Doom Eternal
Doom Eternal
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Not too bad for concept art.
Then again, it's just concept art, so far.
You're right. Nothing has been released but concept art.
Very very wayne barlowe
That’s cool.
It's missing all the iconic and recognizable christian imagery. Looks like it's from world of warcraft. Generic shit.
Most if not all game concept art is better than the final product
>doom has iconic christian imagery
Are you sure you aren't thinking of a different game?
The crosses in that concept art are about as much christian imagery as that piece of map geometry.
Here's the Super Gore Nest.
does wow actually have stuff that's that level of metal or are you just memeposting
What a nice arena to be locked in until I kill all the enemies.
>looks like wow
are you confusing wow with w40k?
same shit different toilet
well you are fighting demons from hell in Doom. You're fighting aliens in the new one.
looks like concept art for a mortal kombat stage
This guy thinks that six cubes hollowed out of a flat wall means christian imagery, do you really think he is able to properly express himself?
I'm picking this up on Switch
That’s a lot of meat.
uhh, that's an inverted cross sweaty. i'm an atheist so i should know
oh no it's retarded
The inverted cross is still a Christian image. St. Peter didn't feel worthy of being crucified in the same way as Jesus, so he was hung upside-down.
>a cross isn't christian imagery in a game about fighting demons from hell
nudoom fans everyone
based retard
There are crosses in DOOM 5. Are those not christian imagery anymore?
so it is confirmed that we will be seeing heavenly creatures in this game?
>There are crosses in DOOM 5
I'm getting it for Xbox, but I'm really looking forward to seeing how it plays on Switch.
>well you are fighting demons from hell in Doom. You're fighting aliens in the new one.
this isn't halo you braindead monkey.
What's his problem?
He has a bone to pick with Doomguy/Doom Slayer.
>this isn't halo you braindead monkey.
fooled me with how they have flat out removed christian imagery. It's just aliens dude. Not even hell. At least Halo did it better.
belongs in world of warcraft
I just quickly went through this thread, have you actually ever played World of Warcraft? If anything it is more Warhammer , both fantasy and 40k, which has the warp which is already not!hell.
Me too. 2016 ran great on 1.2 and Panic Button is building this one from the ground up so it should be great.
Yes, because Aliens talk about death, despair, and destruction. Aliens posses the souls of the living. And Aliens have fucking pentagrams, fire, skulls and blood everywhere.
Shut the fuck up.
>It's not even hell!
Are you fucking retarded?
I'm still confused, is Doom Guy supposed to be Doom Slayer? And who was the guy in Doom 3 again?
I might replay these games.
Angry Martian noises
All but 100% confirmed to be the same dude except for 3's guy. That's a different bad ass dude who fought against hell. They hand wave it by saying Hell is a dimension that absorbs dimensions.
Doom 3 Guy/Doom Marine is a separate guy from one one of the many universes Hell tried to invade.
Who gives a fuck? If it looks good it looks good. Stop bitching about muh crosses not being featured as it that would change anything
I love that Hell is just extradimensional cancer AIDS now.
Quake Champions says that Guy and Slayer are the same, but people don't like looking to a dead multiplayer game for story
NuDoom implies it as well I think, but also apparently talks about weird shit I don't understand, like him having a son that got murdered and meeting mystical knights and a woman who gave him magic armor.
Doom 3 was just a retelling of the first game, but people here say that it was an "alternate dimension" or something
Honestly, I think the lore they've been trying to shove in is stupid, and you should just take the original manuals as fact. Doom was never about exposition dumps or backstory, you just cleaned out rooms of demons.
The betrayer's story isn't the slayer's story. That is mentioned in the Argent D'nur logs and not the Slayer's Testaments.
The Betrayer was someone different from Doomguy.
They're the same guy to me. I mean, it was confirmed that Doom 2016 was a SOFT reboot. Meaning it was continuing where it left off. Likely after Doom 64. It's obvious as fuck.
look, if you had played doom you would know it begins as an upright cross and then translates into an inverted cross with damage walls for extra edgelord.
What exactly does a soft reboot mean?
What did it reboot? Did it reboot from the 3rd game?
NuDoom implies Doom Slayer was battling in hell for a long time until he ended up in a coffin because hell couldn't kill him or some shit?
this thing apparently succs souls from the body, according to ID's social posts.
it's a soft reboot because it reprises the events of doom 1, which itself was already soft-rebooted in doom 3.
That's what happened to the wraiths in D44M
So what about Doom 2 then? Never happened?
>What exactly does a soft reboot mean?
A “soft reboot” is when you don't do any of that, but build a story within an existing universe that's essentially so far removed from the original characters or events from past entries that it becomes a new “jumping on” point, or reintroduction.
it happened and is apparently happening again. hence the soft-rebootage
You're thinking of Duke. Doom can't move ceilings and floors at the same time.
any classic doom players?
