ITT: 7/10 games
ITT: 7/10 games
Super Mario Twins
literally 90% of games are 7/10, you dumb fucking retard
Your Favorite Game
Should’ve posted the switch version, OP
>drastically reduced frame rate even compared to the bone version
>missing two levels because ?????
>co op features immense screen tearing and performance bugs
>almost unplayable handheld due to weird input lag glitch
easily the worst souls game
You've doomed this thread
can you think of any redeeming qualities for this game? i've honestly been trying to go back to it but every time i just remember how fucking boring it is and all the other issues that tards defend as "but that's the dark souls experience"
what bosses are missing? there are 19
best bosses
2v2v4 invasions
None of them are missing, can confirm, played both versions
sure but it doesn't feel worth to wade through 5 miles of peons jumping at you just to get body blocked by one at the top of some stairs or some shit for the 2 minutes of actual good game play
smoughs armor doesnt clip as much as the original. that must count for something
BotW, Smash Melee, Pikmin 3
Go back to your containment board incel.
Their ratings are completely correct though?
Not him, but Cuphead is pretty overrated. Good, but not great. The run n' gun levels were an after thought and it isn't even that hard.
just gonna clarify so if someone wants to discuss / comment on this critique
Literally only Firelink Shrine was good, everything else is screaming orchestral garbage mess that fucking hurts to listen to (subjective) or drowned out by the noise of armour, fighting, or enemies.
>Combat / Enemies
Really responsive, never feels like the game missed my inputs, but every enemy is the same shit with a different model, you wait for them to do their dance or go in fast before they have a chance to do anything. Same with bosses, you just go in, see if you can roll past their legs, see what they do when you're up close, see what they do when you're far away, and so long as you pace yourself (don't spam attacks like a retard) you're golden.
>Setting / Atmosphere
Really liked it, lots of detail (even from far away), no real complaints.
>Level Design
Felt super linear with no real exploration options, kind of a waste given the attention to detail in the setting.
50/50. Nice that they added some arenas, nice that you can opt out / offline mode, but then it feels really jarring / offputting to be invaded by xXxf4g_x in the middle of exploring or PvE, especially if they're not even putting up a good fight and get bodied because you took 5 minutes to learn to parry and they're spam attacks like an idiot.
Interesting, but I find myself reading the wiki or watching vids more than playing the game because of all the other issues.