It's ok.
You can like it now.
It's ok.
You can like it now.
But Arin said it was bad
I never hated it.
It's got Groose.
>10 years since release
>still hated
ahahahahahahaha the Zelda cycle doesn't exist kiddo!
It's still shit tho. Also fuck that Water Dragon bitch
I liked it at release.
It has a fuckton of flaws but there was plenty of fun to be had.
it's all right
Never actually played it, I should get around to doing that.
would have worked better as a book series
I liked it more than TP.
That's not saying the game is good, just that TP is a pile of shit. It's still the only Zelda I haven't 100%'d (still working on BotW, but I'll get there)
groose is extremely based, not to mention groose's theme.
I always liked it, and I always hated breath of the wild.
It's too flawed to even ironically like.
The game is basically some tech demo ideas thrown together with some very loose gameplay.
He got cancelled now so everythings ok
Ahh, I see, so you have truly horrendous taste.
Shit taste the post.
I don't like open world games. I like Zelda games, and Breath of the Wild was the former, and not the latter.
Imagine enjoying a vast, barren adventure game with next to no exploration, easy-as-fuck gameplay, and monotonous, slow pacing. How deluded must you have to be to trick yourself into thinking you're having fun playing TP?
I'll pass, thanks.
I always liked it.
I always liked it. There are a couple of dumb parts to it (fighting the same boss 3 times, lack of much to do in the sky), but overall it's a very good game. I didn't have a problem with the waggle either, thought it was done well.
I will forever hate this game. Beat it on release, hated it then. Played it again, couldn't even get out of the island. The game is my least favorite Zelda game purely on game play reasons alone. It'd be the worst Zelda if I also add how it murdered the lore of the series.
I don't know if I "hate" BotW, but he's sorta right? BotW is not a Zelda game. Triforce Heroes is more Zelda than BotW.
>Same adventure repeated ad infinitum
>Shitty, surface-level action with zero depth
>Middle-of-the-road graphics
I don't get it, what the Hell are you nogs seeing in this series? I fucking adore Oracle of Ages, but at least I know why, and it ain't because it's a masterpiece of game design.
How many layers of ignorance do you have to be on to convince yourself this franchise has been anything but in the gutter for twenty years?
I pretty much feel the same way. Skyward Sword is bad, but holy shit is Twilight Princess worse.
Second worst 3d zelda after BotW. It had some alright dungeons, though.
nobody who says zelda is a masterpiece of game design is someone you should be taking seriously. everyone I know who likes these games pretty much just likes them because they're fun adventures with puzzles that aren't too hard. it's just like all of nintendos stuff, no depth to speak of but very digestible and comforting. I guess you could think of it as a happy place series. at least thats my take on it.
No, it's shieeeet
I always did. I never pretended I didn't just because some other people didn't. That would be fucking stupid.
Sounds about right.
I guess as I get older I care less for the
>Never improve!
-type attitude, which is all Nintendo seems to bother with. It's like they have zero ambition. Content to make a gorillion dollars for doing nothing.
To each his own, I suppose.
>Imagine enjoying a vast, barren adventure game with next to no exploration, easy-as-fuck gameplay, and monotonous, slow pacing.
Literally SS.
That's like saying GTA3 is not a GTA game because it differed so greatly from GTA2. The core Zelda gameplay is still there, it's just been upgraded in many ways.
I said they're both shit. TPi s just worse.
more like downgraded into copy-pasted drivel
how on earth does somebody consider breath of the wild an upgrade? no dungeons, no items, just hours of holding up on the easily broken joycon joystick. there isn't a single drop of zelda gameplay to be found, it's literally a minecraft ripoff without the procedural generation.
>TPi s just worse.
Nah, Midna and the dungeons alone plus the pacing and story that doesn’t fuck up the lore make it better than SS. Also, no motion controls unless you’re a Wiifag.
>the tad notes quest
Just thinking about it makes me not want to play it again.
I liked it because I'm not fat
>The core Zelda gameplay is still there, it's just been downgraded in many ways.
Why would I ever want to?
Ah we've reached this stage in the zelda cycle have we?
FUCK btfo
Zelda Cycle was a myth, Skyward Sword is just bad
anyone who didnt like SS to begin with is a fag anyways
>vast, barren adventure game with next to no exploration, easy-as-fuck gameplay, and monotonous, slow pacing.
Holy shit i thought you were talking about breath of the wild
Skyward sword is not a good game.
>next to no exploration
okay retard
>You can like it now.