What wads are you playing? Sigil any good?
What the fuck is a gore nest even?
I’m playing through Golden Souls 1 and 2 in preparation for 3.
>Gore Nests are portals from Hell to Mars. They have to be cleared to remove lockdowns of certain areas in the game. They are often lightly guarded but taking one out calls in more demons from Hell.
>Studies of demons upon entering this dimension have shown that their conduct is not purely vindictive - there is a method behind their actions. When a demon captures their prey, the fresh kill is taken to a temporary ceremonial site where arcane rituals are performed on the pile of blood and gore. When enough corpses have been gathered, the ceremonial site becomes a "Gore Nest". These sites, imbued with Hell energy from the rituals, act as umbilical cords to Hell. Extreme caution must be taken when approaching a Gore Nest. Attacking the nest, or indeed any demons within close proximity to the nest, will act as an alarm and siphon more demons from Hell.
I think the generic zombies that roam around instinctively gather human corpses and put them into a big pile, and then do some sort of ritual to create a portal or something
"Studies of demons upon entering this dimension have shown that their conduct is not purely vindictive - there is a method behind their actions. When a demon captures their prey, the fresh kill is taken to a temporary ceremonial site where arcane rituals are performed on the pile of blood and gore.
When enough corpses have been gathered, the ceremonial site becomes a "Gore Nest". These sites, imbued with Hell energy from the rituals, act as umbilical cords to Hell. Extreme caution must be taken when approaching a Gore Nest. Attacking the nest, or indeed any demons within close proximity to the nest, will act as an alarm and siphon more demons from Hell."
making them ACTUAL demons and angels would be far too controversial for an AAA game in 2019
>not too bad
unwilling(zombies) gather body parts from the dead among people or themselves and then perform a ritual and it creates a portal for demons to come through.
Are you even a fan of Doom or just some idiot who is talking just for the sake of being the devil's advocate aka being obnoxious?
what? Im stating a fact. This isn't the 90s. Bethseda is a big corporation. Real references to religion would offend people
Ok, so you're being obnoxious and talking out of your ass. Got it.
no im talking about reality you brainlet
Turning literal demons from Hell into this "other dimension" was lame. Why not actually strive to make it Hellish other than superficial stuff like crosses and fire? Have Doomguy traverse the nine circles, make him fight hellhounds, make him see the souls of the damned.
Make the demons actually demonic, not just Halo ripoffs.
I want to see them crank up the edge to the point where they get the same amount of controversy they did in the 90s.
Have a big titted succubus chained to a pillar of flesh while streams of blood pour on her. Just violent, nonsensical shit like that.
The motifs seem to be meat, blood and flesh for demons and bone, carapace and muscle for angels
Right, and in reality there is "christian imagery" aka the cross, that's fucking it. God, Demons and Angels are not created from Christianity. You would know this if you ever taken a course in any history involving spiritual beliefs or 5 minutes of fucking google.
"a spiritual being believed to act as an attendant, agent, or messenger of God, conventionally represented in human form with wings and a long robe."
There is no talk of god or even the Devil/Satan himself in the Doom games, ever. It's never happened. So not sure what you're exactly attempting here with your political nonsense.
Doom doesn't mention god or angels, it mentions the devil, it has plenty of satanic imagery some of which is vaguely christian
More like...
>Turning literal demons from Hell into this "other dimension" was lame.
Hell is in the afterlife apparently, that's considered another dimension in a scientific term. The game is based in the future, where mystic nonsense is called scientific things, are you not catching on to that?
>Why not actually strive to make it Hellish other than superficial stuff like crosses and fire?
Because fire is associated with hell? Fucking duh?
>Have Doomguy traverse the nine circles, make him fight hellhounds, make him see the souls of the damned.
Are fucking with me right now? Do you think this is Dante's Inferno or something?
>Make the demons actually demonic, not just Halo ripoffs.
No idea what the fuck this is implying. Doom Guy wore that green outfit first, was predated in FPS and you have the balls to say it RIPPED OFF Halo?! Are you fucking with me right now?
>I want to see them crank up the edge to the point where they get the same amount of controversy they did in the 90s.
The "controversy" (since it's obvious you weren't even alive judging by your dumb post) was the gore factor. Violence was on the rise in video games and then the columbine shooting happen which both kids were fans of Doom.
>Have a big titted succubus chained to a pillar of flesh while streams of blood pour on her. Just violent, nonsensical shit like that
You sound like you write bad fan fiction.
Also vaguely something else, can you guess what they are? Or you want to admit now you're an idiot in this religious comparison and I'll tell you what you're not getting.
H-Doom update when?
I don't want FPS Monster Girl Quest, I want H-Doom.
>hell and demons aren't religious
please, tell me more
Amid Evil made me realize how much of a compromise the Doom reboot is.
>not just Halo ripoffs.
