I miss bonechilling, slowburning and atmospheric games that didnt rely on cheap jumpscares.
I miss bonechilling, slowburning and atmospheric games that didnt rely on cheap jumpscares
Blame Kojima for destroying KONAMI
But that game had a ton of jump scares.
You mean like Silent Hill? SH2 wasn't scary once you made it as far as the graveyard, although it was certainly "slow" burning.
I can't think of a jumpscare that got me harder than when the game introduced the mannequin. Wimpy enemy type but that first impression.
how is it jumpscare?
oh you mean boring
How isn't it?
>pick up flashlight
>mannequin immediately jumps up from the couch behind it and attacks
What made it work is that you don't have time to process what the fuck it actually is that's attacking you, which is terrifying given the mannequin's design which requires at least a second or two to really make sense of. I nope'd the fuck out of that room the first time I saw it.
it scared me and i jumped
it has like 2 jumpscares iirc bro
go back to call of duty faglord
How sopping wet does your vagina have to be to play and enjoy this overrated pile of shit? It has the emotional tone of a Tori Amos album.
Hard contrarian take, and this is coming from someone who would take almost any Fatal Frame over SH2.
>Fatal Frame over SH2
I'm about to play Silent Hill 3 this October for my spooky game month, how is it?
extremely silly for most parts, but there are nice moments too.
I think they have a consistently excellent flow of tension and release, I love the aesthetic designs of them with the decripit Japanese mansion thing, and the combat is a good blend of engaging and tense as it forces the player to stand their ground and display good reflexes under considerable pressure. If anything is wrong with them it's that they get rather samey after you've played a couple but none of them execute their tricks poorly.
its 10 times more fun to play compared to SH2 especially with KB+M it feels so fucking smooth its also much faster paced than SH2
Feels more like a sequel to the first than the second, trading in some of the first's aggression for more visceral sensory assaults and leaning in on some symbolism like the second but not nearly as dependent on it. A lot of it's a take on motherhood and sexuality rather than soul crushing depression. But do expect shrill, unpleasant sounds and pulsating, unpleasant sights. Also, it does add a block button which is really nice and it has a bunch of goofy unlocks for repeat playthroughs.
>faster paced than SH2
Story doesn't start until middle of the game and it doesn't get any better later.
> A lot of it's a take on motherhood and sexuality
stop reaching
I did say it wasn't AS dependent on symbolism but you can't deny that some of that is there. For fuck's sake, a major plot point of the game is birthing "God".
I simply miss horror games with combat.
>stop reaching
Not even who you're replying to but... are you retarded? That's literally what the game is about.
The only thing that kinda sucked about SH2 is if that you are familiar with the genre and know to search everywhere, you can literally use the shotgun for every enemy and still have ammo left over.
The thing that always drew me to horror games were the atmosphere, setting and overall imagery.
I never cared about muh spooks, that and beating eldritch creatures with an iron pipe is fun.
me too
everything is so generic and rushed these days
How is SH4 by the way?
Barely an actual SH game, decent horror game
It's a bad game with some interesting areas, story elements and enemies, and also some complete horseshit areas, story elements and enemies.
If you're going to play it, at least go into it knowing it's a fundamentally bad game to play but don't let it stop you from experiencing the interesting stuff it has. The only problem is that for every siamese twin baby with no legs, there's some shit like an Amazonian woman who wants to snu snu you to death. It's very uneven.
I had no idea it was even supposed to be some sacred cow until recently, I still don't understand how anyone even likes it let alone thinks it's some work of art. It plays like a very boring Resident Evil clone (and RE1 and 2 were hardly fast-paced to begin with) with the challenge removed and the plot is just bad music and vague konami gibberish about characters I'm not interested in. The only thing I can think of saying in its favor is that the poly work is nice.
are any of the post SH4 games any good?
What are some fast burning bone warmer kinos
What the fuck are you even saying? Why would a woman's vagina get wet from playing a horror game? And why would that reflect poorly on her taste in vidya?