No. Aside from the Sand Sea, time stones and a few bosses it was just god awful dogshit.
Until you run into the Song of the Hero softlock which is no longer fixable since the Wii Shop Channel became an hero.
>unskippable cutscenes
>unskippable text scroll
>horrible stamina wheel for everything
>mediocre crafting system
>item explanation popping up every time after booting up the game
>"overworld" is a linear obstacle course to reach the end of the path in all 3 sections
>bunch of ugly and forgettable new species nobody wanted
>sky is fucking tedium, pointless empty space to fly around like a dumbass, wishing you'd just get back already
>dungeons are bunch of "camera pan to the switch" every time you enter a room
>rehashed bosses up the ass
>bunch of shitty gimmick items like the beetle thing, and tacked on waggle shit everywhere
>disgusting artstyle that tried to be TP with Wind Waker artstyle that only looked off-putting
It's hands down the worst 3D Zelda and will forever be a pile of garbage.
The fact that the game flopped so hard and Nintendo had to damage control with BotW was the final nail on its coffin.
I still hate it.
Also friendly reminder that this game is old enough to be many anons baby's first Zelda.
By the time I finished the tutorial I was already burnt out, but it's my favorite game in the series because Fi is extant within it. Watching my sister play through it, Ghirahim and Groose are also pretty based. I should pick it back up.
Windwaker, TP, SS; I literally quit immediately after the tutorial on all of them. I made it way farther in OOT and BOTW, but I have no personal connection to them, which is the most important thing, even above quality and actual contact, to me.
there hasn't been a good console zelda since windwaker
I always liked it. It’s my favorite 3D Zelda. BotW is better but SS the best traditional 3D Zelda IMO. It’s a flawed masterpiece
Wind Waker was an unfinished piece of shit.
This, I always liked it
It’s not 10 years old. Still have 2.5 years before it’s 10 years old. Stop rounding up to nearest 10th you common core zoomer
still better than eveything after it
It's shit
Nah, TP was better and was a finished product. Plus Minish Cap is the best Toon Zelda game.
I don't know what Skyward Sword did to you to make you so angry, but your points are mostly irrelevant. Not every single game has to conform to every standard of what you think is "good."
The only actual complaint in your list of nitpicking is the fact the sky is rather empty and pointless - much like MOST of the overworlds in Legend of Zelda - they are just areas with some loot you traverse.
By far the biggest fucking joke in your complaint is insulting the art style. It's one of the most beautiful games that exists and it's a beautiful game in general.
And FUCK YOU, the beetle was the coolest item ever, and it was fun as fuck to use when it was required.
Wow, 2 entire seconds of gameplay taken up every time you pick up an item when you restart. Wow...
Did you have a real complaint?
Its a tech demo. No exploration, tons of recycled content, horrible partner who never shuts up.
>Ocarina of Time Hyrule Field
>Majora's Mask Termina Field
>Wind Waker Sea
>Twilight Princess fields
>Skyward Sword sky
>Breath of the Wild world
>complaining about unskippable cutscenes in a fucking story driven game
>calling the artstyle "ugly"
>being mad about a zelda game being an easy obstacle course, which is literally all the series has ever been, plus a few easy puzzles
user you're a retard
>Skyward Sword is a tech demo *munch munch*
>Breath of the Wild is a tech demo *munch munch*
Agree with this lost completely. It was so boring and keeps doing the same thing over and over. The entire game is one long dungeon that holds your hand the entire time. Linear and awful.
>>complaining about unskippable cutscenes in a fucking story driven game
People replay these games.
>dungeons are bunch of "camera pan to the switch" every time you enter a room
This is a blatant fucking lie. The FIRST fucking main room of the FIRST fucking dungeon has a very hidden switch that it vaguely tells you about and in NO way does the camera point to it.
That's the FIRST dungeon. The second dungeon literally shows you nothing. You have to look around to find every way forward.
BOTW has exploration. BOTW is very open ended.
SS is the opposite. It has no exploration and is extremely linear. Every area is a shitty sandbox.
>"master use my handholding mode to find the way"
>"master let me spoonfeed you the solution to this room"
>"master your batteries"
If they were actually posting real complaints and not made up nitpicks, the cutscene part is the least of the issues. The major problem with Skyward Sword and it's only real problem is the length and tedium of it's introductory tutorial. It's what prevents me from replaying it again. I've played it twice and don't want to go back now because of the intro flying/knight school shit.
That's the only real issue I have with the game. The people posting long lists about the artstyle and beetle item and empty sky are just nitpicking retards.
