>water and ice are different elements
Water and ice are different elements
>wind is an element
Evrything is made of strings, your point?
No shit. Ice is "cold" element. It just manifests as ice because of water vapors in the air everywhere.
You're like a moron who doesn't know why the outside of their cold drink gets wet by collecting condensation
>steel and electric seperate so if you want a robot you have to do both
>bug and dragon types because lmao fuck you,do you want a bug thats metal and has fire powers,sorry cant have three types LMAO
>cold is an element
the absolute state of this brainlet
Ice usually just means "cold"
You can freeze co2
Ice and Water are the same thing.
What does more damage
Lightning to water foe or water to lightning foe?
no one gives a shit about pokemon anymore loser
"element" doesn't refer to atomic particles in a fucking magic system you fucking retard
Water is perpetually moving, ice is the opposite, them being separate isn't abnormal in the least
>element is what I define it to be!
>Removing heat from things and manipulating/creating water are the same thing
Yep, you're terminally retarded
>Plants and wind are the same element.
>Earth and electricity are the same element.
>Gravity and fucking ripping people's souls out and tossing them into hellgates are the same element.
excuse me but what the fuck
Element is a word with multiple meanings you dumbfuck. It doesn't just mean things on the Periodic Table.
The PC you used to make that post has "elements" such as the processor, graphics card, monitor, ect
>H2O isn't H2O because I say so
MTG does that too.
is heat an element?
Electricity requires grounding doofus
"Ice" makes ice because there's water in the air already.
It's a cold manipulation power, not a water molecule manipulation power.
>literally saying the same thing
Lmao caught the cuck doing the cuck dance again
Is autism an element?
at least you're consistently retarded
Did you respond to the wrong post?
Reminder to ignore and report the namefag.
No it's a status effect like petrify.
it's a tripfag newfriend, stop acknowledging it.
Makes sense, but if you manipulate "cold" you're actually manipulating heat transfer, no? So shouldn't you also heat shit up while creating ice?
No they arent. One is a solid and one is a liquid.
Their molecules are the same.
>We cant call it Fire Damage people think it's just bland and Boring what should we do
>Heat Damage
How do you cure it? Asking for a friend.
Not even me you fucking autist
>theory proposed as fact
Pokemon's type system, as absolutely retarded as it can be, is one of the things that make it so unqiue. Nothing wants to try and replicate it because it's inherently flawed and you can tell it's a rip off from a while off, but removing it would mean Pokemon is just no longer Pokemon.
I'm glad that you can just laugh off your own mistakes.
So which post did you mean to reply to?
There is none. It's like the level down status, a permanent alteration.
You just gotta try and get through with a little extra weight now.
Stay mad cuck
Smoking weed but it changes you to the retard status instead which is arguably worse
>geomancers can use ice as it's a solid
>hydrosophists can use lava as its a liquid
>Wood is an element
states of matter shouldnt be elements, only states of energy
>Radioactivity is an element
>ice is an element
>ice beats fire
Fire and ice are different elements and not a combined thermal energy skill.
>water users can use any liquid they want
>air users only control air
You can't drink ice, and you can't throw water at someone and hit them. People don't go swimming in "ice" at the pool, they go swimming in "water". There aren't "iceslide" parks. Yes, water and ice are treated as two different things.
>You can't throw water at someone and hit them
*That's where you're wrong kiddo*
I actually looked to see if the vid existed on pornhub
More like a curse
By that logic, pee and poop should be different elements.
>Autism is a status that can become a strong buff if used right