Lady Ann, I'm ready for sex!
Lady Ann, I'm ready for sex!
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you made me spit my coffee, i fucking hate you
Go to sleep Sothis
chad cat its spelled Anne*
No it's not, it's spelled Ann in the game.
Akira still sounds better
dumb cat
>I won't be denied
>not mistress
Why are the Persona mascots so unapologetically creepy and perverted?
Is this what passes for japanese humor?
when was the dog creepy or a pervert?
Can’t wait to cuck him again
Someone post Sssonic2
When was Morgana perverted? He just wants to marry Ann.
>Morgana gets to bang this 7 days a week
Lucky cat
kill yourself you fucking faggot
Morgana is for Futaba only
For a second I thought that said
>reading, studying, or playing Persona 5 Royal
Like Joker was gonna play his own game.
Morgana is somehow worse than Teddie
Well, Teddie is a massive faggot that is obsessed with bad puns.
He was upstaged by hot-topic poetry in the enhanced port.
Morgana is just a cunt. He cunts it up the entire game, and has the nerve to die and come back. Which is just as annoying as when it happened with Nanako, but without the redeeming quality of the character actually being endearing.
only in ng+
Based and justkiddingpilled
Teddy wasn't perverted he was just really naive
please delete this picture
thank you in advance
Where's bimbo 1 and 2?
oh my
their nsfw
koromaru isn't the p3 mascot anymore, it's aigis
press cross
press cross
press cross
press cross
this shit game in a nutshell
what the fuck did atlus mean by this?
Nipples aren't shiny, they don't reflect light like that.
they’ve been freshly suckled
Ann Takamaki gives rimjobs to Morgana for free
press cross
press cross
4 hours later
press cross
you should sleep
press cross
press cross
god this is getting repetitive
press cross
press cross
playing it as i type
press cross
press cross
what if they're well-lubricated?
press blue X
press blue X
press blue X
that atlus isn't very original? if you haven't noticed, persona 3 4 and 5 are the same game.
But witch form of Morgana does she give the rimjob to?
This is very important
Doesn't Joker actually say "It's sho time!" when you use Sho's DLC Persona?
Metaverse form Morgana.
>Confirmed that you'll have more free time at night in P5R
Fuck off Morgana
Nah dude, Teddie was pretty perverted.
>P3 had a cute and sexy robo girl
>P4 had a dumb gay bear
>P5 had a hypocritical faggot cat
>Shout "I love Morgana!"
But doggo is considered the P3 mascot character.
Can make one extra lockpick or
Can travel to one other location but can only add one extra music note stat
then it's back too.............
Koromaru wasn't even in the game.
Ann is best waifu but fuck that walking fedora, morgana
seconding this
>Do the dungeon all in one day
>Send card (This takes an entire fucking day for some reason)
>Go back and beat the boss in 10 minutes
>Spend the next 15 days grinding confidants
>Go to Mementos once for an hour to finish 6 requests
Pretty much my experience. Does anyone else find it weird that in a game with such obvious waifu pandering as Persona there's almost no post confession content? You figure by the fifth game they'd be expanding it to include all sorts of autistic dates and shit.
Is Aigis really the logo to the game?
Was Teddie and Morgana the logos for their games?
There comes a time in every Persona fan's life, when they have to admit Persona 5 just isn't that good.
Whether it's the languid pacing that means even 40 hours in, you haven't been given sufficient motivation to continue, forgettable characters that receive only a handful of personality traits seemingly plucked from a hat, the pointless dialogue options that don't change anything or the horrifically awkward way the game leers at its female characters, the heart present across Persona 1-4 just isn't here.
Honestly, it takes upwards of 55 hours for anything resembling a conflict or interesting story point to emerge, as before then you've got repetitive dungeon designs, over-tutorialisation of basic elements and overblown enemy characters who appear evil for evil's sake.
Its turn-based battling feels snappy and engaging in the moment, but when after 10, 20, 30 hours, almost nothing has changed, that's a real problem.
this game is fucking bad, fuck royal
Yupp Teddie is on the P4D logo and Morgan on the P5D logo. Atlus can be retarded sometimes.
fight monster
oh weakness right away
boss defeated
oh press X
I think I will, maybe I'll ask Ann to join me too.
if i wasn't banging my teacher i would, fuck you Morgana!!
