hands down
For me, it’s Leonie
Fucking Lenny is just going to make you pretend to be your dad
>tfw no depression gf
Why does she wear a pair of gloves where one glove is missing two fingers?
I like Annette, but I'm going with Dorothea for my first playthrough and saving Annette for my BL one.
>going with the slut
but why
They're archery gloves
but I never made her use a bow
She's fun and laid back and it's not like any of the other BE girls are decent. You've got an autist, an edgelord, and an ESL. I'm not really putting any effort into recruiting from other houses so it's Dorothea or nothing at this point.
how do you get Sothis S Rank?
Well shit retard, she's a hunter.
What do you want? Her model to have archer gloves or full gloves depending on her bow level?
What kinda low test weirdo doesn't want to have sex with Petra in the amazon position?
well should I make her use a bow?
Well otherwise she put on those gloves for nothing
Bernie is a cute autist. Recruited her into BL and her supports were fun
>used her with a killer bow to cheese the cornelia chapter with the giant robots.
i am honestly glad i poached her from GD, i'm loving her alot more than i thought i would've.
Based and Mariannepilled.
Her design after taking a nap is still super cute.
Her supports were my favorite because of how silly they all were. The dub voice for her was also great.
>muh jeralt
she's shit
Damn, Leonie looks like THAT?
yes and yes, she's really good as a bowknight at the end of the game