What is your opinion on DarksydePhil?
What is your opinion on DarksydePhil?
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At least his stupidity is memed to the extent that no one takes him seriously, unlike Egoraptor whose opinions are constantly parroted by idiots who think he isn't genuinely retarded.
Old news. He hasn't done anything iredeemable compared to 90% of Twitch streamers in about four years now, should be left alone imo.
He's the last remaining lolcow, we cannot lose him.
Waste of space, waste of time, waste of breath.
Darksfadil is based and btfos detractors daily by merely existing
reminder to tier 3 sub if you enjoy is content
Watching his playthroughs is actually painful. Him struggling with Oblivion lockpicking was anger inducing
I hate him but I admire him for how long he's stayed relevant
Dumb and salty video game player. That's all it should be, the fags who dig through old videos, his twitter etc. to try and incriminate him need a boot to the face. They want to end DSP instead of letting the hilarity of his incompetence and rage remain.
Basically has done everything right
twitch chat and those retards ruined his videos, they were actually pretty funny. now its boring.
So based, he is always in the right. Even when he's technically in the wrong. And people will believe him and give him money. Genius businessman right there.
I find his KAHNTENT to be genuinely entertaining because of how much of a big goof he is. He's an endearing oaf, it's funny to see him struggle with everything he plays and guess how he's going to screw up next.
Every "group" that has ever dedicated themselves to getting rid of him have unsurprisingly been revealed as more laughable autistic and spergy than DSP himself could ever hope to be. It's pointless to hate the guy genuinely, the pigroach endures.
He stopped being entertaining years ago. I just want to see the grand train wreck I was promised
His aggressive begging while making 100k a year is almost impressive
literally who
post leanna made him a smug asshole and has gone down in quality commentary since.
I don't like his content but the people that hate him are absolute retards, imagine giving away money to "troll" someone
>tfw you can't keep up with your own lies
he pressed the buttons in question
we are assured
He may be a complete retard at the wheel with video games but this shit right here is undeniably BASED
Scammer. I'm wondering if it will ever blow up in his face, but the guy has insane luck.
Twitch in general is overbearing so he has to watch himself, those fags will also be watching to try and report him.
>Spearheaded the Let's Play boom
>Became a household name with gaming and gaming content
>Never afraid to speak his mind about shitty game design or bad cutscenes, story etc. Kojima fanboys to this day are still asspained because he dared to think MGS was just OK
>Any setback or controversy only makes him stronger
>Fapped on stream and gave no fucks
>Has said a tonne of derogatory remarks and still streams, detractors seething
>Countless financial woes, got through all of them like a real man
>Owns his own home, doesn't still live with mom and dad like his detractors
>Married to an actual woman and not to his hand like anti-DSP trolls
>Gets to make a comfy living playing vidya
>Mixes detractor tears with his gin while eating KFC
>His laugh shakes the very foundations of the Earth
DSP cannot and will not be stopped.
Proud to say I was hip to him before Yea Forums discovered him
He is a piece of shit. He got fanbase to pay him 2000 dollars, just to reveal he have cat that he already own, OVER A FUCKING YEAR!!!! If this wasn't the most abusive relationship between a streamer and his fan, then I don't know what it is.
>Doesn't want some random to ruin his big stream surprise
>Doesn't actually deny adopting a cat
Wow what a horrible liar
Consider the type of subhuman autist who cares so much about streamer drama that he spends his time combing through video archive of fucking darksydephil and posting about him on kiwi farms. Imagine how such a creature would look and act.
he needed the cat, now when it gets sick he can crowd fund for meds and spend it on food
He's a retard, a jerk, a scam artist, and a human piece of shit, but I can't deny that his resilience is almost inspirational. I just want to see how long his shit can last. It's like long-term entertainment. We get to watch an idiot suffer over the course of decades. I was literally a child when I first found out about him, and I thought his raging at simple-ass shit that I could do at 10-years-old was the funniest shit ever. I'm an ironic fan.