Classic survival horror is superior overall. I pity anyone pleb that can’t appreciate silent hill and fatal frame
I've played Silent Hill 2 about 10 times since it came out but never got around to playing 1 or 3. I love 2, and I recently got 1 and 3. Which one will I like more?
No. Some people like Origins but they're dumb. It's just a retread but not as good.
play 1 because its the first and its plot is connected with 3
You'll probably like 3 more. I don't even particularly like 1 and this is coming from someone whose favourite game was Silent Hill when it came out. It's still worth playing though, and 3 is a direct sequel to it.
silent hill 2 is more like eraserhead where the whole thing is just weird and depressing
I've never thrown a video game until I played silent hill 4, and it wasn't cause it was too hard.
Kys. Silent hill 4 is a kino
I didn't say you're not allowed to like it, sperg. I'm just describing it to a stranger. It has some of my favourite elements of the whole series, but if you're trying to argue that it PLAYS well, you genuinely have brain damage.
>major plot point of the game is birthing "God".
it was opposite.
>you can't deny that some of that is there
pokemon has some of it too, will say the same thing about pokemon?
>That's literally what the game is about.
Are you saying sh3 is about motherhood and sexuality? I wouldn't ask if somebody else was retarded, if i was you.
I will play 1 first. Just wondering which you think I'll like more based on having known 2 for so long.
This is what I imagine.
I do think SH2 is overall too easy and that does deprive it of some impact, but even then I'd say the Pyramid Head encounters on Hard are worth something. Its story absolutely does rank among the most celebrated in horror game history, though. James' journey of self-realization is both sobering and just off-kilter enough to be a bit disarming. It's a story where most everyone, including James, is a bit fucked in the head and they're all trying to find their own answers to their own problems. If it didn't draw you in then I guess it's not your thing.
would you kindly just stop breathing for a hour, please?
If you get tired of the first one at least make sure you read a plot summary before you play 3, you'll get a lot more out of it that way.
This is what P.T. was and the fucking chinks ruined it.
>playing a game with searching
>not searching everywhere
I'll sometimes watch my normie roommates play something like Bioshock for a few minutes and it irritates the hell out of me. They'll search half a room but not bother opening everything up even though it would only take a few seconds longer. I don't get it. It's like they're enjoying the game, but still want to get through it as fast as possible.
Maybe that's just how they enjoy the game, user. Not everyone has to play the game the way you do.
it's not like they risk to miss something crucial in most games
If SH2 came out today you wouldn't like it and would call it a walking aim though
stop projecting
even to this date Silent Hill 2 still holds up. Everything from music to graphics, story and gameplay aged like a fine wine. Funnily no matter what you do with the PC version the PS2 version still looks so much better because of the much better fog implementation.
>Silent Hill 2's gameplay still holds up
PT was literally jumpscare the game. God Kojima fags are retarded.
It’s true. Silent hill 2 like all classic survival horrors are archaic by today’s standards. Zoomers couldn’t handle it.
The obsessive compulsive collecting, hording and searching for items is what literally kills a lot of the games for me. I can't play games like Borderlands or Bioshock because they rely on you being some faggot who likes to "scavenge" more than playing the actual game.
it had one (1) jumpscare, the rest was pure tension and atmosphere
lol so true
>dead space
>left for dead
A good chunk of those aren't even horror games
You know attaching onions onto everything you hate is just as devoid of personality as attaching nazis
sh2 always was bad gameplay wise, not even because of game mechanics of horror games, but because nobody bothered to properly design game itself, unlike sh1
this is a sarcastic post right? some of those games are legitimately decent.
Alien Isolation was good. Amnesia was good. Also who tf didn't like Dino Crisis, or Silent Hill 2? Dead Space 1&2 were great.
>didn't like Dino Crisis,
DC is actually bad game with boring locations and plot, trigger hunting and only 5 enemy types.
Kys zoomer scum
I've seen more people realize this lately. I like 2, but it's definitely inferior to 1 regarding enemy design. I think one of the devs even said he regrets not having more enemy variety.
blame your shit taste