Controllerbros.. what the fuck do we do?
Controllerbros.. what the fuck do we do?
this is exactly what i want, whats it called?
I did this all the time with joytokey and my pc controller. Just map wasd to joystick/cross pad and use the mouse to aim. Really changed the FPS game for me. I got used to wasd at one point, but always hated it. I played a SHITLOAD of street fighter on keyboard.
This is cheating. Cheating you'll get away with but cheating nonetheless.
sounds like chink shit
Kind of in the same type of way that fightpads are considered cheating, though. It's not technical cheating, but it does grant an advantage over wasd.
Personally I don't give a fuck. Allow it in. I use it all the time it's great.
I would rather have something like the nunchuck but with a few extra buttons.
I tried setting it up once but I never committed to actually learning it and figuring out the best hotkeys and shit. You lose a lot of keys though so I'm not sure how you make up for that if the game requires a lot of input.
do people buy these because they are afraid of real competition in PC games?
Fighting games are made with fighting sticks in mind. Console FPS games are not made for play with a mouse. That’s why they have autoaim.
For games that required hotkeys I used my left pinkie and it may sound stupid, but it worked very well, but you do have more dexterity with a full hand dedicated to the keyboard. The only reason I use a controller and mouse is because I have some form of complete disdain for wasd that even I can't explain because I played a LOT of games on keyboard or keyboard+mouse.
This is for games that game auto-aim for controller users. Basically a way to cheat without getting caught by anti-cheat.
How does this work? Wouldn't the game detect that you're using a controller and put you in a controller lobby?
This one has more reviews, although, they are split between great and awful.
This is kinda how I play games like GTAV. I use a PS want or whatever it's called for moving around and mouse for aiming.
these never work well at all, though.
It's time to ascend bro
what is this for? in what game would you use both a mouse and an analog stick?
The mouse just acts as the right stick. So, left stick moves and the mouse controls your view.
I refuse to give money to Valve
The only good thing about this controller is the gyro. So a PS4 controller or a Switch Pro Controller are the better choice.
Hey wang chen!
I want this but only a version that isn't garbage
Backpaddles, Touchpads, and the customization settings, brainletkun
I bought one for the PS3 and IT DOESN'T WORK as good as a mouse, especially if you move the mouse diagonally. These "mouse" controller are shit, you better off using the analog stick
But user, I'm already there
Useless when the layout itself is the problem.
Acquire proficiency
Mouse is better than right stick for aiming
Left stick is better than WASD for running/strafing
I like the idea. Is there something that gets this idea right and is supported on PC?
Customization is the software, not hardware.
Touchpads are shit.
That's the point. Controller lobbies are far easier than M&K lobbies.
>Touchpads are shit.
>buying 3rd party controllers
>play GS:GO back when it was on PS3 and was a new game that doesn't even resemble modern CS:GO on PC
>it allowed mouse and keyboard
>plug them in
>go holy fucking rape mode on all the controller shitters
good times
why, to compliment my third party software of course!
I refuse to pay for digital distribution so I refuse to give money to Epic too
Die Gabe
Hori is just overpriced chinkshit but not entirely shitty. I bought the Hori FPS Plus and the shape, triggers, and analogs are great. Only problem is that they price it slightly higher than a PS4 controller while having an attached wire with no wireless capability, no rumble, and the controller is just weightless plastic. I would give it a 2.5 stars just because of the insane price.
Weird. I bought a Switch Pro Hori and it was like 20 bucks. I use it for PC and it does everything I want.
Granted, I turn rumble off in every game ever and actually removed rumblers from my X360 and PS3 controllers to make them weigh less.
Don't most console games have auto aim? Like when you get the crosshair near someone it kind of snags on like a fishing game and you just press fire to "reel in" the kill.
They are designed so you don't need quick aiming or fast reflexes.
I would use this just for GTAV Online on PC. I can't aim for shit with analog but can't drive for shit on WASD.
The vast majority of shooters have aim assist, I know Siege doesn't and Planetside 2 has the option to turn it off. Funny, as both of those games on console have a ton of fags running around with mkb. Siege is even worse because people are using macros.
>using macros in pubs on a console FPS
How desperate do you even have to be to do this?
Hey does anyone here unironically use one of those KBM adapters like XIM Apex / XIM 4
What's it like? Does it actually work? Was it worth your purchase?
This fucking piece of garbage XBOX wireless controller is made to fucking break. The bumpers are connected by a thin piece of plastic that snaps.