Yeah stuff like got on my nerves
>be in dungeon enter new room where cutscene plays that give a hint to a puzzle
>it obvious what you have to do
Every fucking palace did this for every fucking puzzle
Morgana looks in pain.
you technically can go on a bunch of dates in P5, there is certainly more options than P4 where its mentioned once and then never brought up again.
Morgana romance confirmed in P5G.
>those girls that give the side glance as they walk by
Morganas affection wasn't lewd in the slightest.
Its gonna be soon
that's a cute morgana
Is it normal to think Morgana is the sexiest P5 character?
finished recently p5 and it was the first persona game i've played, how does 4 compare to 5? is it worth it?
only in cat form
You can't stop me now cat, I'm ROYAL.
literally built for human dick
Yeah but he says something for every DLC Persona he uses, like quoting Labrys when using Ariadne or Asterius.
you are gay if you dont want to fuck morganas fat ass
I'm a Teddie boy myself, I mean look at this little twink
Man, how did the P4 anime go so right but the p5 anime was absolute garbage
is he calling kawakami or something
post sauce
did no one tell you user he broke his feet they felt it was best to put him down.
P5 anime had a guy who straight up did not care as director.
Yeah. He's getting the special massage in order to spend more time out at night.
Koromaru isn’t the mascot of P3. He never was.
P4 anime is a comedy based upon all the autistic dialogue options and gameplay mechanics you will do, which helps given its budget of a five yen coin
P5 anime tries to be hot shit, but P5 was only ever style over substance so without the budget to BE stylish it kinda falls flat on its face
What's wrong with her face?
Prego please
>have to log in
cant people just post their stuff on or something?
She's blushing
sorry about that. Theirs always the twitter but you'll miss out on a few pics
Tfw Lavenza was a loli so you gotta be the shota for Kasumi
Tfw the P in P5 stands for "Pedophile"
That's Ann-dono to you
>putting a little emphasis on the clitoris
Wait, I haven't been keeping up with the new game, the twins have a shota now?
Will he complain the entire time?
Can I gag him with something? This is important.
>Morgana is going to fuck both Ren and Ann
>morgana will never be a chad whos also a cat
it's not fair
good shit user, if you made this stuff that is, either way good shit
the makoto model could use some fixing though
New Velvet like being in Mementos that go up instead of down.
He's a shota. Could be Kasumi's, since he's a boy and PQ2 seems to have it be that the attendant will be the opposite gender of the MC, or could be Groo because Groo was a wildcard.
But so were Namatame and Adachi, and I don't think they got Velvet Attendants
>this faggot will still be the worst part of the game in R
>he will still run away because YOU HURT MY FEELINGS even after being a little shit for like 40 hours
>this (the most tedious part of the game) won't be changed in away either
>he'll be jacked off even more now because oh look he's a human and also really handsome guys!!!
fuck you atlus
i'd only jack him off if he was still a cat
Is Kasumi a romance option?
What do you think?
I hated the mascot character running away shtick in both 4 and 5 but it felt extra forced in Morgana's case. The guy spends the entire game shitting on Ryuji, and Ryuji makes one remark about him being useless and he boohoos his ass away.
>Inb4 Goro got a boy because he's a flaming homosexual
What the fuck are you talking about. He was a virgin cat who literally called her Lady Ann and treated her like a princess
I think I want to rip a hole in her leotard and fuck her until she can't walk straight.
You forgot the 5 hours of nonstop combat between every hour of scenes.
This. Plus he even called the guys children when they were talking about asking Makoto if Yusuke could make a painting of Futaba in her swimsuit.
>Fujos would rather bishie Morgana than cute kemoshota Morgana
Shit taste as usual.
He's only human in the dream world scenario that will make up the bonus time of the game. He'll be back to a cat again by March.
*wrong version
I swear I've seen that underwear used in another furry picture before...
All mascots are shit, no exceptions