Do you use your switch in public Yea Forums?
Do you use your switch in public Yea Forums?
johnnys cool and elliots a faggot
Imagine being so insecure that you can't even play video games in public.
I mean if you were ever going to use it in public, an airport terminal/airplane seems like a pretty sensible time
Most people are too low energy or too focused on their own ways of passing the time to care about what you're doing
don't have one, the guy on the left's a proper faggot
Why would you play videogames in public to begin with? There's absolutely no reason, videogames are a thing that should remain in doors. And jot because it's cringy to play outside, but it's annoying to play outside. Playing videogames indoors is way more comfortable and convenient, even if it's a handheld device.
Playing videogames outdoors is something only degenerates do.
On the train with headphones its pretty much the same as playing at home
Nintendo games, not even fucking once.
I don't own a switch because i'm not a faggot.
I just go full Puddy in situations like that personally, I love staring ahead at nothing blankly
What if... Now hear me out here... What if you were playing videogames in public, while also being inside at the same time! Like, I don't know, in a location similar to OP's pic? Just some food for thought, user.
I quite like to play my GBA outside
but only in my back garden where noone can see
This thread in one picture.
what the fuck else am i gonna do on public transport
besides shitposting on Yea Forums, obviously
>implying I ever leave the house
fp is bp
Honestly I'm way more afraid of people seeing me on 4channel than I am afraid of them seeing me play video games. Only problem is, my train is so crowded it's standing room only, and I don't want to play my switch on a crowded train. So Yea Forums it is
and here I was thinking I'm fat.
I do
As I get older this becomes a more and more valid way to spend my time
Can confirm, played Risk of Rain on my laptop waiting for a plane and no one cared.
>apologizes to trannies for a joke he made
He's a fag.
literally how do you have a train journey playing a games console without being started on by chavs/bogans/your countries equivalent
Nigger are you blind. The op is in an airplane terminal. The fuck else are you going to do but kill time?
I saw a picture where some dude was at the bar with four other people and just him alone was playing his switch. That’s literal actual autism.
On the bus or something why not?
I don't use my switch at all
REMEMBER THE 90s?!?!?!?!
this exactly
you've never spent days in terminals it gets boring as fuck.
>rugrats shirt
>neon joycons
I'm thinking this man is an incel.
I don't reveal anything I don't have to. If I'm in public I just mess with my phone like everyone else. I am become normie, and it feels good.
>muh cringe!!
Isn't the real problem here that they're fat?
I don't know much about this guy, but if he didn't he would probably get ripped apart by the internet
remember the alamooooooo
I like playing on my handhelds when I'm out, I usually stick to my DS or Vita. Switch seems like a bit much though.
Yes, im a physician and when i have some free time i'll play some quick games like Yu Gi Oh Legacy of the Duelist, Binding of Isaac or any of the Rhythm games, sometimes i play with a work buddy Fifa or Mario Kart with the nurses.
Sometimes i've lend it to some of the children that have been hospitalized for a long time that i get to know.
Two of my buddies bought a Switch because of me so im not the only one now.
>using a switch at all
airports are a massive time waster so its perfect for a switch
Why do so many people seem to love taking pictures like this? I've never been at a train station, decided to play something to pass the time and thought of taking a picture to commemorate the occasion.
>game has sound effects
>this is bad
Looks like elliot took the picture
So the faggot
The only thing more autistic than an actual autistic person is a trans person, see lolcow chrischan for living proof. The combined might of all the unemployed autistic trannies wasting away on the internet would kill any Youtube channel if they combined their efforts. Better to bend the knee and avoid their attention as best you can.
not living in south london is a good start
not living in london at all is an even better start
not being a UKcuck in the first place is a fucking stellar start
i wish i had friends to play games with
I don't go out in public in general unless I'm doing something where I won't have the free time to play a Switch anyway (shopping, work, eating etc.)
On the rare occasion where I do though (say waiting for a mechanic to do car repairs or whatever) then yeah I guess
>guy on the left
I thought you said totalbiscuit had died
>Why do so many people seem to love taking pictures like this?
How the fuck would you be able to take a picture?
I don't want to get robbed by troubled youths, so no.
Even if they did care, what are they going to do, ask you to stop because of some inane bullshit? Bully you about it like it's a middle school cafeteria and not an airport lobby?
The only actual reason to worry about playing games in public is because your device might get stolen by the melanin enriched.
>there are people that browse Yea Forums on fucking public transport
Is that Totalbisquick on the right
I sure do. The 90s were the best.
Not usually, but sure? No one gives a fuck about you or what you do. If playing your switch and taking selfies to prove it makes you happy, do it.
I'd fuck both of them.
I thought TB died
then have sex
it's grim, don't go
Wow. There has been such a lack of portable consoles that kids think it's cringey now.
I only ever play my SP in public because it fits in my pocket
I feel like I've read this exact post before.