>new character is just reskin of old
>nah bro, they're down B is slightly different!
New character is just reskin of old
Other urls found in this thread:
literally my gfs
literally made for bbc
god fucking damn it
I so lonely
Today I had a dream in which I had a gf for 5 min and we cuddled. After waking up, I cried for 2 hours.
Why did I have to be born an incel and not chad
Bros plz keep your lonely and horniess to a mininum this is a smash thread.
Rachel Maddow
Miyazaki games.
There was even info from Capcom dude that his games are cheap to make because From reuses a lot of assets.
Your pic is shit example because those girls don't look nothing alike.
created by AI they don't actually exist
I wonder the same myself, but I think I just have standards that are a bit too high or I don't get out enough or at the right places to meet anyone I could click with
What I really want to know is WHY Richter's is aura instead of fire.
Do any of us, really?
>Miyazaki games.
the only reason some assests are reused is for lore continuity
>blue eyes
Brunettes with blue eyes are top tier, in my opinion
Her eyes are green tho
Raised from birth for BBC
dumb delusional soulsbab detected
as opposed to what, brown?
what's life like for beautiful women?
so Yea Forums scared her and she left her job at dysney ,is it true ?
right: instagram.com
your pain comes from grasping. if you had a gf, then something else will bother you. embrace the empty selfless transitory nature of arising phenomena by not clinging to anything, and take your fill of peace and tranquility
t. spic abomination
Why so many lonely and hornies? Isn't there 50% female and 50% male roughly speaking in the world?
In my experience most of them are either taken, lesbian, or want someone else
Yes, light brown eyes are top tier. No amount of /pol/ posting will deny this fact.
whites are like angels
>tfw a girl likes you
what does this feel like haha
only the top percentage of men are pussy slayers, but the vast majority of women are fuckable. the world could be 90% women and it would still be the same.
Excellent taste
>girl likes you
>you blow it
>multiple times
>now girls don't even know you exist
I could've had it all, but now I'm still a virgin at 26
for what its worth I lost my virginity at 26
>liking the dark eyes of evil
Good. Enjoy your powers in 4 years wizardbro.
I'm 30
You don't get any powers
someone raped you in your sleep sorry bro
>Different frame data
>Different hitboxes
>Different hurtboxes
>Different startup
>Different knockback
>Different damage
>Different literally everything but a couple animations
Left is Rey from disneyland
>girl likes me
>tell myself she is only doing this to provoke me, to embarrass me
>literally says she loves me
>cannot comprehend of could someone like this
>get verbal and violent to get her the fuck away from me
>somehow word gets to my parents
>they ask me why I'm like this
>tell them I hate myself and I don't feel comfortable living in this body
>they threaten me to go shrink or else they remove my pc
>go and talk to lady shrink
>only for her to tell me how fucked up i'm
>refuse to go to her again and get my pc removed
>spend my days working then home to sleep loop
>dad feels bad and gives my pc back
I just want to play some games, why does everyone forces me to have sex?
I wish
In my experience no one wants me as well.
But that's just the way it is, no one wants the incels/femcels, and incels don't want femcels and vice versa either.
I get how you feel man, I’ve gotten verbal and turned asshole-y when a girl starts to flirt with me too. I’m /fit/ but an asspie, and a social retard I guess.
Thanks user, only the finest
It is a sad cycle, yeah. I'm sure we'll all find someone someday
Real talk though.
"People" who can't tell the difference from a semi-clone like Ness & Lucas or Ryu & Ken, are literally retarded.
This is so sad and hilarious at the same time.
I genuinely hope you are not one of those guys who is noticeably mentally ill, because some girls actually love to mess around with those kinds of men.
Absolutely this.
No I don't know this feel, apparently it's totally normal for at least one or two girls to be really into you in HS, guess I missed the memo
She's not a brunette and her eyes aren't blue. Her eyes are green and she has dark/"dirty" blonde hair.
Fuck bro. :(
Bitch that is green.
>liking literally shit colored eyes
absolute philistine taste
Black hair blue eyes is the best combo.
Imagine being this pretty? You live an entirely different life from everyone else. You get jobs because of your looks, you get to marry Chad because of your looks. You're popular because of your looks. All you have to do is shit and breath and the world is handed to you on a silver platter
Her eyes are blue, they're just light blue. Look at her other photos if you're blind. And I don't know if that's her natural hair color
You weren't born an incel user. You just have to make an active effort. Get yourself out there, talk to women, open up a tinder or something, just do whatever it takes to be noticed. It doesn't hurt to try to constantly self improve yourself either.
