Why do people like this shitty """"game""""? Couldn't get halfway through the game because it was so boring

Why do people like this shitty """"game""""? Couldn't get halfway through the game because it was so boring

Attached: hellbore.jpg (1024x576, 94K)

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Name three (3) people who have liked this game.



what is this game?

one guy was glad that someone still make mid tier games

the faces she makes annoys me desu

I liked it
Not much of a game, but a good "experience"


Because it's amazing. Maybe don't lack empathy, try to understand a differing perspective of the world / mind, and wear headphones? Or just be autistic

AKA a shitty third person walking sim.

>doesn't enjoy something
>make thread on Yea Forums trying to understand why people like something
can you not just figure it out yourself, you offered nothing here for conversation retard

u mad?

The story was interesting but it's mostly boring walking simulator

>accusing someone of lacking empathy for not liking a video game
you retarded or just a reddit tourist?

What are some good 3rd person walking sims?

I did actually, it was interesting to expierence mental illness

The concept and presentation are great, especially for an indie game.
The problem is that the combat is too shallow and the non-combat gameplay is shit.

Interesting story and take on the setting but terrible execution. I honestly would have enjoyed it better as a movie. The 'gameplay' parts are so braindead boring that I'd prefer if they never bothered.

I wish Ninja Theory would stop making all these shit games and make a sequel to Enslaved

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Some people like interactive movies. If you don't like them, then why the fuck are you playing them, are you a masochist?

But all games should always appeal only to me

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Does this have actual gameplay or is it a movie where you occasionally have to press one button every 10 minutes

There's fights, and walking. And "boss" battles. Its pretty niche but a good experience overall. If you want high octane action its not your game.

It does have gameplay, plenty of it.
It's just not very good. People confuse sub-par gameplay with "walking".

It's a movie game. I actually like games that most would call "movie games" but even I didn't like this game. Literally its just walking, "puzzles", cutscenes, and the rare instance of mindless combat. The story is really good but it was a slog to get through. I only finished it because I bought it and I don't like leaving games unfinished. Should've been a real movie.

I liked it.
It told an interesting story with unique presentation and the important message of overcoming trauma and moving on after loss.

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I was going to ask if it was good enough to be a movie then I remember the dreck Hollywood shits out. So yeah, sounds like it would have worked better as a movie.

>ywn be enslaved to a cute girl who ends up developing feelings for you
It hurts....

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Do you guys think Tameme is in this thread right now?

Attached: tameem.jpg (481x283, 36K)