Here we go
Other urls found in this thread:
Oh, boy.
Political grandstanding, nothing else.
and it came out today that the shit was posted on instagram and they quickly reposted it to 8ch and left the first part out. fucking hell
I want to go back to 1996
No wonder moot left, he foresaw at this bullshit
>8.chan owner is a greasy boomer
it figures, now I see why so many q user cucks flock towards there
Will he tell them that jews control the government and engineer western society through pop culture though?
Out of curiosity, do you even have to respond? I mean could you be subpoenaed to appear?
About time. Didn't m00t have to do that back in the day?
Video games, dumb 20-something faggots.
Stop posting about politics here, there's a whole board for stuff like this.
No. Yes. In the end the state will get what it wants, unless the proles decide to stop being sheep.
>well it's free speech
>*all of congress gasps* WHAT IS THIS MADNESS YOU SPEAK OF
So you could be subpoenaed even if you haven't committed any sort of crime or wrongdoing?
Good. He should have to answer for it. People are getting killed on an almost daily basis because of bullshit from that site poisoning the minds of young morons with easy access to guns.
Guy deserves to be in jail.
I wonder what the nips think about this considering he also owns 2ch
The laws don't matter for these people.
woah yikes buddy that comment almost makes me want to shoot up a place. I hope you're ready to go to jail for my crimes.
Didn't that New Zealand shooter stream on Facebook but 8ch got the blame for everything and Facebook got nothing?
Backtraced and reported to the cyberpolice :3
>you're ready to go to jail
>my crimes
based retard
I hope this makes g00k piss his pants into moderating /pol/tards outta Yea Forums properly
Video games
Guess which company politicians are getting kickbacks from?
*boards plane to france*
Delete /pol/ and force them to return to reddit before we get targeted.
'Don't mess with football' was strictly I was merely pretending to be retarded. Now we got actual retards who might take down the site and us with them.
Hopefully FBI posting on Bchan gets brought up here.
There's more extremist content on twitter
>calling a mock of yourself a retard.
So you're saying we need to... deport /pol/?
They don't use 2ch anymore so it doesn't matter.
yeah, on Trump's twitter
>Thinking a subpoena is only for criminal activity
You've been listening to many right wingers.
If Congress compels you to testify before them, you are legally obligated to do it.
>unless the proles decide to stop being sheep
and that would amount to what exactly?
They refused to assimilate into Yea Forums culture unlike many of the immigrates in America.
Nothing, mr glow in the dark man.
Yeah, fuck those pesky right wingers, who cares if these elected officials can demand a citizen to show themselves to be publicly questioned and exposed in front of millions on television?
which do you think he spent more time on discussing and developing his viewpoints, the literal moderated content pusher, or the one with no rules whatsoever?
Doesn't the other chan work differently than here it looked like reddit with user created boards
We didn du nuthin, Yea Forums a good boy!
I think they're on board with hating women and niggers.
>Rule of law and doing the people's work doesn't matter when it's not what I want!
why mention it then if it would mean nothing?
>8.chan retweeted
kek get fucking rekt
imagine wanting to censor the internet
>Admitting you're a redditor
You aren't helping your case /pol/
It's nothing mr glow in the dark, go to the other thread already.
Why would that be an issue unless he's got something to hide. An honest man has nothing to fear from an honest government.
It's a shame it won't happen until we get all the white people and men to fuck off from government positions.
Once these positions are only held by women they'll be extremely easy to overthrow.
And yes, I'm including cops in "government positions."
No one takes female cops seriously.
I know, right? Remember when Yea Forums wasn't racist, fellow oldfag?
Foresaw it when he was taken to court multiple times over the years over bomb threats and other shit orchestrated here? Damn, he must be some kind of brainiac
>an honest government
Fucking lol
This is why we need to delete /pol/
>rule of law
>when the law applies to some but not the others
It's ironic that a country so against a king is letting their elected officials have the powers of an absolute monarch, but I guess that's okay as along as a group holds that power instead of just one person?
Okay, I think the fed glow in the dark is gone now.
>I guess that's okay as along as a group holds that power
Yes, that's what an elected government is about.
So you agree we need to reign in Trump and the fact he wants to be a king and is constantly thumbing his nose at the rule of law and accountability.
/pol/dditors get the rope
This, unfortunately people waited too long and now things have been set in motion that cannot easily be undone.
>Confusing being tongue a cheek with overtness.
That's how i know you're a newfag.
I don't know what glow in the dark means, nor do I know of another thread. If you want to post about nothing and invent character labels then go ahead. δΈγγ since you're inevitably just another faggot.
>Mm-maybe if i give it a slice of me, will it go away?
this, oldfag racism vs. newfag racism is like the shenanigans scene from super troopers.
Yeah, politicians in general, especially the fat, old ones.
Real ID is coming and there is nothing you can do about it. So we might as well enjoy the few months of freedom we have left before they shut down everything, nigger.
They have people working in the fed lettersoup that speak japanese??
Stop memeposting, you know as well as anyone that /pol/ is more cancerous than any other part of this site. Yea Forums lost its relevancy in that regard years ago.
8ch being deleted was a good thing
/leftypol/fags lost their hugbox and have to deal with 8ch's /pol/ and gamergater Yea Forums
Reminder all of this started because of zoey quinn
How new are you that you don't fucking know /pol/ has been deleted twice already and had to be brought back every time?
literally who?
Rip Cripplechan. Based Congress.
oh wow just like the time they did it for moot
/lgbt/ /mtfg/ trannies are worse
Everyone forgot the disclaimer
>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
>Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
quick rundown for a non murrican?
I still can't believe people are still trying to salvage the gamergate shitpile.
This does make me think back to the old "I just wanted to play video games" image. Ironically the opposite goal was achieved, just like with GG.
I don't have to deal with them shitting up my vidya board, so I disagree.
Doesn't the guy live in the Philippines? Just tell the feds to fuck off
>piss some virgins on the internet off
>accidentally start the fourth reich
Terrorist attack, politicians smell their chance to take away more rights from the people.
Sites like 8ch, Yea Forums's /pol/ and reddit's /r/The_Donald all breed far right extremism. These sites are much more effective than sites such as stormfront since they are able to radicalize young white men in a much more effective manner (no one will join you if you call yourself a nazi or a racist but if you get them through a separate cause that no one who has had sex cares about like video game censorship you can prod them to other topics). These forums do not act like containment boards like moot intended, instead like cancer they spread outside their board as the users from those specific forums start browsing the rest of the site. The only way to cull them is to ban these places and force them to go into their own extremist sites. Essentially stop them from dropping red pills from normie sites so they are forced to go to their blackpilled sites where no one will swallow them.
>people making racist jokes and saying nigger means they're racist
>I deserve to live in your society but I'm not obligated to participate in it!
you people are retarded lmao
weren't two of the three leftists tho?
>all these people died because of her
Oh wow I wonder how she can sleep at night baka
Yikes cringe based have sex dilate etc...
I knew the dems opposed the 2nd amendment did not know they weren't fans of the first.
>we live in a timeline where politicians take chances sites seriously
Nuke this gay earth already
>being dragged by the king to appear in court on a whim only because some retarded shit-eating peasant decided to kill someone else that was unrelated to you
>participating in society
Kinda strange how you never say something like this when republicans say that violent video games need to be banned.
incels are becoming terrorists and shooting up public places so everyone's taking aim at incel breeding grounds such as 8ch
lolbertarian centrists that took the stupider parts of both sides and mashed them together.
this should be a banner
>/pol/ has been deleted twice
>how new are you?