>SS is the opposite. It has no exploration and is extremely linear. Every area is a shitty sandbox.
So every 3D Zelda except BotW, which has "exploration" but there's nothing of consequence to find except rehashed shrines.
SS has no exploration. It's a linear game that holds your hand the whole way. Even the areas before the dungeons are just linear handholding railroads.
>SS is linear
Majora's Mask has 4 directions you can walk in and a few you can't go to without a mask. Limiting you to like, ONE direction each time. That's the most linear it can get.
And Navi literally just tells you where to go in Ocarina.
Twilight Princess has a huge portion that literally just paints areas you go to with a stick that moves statues. And MOST of it's dungeons are so linear you almost do nothing to go through them.
ALTTP, OOT, MM, WW, and TP all have exploration.
SS is the most linear, handholding game I have ever played. There is no overworld to explore. The areas before dungeons are all linear railroads, and are not connected to each other.
Neither does Wind Waker, Ocarina, or Twilight. You just are tricked into thinking there's "exploration" because the game world is bigger. Skyward Sword is smaller so the illusion isn't there. The other games are just as linear with next to nothing to explore. Calling out SS for being linear is something a brain dead person would do because that's most of the 3D zeldas.
>OoT has exploration
Exploring is not going from one dungeon to the next in a linear order because Navi tells you. Just because you can run around a few areas and do nothing isn't exploration.
Wind Waker's exploration amounts to finding the same repeated barrier reefs or going to a few random islands that are sparsely dotted on the map.
There is a ton of stuff to discover and explore in the other games.
SS has nothing. The areas before dungeons aren't even connected.
Wind Waker and Skyloft is the same shit. Hyrule Field, same shit as the sky.
Yeah it's not as interconnected but islands dotting the sea and in the sky, it's the same fucking idea. You're just low IQ and get fooled easily.
It was always good. You can't go against the Zelda cycle.
OOT is very open ended. None of my friends and I growing up completed the dungeons in the same order.
>controls only work 98% of the ti-
There's ONE thing you can do the spirit temple before the shadow temple but there's no way to play the others out of order.
And that's not open. It's the same fucking shit in a different order you mongoloid.
>Yeah its not as interconnected
It's not interconnected at all. The game plays like Mario Galaxy. The fact it makes everything linear and recycles content makes it even worse.
Don't bother user. The people who shit on SS literally put blinders on and totally ignore the other 3D Zeldas are the same formula just less obvious.
Anyone saying the Sky is any different than the Sea in windwaker is a brainlet who probably drools on their desk when playing games. The desert area in SS is five times larger than a single area in Wind Waker ever was.
How? Me and everyone else I ever knew always did the intended Forest>Fire>Water>Shadow>Spirit. Without intentionally trying to fuck up the order, how did you all go a different route "by mistake?"
You're so full of shit it's not actually funny anymore. Struggling this much to try to make OoT sound different than SS is unbearably cringy.
>there's no way to play the others out of order
This is wrong.
>You can do the second and third young link dungeons in any order.
>You can complete the first three adult dungeons in any order
>You can complete the spirit / shadow dungeons in either order
I went to the Fire Temple until I needed a bow, then I looked around until I found the bow. I wanted to finish the Fire Temple first, so I did.
That's called being open ended.
Zoomers you should go play OOT. It was common in the 90s for kids to do Jabu Jabu before Death Mountain, and a lot of people would go to the Fire Temple before Forest. Some people would do Water before Fire, etc
You might be able to do it in that order, but the game LITERALLY guides you in such a straight line that unless you looked it up or someone told you, you would play it the way the game tells you.
No one goes out of their way to do something when the game is screaming I THINK I HEAR SARIA IN THE WOODS
You're fucking delusional and crazy. You don't seem to remember the flaws of Ocarina as much as you do Skyward Sword. IF YOU DID, then I'm not sure how you really fail to see how similar OoT and Majora and Wind Waker are to Skyward Sword.
I'm 32. Literally everyone I knew was Deku, Dodongo, Jabu Jabu
>Quitting a temple halfway
>You might be able to do it in that order
Yes. It's open ended.
>you would play it the way the game tells you
I didn't and many others didn't. You don't have to do what the game tells you. This is part of the fun of open ended games, exploring and seeing what's possible. Your brain is too fucked from SS to understand this.
31 Here. You're so full of shit your eyes are brown. Between Saria, Sheik and Navi all telling you where to go, the game intentionally places hazards in your way to prevent you from entering the dungeons out of order.
