What is your favorite cult classic game? Drakengard for me boys

What is your favorite cult classic game? Drakengard for me boys

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killer7 is still one of my all time favourites

Ethier maximo ghost to glory or gauntlet dark legacy

God Hand

>Ethier maximo ghost to glory
Good man.

It's not a cult classic, but Xenosaga II is probably my favorite game that everyone dislikes. Final Fantasy X-2 is another. Also, Breath of Fire Dragon's Quarter.

Omega Boost! It's all good! Carry out your mission carefully.

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Is SOTC still considered cult? If not then Killer7, Drakengard is also up there with OG Nier

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Weird game though.
I love that fucking game.

That's why drakengard is so good though. I've never played such a fucked up, masochistic, and just straight up fucking weird game in my life

I find it hard to choose anything but pic related is one of them. Does it even count? I don't know.

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Dudes, that was my jam.

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Totally wasnt expecting her to betray me honestly.

It wasn't a great game, but there was a ton of love put into the story and environments. Combat also felt great, but this is one game thats begging for a port with a lock on feature or for 60fps performance instead of the uneven framerate on 360.

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I'd say God Hand, but Killer7, No More Heroes 1 and 2 (if those count), and Drakengard 3 are very close.

Good taste in this thread. I offer Mister Mosquito as tribute since many games on my list have already been posted.

Project Sylpheed on 360

For me, it's Deadly Premonition. Isn't that right, Zach?

Adding to a lot of what's been posted here, McGee's Alice games
While the first has jank, it manages to capture the trip to a twisted Wonderland wonderfully, and even though the second game gets quite repetitive and isn't as tight as the first, it's simply a beautiful game, though looking at the artbook and such and seeing how much was cut hurts me.

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Drakengard's controls are fucking bad. Fuck that game.

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Not even sure its a "cult classic" but pic related. Want a remaster so fuckin bad

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fucking zoomer posers. the only appeal of drakentrash is muh edgy characters and oooooo so weeeeiiiiirrrrd lol fuckery in the two final endings.
aside from that it's an absolute piece of fucking trash with terrible gameplay, terrible story, godawful visuals, terrible music and purposefully antagonistic methods for obtaining weapons. it's an absolute slog to play and I will never understand how anyone can say a single positive thing about this overrated trash and the hack director behind it