Feel free to answer your own question first because you clearly weren't here.
What are you going to say when they get guns banned but then they go after video games?
they're boomers
boomers do not understand the internet
>Implying you give a shit if people say nigger ironically or not
he owns the website, he's responsible for the content on it. you're not very bright lol
Pig Farmer Jimmy lives in the Philippines, which is rapidly becoming anti-US and pro-China. The only way he's going is by choice.
"how's that gun ban working out for you idiots?" over the sound of deafening gunfire from the ongoing civil war.
>/pol/ppet in damage control
I've lost good friends to Yea Forums/8ch. They were obsessed. At first it was cat pictures and memes, but it went way downhill from there. I've watched those sites cause the transition from normal, interesting, reasonable, open minded, intelligent, happy human beings, to horrible inexcusable pieces of shit who I never want to have anything to do with ever again.
It's not just that they inspire a few shooters and mass murders. They inspire a hell of a lot of other once-reasonable people to be deeply and irredeemably terrible in many other ways.
They don't radicalize people, the truth does.
They might have been fiscally left since they were against corporations, but they were very faaar right socially
What I'm saying is 100% true, you don't have an argument
He's in Thailand anyways. Good luck making him actually do shit.
According to US law, posters are responsible for their own content.
That's not legally binding and won't cover you if someone did post a manifesto and then commits an act of terrorism.
>Yea Forums - teenagers that live with their parents arguing about things too complex for their undeveloped kid brains
go away newfag glownigger
finally, we can get fucking video games banned in this great country of ours.
If you let a Tibetan finger painting forum ruin your life then you had it coming
user, think that through again. I'm agreeing with the post.
that's not how it works unfortunately. if you host content you're responsible for what appears on your website regardless of what disclaimers you put at the bottom. if someone posts cp on your site you think you're not liable if you just let it stay there?
>left-wingers accusing anyone else of puppetry
>Boomer battle.
fuck jews
If you were talking about virtually every other actually-mainstream social media site I'd agree with you.
Well lads, it was a fun ride while it lasted. We'll see each other again in front of the firing squad just for using a website to talk about video games.
who is delicious brown?
>own property
>vandals write fuck niggers on the wall of the property i own
>im responsible for this and deserve to be imprisoned for it
not very bright indeed
>'Video games don't radicalize people'
>'But 8ch and /pol/ do!
Really makes you think
Why are people so stupid
Do you think he'll choose to go? He lives in the Philippines now, the US can't make him do anything while Duterte is in charge.
>/pol/ppet posts irreverent stat for his strawman
Shit nigger what are you doing here, this place gonna turn you into a Nazi. I can already feel it overtaking me WIR MUSSEN DIE JUDE- NOOO user run it's not too late for you
She doesn't exist. She was created by one of those AIs that make photos.
Gee, I wonder why this happening.
this isn't videogames you faggot
If that was the case, everyone in Silicon Valley would be facing the same thing, not just when they're caught misusing data.
>that's not how it works unfortunately
That is exactly how it works.
>Comparing a medium of entertainment
>To an echo chamber that reinforcements and expands extremist viewpoints
You're a real retard.
I like how niggas acting like saying nigger is the worst thing in the world.
Like, black on white crime is disproportional, but you said mean things on the internet, get'em officer.
/pol/ was the absolute ideal honeypot for glowinthedarks to catch shooters. I'm genuinely baffled as to why the twitter and /r/ hivemind are celebrating the site being "taken down". Congrats retards. You've accelerated the move to a full P2P network with mandatory TOR encryption and 5435 proxies. Nice to see no one talking about this though, I guess they had their victory yesterday and already forgot about it.
you know the manifesto was posted to instagram and 8ch was actually not involved at all right, you fucking moron
Not video games.
Try telling a racist joke to your millenial buddies and see what happens.
weird how silicon valley hinges on every word the mainstream news says and are also simultaneously the most paranoid crazy people but it can't be the news radicalizing anyone right
So you don't know what happened and you're pretending you do. /pol/ posters don't magically disappear when the board is deleted, they just shitposted harder on every other board..
Do you know how much (unintended) cp gets uploaded on YouTube daily?
All most people care about is convenience. They'll willingly give away any rights if you offer them a place to sit.
>Trump gonna ban shooters & pedochan
didn't he posted his story on instagram? why not just call the zuck?
also how is this related to vidya?
actually if you don't do anything to remove it you are entirely responsible in a court of law. if a home invader breaks their leg on your property you could be sued in some states, even. not a very good analogy. why are teenagers so stupid? ask your parents next time
Vidya devs don't get questioned by congress.
>'m genuinely baffled as to why the twitter and /r/ hivemind are celebrating the site being "taken down".
Cause they're idiots who can't see beyond the here and now. It's just that simple, the instant gratification that the internet provides has crushed their farsight.
>comparing a media to another form of media
Yeah I'm real dumb!
Surely it isn't you who wants to have your cake and eat it too!
I don't give a fuck about /pol/ or FBIchan but I'm concerned about the fate of Yea Forums. Even if /pol/ gets deleted and the site gets hardcore moderation stomping on extremist ideas, that doesn't mean that people will stop blaming anonymous imageboards for breeding mentally ill incels once the next retards goes in a shooting rampage, giving more reasons and justifications to the government and people who want anonimity dead to intervene and monitor the WWW.
>He actually believes that.
As someone who was here for both of the previous boards. I want YOU to explain, in detail, what YOU think happened. So YOU can then have the privilege of having me pick apart your flawed version of history on Yea Forums.
Chop, chop.
Shame cause Trump pulled to bring the philippines in, but the emotional liberals cried because he put drug dealers in jail
emotional idiots voting for pussies in congress is gonna destroy the west
kill yourself anytime faggot
yeah and they make efforts to remove it all, not encourage it and claim it's free speech. cripplechan's owner wouldn't be able to use a non-liability clause as defense because he does nothing about any of this except encourage it. are you not american or are you just 13 and unaware of how federal court operates
literally saw this happen during the 2016 election. every other board was just flooded with pol shit.
Good thing this is 4channel.
Oh sweetie
>No argument
Keep seething.
kill yourself
>they refused to assimilate
you realize /pol/ was the highest trafficked board before the 4channel split right? It was /pol/ with the overwhelming amount of traffic and Yea Forums a distant second and everything else waaaaaaay below that. It's more like the rest of Yea Forums didn't assimilate to THEM.
.../pol/ was up during that time, though.
>anonymous imageboards for breeding mentally ill incels
that's exactly what happens these days though. zoomers can't read sarcasm and take memes seriously. could blame the parents but you can't fix shit parents, you can delete incel breeding grounds
One is passive, the other is interactive.
>Yeah I'm real dumb!
I'm glad you admit it. Learn from your mistakes now.
If Yea Forums gets taken down, where will we go?