You're gonna have to elucidate on this one. Where's the Halo in any of these?
It's not like they let people play the game before release or anything
Where did you get that from? Why are you making up shit I didn't say? You said Christianity. Doom isn't inspired by just christianity (since you clearly don't know jack shit) it references other things too dumb ass.
Don't bother, he's a fucking idiot.
Sigil is great fun. If you don't mind a bit of brutality you can go right to UV pistol start.
Oh are you going to get pedantic here and point out that satanic imagery in christianity is mostly pagan shit? The point is it sucks because the game no longer has a religious theme, it's just boring alien bullshit with the introduction of this non-descript "angel" faction
it's a nest with flesh and gore obviously
Those glowing magical sword and axe are fucking gay. The least metal shit ever.
Like you ever gave a shit.
what? are you fucking retarded or something?
>Oh are you going to get pedantic here and point out that satanic imagery in christianity is mostly pagan shit?
Wasn't even going to go that route. Want to try again dumbass? Or you want to admit you don't know shit?
>The point is it sucks because the game no longer has a religious theme, it's just boring alien bullshit with the introduction of this non-descript "angel" faction
Are you actually autistic? First of all, what's the difference between aliens and demons to you exactly?
The game was never actually religious. Ever. If it was church's would be marketing Doom to their youth groups.
And you JUST COMPLAINED about demons not being religious but then complain there's "angel" factions? You just contradicted yourself you fucking moron.
>doomguy is a fucking manlet
he's always been 6ft
>smaller than an imp
Hell is a religious concept. The original Doom never made any explicit references to a particular religion, but it had hell and demons. Now it's been made explicity non-religious and the demons and angels are just aliens. that's why it's shit. Not sure what you're trying to prove with your mental gymnastics
>playing doom eternal on anything but pc
Fucking scumbag faggot retard.
but doom has always been about experiments in the future, but those knights sentinels look very christian to me
is fucking retarded
Imps are always hunched over.
>Hell is a religious concept
Wrong, it exists in multiple spiritual beliefs not just religious.
>The original Doom never made any explicit references to a particular religion, but it had hell and demons
Your point?
>Now it's been made explicity non-religious and the demons and angels are just aliens.
You didn't answer my previous question: What's the difference between aliens and demons to you?
>that's why it's shit. Not sure what you're trying to prove with your mental gymnastics
I don't even need to balance on this beam, you're hanging yourself on your own with idiotic bravado.
>but doom has always been about experiments in the future
and? what does that have to do with what I said?
Do you not have a reading comprehension?
Religions ARE spiritual beliefs you complete moron
>What's the difference between aliens and demons to you?
demons are religious, aliens aren't
>Religions ARE spiritual beliefs you complete moron
That is not correct, I'm clearly talking to a child.
>demons are religious, aliens aren't
And you know You met aliens? Talked to demons?
What are you trying to prove with your pointless pedantry? Religion is an organized spiritual belief. Some spiritual beliefs aren't religions. What does this have to do with the topic?
The reddit dripping from this poster is nauseating.
You didn't answer my questions.
Not sure what me talking to aliens or demons have to do with my opinion on the Doom lore
So is samefagging but I'm letting it slide because you clearly yearn for attention.
Re-read that question. If you don't reply what is being asked, I'm not spoon feeding your dumb ass any longer.
try again you stupid faggot
>walks in a straight line to arena spawn room
>demons spawn in, hold right click to bring up my iron sights to shoot
>enemy starts to glow
>i press a button to see something awesome and also become invincible for the duration of the animation while also healing a quarter of my health per F press
>monsters defeated, follow quest arrow to end of straight line hallway
>I did it! Level up and start assigning my skill points
>Ahhh... Doom, just the way I remember it
>faggot ruins a doom thread due to his inability to handle seeing the word religion in any facet in conversation.
>playing FPS on consoles
the only thing similar is the color red and even eternal cant get as red
I'm pretty sure the intention of Doom was based on religion, to argue any different it to be a bit autistic.
Holy fuck what is wrong with this thread
go to /tg/ if you want to roleplay
Come back after going to ultra nightmare, tell me how that goes for you.
One autist arguing that doom wasn't based around religious themes.
>iron sights
What the fuck are you talking about?
The only thing you're spoonfeeding me is a pointless argument about nothing because you're mad about something I said and can't even think logically and make a counterpoint so you're arguing over the meaning of words
can you explain this? Particularly the 'wonder where bad folks will go when they die' part.
>playing fps shooters on consoles
It's not my fault you're stupid. Blame your parents.
No one said it wasn't.
You're stupid. You have no argument so you're trying to one-up me by pretending you know things I don't. Even if you did, it would be irrelevant. What even is your point? Can you outline it clearly?