>you don't get any powers
I hear you get the crippling depression and simmering hate stats, is this true?
I never had the luck of knowing how this felt.
Most qts are paired with personality defects. For example, your webm related has the autism modifier.
>people obsessing over eye fucking colors
Daddario's eyes scare me but I want to suck her tits.
Still hot.
Why is blonde hair so shit
>Girl likes you
>She is creepy and weird
Ah well.
>Girl has autism
Oh how cute
>Guy has autism
Get away from me weirdo
God I wish I were those onions
>Those armpits
The first girl that ever kissed me when I was like seven often had an expressionless face like hers.
Goddamn stupid shota-me not getting in on that.
oh yeah so hot
I don't understand. Are they the same person? Is OP bitching how girls look the same? or how the make-up is the same?
kys user
>girl has autism
>guy has autism
um can you mouthbreath in the room next to me instead? Thanks, Im also going to call the tard wranglers beause you looked at me
No it isn't
You're autistic if you can't tell the difference between the two of them even at a glance.
Women exist to be coddled, men are meant to stand on their own two feet. Autistic men should exist in the basements of research departments and nowhere else.
I didnt know they let you have a computer in those basements
There is a girl I know that looks exactly like her to a point that it's kind of creepy. She works at a gas station and is married to a skinny lanklet. Hate to break it to you, but not everyone gets things because of their looks, nor are they all out here chasing some buff daddy chad or whatever meme shit you losers have deluded yourself into believing because you lack the ability to actually try and give up at a moment's notice because a girl or two turned you down.
>Even though it was really obvious and she was upfront about it I was too fucking stupid to realize
>Did nothing
>She got sick of waiting for me so she just went after someone else
This happened 3 times with 3 different girls. One of which I really liked. I had so many chances to be happy and I blew them all.
banning and 404 won't separate a man from his feels
>2 day ban
>Reason: Replying to off-topic garbage
Yes she is
Why is he so distressed, surely he doesn't want those ones?
Can we talk about the skinny dude with the giant head in the background?
It's like a child bobble-head.
She's jewish
My little user can't be this dumb.
LIterally me
I didn't see a rule against it?
user meant ATTRACTIVE brunettes with blue eyes, you fool.
Even the bottom 30% of women will reject the bottom 40% of men. Look up female hypergamy.
>girl likes you
>she’s FAT
Had this happen to me.
>falls in love with me just from talking to me over voice chat
>did NOT flirt with her
>she’s married
>wants to leave her husband with whom she has 2 kids for me
>stalks all my social media
>finds my amazon account and a public wishlist and review history
>starts sending me pictures of her cooter and boobs
>actually travels to my state unbeknownst to me and contacts one of my friends asking for my address so she can pick me up and bring me hours away to her hotel
>I delete everything and make new anonymous accounts on the things I want (Steam etc)
>no longer even in contact with mutual acquaintances
>never use voice chat again
why hurt my feelings
That's not even the same girl. Seethe more, cuck.
I never talk to people IRL so this never happened to me
I've never had this outside of the internet and nothing counts there.
t. false flagging roastie
Oh my fucking God those eyes. I wonder if she has any idea how soul-crushingly gorgeous she is.
Yeah yeah I know of course she does.
Isn't left one of the girls whose moms was an actress and got in trouble for faking her college exams or something? The chick from Full House's daughter?
>Emily Rudd is literally the most gorgeous girl I've ever seen in my life
>tfw I'll never cuddle her
It wouldn't be as bad if she wasn't dating one of the biggest tools on this rock
>t. Nigger
It happens.
I have a thing for a girl at my job who's incredibly attractive but she doesn't want anything to do with me, and from what I've heard her past boyfriends haven't really treated her the best (she used to date some other guy who worked at my job and he apparently chose his ex over her). Life is just unfair.
No but seriously who's lefty? She looks like Lyndsy Fonseca did ten years ago.
damn Joosten looks like that?!?
After extensive research, I've concluded that left IS
I'll have the one on the left please
>Isn't there 50% female and 50% male roughly speaking in the world?
no, not for a long time
there's like 1 fertile female for every 3 fertile men
""""nature""""'s way of fixing it was men dying violent deaths all the fucking time but in the west people have been shielded from war and the like for decades now
I've had this several times and I've been to retarded to act on it. One even started dating another guy I know to try and made hints to try and make me jealous.