Maybe for like a week, they will eventually stop and move on to another site if mods do their job and ban theme
Yeah remember when the Tumblr ceo got the death sentence for owning 1000 TB of underaged pussy
chink moot when?
like i'd tell a fucking frog poster about the backup clubhouses.
anybody talking about politics on a video game board on an anime website is a teenager, either literally or mentally.
they were being kicked off every other hidey hole at the time though, r/politics got completely taken over, and as soon as they lost a congregation place they flooded us
It's the state of affairs that causes people to flock to that kind of site that is the issue, not the site itself. A removal of that site doesn't prevent the incels of 2+2+2+2ch from feeling ostracized and pressured for being who they are. It's the same issue that twitter has. They ban ""extremist"" content, but all that does is relocate those people, it doesn't erase them from existence. A weird nerdy ugly kid who has gone his entire life feeling like he is worthless due to how other people around him treat him is going to end up harboring a certain mindset that will inevitably turn dark regardless of where on the internet he ends up.
[Citation Needed]
keep seething, anyone can see you were BTFO, you're just adding more frosting.
>and take memes seriously
Meme magic is real though
Where have you been? Bans are meaningless now thanks to phone posting. You ban a phoneposter they just reset their IP and keep posting. You can't be rid of them
The original /pol/ was deleted and /news/ was put in it's place to in attempt to get rid of racist shit and so racists shit was against the rules there. That shit failed spectacularly, /news/ was deleted, and /pol was restored because everywhere else got more racist. Enlighten me newfag on how this wasn't the case.
It will amount to nothing. Did you see their hearing with Zuckerberg? These people have no fucking idea how technology works. This is why you shouldn't have senior citizens making tech decisions.
>people are allowed to talk without censorship
>government tries to censor them
All video games are interactive you fucking imbecile
>Admitting your cancer.
All the more reason to delete /pol/.
trump has literally never said anything extreme in his entire career. miss me with that "b-but he implied consequences a couple times to countries trying to fuck him over!"
kill yourself
If they were censoring people you hated you'd be celebrating right now.
>racist shit
Let me guess, someone didn't use your pronouns? Or posted verified statistics that the black population accounts for more crime?
You have Tumblr to go to, you khow. No one's making you stay here.
zeronet is the real honeypot
in china this happens to humans
Not gonna lie I want Yea Forums to die, but not by the fucking government
no i fucking wouldn't, i hate proto-marxist social media warrior asshats but if their speech became illegal i wouldn't like that either
right wrong disagree agree speech shouldn't be forcibly controlled by the government, and more often than not it's the proto-marxist side wanting to do it
Not the communities, you can easily stick with single player, meanwhile white supremacists forums like /pol/ and reddit require you to interact.
reminder racism is against the rules on every board except Yea Forums so if you think Yea Forums was ever unironically bashing minorities and not just being edgy you're a newfag revisionist. roodypoo candyasses
Thank god we're 4channel chads and not one of those cock slurping chan queers.
Normal bans were always meaningless. Just restarting your modem is enough to reset your IP
pol is already gone you faggot.
you are on 4channel. you already excised the cancer. it's not on the hotbar anymore, you have to go to a different URL to even see it. you have already gotten what you wanted and lo and behold it hasn't fucking solved shit.
you're talking about Yea Forums. this is 4channel.
>You're responsible for the content users post to your website
Cool when are facebook and google going to be shutdown then?
>home of numerous LGBT boards and leftpol
>mfw this hearing officially begins the shitstorm of personal liberties vs collective good
Just start the civil war already
and he answers no because he lives in new zeland and doesnt have to answer shit for the american governament
I wonder where that came from
>point to first amendment, quote section 230
>tell them to stuff it and promptly leave
Hate speech and fully semi automatic assault rifle 47s need to be banned
>Enter thread
Every. Time.
>He doesn't know we still use the same hosts
>That host will cut off 4channel as well
Cry more /pol/
You're required to interact with actions and themes to do anything with a video game. Same is said for forums but because you like one over the other, the mental gymnastics kick in so you can cope.
You are so out of touch with reality
A subpoena is as old as the countries founding.
Basically it puts a target on a person of interest and prevents them from leaving the state or whatever.
I forget how they work but it's just a place holder for congress to make an example out of someone.
it was never as easy to get around bans before as it is now in phoneposting era. that's the whole reason bans used to mean something. after two or three permabans people would give up. now the ban lasts 1 second thanks to roaming IPs and phoneposting, for any shitposter dedicated to something there is no deterrent that gets rid of them the way you used to be able to.
And everyone that browses Yea Forums is male, a racist and hates women
Guess weβll never know if youβre right or not, faggot, considering the companies and gubbuhment you so easily fellate arenβt giving up their power anytime soon.
I certainly fucking would not, dick bag.
If someone says something that offends me so much, I literally just ignore it and focus on something else.
You know your strawman still applies if you replace pancakes with SJW or jews, right?
>lives in NZ
>Lives in Thailand
>Lives in the Philippines
well which is it you fucks?
He also the owner of 2ch
I can't talk about Yea Forums as a whole, but any time I bash Indians I'm not doing it ironically. I'm doing it because I've met enough of the street shitters to be sick and tired of their shiftless, lazy, misogynist, rapist ways.
Redpilled. But to be fair they at least have some ground to mention it, even if it's barely so.
So if I announce a shooting on reddit does the owner of reddit have to answer to congress?
Remember how early internet had the golden rule NEVER POST PERSONAL INFORMATION
Well, companies realized they could make money off of that so they vilified what didn't follow their bottom line. In Yea Forums's case, anonymity. Think how easy it is for a "journalist" to see that some active shooter is happening, hop on Yea Forums, quickly type a message saying "yeah, that's me, here's my manifesto" then report on it. Hell, I can do that and I'd be half way across the world.
I miss the days that the most that happened online was a new cat picture with broken english being posted.
kill yourself
thank god I only started using Yea Forums after it was gentrified
but user
why did you reply to him then?
Nice attempt at deflection. I give it a soft 4.
>An official government twitter account tagging a chan
What a world
Pronouns weren't even a thing back then, people weren't as mentally ill back then. It was literally nigger posting, like desu posting with scripts, non-stop on Yea Forums, Yea Forums, Yea Forums, etc.
One requires interaction with a community and reinforces your viewpoints, the other doesn't.
You can continue to be wrong.
>Kinda strange how you never say something like this when republicans say that violent video games need to be banned.
And how would you know that when almost everyone here is anonymous?
Only if you and two buddies go though with it.
child porn is illegal
free speech is not
First they came for brazil
>a guy that never posted in dogola chan, a brazilian chan posted there and then SUDENLY some kids were killed in a school shooting in brazil,
then they came for 8chen
>guy that never posted on 8chen posted a live video of him killing some goatfuckers in newzeland, the country where eito chan is hosted
then they came for 2ch
>guy posted on 2ch and then OUT OF NO WHERE he kills a bunch of people that made shitty yuri anime
i asked what was going to be the Yea Forums false flag and it looks like it was this.
I'd be laughing because when the left online is censored it's usually unintentional.
>muh free speech
Hate speech isn't protected under the first amendment retards
I wonder. How will the 2020 election look like go down? Will Trump win again?
What is Q?
Because it didn't offend me, stupid. Pay attention.
yeah but you're a newfag so you're not applicable
is this even tangentially related to video games?
Do you really expect people who pay $23 for a piece of avocado toast and take out $2m mortgages for a 600 sqft house to have foresight?
>One requires interaction with a community and reinforces your viewpoints, the other doesn't.
No form of social media or media in general reinforces shit server was hosted in san fran though
>Any speech I disagree with is hate speech
well the 90's part 2 where they are trying to ban "VIOLENT VIDEO GAME THINK OF THE CHILDREN" is happening
I really can't tell if people pro censorship on the internet are trolls or young people that are already beyond saving.