Sure, as soon as you summarize what your claims are one more time in a final post and I can shred it apart brick by brick to the point you'll have no retort.
didnt read it but its not real
Dont argue with nudum zoomers. They are retarded and think a game with straight lines and arena tumors is a doom game
Too useless to learn a new control scheme?
nudoom is designed for consoles. it'd be even worse to be on PC where you have choice in actual FPS but still choose to play the console port.
new doom lore sucks because it no longer has religious connotations, the demons and angels are just aliens from other worlds
Right, because backtracking in straight lines and feeling walls around is Doom. Our mistake.
The real hell is this board
>walk in a straight line spamming "use" on the walls
>enter arena room
>it's full of chaingunnigers
>turn back
>switch to BFG
>return to arena room
>shoot BFG 5 times
>go back an look for some ammo, return to arena room
>shoot BFG 10 more times
>go to next arena room
>if full of mancubi
>hold "sprint" button running in circles 2000x times faster than their projectiles raping them with homing rockets
>Ahhh... They don't make games like this anymore!
that's part of the reason the new games are so easy, every enemy just stands around waiting for you to do le epic glory kills because the games had to keep snoys and xbots in mind
>new doom lore sucks because it no longer has religious connotations
But it does. Enemy types, the reference to hell MULTIPLE TIMES. The word Demon is still in there. You still go to actual hell. The final boss is a scientist who opens a giant fucking hole to bring more hell into our existence. Like, what more do you want nigger?
> the demons and angels are just aliens from other worlds
This is the dumbest comment of them all. Demons and Angels are not even from our dimension. It's cleary states that. Dimensional portals have ALWAYS been a thing. Why are you just now complaining about this? The portals between dimensions have been in Doom since the fucking first one. The term "alien" can mean fucking anything, from a Mexican coming to America, or something from space. And if you knew anything about physics, you'd know that dimensions are supposed to be outside our you know...heaven and hell?
was this a gif or something, that framerate is fucked
Congrats on admitting you never played the fucking game.
Am I the only person excited for the fact that vega is back?
It's not "actual hell", it's just another dimension they're calling hell. The religious connotations are gone. It's just the look and name. The problem is not that they're aliens, it's that they're JUST aliens
not him but I played the game on Nightmare and he's completely right
most enemies just stand around and wait for you to do something to them
I've played the game, he's pretty much correct.
What is the deal with glory kills? They really interrupt the flow of the game.
i miss seeing shit like this in doom
seeing how easy it is did you guys manage to finish ultra nightmare?
All nightmare does is make glory kill spam mandatory
yes, difficulty has nothing to do with design principles though.
>I want to watch shitposting webms in 4k 60fps
You're talking in fucking circles just to be annoying at this point.
You can't even give examples to anything you're saying. What do you mean "literal hell"?
>What do you mean "literal hell"?
"the place bad folks go when they die"
Control sticks aren't meant for fast and precise movements, user. That's why they have to add so many things to help you aim.
Now Gyro aim on the other hand...
>All nightmare does is make glory kill spam mandatory
So you didn't play the game.
Hell doesn't house humans, ever heard of a guy named Jesus?
Ah yes, the epitome of a demon from religious hell as described by religion.
you say that like it's a bad thing user
Uh, what part of the whole hell thing did you not understand? Hell ABSORBS souls. VERY few corpses are in actual hell.
At least it's a demon, not an alien or from world of warcraft.
>Now Gyro aim on the other hand...
Friendly reminder that you can have superior gyro-aim FPS experience on PC thanks to Steam Input.
I do remember the bible describing the forces of hell were led by a brain using cybernetic spider legs, hmm yes.
Am I missing something? both old and new doom is good
I really enjoyed the classic doom atmosphere due to it being simple yet unsettling and badass. I feel like the new doom games try way too hard to look badass and put way too much detail into shit.
Can't forget the description of the skeletons with rocket launchers strapped to them
Yes but shitposting is better.
Holy shit you're dumb.
I'm not the pendantic user you've been arguing with but why are you so obsessed with "religious connotations"?
What the fuck would they have to do to please you? The place is red with fire and brimstone, there's fucking lost souls roaming around, there's fucking pits of gore and corpses who were obviously being tortured. They're called demons, they have horns, some have goat legs, there's skulls and pentagrams, there's blood rituals, there's even demonic voices who speak like the old testament.
They mention heaven, they mention angels (or seraphim, its been a while.)
What the fuck more do you want? You them to mention the Christian God by name? You want angels that look like those shitty art pieces you see at flea markets, humans with wings?
If you don't like the game just say so instead of saying something vauge so you can sound justified in your dislike?
>not an alien or from world of warcraft.
>an alien from world of warcraft
>alien from world of warcraft
>world of warcraft
>40k and warcraft are the same
>Lightsaber skull axe isnt metal
nigger do you even brain?