You're either a liar or a colossal fuckup with no reading ability.
>doing exactly what the games suggests
OOT doesn't force it on you and you don't have to. You are a bootlicker who needs a game like SS to force you to a linear path.
How so?
What is the argument here?
What is the point?
You can do something out of order?
Does it change anything? At all?
As soon as you leave Kokiri forest it tells you to go to the castle and then Impa fucking tells you flat out to GO TO DEATH MOUNTAIN
It's an open ended game. As soon as I got adult link I wanted to see Kakariko village, then I wanted to go up the mountain. I'm sorry you have no creativity and can't play nonlinear games.
If you were a child and you figured out how to go to the other temples just BY yourself, that's really impressive honestly. If you ignored everything telling you go to a temple and just found out the other temples on your own and completed them and knew it all, that's really impressive.
>What is the point? You can do something out of order?
Yes, you can explore and do things in a nonlinear way. Now you understand, little zoom.
It's an open ended game but the game literally tells you exactly where to go and you're blatantly ignoring it.
You can do that, but it does not make the game non-linear. And someone in the game is CONSTANTLY telling you where to go and what to do, EXACTLY like Skyward Sword.
You quoted the wrong person, Retard.
Nobody on earth did it the way you're suggesting. You're either a fucking moron or you're trolling hardcore, Ol Zoom
Every open world game plainly shows you where to go with markers you fucking retard
>It's an open ended game
Correct. End of discussion.
>It's IMPOSSIBLE to do the dungeons in other orders!!! Only a kid genius could pull that off!
How fucking dumb are you SSspergs? My friends in elementary school figured out all that shit. It was fun to get the bow first then go complete other things
Honestly - it would make more sense for a ZOOMER to play it out of order than it would for a BOOMER who actually played it as a kid and had no fucking idea.
You claiming you just magically went to explore Death Mountain as a child and did the Fire Temple before the Forest Temple could have happened, but it's not something anyone discussed in the 90s.
You think OoT is this big game that's so different from SS, but you do the exact same shit. You wake up, you get a partner, you go to different parts of the world and then you explore the sky and the islands in the sky.
The only difference is the tablets unlock pieces of the world in a set order. Just because you can wander into the fucking Fire Temple and do it, then do the Forest Temple, doesn't mean a fucking thing.
It happened and we talked about it at school. You see, little zoom, in the 90s kids would share strategies about games at school. This stuff wasn't online back then. This is how the "that kid" meme evolved
>It doesn't mean a fucking thing.
It does. It means that SS is linear, and OOT is not linear.
Not the user you were talking to but I really hope we get an HD version of Skyward Sword that changes the last two segments of the game and allows you to obtain the Song of the Hero in any order, maybe even the dungeons for the Sacred Flames. That would be nice but at the same time I feel like it wouldn't work, depending on when you get the Bow because if memory serves me right you could potentially do the second group of dungeons out of sequence if the game allowed it
Played it last month. The controls make playing it a chore, the dungeons are mediocre and the game is filled with boring busywork to pad length. Never mind the fucking retarded story that exists only to validate timeline autists. It is the only 3D Zelda game I actively didn't like and will never replay.
Holy shit did you actually play the game? The only way to do Jabu before Dodongo's Cavern is if you make it 80% of the way through the Cavern to get bombs, then use bombs to open up zoras domain. So unless you were a stupid fuck in the 90s who decided for no reason to quit most of the way through the level to Jabu then you are full of shit. Don't know how nobody else in this thread has called you on this yet
If you truly believe OoT is not a linear game, like, you're someone who believes because you did a temple out of order the game is now non-linear, and even doing the temple out of order, the result is the same, then farewell. I can't argue with somebody who is this retarded.
As somebody who totally ignores the game directly telling you what to do and when to do it, and saying adamantly "it's not linear!" you are too retarded to talk to.
The game literally inconveniences you by doing things out of order because some temples have items you need to have more fun and do more in the other temples. And yet you still claim it's non linear.
It's a fucking terrible game. Only positives are Groose and Grooseland.
Can't you access Zora's Domain by going to Lake Hylia and diving into that hole? And by opening it with Zelda's Lullaby? It's been a minute since I've played straight through OOT
He's a complete fucking liar and a retard. You go through the dungeons to get items to properly unlock areas and it's specifically why the game is linear.
You're pretty fucking stupid if you went through something, got bombs, and left.
A lot of people didn't like Navi and wouldn't talk or listen to her. She had an annoying reputation.
OOT is an open ended game (you admitted it) with a lot of exploration, especially for a 3D game at the time.
