It's 2019. How does Yea Forums feel about Reisen?
It's 2019. How does Yea Forums feel about Reisen?
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I hate Reisen.
Genocide all the moonniggers.
Um but user Reisen doesn't live on the moon.
she is a cuck
easy stage5 boss is easy
Yes she did.
And now hates Lunarians and doesn't even consider herself to be a Moon Rabbit. She did nothing wrong.
How does that make her a cuck? Reisen feels nothing for Kaguya.
Her ears suck.
They're not real.
where is this stated?
Too many STDs and probably loose as a windsock.
she hasn't been in anything anyone has played, so...
in kamS' lore.
It's just a meme since her ears look stuffed and unnatural, unlike any other bun in Touhou. But it's implied in FS that Eirin did actually yoink them as a form of punishment for Reisen after she fucked up, done for comedic effect. Even then, that was long after IN, so they are very real, at least in OP's pic.
I am neutral about Reisen.
Pistols is a fun set but the lack of Aim really kicks in around level 30-35 when all the other blasters are cycling aim and build up. Plus being mostly Lethal damage it stings sometimes.
Mental Manipulation on the other hand was neater if only for Psychic Scream and Shockwave. Drain Psyche is THE WORST blaster recovery mechanic.
If I had the chance to do it again I would go pistol/energy and recolor all the energy crap to Red. Stun, energize and other shit.
She's ok.
Useless bunny, only good for her sex appeal.
How do you pronounce "Tewi?"
Just how you'd pronounce TV.
Like Cirno
>But it's implied in FS that Eirin did actually yoink them as a form of punishment for Reisen after she fucked up, done for comedic effect.
I don't remember seeing this when I read FS
>it ain’t me starts playing
I can't remember the exact page and too lazy to look it up, but it's in chapter 21. Not that it matters; as I've said, it's not taken seriously.
Ok found a more relevant one.
I think that she is a genuinely lovely person and her designs are very nice and many artists are inspired by her with many existing characters now who take after her initial design.
Still aroused after all these years
>drug dealer
>lovely person
Tewi, get off the internet
So? It's medicine
I'd rather fuck tewi desu
reisen is a fucking stupid whore and you can't convince me otherwise, unlike tewi which is cute and cool and also very powerfull
Fuck L*narians and Moonniggers, they will all burn in hell.
but Tewi isn't a whore she's the pimp
Go back to fucking strangers for money, dumb rabbit hag
im not reisen you ugly bitch
I haven't seen Reisenanon in a while
I have bad news, I heard that he was in a car accident and pass away.
The world is worse off without such a beacon of positivity
Like 2 weeks ago the thread broke down into sexdolls dressed as vidya waifus, a few links, a few buying tutorials and yeah hes probably dead right now mummified because of the lack of semen
How could you know?
If Mokou hates her immortality so much then why doesnt she just get someone to gut her?
Even if someone gut her, she will still come back, she have true immortality so the world is stuck with her until the death of the Universe
Even at the end of the universe, she would still be alive.
Mokou really fuck herself, was it worth it?
At least she has company
I'm still around just don't post much! Newfag mods keep bothering me.
You don't know how happy I am to see that you ok, Please keep on living and never stop loving.
its all worth it for that sweet sweet NEET pussy in the end
I will never stop loving her, she is the only one I can imagine spending my life with! Posting here on the other hand is becoming a hassle. They range banned everything around me and permabanned my pass. Seems a bit excessive for posting my waifu!
Will you being posting somewhere else if it become too much for you? I hate to see you leave us.
Gladly, thanks for the offer.
Not sure! Posting her makes me happy but I never really used any other sites.
You're a good man
this shit makes me sad, same thing happened with the brat poster on Yea Forums, newfag mods are ruining everything
There Tohno Chan and wizardchan if you need something other than Yea Forums, but I pray you will be with us for a long time.
Faggot mods go down this hard on a harmless avatarfag while letting tripfags 100x as cancerous roam free.
Is nothing sacred?
Everything in this world will be corruption in due time, there is nothing pure anymore.
Thanks! I assume they are a lot slower? I like Yea Forums because there are a lot of opportunities to post her. I hate image dumping which is why I rarely post on /c/.
Someone post THAT webm.
I like bunny girls
I feel like Reisen would be great for hugging
Still recovering from her PTSD
I hope she makes it into smash with Reimu so everybody on Yea Forums can collectively say how much they love Raisins.
God damn why was Windows 2000 so fucking aesthetic?
stupid, STUPID Trans-Earth-Rabbit
I'll make a skew out of you
Address this, reisenanon. Are you living the dream?
No, I only care about her! Cosplayers, dolls or whatever don't do anything for me.
>buying a pass
sasuga, reisenanon
What programing is that?
Some kind of basic?
>web browser
>he literally puts .htm in the file
It's not even programming.
I can't stand captchas, especially since I remember the times before it was implemented. The legacy one was somewhat bearable but these image ones are awful.
And yet they let off-topic wojak posts and other low effort shitposting go on without a problem. Wish you the best Reisenanon.
With CSS it is. It's even Turing complete.
But he doesn't use any CSS. Plain HTML is as much of a programming language as Latex or even MD.
Yup, I'm thinking this post is based
Reisen is a white supremacist.
If you use 4chanX you can enable Force Noscript Captcha to make it significantly more bearable.
Everybody in Touhou is a white supermacist
I use that but still hate it. Well, it's not like I'm going to get another pass if it's going to get banned especially since you can only use meme currency to buy one now.
Noscript captcha was the reason I installed 4chanX. The additional features are just bonuses for me.
You can still use PayPal on 4channel. Yea Forums only allows crypto now but a pass works on all boards regardless of where you got it from.
Ah, thanks I didn't check there!