You're deluded then and ignoring reality if you don't think communities today don't just exist to entrench your world view.
Well I guess you are right, getting up, walking to your modem and pressing a button is just too fucking hard there is no way anyone could do that 4 times or so.
replace *chan with fox news and it's no different.
yeah but jim doesnt live in america
Did it died?
bit of a bit of b
define hate speech and i'll show you why you're wrong
You are an absolute fucking retard on par with the bait you are replying to if you think a forum of any kind is the same exact thing as a video game.
Wait wait wait
Does that mean those filthy 8chn separatists came back to Yea Forums? fucking fags
Class in session newfags. Prepare to take notes and open your mouth for a giant spoon feeding.
1. There was no original /pol/, it was /n/, which was the current events board who's purpose was to talk about current events. It was taken over my stormfront racists to the point the board didn't even talk about current events, and moot nuked the board.
/n/ was then changed into transportation. And guess what happened, the racists tried to take over /n/ - transportation, but they got blown out hard by the mods.
2. moot then brought back the current events board as /new/. Predictably the same cycle happened again where it became about racists posting their grievances and not news. And moot nuked it. Again. This time the racists tried to move to /k/ (due to similar view points), and the mods employed filters and pro-active moderation to weed them out.
3. You had people complain there was no place to discuss politics and the reason the previous boards got nuked was because they no longer talked about what their board was supposed to be about. CURRENT EVENTS. So moot sets up /pol/ and we see the natural evolution of what would have happened to /n/ and /new/ if they were allowed to continue to exist.
As if you don't think the mods or hiro couldn't choose to purge /pol/ from Yea Forums if they wanted to. You're intentionally ignoring history. Specifically Gamergate, which was successfully removed from Yea Forums even though they faced fierce resistance from the community. And we all know what happened, they all packed up and left for other boards. It's just a matter of will power if you want to remove something from Yea Forums if you have the authority.
So it's only ignorance and arrogance on your part if you don't think /pol/ could be purged.
Based. Trannies gonna freak
Horrifying, isn't it?
>Well if you've got something to hide why not show up
Because even if you don't have something to hide, people can easily be incensed against you by other people making shit up.
Honesty is nice, but if it gets you dead, then what good is it? It's reserved for when you need to say things that matter, in places where you don't get shot. It's because of these people that it's very hard to be honest about your innocence.
Exposed on live television with a name and face, then they can write off what happens to you as a random crazy thing that they're obviously not responsible for, by moving groups who don't have obvious connections to them.
He'll show up. But in a more tumultuous situation, it's unwise. God knows they have that cripple who once ran the site under their thumb. All they had to do was show up to his house.
el paso shooter was full blown leftist
>Implying I left.
I'm just hoping it comes back so I can talk about monster girls again. I don't give a fuck about baby boomers and white girls being angry at the scary gooble gobbler website.
ban /pol/, profile shill posts and ban them. profile phone posters through user agent reading. mac address banning.
Either you're sheltered all your life or you're children. Hopefully you live in the real world with real jobs and figure out how the world works
Wait hotwheels doesn't own 8chn anymore?
based, fuck /pol/
>Decide to look at /pol/
>FBI tried to groom a mentally ill kid into a right-wing extremist
>FBI shit posted on infinichan
>Rabbit hole keeps going down
Nope, I'm out, all of you fucks can keep this burning trash called system for yourselves. I just hope karma is real thing.
IT IS ONLY MY OPINION (in Minecraft)
Accel spammer would disagree.
Reminder that deleting /hebe/ led to all this
You reap what you sow
>an honest government.
That's quite an assumption on your part.
No Democrat can beat him. It really just depends on how much the silent majority has had of his racism and lies.
You're forgetting one simple fact, they never left.
What exactly was on there? I mean, I see people on twitter doxxing and sending threats to right-wing people and nothing ever happens to them.
>mods employed filters and pro-active moderation to weed them out.
imagine that right? mods doing their jobs and not having ulterior motives all the time.
It's honestly kind of impressive Moot dodged most of the shit we got thrown his way
>Goalpost moving from someone who wasn't there.
They did, they moved to other boards like 7chan and only came back when they could set up shop.
Gamergate proves you can get a community to fuck off if the mods dig in on an issue.
is he right?
>taken over
You know that /n/ was around when Yea Forums was an obscure anime website with a few hundred users?
The silent majority is far more racist than trump ever will be, you stupid fuck.
Imagine believing the constantly contradicting ramblings of teenagers on a Mongolian underwater basket-weaving forum
cause he worked hand in hand with the feds and never once tried to stonewall them.
You need to go back to plebbit yourself.
>wasn't there
Been here the whole time tranny.
Oh, this is going to be a disaster.
The reason you can't tell racist jokes nowadays is because there's a fuckton of actual racists out there you'll be associated with
>Deleting a containment board
Hopefully the FBI can do something about the Russian FSB agent who is the janny over at /int/ and /pol/
Seriously though, it's over boys. It's the Gulags for us.
Containment boards were a mistake from the very inception.
I wouldn't be surprised if the site was already compromised long ago.
Considering how the FBI was agitating and posting misinfo on cripplechan I assume they are here doing not only on /pol/, but on the entire site.
>containment board
>failing to contain
what did he mean by this?
>People are getting killed on an almost daily basis
Uh, no.
I bet you don't care about nignogs shooting each other up for fun.
This is exactly why moot sold Yea Forums.
Daily reminder that the rabbit hole goes way deeper than this and that things are going to become a lot worse very fucking soon.
>How Do Civil Wars Start The definition of a civil war. Dr. Jack Devere Minzey, born 6 October 1928, died 8 April 2018, was the Department Head of Education at Eastern Michigan University as well as a prolific author of numerous books, most of which were on the topic of Education and the Government role therein. (Editor's note)This was the last of his works: Civil War: How do civil wars happen? By Dr. Jack Devere Minzey Two or more sides disagree on who runs the country. And they can't settle the question through elections because they don't even agree that elections are how you decide who's in charge. That's the basic issue here. Who decides who runs the country? When you hate each other but accept the election results, you have a country. When you stop accepting election results, you have a countdown to a civil war. The Mueller investigation is about removing President Trump from office and overturning the results of an election. We all know that. But it's not the first time they've done this. The first time a Republican president was elected this century, they said he didn't really win. The Supreme Court gave him the election. There's a pattern here. What do sure odds of the Democrats rejecting the next Republican president really mean? It means they don't accept the results of any election that they don't win. It means they don't believe that transfers of power in this country are determined by elections. That's a civil war. There's no shooting. At least not unless you count the attempt to kill a bunch of Republicans at a charity baseball game practice. But the Democrats have rejected our system of government. This isn't dissent. It's not disagreement. (cont)
So what the fuck is the problem here? It's not like letting autists post their killing plans on a site is illegal or anything, and it's not like the front page is full of fashwave propaganda saying shit like "FIGHT BACK FOR YOUR HERITAGE". And hell 8ch isn't lawless at all, they kicked out all the pedos years ago. Is it just normies misunderstanding?
He got called to court over the "don't mess with football" bomb threats back in the day
He had to explain in front of the whole court what a "newfag" was
>Can't refute
>Can only create strawman and insult
Shoo shoo, return to reddit.
He is exaggerating it, bunch of fags spammed nigger-hate threads for a few days.
>So what the fuck is the problem here?
The problem is the gubmint needs a sacrificial goat and they're scrambling to find one.