>I couldn't read
Some of us were double digits when OOT came out.
No. You can't dive that deep as a child.
You're already done "arguing" so why did you respond? I can't reason with you since you are a brickwall
Hey you fucking retards you can get to Zoras Domain via a Silver Scale. You don't need to step foot in Dodongos.
My opinion hasn't really changed.
It's a good game, but easily the weakest of the 3D Zeldas.
Ah ok.
Now I recall that the road to Zora's Domain is walled off by bombs too
I just love the Zoomers trying to shit on OOT. It's okay, you weren't there. It's hard to understand
>it's not possible to complete dungeons in other orders! Kids follow directions to the letter!
Fucking lmfao
You win the Silver Scale in Zora's Domain.
>you can get to Zoras Domain with the Silver scale
>zoras domain
>silver scale
Retard alert. You get the silver scale in zoras domain. You can only get to zoras domain by bombing the rocks blocking Zora river or doing some serious glitching to get the gold scale as a kid
its the worst game i ever played. I mean that. It's the most boring, linear, piece of crap I ever played and I will never play it agian.
The game has unique dialogue if you do them in a different order. It was 100% intended and possible.
Honestly as a kid it never occurred to me to get them out of order. I and everyone I knew just naturally did forest fire water and then found sheik at kakariko so did that and finally fumbled around until finding the spirit one. Didnt even know you could until I was an adult
It's trash and BotW is mediocre.
The way you keep referring to everyone who argues with you as zoomers is telling.
>its the worst game i ever played
then you are blessed because there is a whole subgenre of games that are so painfully unfun that SS is at least a 7/10 by comparison
Projecting zoomer
It is an on rails game. People like to claim a game that LETS you do something in the WRONG order are non-linear.
You can dive that deep as a child, but you need the Silver Scale, which you get by doing the diving game at Zora's Domain.
So you still need the bombs before you can even think about going to Zora's Domain via Lake Hylia.
I assume that your definition of Zoomers is 2000-present.
still shit
I'm so fucking glad arin decided to shit the bed and humiliate himself whilst throwing newgrounds under the bus prompting everyone from newgrounds to shit on him. You have no idea how much joy I get from watching everyone shit on this soulless corporate pussy, his fake positivity & fragile baby persona. "it's never ok to say anything that may offend anyone" what a childish phoney hack.
>when Fi reminds you your Wii remote batteries are low
It's still a shitty linear fest with shit exploration, shit combat, and a shit OST
what happened?
TP is worse
Isn't that Tomar's wife? Fucking based. Funny how arin got a shitty conwhore with fetal alcohol syndrome that no one likes but people like chris and tomar got cute wives that aren't total cunts.
So you just want them to keep doing the same formula over and over? Fuck that dude BOTWs gameplay is awesome. Lack of dungeons and music sucks but they were just testing the waters with the new style so expect them to master it in the sequel or the 3rd unrelated game
Agreed, it has aged for the worse.
Skyward Sword has the best music, characters, artstyle, atmosphere, etc of any Zelda game but is held back by bad controlls and tons of gimmicky shit that comes along with them
Same , I am pretty curious as well
>Skyward Sword has the best music, characters, artstyle, atmosphere, etc of any Zelda game
This, except it doesn't.
I still hate it.
Someone made a cartoon making fun of animations used to accompany a story from real life (I think? which I guess is a common type of video now? Idk) and Arin was all, "This is mean, how dare you, don't hate on people for trying to be creative"
I am struggling through TP for the first time right now and yeah, apart from the dummy thicc Midna, this game is mediocre. Controls like ass.
>Controls like ass.
The game controls are some of the best in the series.
Fuck this boring ass game
>arin decides to be a fragile bitch and make something about him. attacking an animator.
>says newgrounds is toxic.
>gets btfo by oney, spazkid, jeff and the rest of newgrounds.
>everyone starts posting all the clips of him saying nigger ect to point out how fake he is
>never admits he was wrong or says sorry.
>he makes a vague corporate statement on his twitter to try to protect his shitty brand.
>you should never be offensive to anyone.
>gets called out again.
Cant do much but laugh at this, thanks for the spoonfeed
The only requirements are the bow for Spirit and Water. Shadow you need the 3 elemental temples for the song to get there.
So basically there's a bunch of different combinations. You can start with Fire->Forest, then do the rest in any order as long as you complete Shadow last or second to last.
The child dungeons you have to pretty much do in order though, unless you glitch into Zora's domain, or get bombs from dodongos first.