I honestly feel pretty bad about ignoring those girls that came on to me. One was kind of cute too and yet again too stupid to act. Later in life went through a few gfs and one almost ruined me financially and legally so I think I'm done. Should have got them while I was young. Feels bad man
I feel ya bud. I just keep telling myself one day I'll find someone like her but odds aren't in any of our favors. Just keep being you boys, at least some of us might end up happy.
and how does that feel like?
Why are females incapable of class?
How the fuck is constantly dying violent deaths in any way natural, you retard?
you can't be serious, right
I hope the same thing, but I will say that I've grown more pessimistic about it over time
If it is her, I can't find that photo.
>Emily Rudd will never look at you like this
I didn't know feels could feel so bad.
>girls fall for you all throughout high school
>they're all niggers
>the light skinned girl you like is going to the prom with the nigger quarterback because you never made a move on her teasing
just fuck my life senpai
> the west people have been shielded from war and the like for decades now
You sound like that is a bad thing.
there's no good/bad
nature doesn't give a fuck if you're sad because there is too much dick and not enough pussy in 2019
>going to school with negroids
there was 2 black kids at my school, and i never saw them
thank god
im a ching chong tho, white kids love having a token ching chong friend
>That adorable mark under her eye
>That cute button nose
>That fucking smile
The Buddhists are right, life is suffering.
Fuck off, brownie. No matter how you try to recategorize it, you're never going to have blonde hair.
There's no way to make these posts vidya-related, but it doesn't matter. She's worth it.
My nigga from this day we are bonded, anyone with such good taste is alright by me.
And this much Emily makes this the best Yea Forums thread in months by default.
Damn, never seen that pic before.
>this thread stays up for FOUR FUCKING HOURS
>girl is into me
>wonder what the catch is
>eventually she loses interest in me because of my cynical distrusting nature
repeat every other year or so
Mods are leeching our Emily pics.
What do you expect? This board is unsalvageable in almost every metric.
Wish I had more of her with no makeup, one of if not the only woman that doesn't really need it.
>start ignoring her because she is the type hat expects everyone to run after her
>she gets interested
>eventually playful ignorance turns into actually ignoring her and then being too preoccupied to pay attention
>realize this is exactly why she is interested in someone like you in the first place
I think you mean black hair with blue eyes, but i'll let it slide
Women in western society tend to all be side chicks of the same goodlooking guy, then when they find out, they become butthurt and make anti male legislation
Never seen that pic either. I haven't felt masochistic enough to go looking for a couple years.
She just looks good every way. She'd have to get like a blue pixie cut and face tattoos to even risk turning me off of her. She's perfect.
This happened to me fucking twice.
Yes because you are creepy and weird m8, if you ever thought you are getting a normie gf you have another thing coming
Them too, yeah
>haha yeah that shitty 2d char in a video game is totally hotter than a real woman
Not gonna lie, I check for new ones/older ones I missed every month or so. I'm not going John Hinckley or anything, I know it's never gonna happen, I just genuinely think she's breathtaking. To the point where I can appreciate her beyond a sexual capacity, just a night of wholesome fun with her would be better than the most mindblowing orgasm.
>Has the type of presonality you hate
I'm happily alone then, sadly I would when she was young.
I'm too much of a jaded asshole to hope I'd actually like her as a person. It's enough for me to appreciate her body. It's enough if a biological miracle on its own.
And it hurts less if I can assume she's not a good person to boot.
Stunning lass.
you faggots are alone because you expect shit to come to you. When you finally meet a girl that will pay attention to you, you won't know what to do because you don't know how to socialize with the opposite sex. They'll have expectations and unless you're everything she ever wanted you'll be unable to keep up with them and unable to communicate your feelings. Go outside, interact with other people, do shit you like, feel good about yourself, then the bitches just come naturally.
Call it coping or whatever, but does anyone else find pretty people like OP bland and uninteresting?
She likes anime, is into dorky stuff like knitting, and seems really meek and approachable personality wise. Seems like the kind of girl that would work well with guys like us ironically.
I wonder. Seems like all women have the ability at least to project obscene levels of self-confidence, and given the caliber of guy she could pull effortlessly I doubt she can even remember the last time she had any cause to feel any sort of humility.