>If you don't like the game just say so
I did. And then someone got so eternally buttblasted by it he's been arguing about it the entire thread. As another guy put it, it looks like World of Warcraft. It looks like a safe, secularized version of the concept
Orcs are aliens or something like that. WoW lore is absolute clusterfuck and Blizzard doesn't put much though into their excuses for adding another race of recolored humans or furries they pull out of their asses regularly.
Are you fucking blind?
Totally doesn't look like an alien and is totally a demon.
what is this supposed to be showing? cherry picked gameplay elements?
because it's a gif of cherry picked gameplay elements
Those goofy faces use to creep me out when I was younger
The new games feel like something out of a comic book, I wish they kept the tone Doom PS1/64 had without going full on slow paced horror that Doom 3 did
Come on nigger, put a fucking Plutonia map
No? Look at original Doom. Goat heads, pentagrams, crosses, crucifixitions
now look at this
HR Giger-esque space cathedral being very careful to avoid references to any real religion
the new music is also overrated garbage. the new doom games are the equivalent of a Hollywood remake of a good classic film.
Making weapons from fucking METAL, that's what is METAL.
Hologram weapons are turbogay.
Ok now explain this.
I did and I spammed F the whole way through, burning the death animations into my brain.
Fuck plutonia, Chillax is where it's at.
>tfw the 2 hour tas plays of chillax were taken down
Feels bad man.
Looks pretty cool to me, still going way out of it's way to whitewash itself of any real-life symbolism
not gigeresque at all
You literally go to hell in nudoom
Isn't from Christianity.
>he doesn't know about the pentagram easteregg in the soundfiles.
You mean the upside down cross? It's not satanic.
The tower at the center is almost literally the Tower of Babel
Do you even know what that means?
upside down cross is satanic
goathead is a pagan thing and pagan things are demons to christians
Chad elemental
Upside down cross is actually not demonic. It's the cross of saint peter.
Why would you do that if trying to abuse glory kills makes Nightmare harder?
What's the matter, 2hard4u?
>It's the cross of saint peter.
It's both
No, upside down cross is anti christian. Not satanic. Anti christian is against the religion as a whole, including the existence of satan.
Goathead is a reference to baphomet, who was not from paganism. You are literally stupid and I wish I can hit you until you stopped being so stupid.
>caring about Warcraft instead of accepting TFT as the end
This is your own fault.
Doom became obsolete the moment Quake hit. One thing I will give Doom is the sheer amount of mods.
i honestly wish they would of just made a new doom game with the classic doom engine. fuck good graphics
Are you buying ion fury?
And jumping
And voice lines
And atmosphere
And killer soundtrack
And climbing
Eternal's pain elementals have some good gore on them.
anti christian is satantic. Inverted/backwards symbols are satanic. The image of a goat headed demon did not start with baphomet. Stop pretending to be smart
NuDoom is zoomer garbage
because it doesnt. it still makes me invicible and still heals me while making me invincible, now with the added incentive of saving ammo since its scarcer.
I take people that just spam glory kills and say that's the whole game as complete shitters.
You have like 9 weapons, all of which you can upgrade into powerhouses, and runes and glory kills are optional unless you're going 100%.
Yeah, but Doom is the one getting the actual care and effort from id while all Quake got was a shitty early access MP shooter that put more care into it's cash shop than it did into having proper fucking netcode or performance, or even gamemodes and a fucking server browser. Quake's dead.
>anit christian is satanic
So Islam is satanic?
It's a shit religion regardless but you are dumb to call it satanic.
I never touched WoW and stopped playing Warcraft 3 in the middle of Forzen Throne, haha.
I just have friend who dumped a lot of time into this trash and he thinks that bringing up embarrassing lore bits like "crystal spaceships" is a good comeback when I'm shitting on its garbage lore I'm barely even familiar with.
I think nuDoom looks bland and uninspired as fuck.
Not in a (you)baiting, vindictive and bitter way. I just think the only thing it's got going for it is the whole "dude a fuckton of geometric detail in maps color-saturated up the ass". Also, everything has that whole plasticized texture feeling to it like it was made exclusively for current gen consoles.
Play Hedon and Ion Sneed.
i would take a fucking lightsaber over a bare ass axe anyday
Actually I should have worded that better, Satanists use inverted Christian symbols. Satanists often claim (on the surface) to just be anti-Christian and not real Satanists
>anti christian is satantic
Wrong. Again. As usual. You're thinking of the church of satan. Not the samething.
>Inverted/backwards symbols are satanic.
Wrong again.
>The image of a goat headed demon did not start with baphomet.
In the 90's it was wildly thought that baphomet was involved with satan.
>Stop pretending to be smart
Never claimed to be smart, I just know more about this subject than you. Not my fault you're an absolute idiot. You must be a literal child.
huh haven't looked much into it. does look decent though, so I might.
>all Quake got was a shitty early access MP shooter that put more care into it's cash shop than it did into having proper fucking netcode or performance, or even gamemodes and a fucking server browser. Quake's dead.