>This isn't dissent. It's not disagreement. You can hate the other party. You can think they're the worst thing that ever happened to the country. But then you work harder to win the next election. When you consistently reject the results of elections that you don't win, what you want is a dictatorship. Your very own dictatorship. The only legitimate exercise of power in this country, according to Democrats, is its own. Whenever Republicans exercise power, it's inherently illegitimate. The Democrats lost Congress. They lost the White House. So what did they do? They began trying to run the country through Federal judges and bureaucrats. Every time that a Federal judge issues an order saying that the President of the United States can't scratch his own back without his say so, that's the civil war. Our system of government is based on the constitution, but that's not the system that runs this country. The Democrat's system is that any part of government that it runs gets total and unlimited power over the country If the Democrats are in the White House, then the president can do anything. And I mean anything. He can have his own amnesty for illegal aliens. He can fine you for not having health insurance. He can use the IRS as his own police force and imprison citizens who speak against him. He can provide guns and money (Fast and Furious) (Iran nuclear deal) to other countries to support his own agenda, and watch while one of America's Ambassador's is dragged through the streets and murdered doing nothing to aid our citizens. His power is unlimited. (cont)
I can't believe 8cuck is being used as a scapegoat and not us kek.
That's an awful idea, Yea Forums is already /pol/-lite. They won't actually fuck off, they'll just fully migrate here
Under Obama, a state wasn't allowed to go to the bathroom without asking permission. But under Trump, Jerry Brown can go around saying that California is an independent republic and sign treaties with other countries. The Constitution has something to say about that. Whether it's Federal or State, Executive, Legislative or Judiciary, the left moves power around to run the country. If it controls an institution, then that institution is suddenly the supreme power in the land. This is what I call a moving dictatorship Donald Trump has caused the Shadow Government to come out of hiding: Professional government is a guild. Like medieval guilds. You can't serve in if you're not a member. If you haven't been indoctrinated into its arcane rituals. If you aren't in the club. And Trump isn't in the club. He brought in a bunch of people who aren't in the club with him. Now we're seeing what the pros do when amateurs try to walk in on them. They spy on them, they investigate them and they send them to jail. They use the tools of power to bring them down. That's not a free country. It's not a free country when FBI agents who support Hillary take out an 'insurance policy' against Trump winning the election. It's not a free country when Obama officials engage in massive unmasking of the opposition. It's not a free country when the media responds to the other guy winning by trying to ban the conservative media that supported him from social media. It's not a free country when all of the above collude together to overturn an election because the guy who wasn't supposed to win did. Have no doubt, we're in a civil war between conservative volunteer government and a leftist Democrat professional government.
Might as well. It won't do them any good though. People will still latch onto the chans as the devil because they like Instagram. Simple as that.
It's not failing just because it spills over sometimes. Delete it and see how things get.
goddamnit, now that 8c is kill they are going to migrate here, shitting up this place even more.
>ib4 muh oldfags
you still have fucking goober grape threads 5 years later we don't want that shit here
Have the mods do their jobs and force them to migrat to another site fags.
he doesnt even live in america
holy shit, reported for being a brainlet.
Finally i'll be free!
4cucks are about to have some large redpills forced down their throats. Open up babbies
They'll just use proxies or some shit, if it was that easy it would have been solved already
democrats are evil
Moot was a dumb faggot who despite having millions of page views couldn't figure out a way to monetize on it.
Has nothing to do with op and you are a literal sheep.
But what if your president move towards an authotarian regime? He have already smoked out all kind of scientific boards an many of the department are jokes in the current states. I would say that the swamp has never been this deep. But I guess noone cares in us since the ones left are loyal sheeps like yourself.
Hate speech ain't even real and is protected under the 1st. Any speech, so long as it's not a direct incitement to violence against specified target, is protected under free speech. now back to resetera, you pedo tranny
He stayed with the site for plenty of years after having to go to court. He left for that easy google money.
shut up faggot, that's not the reason
the Dayton & Christchurch shooters were both on Twitter
it's retarded to shut down an entire website because of a couple dumb fucks
Should have deleted /pol/
Better delete Yea Forums and Yea Forums then, too.
Yes. You can't just take down one site and not punish the others that did the same thing because of corporate favoritism.
I could go back to my female only boards, but they're practically dead and the women there are so bitter that not even I want to be there anymore which is why I migrated here in the first place.
It matters not if I believe, anyone with a brain can see that something drastically changed in the last 9 years, on every country, and I don't want to be part of game where the only outcome is my suffering.
Why the fuck is this thread still up? this isn't video games. Holy fuck you faggots have a bunch of boards to talk about this yet you choose to fuck with this one. Just go to the other fucking boards.
In other news, water is wet.
Every board on this site is /pol/ lite, for sure Yea Forums Yea Forums /k/ /fit/
This desu.
Most """oldfags""" and control freaks don't understand that you can't remove the /pol/ from anonymous.
>B-but moderation!!!
Moderation is already useless and can be easily overwhelmed. Never forget the Outlels on Yea Forums back in 2013 that made the mods and janny give up easily.
Is anyone else interested in the pathology of these shooters? They seem so different from other homicidal maniacs
Sold it a while back iirc.
Made a week before the shootings.
Hotwheels hasnβt owned 8ch in years.
plus no one whos going to shoot shit will put their manifesto or complains on a little ass dead board they want and crave the attention.
That orbiter murderer posted decapitated pictures of some e-thot to discord, and people document their murders on Facebook all the fucking time.
I dont think its legally binding under penalty of imprisonment. Also the site has a disclaimer and no court would convict him. Its just a diversion.
>Never forget the Outlels on Yea Forums back in 2013
2012/2013 Yea Forums was peak fun
I kinda forgot about that kike Epstein and whole pizzagate shit being kind of true. Crazy.
The scary part about this is that in 20 years these old fuckers are all dead and replaced by people that know at least the bare minimum.
These shootings have been a consistent thing since the 90's. Not exactly Nosferatu material.
Out, to internet old forums and shitter will go to twitter in other words we will be free from this curse.
>330 replies for a politics thread that doesn't even have the vague tangential connection to video games like the trump/mccarthy blaming vidya did
for fucks sake mods
and fuck off to /pol/ if you want to discuss this retarded tourists
You're very optimistic that a government official will bother learning.
>go on twitter
how bad could it be
>NAZIS!, PEDOES! fallacies being thrown left and right. "blocking is for pussies" will block you for your opinion
holy fuck and they say tumblr was bad
If I walked into a las vegas bookie and said "I want to place a bet on there being a mass shooting within the week" he'd give me 3-2 odds at best.
Nah, it just got a bit tired
Then triforce, poser
Some ranfom guy started larping about beibg a duper secret service person leaking info about Trump leading a secret investigation about democratic child porn rings. Nothing he ever said actually happened and he never had any evidence. Despite all this, insane Trumptards believe 100% that it's all true and the JFK Jr. will come out of hiding to reveal it all to the "true patriots". It's legitimate 100% fucjing insanity that only the internet age could breed. I don't even blame this one on the Alt-right or in the nazis or whatever. This is the stuff of insane deluded Trump fans (But I do think this is fostered by foreign nations trying to destabilize america)
/pol/ is a cancer and gets everything they touch killed along with them. They spend literally all day, without rest, shitposting conspiracies with complete seriousness and openly dreaming about political violence carried out against their perceived enemies, which happen to be pretty much anyone given enough time. The board is completely different from what it was pre-2016. They don't even make memes any more, they just steal memes from other sources and paint a swastika or something on them. Look how the Bogpill, the last real /pol/ meme, is completely dead on that board yet thrives in /biz/, Yea Forums, and even outside of Yea Forums because everyone there is dead serious at all times about their silly conspiracies and psyops of the week.