A man can dream, though.
You never know man. Audrey ducking Hepburn was never comfortable with the way she looked and had self esteem issues, and she was just a couple of steps below Emily. I'm just grasping though, like you said, it's just good to dream.
>ywn get to tell Audrey how unbelievably gorgeous she is while she plays it down
Life is such bullshit.
They both need to brap in my face.
>all this overacting bullshit
>There's a timeline where Emily is the high school sweetheart you ended up marrying
Kinda ashamed to say this thought has gotten me through the day on more than one occasion but christ look at her
my eyes would be fucked up chopping onions like this, is this some I'm not crying due to onions bullshit flex?
fuckin hate crazy bitches
i havent logged into my main steam account in 500 days
They're who?
I can't think like that. Literally makes me Blade_Runner_2049.gif.
Posting these has been bad enough.
Not him but women have done this kind of shit to me so I can't trust them anymore. Pretending to like me for a gag and stuff.
I used to be this way too until I got an Asian gf. They all worship white cock.
Women love it when you're ignoring them and emotionally unavailable.
Anyone who doesn't prefer right is a beta.
Thats not a fact, its just cope, sorry that you got born with inferior genes user.
this but unironically.
10 guys
10 chicks
2 best guys fuck the 10 chicks
the other 8 dont get any
Your webm really isn't helping your case. this chick is ugly as fuck. And its not just the cringy sploon makeup
women are retarded, childish, emotional, unreasonable, inept creatures who literally stink (thus why they're so hygiene-focused)
tits and ass are great, but vag isnt as good as your hand
once you're actually with a woman, it wears off real fucking quick
>thus why they're so hygiene-focused
Ironically most women have terrible hygiene. Five minutes of watching any camwhore or paying attention to your GF's bathroom habits will destroy your opinion of most women, especially if you're a germaphobe.
>women are retarded, childish, emotional, unreasonable, inept creatures who literally stink (thus why they're so hygiene-focused)
>tits and ass are great, but vag isnt as good as your hand
>once you're actually with a woman, it wears off real fucking quick
This but unironically.
I enjoy tinder because it strips out the annoying parts of having to deal with women. I hate pretty much everything they talk about, all the vapid self-absorbed social media shit, he said she said gossipy bullshit, worrying about how guys respond to them and stuff. This way I can just find soulless husks that let me cum in them.
very true, especially if they have pets (cats and dogs especially)
look dude, you prob wont read this but hopefully someone else will.
being in a relationship will NOT make you happy. you need to be happy with yourself first. be somebody that people would want to be with. have hobbies outside of video games. dress like a normal person, have good hygiene, learn to cook and clean and not look like a bum. exercise. do something productive with your life.
incel is a mentality, not a death sentence. be better mentally and physically than you were last week. make some fucking progress, not for some random woman, but for yourself. stop jerking off and start jerking in to improving your life.
Fuck you, you are just making shit up to increase your odds of getting laid
Jesus, user. Have you never met a woman for yourself?
Don't have that pic, thanks
And honestly bud the best way to look at it is that you've had this feeling before for other women and you'll have it again. The one thing you can take away form the cosmos being a shitshow is that anything can happen, including us getting Ruddgfs tomorrow. It won't happen but the next goddess is out there.
Although I gotta admit, as a light blue-eyed pale brunette girl kinda guy, I kinda look forward to someone that could pass Emily
you write like a retard. you couldve just posted the quote that sums it all up: "no matter how hot a girl is, there's somebody, somewhere, that's tired of her shit"
find someone that you can tolerate and have fun with. look at girls that were considered hot 5-10 years ago that hit the fucking wall fast. looks are cool and all, but having someone you can tolerate and live with for several decades is more fun. high sex drive is also nice and that does shit you cant do well yourself.
That's not the point
these girls (brunette in OP pic) are peak activeness in a girl for me
>peak activeness
Phoneposter go now.
If you think that getting laid will change your perspective on women you're def delusional. There more I get to know women the more I think low of them, not when in a misogynistic way, I just don't think that I'll ever be able to see women as equals again.
even a real gf can look cute in pictures like that. proper lighting and angles or the right day etc.
the problem is 99.8% of the time they don't. on the couch in pajamas, going from sucking your dick three times weekly to having sex like once a month, were always bad with money but have gotten excessively terrible with it in the past couple years, consults you for advice on decisions then does the opposite of what you advised, listens to shitty music and podcasts, watches shitty tv and movies, unironically wants to drag you to marvel movies and you put up with it for the rest of the time when she's worth hanging around, etc.
just learn to compromise.