I know. It fucking makes me mad.
>Satanists use inverted Christian symbols
>Satanists often claim (on the surface) to just be anti-Christian and not real Satanists
I want to stick my dick inside of it
Baphomet is a demon, Baphomet is not from the 90s, one image of Baphomet has a goats head. Demons had goats heads before this. If you think inverted symbols aren't Satanic you're just wrong and you don't know what you're talking about
>Now it's been made explicity non-religious
Except that it hasn't?
yeah, I honestly could care less for any of those things. especially the music, I hate it. I find the classic doom games much more fun and entertaining than the new ones so yeah, fuck any of those things.
You might end up exposed to incoming projectile or surrounded by demons if you spam glory kills too much. And amount of health you're getting from a glory kill is so miserable that it's rarely worth it. Ignoring glory kills is just more convenient and fun.
It 100% has, it's whitewashed of all imagery, occult and otherwise. Even the "runes" just look like what a 4th grader thinks japanese looks like. Why do all nudoom defenders talk like girls with their upward inflections?
>Baphomet is a demon
>Baphomet is not from the 90s
Not what I said illiterate nigger.
>one image of Baphomet has a goats head
>Demons had goats heads before this
Wrong, they were called satyrs.
>If you think inverted symbols aren't Satanic you're just wrong and you don't know what you're talking about
No, you just watch too many movies and follow idiotic trends set by teenagers. Read a book sometime, research sometime, actually LOOK SHIT UP. Idiot.
>Other dimension
>Meaning not of this world
>Somehow this means hell can't be religious hell
>REEEE symbolism not overt enough
Doom 64 still has the best sounding Hell ambience ever.
The guy clearly is underaged, retarded or maybe a combination of both.
Glory Kills are what you make of them. Every player will see different opportunities and there's like five runes that enhance the benefit of a GK. Myself I really liked the rune that enhances the range, it's fucking huge and acts as a great teleport dash.
Hell was for niggers before?
The inverted pentagram is another satanic symbol. I suppose whether something is a "demon" is subjective, it is as far as Christians are concerned. You telling me to do research and read a book is rich
That was pretty much my one gripe with the mechanic, rune or mission challenges that require them are dumb. It'd be best left alone as an entirely optional mechanic, so the people who want to look awesome manhandling demons get to do that, and people who just purely want to gun them down also get what they want.
>he doesn't know what whitewash means
no wonder nudoomers are retarded
>ywn fuck your imp gf on top of the gore nest
kill me pete
>The inverted pentagram is another satanic symbol.
>You telling me to do research and read a book is rich
Then use google, forgot you children don't know what a book is.
>It 100% has, it's whitewashed of all imagery, occult and otherwise.
Post proof. Don't link to that one picture of heaven at the start of the thread because that is not proof, that is concept art.
>Doom 3 was just a retelling of the first game, but people here say that it was an "alternate dimension" or something
You never set foot on Mars in the first game. Only Deimos, Phobos and Hell.
>same shit
That's like saying being on the moon is the same as being on Earth.
>That's like saying being on the moon is the same as being on Earth.
They're all equally alien to us.
Repeatedly posting "wrong" doesn't make you right
here let me google "inverted pentagram"
>A reversed pentagram, with two points projecting upwards, is a symbol of evil and attracts sinister forces because it overturns the proper order of things and demonstrates the triumph of matter over spirit. It is the goat of lust attacking the heavens with its horns, a sign execrated by initiates
check the thread for proof in all the concept arts
>You never set foot on Mars in the first game
Uh...where do you think you start?
Phobos base
Then by that logic a Doom set on Europa would also be a retelling of the first game, don't be a retard.
Clever, using the very first thing that comes up.
What a fucking idiot.
Here baby, let daddy spoon feed your stupid ass.
"Although the upright pentagram has a long and complex history, it was not until the 19th century that the inverted pentagram took on a greater significance in the occult world. During the 1800s, the French occultist Eliphas Levi captured the public's attention with his interest in magic and the occult. Levi, pseudonym of Alphonse Louis Constant, associated the inverted pentagram with evil. He specifically associated the inverted pentagram with the horns of the goat of the witches' sabbat, or holy day. The goat refers to Baphomet, the half-human, half-goat figure that represents the demon or the devil."
"In modern magical traditions, the inverted pentagram typically relates to the domination of matter over spirit. People often associate the inverted pentagram with evil and Satanists, or individuals who worship Satan or the Devil. In 1966, Anton Szandor LaVey founded the Church of Satan in San Francisco. The Church of Satan uses an image of Baphomet as its main symbol. The symbol features Baphomet's head with an inverted pentagram enclosed in a circle on it. Depending on the magical tradition, modern witches may refrain from using the inverted pentagram in their rituals because of its evil connotations. However, in the Gardnerian tradition of Wicca, witches may use the inverted pentagram to represent a Second Degree Initiation."
