Be a game dev

>be a game dev
>work hours and overtime
>have limited breaks
>don't have time to see family or friends
>boss on your ass 24/7
>years gone by
>game finally finish
>everyone shits on it
>boss fires you and everyone else
>another studio hires you
>rinse and repeat


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I do the same thing but working in Microbiology in Pharma industry. Big difference is game devs get paid fucks loads of money but I don't.

holy based

lol no they dont

How about making a good game for changes sake?

They fucking do in comparison to what I make working as a Microbiologist. I only make 40,000 a year.

>game devs get paid fucks loads of money

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sounds like you're retarded
why would you get an advanced STEM degree and not make 300k starting

>he actually fell for the whining of onions latte munching californian pampered devs