It's a fucking disaster of a board with no sense of community, and the day will come they'll get this whole website taken down because some kiddie will shoot up somewhere and say "lol epic win Yea Forums /pol/ told me to do it for the memes PEPE!"
I'm honestly tired with american bullshits.
He stepped down like 4 years ago when Null, the owner of Kiwifarms, intentionally sabotaged the site's redesign that he was left in charge of.
>make board that involves politics
>it turns to anime stormfront
>make board that involves politics
>it turns to anime stormfront
>make a board called politically incorrect
>it becomes the most popular board on the site
>the site is also known for its offensive often racially charged humor, constant use of racial slurs and disregard for social norms.
Hmm almost like there is some kind of pattern
Also fuck anti/pol/ niggers for siding with jannies and mods, fucking totalitarians trannies.
Weβll be truly free.
Then you should probably go to euro Yea Forums
Didn't the one person who killed the internet celeb chick post all over instagram and snapchat prior? Why aren't they calling those owners in to explain why people posted it or did that murder not count?
Video games?
>Christchurch shooter streamed the whole thing on facebook
>both shooters from this week had Twitter accounts and were active
So how come no one ever proposes shutting down facebook or twitter, but Yea Forums/8ch always get blamed for shootings and everyone wants to shut them down
I'll go back to getting banned every other week on GameFAQs unless moderation has changed there in the last 8 years, I guess.
β² β²
Sir. This is /bb/. There is no such Video Game board. It never existed. This is just a second Yea Forums board made so Yea Forumstards could discuss topics and not be flooded with porn threads every 5 minutes.
Literally the only /pol/faggots I've ever met have been uneducated people who have ruined their life with conspiracy theories and stupidity. Sadly it's the only way they can feel important. Fucking bums lol.
you get held in contempt, thatβs all. like a $50 fine or something.
>he says in a thread about politics on the board about video games
"i-its a containment board"fags at least could pretend it was working in 2014, but if you haven't realized it failed in the last 5 years you are retarded or blind.
you do realize that the very site this thread is supposed to be about was populated by /pol/acks who fucked off there right?
if you deleted /pol/ outright the same would happen after a spergout on the other boards for a few days
>murderer posted decapitated pictures of some e-thot to discord
can't blame the jewish media, that's racist.
don't forget about all this shit as well
hjahahaHAHHAHAHAH SUCK IT /leftypol/
They were gaining steam and on track to being the 1st largest board on the site, not anymore though
F, I mean S
>he needs orange text to triforce
the game
man republicans are fucking retarded
There's been over 200 mass shooting this year alone and America has been plagued with them since the 90's through both Democratic and Republican goverments. But yes you fucking easily manipulated piece of shit retard, it's all a ruse to cover up a secret deep state communist underage sex ring.
oh boy how's he gonna explain the lolicon/toddlercon boards
Because you know who can't control anonymous, better begin to blame these tragedies on online anonymous communities so they can push more legislation to control the net.
> TOR encryption
TOR has been cracked for ages and it baffles me so few people seem to realize this, I mean I recall instances from like 2012/13 of people getting taken down.
Once this happens, every degenerate in the world will join the early bird degenerates on Discord and then we'll get another scenario about how Discord breeds far right extremism and the world will continue until destruction
That's what happens when you get tired of your homegrown bullshit: You look into foreign bullshit and get tired of that, too.
People actually believe this. I can't believe the hacker van exploder anonymous is still at large rentfree in normalfag minds
Boomers are so retarded
>Look how the Bogpill, the last real /pol/ meme, is completely dead on that board
t. Person who has never visited /pol/
Underaged b& detected
Because the people calling for some sort of nuking of the chans don't use them, therefore they hate it because they fear it. They'll defend other social media because they use it, they love it. They think we're over here conspiring instead of just being insensitive for a laugh.
Also this. Anonimity is apparently too "dangerous" a concept for the modern world. Gotta be tagged. I'm surprised we haven't reached a point of a mandatory email address that you're not allowed to change, given to you at birth.
We donβt. The curse will soon be over.
Considering that in online communities only a small fraction of the userbase create threads but the majority respond to them, makes me wonder how many threads on Yea Forums are made by a small group and the rest reply to them.
Also, we are getting astroturfed hard as of late.
Imagine spending almost every hour of your unemployed life trying to get /pol/ shut down, like you'll be a hero or spmething.
Anyway dilate, have kids...etc
To be honest i can't wait.
Fuck you, asshole. Can't believe I just lost after 9 years.
>vote for a new style of government, free of gommunism and pro-companies
>companies like Cloudflare just turns off your servers and said government in turn makes sure you stay fucking dead
Is this the 4D chess I've heard so much about?
when are they arresting hirocuck?
qanon is essentially a massive conspiracy designed solely to sell $2 mass produced chinese t-shirts with the letter "Q" on them to retards for $35
>white supremacists forums like /pol/ and reddit
do you people even check what you're typing
what the fuck
>has never visited /pol/
Usually the case with people that scream about the board nonstop.
Meatspace, the only place you can truly escape from internet degeneracy
Honestly, the world would probably be better off without internet anonymity. For too many people it just desensitizes you to humanity. I mean it's fun as fuck don't get me wrong but 100% people would act less like giant faggots if there was a hypothetical perfect way to trace anything back to the person who said it.
it's okay
you can't arrest a deadman. he's already getting his sudoku ritual arranged.
Gamergate, your claim is invalid.
Isn't the pigfarmer sitting in the Philippines?
Media brainwashing has worked well on you I see.
>It's a fucking disaster of a board with no sense of community, and the day will come they'll get this whole website taken down because some kiddie will shoot up somewhere and say "lol epic win Yea Forums /pol/ told me to do it for the memes PEPE!"
luckily that will never happen because 4chans /pol/ is where the larpers are who will never actually do anything, while infinitychans /pol/ was where the actual "I believe in this shit and will act on it"fags were/are
/pol/ used to have constant bog threads, phoneposting scum. I remember the Dorner memes, the Romney threads in 2012, police radio threads, and other happenings. Go to it now and it's just Trump general and retarded boomers like you phoneposting their facebook memes. It's a degenerate board for low-IQ mongoloids that generally believes the bullshit they spew. Almost no one uses proper punctuation or capitalization because they're all on phones, nobody talks about anything other than the same conspiracy threads every day non stop, it's so fucking shit it makes post-2008 Yea Forums look funny.
Everyone who says to delete /pol/ clearly doesn't remember /r9k/ being deleted.
/pol/ is no contaiment board anymore. It's a fucking cancer. It's worse than bronies ever were. Every single popular board gets derailed by /pol/ppets now. Kill it. Send them back to pleddit where they belong. Those motherfuckers brought The_Donald to this site years ago. Let them go rot over there and be leddit's problem
I would send a letter back telling them to go whack some niggers like that Leftist did in Dayton, Ohio. I think Jim-boy's smart enough not to come over here, this place is a totalitarian shit-stirring stick, full of lies, alternate realities and fake news.
It works both ways, being always on air kills your humanity as well. People most active on social networking sites are always the least interesting soulless drones.