I wish he was less right.
Every fight I've ever been in with a girlfriend was over retarded inconsequential shit that they blew out of proportion, or they cheated; none have ever had more than entry-level jobs, but are insanely judgemental about men and what they do (every one of my relationships failing, I believe, can be directly attributed to my economic status); regarding hygiene ; nothing feels better than being intimate, but nothing feels worse than the fighting, jealousy, betrayal, back-biting, and fall-out.
>but vag isnt as good as your hand
That's just bullshit, but interestingly I've had several friends who honestly believed head was better than sex. I'll never understand that.
The only thing worse than being alone is being in a bad relationship, and mathematically speaking, most relationships are going to be bad.
I've got two more from that set.
good call
you can see her do a sniffle because it's starting to hit her
You guys know how dogs can smell fear?
Well women can smell when you're not happy alone. It repels them.
They can also smell when you're happy social and fulfilled without them. It attracts them.
Literally the only way to win is to not chase.
You hear of so many ex's that "treat her bad" not because she likes "chads" or "bad guys" but because a guy who doesn't need her isn't going to put up with her shit so will probably call her out on her stupidity and therefore be "mean". Facts
>>falls in love with me just from talking to me over voice chat
>>did NOT flirt with her
>>she’s married
>>wants to leave her husband with whom she has 2 kids for me
Why does this happen? Was it world of warcraft for you too?
>Well women can smell when you're not happy alone. It repels them.
From where did you lift this retarded broscience?
This post is way too relatable...
>Well women can smell when you're not happy alone. It repels them.
This is kind of true.
>just learn to compromise.
>none have ever had more than entry-level jobs, but are insanely judgemental about men and what they do (every one of my relationships failing, I believe, can be directly attributed to my economic status);
My favorite is when I meet girls who when I'm dating them, get an ivy league degree, can't get a job, get a masters degree, still can't get a job, end up with some shitty job in the middle of nowhere that doesn't even pay as much as the IT bullshit I've been doing since I had an associates degree.
I don't mean literal smell my dudes. It's just going to infect your body language, speech, social cues, etc. and she will know. Subconsciously maybe, but she'll fucking know.
i broke up with a girl because she stopped showering
>see thread about cute grills on Yea Forums
>none of them are asian
When the fuck did mods decide it was ok for disgusting white females to be posted here over the superior asian female?
Delete this /pol/tard white supremacist thread immediately.
Personally women just seem all over the place too me. Guys just have that guy shit we all have in common but women's psyche and personality just seem to be a grab bag from person to person. A large part of their appeal, but every girl is gonna have a few things about her that drive you mad.
f-fuck y-you
this dude gets it. i thought my buddies were full of shit they would talk about how they'd get hit on every time they were in relationships but it'd be a small portion when they weren't. body language, confidence, composure, all of that shit.
Happens to me from time to time, and I always intentionaly fuck it up because I'm too scared of intimacy to actually act on it. I guess I'm going to die a virgin and I'm starting to feel ok about it :/
I don't know. I'm already tired of thinking about it.
>Coworker has a perfect ass, never really noticed but see it on my way leaving work
>I'm ugly as fuck, all the self-improvement in the world can't help me
>One gf I've ever had told me to my face I was unfuckable, still a virgin just did date stuff/2nd base
>That was 5+ years ago
>Start seriously wondering why I'm doing anything
>Coworker is a 40+ year old virgin, lives with his parents taking care of them since they're old
>See myself in him
I'm already depressed as shit was seriously considering just driving into the concrete barriers on the way home and being done with it. Maybe it's stupid to be triggered by a nice ass but I was and am and I've lost all my internal drive to improve because I don't think it's actually possible anymore but I'm not sure how much longer I can cope if I don't believe it at least a little. I'm not really sure what to do, feel like my thoughts are alien and scary to people.
Hero is fun.
>girl likes you
>she is a literal granny
>girl likes you
>she is an overweight psycho with multiple kids
I just can't win
>I'm ugly as fuck, all the self-improvement in the world can't help me
This is only true if you've given up. If you're only looking to be happy and not be alone, nobody is a lost cause.
Don't know why I'm trying to encourage an animeposter because you fuckers are all self-fulfilling prophecies.