Forums culture
>wacky video game face avatar
is there ever a cute trap behind the anime avatar?
i want to believe ;_;
>steam avatar is an actual picture of themselves
They're never cute, user.
what do you think user
Yes, although the cute ones usually don't advertise it. You just find out they're cute when you ask for proof and they send nudes.
Weebs are some of the most obnoxious, annoying fags I've ever met.
>ah yes, this japanese cartoon depiction of a prepubescent girl will do wonders to represent my persona in the online world
>gay porn avatar
anti-weebs are ten times more obnoxious. weebs don't sperg out at the mere sight of an avatar
What fantasy world are you living in?
Yeah, they're too busy shoving their fetishes and lifestyle in everyone's faces.
It gets damn close to furfag-tier a lot of the time.
Like, just shut the fuck up. Nobody needed this shit.
Yeah, cropped cousin avatar, hahaha so funny.
Lolis lolis oh man I love lolis.
It's the worst.
>e-drone avatar
>doesnt think this is cute
if just seeing an anime avatar makes you think about fetish shit, maybe you got some shit to work out
It's usually a hideous guy desiring to become a fucking tranny someday
False. It's always the anime avatars being faggots and anti weebs firing back with the easiest thing, their pedo profile pic
but seriously I think 9/10 people who have a "cute loli uwu" are genuine closeted pedophiles.
You can feign being a pedant if you want, my dude.
Weebs are pathetic. They're not unique anymore either, everyone is a weeb now. They're just porn addict losers now
>off-topic threads
Woah... Now this is powerful... Zap to the extreme...
They are, they're hardly shy about it.
fuck me both of you are totally right
fucking kek'd
>he says this on an anime website
I like some anime but weeaboos are fucking insufferable.
>video game board
>anime website
>the meaning and point of things change with time
What a concept.
>tfw no bf
>He thinks anime = fetish
Think that’s more of a you problem m8
Weebs may be obnoxious but at least they're not completely hostile like full blown furries
Believe what you want, I've experienced it firsthand.
Yea Forums is, was, and will always be an anime website, you can see the all you like
>see the
See the ing
>Think that’s more of a you problem m8
stop deflecting weeb
did all weebs not pass 4th grade reading classes or what?
this thread is so plebbit
if it was any more plebbit, you normalfags would be trading gold and trying to upboat posts
remember, only plebbitors and newfags hate anime and both can fuck off
red pill me on anime profile pictures on social media, whats their endgame?
There is nothing more pathetic than being an anti-weeb crusader.
only closeted redditors bring up reddit.
It's a red flag usually
>anime is cringe haha I'm a real 4channer
It reeks of reddit in here.
take it back. being called a redditor is the worst insult on Yea Forums!
>The Punisher avatar
>tfw no bff
Reminder to know your place or get banned
You have to like anime to join my secret legion of 4channers. Do you like anime now, user?
Woops wrong image
>will always be
wrong. we president now
>not having a loliavatar
This, at least furfags know their place. Weebcunts take pride in their shit.
Fucking beautiful.
Pic related happened here on Yea Forums like 8 months ago. Yea Forums is and will always be based around anime and manga.
>tfw only use an anime avatar because i think they're cute and i like anime
>don't shill tranny crap or care if people like anime or not
>use it solely as a picture because I like it
Why can't everyone just be nice and sensible?
post the yotsuba
here is mine
>complaining about anime on Yea Forums
I'm sorry but there are a million dumbfucks with bad opinions and loud mouths that mostly hide behind anime avatars. The stereotype has been set and will never be unset.
surprising amount of detail there
Have sex.
Weebs are truly the furries/bronies of this decade except worse because atleast furries recognized that they are degenerates and they weren't pedophiles.
Based asf
>normalfaggot redditor thread
Bend over
Can I masturbate instead?
Why would they have a picture of Ferris when he is just a dude that likes to dress in drag? If anything they should hate that character for not wanting to go all the way.
Nyanta best catboy.
Log Horizon best isekai. New season fucking when?
>anime is cringe haha I'm a real 4channer
It reeks of resetera in here
>this level of anime avatar ass-pain ITT
lmaoing hard
Animefags aren't human. 9/10 times a weeb has mental problems and has no qualms about hurting your feefees.
O-okay...UwW *bends over*
For how much you fags hate society you sure work hard at trying to fit into it
That character has a penis
>Yea Forums - Video Games
masturbate to me
Post your loli avatar
Me too.
woah bro... are you saying you ain't a real 4channer? anonymous will hear about this...
The truth is nobody can fit into it
I don't really like this artist
>I'm a faggot
Yep I knew that already user.
>weebs are pedos and degenerates
>furries and bronies were self aware and not pedos
>notice a weeb in my server
>abuse him
>vote to kick them
i won't rest until weebs are obliterated from existence
Am I a pedo?
Name 10 furfags and bronies that were pedos.
i beg you
Find me 10 furfags and bronies and I'll show you 10 pedos
>make a weeb love me
>abuse him
>leave them in agony
holy frickin based, i love jojos. kono stando power haha
they love anime and openly support pedophilia though?
this nigga vs the entire pile of pedos with loli avatars
>ryan gosling avatar
>thinks his opinion is worth something
Only if you're a pedo.
>this nigga vs the entire pile of pedos who work for game journo sites
>watching anime past 16
I can tell you that the artist of your image is MUK (probably tiny evil: 2) without image searching or looking anything up.
Does that make me a pedo?
Yea Forums is not an anime website.
>avatarfagging as Vince McMahon ever regardless of your age
>I'm am dumb and I like to say wrong stuff!