>/pol/ is a board of peace and does not support violence
This joke always gets me.
Almost like people use multiple boards huh
Look at /news/
They are heavily restricted in how you can post and even though it's currently being raided by /pol/ again, they still manage not to fall.
Oh man /pol/ use to be fun. ben garrison edits, even the mods and moot posted there. It was like old Yea Forums shined for a few years. Now it's as you said, pure cancer.
when is 8σ ‘chan going back up
We're here forever, fuckboy. Deleting /pol/ just means we infect every other board even more
Gamergatefags are still here though
neo/v/ doesn't hate /pol/ because of the boomers and schizos
this is the biggest and most retarded lie I've seen in ages
that shithole not only was slow as fuck but outright schismed at least once, it will never cease to amaze me how many drooling retards actually prop that place up as some anti/pol/ (it's also has a very sizable, hell might even be majority, of tankies of the semi socially conservative variety which is hilariously different from its normal conflation with SJWs)
Considering how easy it is to make sock puppet accounts, we can always be anonymous. I can grab a random picture off of google, create a facebook account, find some real life location and use some service to geotag the profile there, set up a vpn, and boom, I'm a different person. I can destroy someone's life by accusing them of rape even if I've never even been in the same continent as them.
The only difference is that the anonymity in Yea Forums is honest.
Shutting this place down would hurt the establishment more than anything, like the banks it's too big to fall. Cripple chan has a small user base so it was ok to kill it.
ok that got me
They should have kept it deleted and banned wojack.
The only mistake was moot backing down.
Remember /r9k/ is the real reason things are shit because they opened the flood gates to reddit and killed OC.
Oh you are that tranny from /news/
I dont fucking know. I cant stand any online discussion space without anonymity because fucking drama, and every new image board is either too small or gets ruined by extremism in some direction
GG was just a precursor to all the shit happening now, user. You went from game journos being corrupt to every journo being corrupt and trying to force that shit into every new game. Why do you think Yea Forums has daily /pol/ threads?
still here and fuck kotaku
>government run by criminals and pedophiles wants to know why a website lets people voice their opinions about whatever they want
The US government is a fucking clown show and anyone who cannot see how fucking awful this government is needs to actually read shit. I bet most of the people who actually support this fucking government don't even know what MKULTRA is.
Yep, Trump is scared and coming up with these false flags
it was number 3-4 on most active boards list all the time
Hopefully never
Kamphyβs cancer fucked over 8ch, even after he got a much needed boot.
/mlpol/ was literally the best the board was in years
>another oldfag from /pol/
I bet if I posted this 90% of the board wouldn't even recall it.
can you imagine space elevator like threads on nu/pol/? I simply cannot imagine them taking off or even surviving being drowned in the cesspool that remains
unironically this
I hear people all around me saying "nigga" and "niglet". Zoomers are even more casual about it and will say it in front of someone they just met.
>/pol/ppet detected
Doesn't he live in the Philippines?
I legit believe that Qanon, pizzagate and the strange and bizarre rise of /pol/ was a U.S goverment strategy to flood the internet with insane conspiracy shit in the post Wikileaks fallout, and that it just backfired because people started to actually believe all that insane dumb shit.
Fuck off roastie cunt
nope that is the bitter EX hotwheels
be quiet old man /pol/ is ours genZyklon will always be better than the shit that old pol was
Trump has investments in both, plus he loves Twitter
Why don't you guys stop criticizing him?
I don't support Trump or any politicians, but you're one naive motherfucker if you think any of them are at all legitimate. A handful of corporations bankroll every major politician in the US. Some corps bankroll both sides. AT&T lobbies for both Republicans and Democrats simultaneously. They're all fucking controlled by the same small group.
Trump losing 2020 is the only way to save /pol/.
Prove me wrong.
greetings from Yea Forums!
hey everyone guess what, you BETTER START HAVING SEX SOON because if another one of you goes on a rampage all the chans will be gone good.
that's not too much pressure right? im sure you can have sex in the next couple weeks, we are all depending on you Yea Forumsirgins, to become... men
I've never heard anybody outside of imageboard communities say niglet. That sounds like something nusociety will definitely lynch you over.
>space elevator like threads on nu/pol/?
Not him but shit I miss those threads. it got spammy eventually though and half of it was grapghene general.
I think reddit has a sub for that kind of thing now but I don't really go over there that much
on infinitychan, which was slower in general than here
for instance the brit/pol/ on lefty/pol/ would take at least several weeks to reach 500 posts, whereas you have probably 6 or so brit/pol/ threads a day on /pol/ here discounting major events.
it's just delusional to think they somehow would be evenly matched against /pol/, I don't understand how retards even think that.
I know, it's fun just to let loos it's just this shit has no consequences unless you start saying/posting some real retarded shit
yeah, that why I said hypothetical kind of world. Maybe something like the only "internet" that existed in any decently functional capacity was linked to one company and you had to get an account from them at a certain age to be allowed to use the net at all. Of course people would try to bypass that shit but I'm imagining a scenario were people just can't beat through that bullshit.
Oh man I remember laughing at you when the Mueller report said nothing about Trump and you went hiding for some days.
>/pol/ bring redditors
You were literally copypasting links from Reddit, especifically The_mueller, you mutilated hypcorite
You're either living in your own bubble with all gamergate words filtered out or you're one of them who migrated here yourself if you don't think there's still leftover scum from 5 years ago
For fucks sake
The internet 2 when?
Wasnβt Riot building their own internet at one point?
Nope, it just proves right wingers are retards who have even worse conformation bias than the left.
You want to know how much kool-aid Qfags drink? They still believe it after the 2018 midterms.
Maybe, just maybe, the mods aren't total faggots. Highly unlikely though.
How come every single time anything happens that paints the crazy-right in a bad light, they always call it a false flag?
I can't fucking believe the shit ol' Firetires is spouting now. Absolutely unrecognizable, just wants another 15 minutes of fame.
you do know that the christchurch shoot had a girlfriend right?
If you really dig deep you can go as far as to blame the Church of Scientology. Getting involved with politics/IRL was the single biggest mistake Yea Forums ever made. Anyone else remember blaming ebaums for everything we did
Don't be retarded. Humanity has always been stupid and will continue to believe and make up stupid shit. What's worse, is that we're easily entertained by retards so we give them attention. That's why most of Yea Forums is just twitter caps from some random nobody. Likely themselves "pretending" to be retarded.
Coping mechanism
>Robert Mueller kneecaps President Trump's no collusion, no obstruction
that dudes ideals are as brittle as his bones
do you think he has a chance after everything that happen?
Confirmation bias is a hell of a drug. People are desperate and crazy enough to believe and spread everything that makes the "enemy" look bad.
Because my side is right and pure and I'd hate to see the years I've spent defending my ideology on a mongolian throat singing forum to have resulted in absolutely nothing
Give the power of the internet to a single company. Right, don't see how that can go wrong.
At its worst itβs was still better than the retarded schizo shit we have now like the human trafficking and biological warfare threads.
>8-chan is now more hardcore than Yea Forums
what happened Yea Forums? when did you turn into the good guys of the internet? what happened to the hackers?
>important exceptions for certain criminal...
The devil is in the details, user.
You really just haven't met enough people with actual mental health issues yet. Just go out into the street and you'll find retarded bums who they're God. Just give them a computer and make them less poor and you get the theories. I.e. go wake around your city and talk to some people, some are crazy as fuck.
w-wh-whaat? are you tryng to say im not even safe around sexhavers?!