That looks so damn cool
Phobos, you idiot
>check the thread for proof
You haven't posted any.
You said doom has been whitewashed of all its "imagery." Prove it or fuck off.
Phobos is where?
It's a moon that revolves around Mars. It doesn't make it mars.
well I'm glad we can agree that the inverted pentagram is a satanic symbol
Orbiting Mars, did you read the inb4 or are you a dense moron?
>please prove your subjective opinion
the cry of a brainlet
>muh christian imagery
Hedon is good shit
You're fucking retarded, did you not grasp anything that was posted?
Did you just skim through it? The inverted pentagram was THOUGHT to be satantic, and if you been paying attention, isn't worshipping satan but is anti christian. NOT the samething.
Furthermore, baphomet was never worshipped, it was never actually a thing until it was concocted by the church during crusaders reign of terror to keep the beliefs going. You fucking idiot.
The imagery of baphomet was then adopted by the church of satan AS A JOKE. Church of satan don't worship baphomet because they don't actually worship anything but themselves. It's a mascot to them.
God it's like I'm communicating with a idiot teenager.
Check the concept art and you'll see. It's safe, lacking the satanic symbols and is designed to look like world of warcraft. It's safe and boring looking.
You're making an argument. I'm asking you to prove your argument. If you can't wrap your head around that simple concept maybe you're the brainlet here.
>You're a dense moron for not know about phobos
Right, because that's a common thing to know.
Janitors, rangeban this fucker back to youtube comment section because he has no hope.
Crosses don't look like that. Look at how over-designed everything is. Michael Bay shit.
Don't feed him, he's been in this endless circle rant for hours now. He won't listen to logic.
Are you fucking stupid? Occultists (satanists) use the symbol. Anton fucking Lavey used the symbol. It's a satanic symbol. Nothing the church of satan does is a "joke". They just say it's a joke.
Yeah I thought phobos was just like a country on mars or something
Why are nuDoomers so desperate to censor and bootlick?
Okay now we all know you're trolling.
but he wields his wife like a gentleman
>crosses don't look like that
>because they added a circle to it
You dumb
That's all? Basically looks like an accident they even included that.
>nigger from Discord is desperate to push baits and claim WE when it him using shit to evade ip ban
continue retard
Occultists and Satanists are not the samething.
Anton Lavey was an occultist who made up the church of satan. He's not the samething as what you think it means. "The church does not believe in the Devil, neither a Christian nor Islamic notion of Satan.[3] Peter H. Gilmore describes its members as "skeptical atheists", embracing the Hebrew root of the word "Satan" as "adversary". The church views Satan as a positive archetype who represents pride, individualism, and enlightenment, and as a symbol of defiance against the Abrahamic faiths which LaVey criticized for what he saw as the suppression of humanity's natural instincts. "
If you actually go on their website, they even confirm what I just copied and pasted.
kek retard BTFO
Nigga the game isn't even out yet and I took that from the first 20 seconds of the trailer. If you're gonna just move goalposts then fuck off.
Anton Lavey's Church of Satan are real Satanists. They just pretend they aren't. Occultists aren't neccessarily Satanists but the overlap is very strong
Now this is desperation. The bootlicking was more humble than the writhing you're doing now.
>They just pretend they aren't.
Explain, I feel like we're stepping into tinfoil hat stuff here.
The only weapon in doom with sights uses high tech electronic sights
It's not too bad with switch since it has gyro (ps4 also does but for some reason devs refuse to implement it) but you are still better off with a mouse and keyboard.
>wojak posting
man this is sad. nudoomers, come on, you gotta do better.
There's nothing to explain. It's like how racist movements pretend they don't actually want to kill all the black people until you've already bought into the belief system. It's a half-truth they tell the public to make themselves seem more sane. Saying oh we don't really believe that religious nonsense, it's just about pride and believing in yourself is Satanism-lite
>tfw doom will never look as cool as this
but that is doom....
>All nightmare does is make glory kill spam mandatory
You didn't play doom on ultra nightmare, misusing glory kills gets you killed.
racial and the atheism isnt the samething though.
it was an example. People present more palatable versions of their idelogies to the public
and it will never look like that again
Not as often as you make it seem. I use all glory kill runes when playing arcade mode on UN.
2 kinds of "Satanists" exist iirc
There is the left hand path people that "live deliciously", thats the occultists/forest dwelling cults that hang squirrel bones and shit in trees with dreamcatchers, not the kind you want to associate with
This kind of satanist is more akin to something like a Buddhist mountain cult or some shit like that, its about ego and the "self"
Then there is the "real" church type satanists, most notable is Luciferianism
Basically they believe in Christianity just like christians do BUT Lucifer, the fallen angel, was actually the good guy and god is more of a Zeus figure, asshole sky dad type situation
So they have the Lightbringer (Lucifer) rather than YHWH, its all pretty much some crazy ass shit that people came up with to start cults, Luciferian people are usually like regular churchgoing citizens with similar beliefs though
just going off my memory here, some of this might be incorrect
Wow has multiple alien races
The place you go to in the first expansion is not actually another dimension but rather another planet.