God among men making the virgins rage impotently at his success. "It's not fair he shouldn't do that" the libs whine secretly wishing they had the brains and the balls to do the same thing.
Phil lowkey grew up during his impossibly long career of making an ass of himself. He's still a dipshit whose fun to make fun of but he is unironically better than most blue checkmarks.
They are the absolute dregs and they have the gall to suggest that actually DSP is.
imagine being so pathetic that your primary avenue for social interaction is a community of internet trolls that are dedicated only to trying to take down a streamer that doesn't even get 1000 viewers by any means necessary, and then 10 years passed and you're no closer to your noble goal than when you started.
>hates kiwifarms but posts on Yea Forums
dude the farms is infinitely better than here
CT phil was actually entertaining to watch. seattle phil is a boring shit.
he really turned to trash when he got with leanna
No, fuck that. It's just a cat. I said this as a cat person that just reveal the fucking cat. I loves cat and I'm grateful he save one that wasn't getting any love, especially knowing that it was declawed, but come on it doesn't deserve to behind a paywall.
i like how he always comes up with ways to appear as scummy as possible.
parents are dying? goes to CT to get married after begging for tax money.
then tries to virtue signal a guy he never knew about and manage to make it about him.
then charging fans 1k+ money to tell people you have a cat and try to prop it for more money.
wouldn't be surprised of how much shit he has pissed away while feigning financial distress.
Kiwi farms complains that DSP is an evil racist, this board is automatically better than tard-tier rhetoric like that. Everyone who posts on the farms are completely autistic subhumans and each of them would no doubt be bigger lolcows than the people they nitpick daily if anyone actually knew who they were. Lurking the farms is physically painful, never mind posting there.
Unequivocally based as fuck, drops redpills about whatever video game he reviews. The people who hate on him have him rent free in his head.
and you can easily say that about >90% of Yea Forums's content, even when Yea Forums was peak producing original memes. when it's good, it's fucking great. also one of the only places you can shit on troons and expose furries as fucked up degenerates.
What I don't get is what is the logic behind telling us he has a cat when he also tells us he's had it for over a year. If the reason was that he didn't want people to know he had a cat while he was going through financial difficulties then just say it's a new cat that you go now that you have more financial breathing room. I guess he figured people would go back and hear the jingles and prove that it wasn't a new cat and it would be The Worst Thing Ever Done By Man.
Anyway the Mario 64 playthrough seems like it's worth watching. Pretty much any old game tend to be because they don't hold your hand and require some execution and are unforgiving compared with modern checkpointfests.
fuck off you retarded hater
What is this about a cat?
Updated list of Phil Burnell's victims:
John Rambo
Sons of Kojima
Fred Fuchs
Kimberlie Brink
First Order of the Falcon
The Bronsgeests
Washington Department of Revenue
Internal Revenue Service
King of Pol
Vidar / BSV
Almighty Tevin
Joshua Conner Moon
Super Best Friends
The European Parliament
Emerald Seven
Emperor Swaggins
Mumkey Jones
This motherfucker's out for blood. You have wronged him, and he has grown strong enough to launch an offensive. After years of careful planning, he has set it all into motion. Everyone will go down, until he is the last standing content creator on twitch and youtube. You can still surrender and keep your dignity, it is not too late. Leave him a tip of a couple hundred dollars, and he may pardon you in his campaign to outlast the internet.
he was fluffing his fans on good positive news. gets donated money for a goal just to tell people he has a cat and apparently has had it for over a year.
Was the goal to get a cat or something?
The goal was to reveal hidden "positive" news. It turns out the reveal was that he has had a cat since last year.
no it was just to reveal that he has a cat, and he got it a year ago.
pretty fuckin weird to not tell people you have a cat for that long,
i'm guessing he just got it because his wife loves cats and is trying to keep her happy so she doesn't leave him