Wasnt the whole thing they can say anything that isn't illegal?
Why would anyone care one way or another especially since government isn't allowed to interfere with speech.
/pol/ is still around so there is really no need to go to /news/ except for some occasional shitposting. The question is what would happen if /pol/ gets nuked.
If you leftists start killing more niggers, I think I might start to like ya'. Good job mate.
I just want to talk about videogames
Redditors have swarmed this place and constant screeching to delete /pol/ and ban racism is the proof of that.
>Trump losing 2020 is the only way to save /pol/.
nope have seen what democrat candidates have been saying they've gone hard left it would kick pol into full overdrive
video games yeah?
right wingers are the ones trying to ban video games and the internet. after the el paso shooting right wingers went on TV and blamed the shooting on video games cause the shooter mentioned cawadooty once in the manifesto entirely devoted to racism against brown people.
Dis gon be gud. Japanese man up next hmmm?
I'm pretty sure he's a veteran and booted off Hiroshima when he was doing shady shit on 2channel like he does now on this.
Hiiroyuki is still assblasted to this day about it and claim it's a lie that he was selling data.
Explain why Congress can ignore probable cause?
Fun times.
Unless the mods give up /news/ still survives since you need to actually start a thread with a news article. Also images outside of the OP are disabled so /pol/ can't post their reddit memes.
>what happened to the hackers?
>actually believing the campfire stories
That crackpot "the corporations control everything maaaan" line of thought has been part of the political discourse for decades. The fucking entire cyberpunk genre is based around it. Both the right and the left subscribe to it.
It has nothing to do with a insane internet cult hailing a neet larper as a messiah figure because he "leaks" absurd made up shit with no proof.
My god this country is legit fucked. An entire generation basing their entire world and political view on fucking internet shitposts. We're fucked.
god please let this happen. Hiroshima the con needs to pay for everything he's done
>Prove me wrong.
you can't because it's the truth
/ptg/ would be dead
qtards would be dead
protrump and antitrump posting would be gone
that alone would raise the board quality considerably though would it be "saved"? I don't know
honestly? so long as the economy is humming along absolutely
if the economy dips before 2020 though he is fucked no matter what, the democrats could nominate AOC and they'd still win
you forget there's a very sizable block of people who are basically
>I don't give a fuck about politics and any political news so long as the economy hums along and my personal life is good
>right wingers are the ones trying to ban video games
yep and the left are just trying to censor them or use them for political propaganda
Nobody likes the Trumpanzees shitting up every thread on /pol/ but what can we do?
Every time the orange man farts they start millions of threads everywhere. The retards also have to shit up every non trump thread with their 4d chess bullshit.
/pol/ mods are worse than any other board's mods for sure, pruning relevant discussion but leaving up those shitty "when I say slavery you say sorry" threads the whole things a shitshow.
>various vidya threads actually deleted
>a thread about a different site entirely, that has NOTHING to do with vidya, is totally cool.
Also fucking good. moot had to go to fucking court over way less shit than being linked to several terror attacks.
>and ban racism
I just want to go back to the days when everyone said nigger because it was funny and not because you had to have a developed opinion on the upcoming presidential election on a continent I dont even fucking live on. Do you remember? When this site was about fun and not saving the white race?
Trump's worse.
You won't see Dems shilling here 24/7 with a paid general.
this is the foolproof way to spot redditors
that and saying "reddit is /pol/" and "redditors are the actually racist guys!!"
>t. plebbitor who whines about "the donald" all the time
I just had a full on crying session after listening to the flight audio
We're all broken guys Sky King. Stay beautiful man.
That whole image of Yea Forums the media fed you and made you come here 3~5 years ago never existed.
You can leave now,
no seriously when is 8ch going back up
I miss /hgg/
The sergeant of arms can literally personally come to you and arrest you. He has a big mace, too.
and why would he attend to justify someone's shit post ?
>probable cause
That means they can subpoena you, you lobcock.
the loss of /hypno/ is painful, cause newfapchan is down too
nigger was always racist
you don't get to cop out now you pussy
This has already been tried with disastrous results
oldjak here, been here since 2014, Yea Forums has always been like this and you leftiesoys need to get out. Praise kek
Yea Forums was edgy as fuck back in the day,
guro and cp were not uncommon sites
the hacker thing is a massive meme though
>Russia attacked America
>Trump tried to conspire with the Russians
>We don't know the details because he obstructed justice and destroyed evidence.
>'We would have said so' if we concluded Trump didn't commit a crime.
I don't think he's American. So there's nothing they can do. They can't force another country to extradite a native when they aren't even pursuing criminal charges. Even if they were, the other country has no reason to turn him over.
muh nigguh
is there a list of all these obscure chans somewhere
I need a backup because everyone wants to ruin what I love
Gonna be honest with you brosephalophalous, the site is way too big now for a couple of literal volunteers trying to enact "pro active moderation". You delete /pol/ and this entire site will become unusable for months, if not years. We're already barely hanging on a thread in places like Yea Forums, where complete mental cases can spam post about twitter drama or anime shemales through their phones because they just get a new IP and start over if they get banned. Hell, just a few years ago this place couldn't handle a couple of shitposting horsefuckers who wouldn't shut the fuck up about their stupid cartoon pony show, they had to make a whole fucking board for them. You think the can handle an unleashed /pol/ with nothing to lose? We don't have the manpower to handle that amount of autism.
Thankfully we can trust our goberments to the fullest since it's utterly preposterous to assume that they would lie to the common citizen in any way, shape or form.
This really makes me want to shoot somebody. Have fun going to jail for my murder.
>redditor seething that he's told to go back
No offense, but they wouldnt be obscure if literally whos like you were invited in on command
Probable cause means you need probable cause to subpoena someone in the first place. A reasonable, unsilly, unstupid reason to justify doing it. "being in charge of a website that says meanie words" is not probable cause. That cause isn't justified at all, it has to be proven first.
What will we do now fellow q anoners? The eagle has landed. In September there are no eyes. WWG1WGA
>>'We would have said so' if we concluded Trump didn't commit a crime.
>he thinks it's the prosecutor's job to clear someone of wrongdoing
>post your manifesto to Facebook, Instagram and 8.chan
>it's 6 pages of bad spelling, shit logic and overall the scribblings of a low IQ dipshit
>everyone on 8.chan responds by calling you a faggot or a retard or an FBI plant etc.
So are they getting dragged through the mud over this?
Get owners and staff that cares.
That's why moot really left, the mods were shit and the only one who really gave a damn, modcat, was forced out.
Even with how shitty things were, if moot had a competent team, he would have kept going instead of cutting loose.
Everywhere. The curse is not lifted, we are the curse.
I was just thinking the other day how I should save everything from this one niche porn board a bunch of artists posted on
oh well
Wasily. Look at their opponents. They make the exact same mistakes as 4 years ago, instead of thinking about policies for the people and improving their lives they only talk about taking down Trump and that he's a big baddy bad. It's the same fucking shit again. Trump would really have to try and enact some sort of guns ban to realistically lose.
>modcat, was forced out.
was he the Yea Forums mod?
>literally nobody would have heard of it
/pol/ is literally r.eddit
>Damage control the post.
Stay mad Trump is a criminal and will be charged the moment he leaves office because he won't have the shield of the presidency to protect him.