That face is "When someone makes a truly abhorrent post"
I really don't think you guys know the difference between Satanism and The church of satan.
The Church of Satan founded by Anton Lavey is a Satanist organization. Satanism of course goes back much further than that and what you want to call Satanism could be many things, any devil or malignant diety worship, people who actually worship Lucifier or Satan (or Baphomet)
Anton's Church of Satan pretends to just be atheists living the "left-hnaded path", but they are real Satanists
so the latest satanist church is even more reddit than the original?
I'm not even going to entertain you about Baphomet, I already said my part about that above. Read that.
People actually worshipped Baphomet. It wasn't made up by the church
>is even more reddit than the original?
Is reddit just a verb now? Is that what this whole meme has become? Have we replaced words and descriptions with the word "reddit"?
>It wasn't made up by the church
I can't wait to hear this: Where did baphomet come from then?
It's being used as an adjective there.
how the fuck should I know, it was hundreds of years ago
What does it mean? I seriously don't get the obsession over reddit and I've been here since 2007. I see a few reddit things, but I'm not getting what the term means here. Are they faggots? Because we have those here. Do they call us Channers? Channing? Chanlets? I don't get it, seriously.
>Tells me I'm wrong.
>Doesn't know the origin
Hm. Okay about telling me what belief or religion has baphomet in it during the era of the crusaders? Wanna do that for me?
>reddit scholar pretending to be smart because he read a book once
just because the church falsely accuses people of worshipping something doesn't mean people don't actually do it
Right, because who would lie to the knights templar and telling their knights who couldnt read that the only way into god's heaven was to do his bidding, and to do that they must go and smite the heretics.
But I mean, that never could of happened right? Right user?
stop pretending to be smart, you're a reddit historian
Generally speaking it's considered to be an old french corruption of Mohammad, first used in 1300's court documents when the Knights Templar were falsely accused of worshiping him (though they did incorporate some Islamic beliefs into their faith). The name became infamous so occult worshipers adopted it and added the goat man iconography.
I'm taking that as a compliment.It must be one since I rather be smart than the majority of idiots on here.
you aren't smart
you read a fact without actually understanding it and that makes you think you are smart
you're ontop of mount stupid
Gonna disagree my man, doom 2016 is probably the best metal vidya soundrack to date. Classic E1M1 is glorious too but check out BFG Division, shit is brutal.
>it's considered to be an old french corruption of Mohammad
Right, made up.
What part have I gotten wrong? Mind showing me?
So is every other fictional religious figure (whoops tautology), what's your point?
You're too afraid to make any points because you'll be proven wrong, you're just asking rhetorical questions pretending to be smart
>what's your point?
That Baphomet was made up by the church, have you not been paying attention?
Mind showing me where I was wrong?
Holy shit what a dumb post
did you read my post? You cant be wrong if you don't make any points. You made plenty of wrong points before if you were the guy thinking satanists didn't use inverted christian symbols
Is Hellwalker a good nickname for Doomguy?
Pretty sure "Space Marine" "Doom Guy" And "Doom Slayer" is enough nicknames already.
I already answered you. When will you answer and show me where I've said I'm wrong?
I just think they're neat.
do you have autism?
Still waiting.
You think that people can't worship a demon because it was "made up". Are you implying there's "real" demons and "fake" demons?
Still waiting.
i've just shown you were you were wrong
you have poor communication skills
You have not shown me anything I directly said as wrong. I want proof. Waiting.
sounds like shitty dubstep to me
t. caveman who has been listening to same five Metallica and Iron Maiden albums for the last 25 years
>implying dubstep is shit because of wubwub and not because it's just generic electronic garbage with a few wubswubs here and there
There are literally glowing pentagrams on the ground when you go to hell in the first game.
You don't play video games. Kill yourself you fucking retard.
>rebuilding earth ought to be more fun than ruining it was
So he went to fuck back the population of earth like his rabbit friend woulda wanted? Kino.
I actually hate Metallica and iron maiden as much as I hate the shitty dubstep lol I simply cannot enjoy the music in the new doom games. I find it really corny and annoying. I remember turning the music off in doom 2016.
The only thing worse than shitposters bitching about games they haven't played yet are shitposters PRETENDING to know jackshit about the game they're bitching about.
dumb fuck
What the fuck is that thing after the Pinky and after that Caco?
you mean axe to grind
>iron sights in nudoom
You either didn’t play it, or you did and are merely pretending to be retarded.
Only two guns in nudoom even have sights, and those are weapon mods you have to unlock (not worth it imo, siege mode and the micro missiles are more fun)
pvp only monsters