Atlas Mk.II or bust, Onslaught niggas need not apply.
Other urls found in this thread:
I bought one of these on a whim last night as my first "big" ship. It's been a surprisingly good investment so far. Lots of guns and still decent cargo space.
Sorry, but nothing compares to the beauty of the Onslaught!
Is this a good gaem?
Ugly rust bucket.
Imagine having to command that thing with the smell of rust all around you. Imagine cutting yourself on one of the broken metal panels and contracting tetanus.
Imagine having to sleep in it with the sounds of ancient engines and outdated technology all around you.
In contrast, here's a pristine, aesthetic, new-tech beautiful ship.
It's god tier. You haven't gamed until you've soloed a medium size pirate fleet in a Lasher.
Pretty fun. Go download off the website then grab a key to try it out
If you liked Escape Velocity and Mount and Blade you'll probably like this. Total brainlets seem to have trouble with it though going by the previous threads.
I'm running a fleet with 2 Paragons, 6 Aurora and my flagship is a Doom so I can go full rogue on enemy fleet.
What's the most effective way to having a consistent money flow for supplies
I can't get anywhere because I run out of supplies and get fucked in combat because the CR on all my ships drop like flies
I like it
2d indie trash being spammed by the creator and his reddit friends
Feels more like SPAZ honestly. Art/playstyle looked so similar I had to check to see if it was the same devs.
How do you use this thing?
I just kitted it out with a ton of autocannons (mark IV on the front I believe) and it seems to me like you can only rain hell for like 5 seconds before all your combined 14 slots of firepower have generated too much flux for you to continue
Smuggle whenever possible. Using the open market gets you slapped with tariffs both ways. Exploration missions like scanning derelicts pay well so try to get several of them in the same direction so you can do them all in one trip. Early bounty battles are easy. A bounty target in a Buffalo mk 2 is free money.
Shitty space onahole
Press F for more dakka.
Are commissions worth it if i don't want to be enemies of whatever faction they're in conflict at the time?
Well they give you a permanent bounty payment and they open access to military markets, so yeah!
How do you even pull that off?
In vanilla commissions are rarely worthwhile except for RPing.
I’m already doing that ya grot
I got the loan with the tri-tach, thinking about starting a colony. I have to find a planet that isn't shit, i know, but how much would cost the initial investiment till it starts to give me financial return? and how long? Plz send help i don't want to get by an Ishimura full of FNaFs.
Safety Overrides I'd assume
>Imagine having to sleep in it with the sounds of ancient engines and outdated technology all around you.
Sounds comfy desu. Like the creak and groan of a sailing ship.
3x light machine guns on turret mounts, autofire. These break shields and double as point defense.
2x light assault guns on hardpoints for breaking armor once shields are down.
Missiles of your choice, salamanders are good for long battle.
Hardened subsystems for more CR.
Safety overrides makes the lasher way more powerful but you will run out of CR fast so it will crap out if you try to solo.
Why? Vanilla has a similar feature now, if a bit less fleshed out.
lowtech cucks mad that they get melted by lazers before even coming into range of our paragon&apogee beauties
"Increases maximum cargo capacity by 30/60/100/200, depending on hull size, or by 30%, whichever is higher.
For civilian-grade hulls, also increases maintenance supply use by 100%."
Where can I see the hull size of ship?
How do I know if its a civilian grade hull?
Can I use the abandoned station in the starting sector to safely store shit?
What happens if I start a colony in nexerelin while having commission? Will it be considered part of faction that gave it? If I leave commission, will there be additional consequences because of that?
I am on a quest to find a derelict ship. Quest was given by a faction. I am in the system that it says the ship is but... are these quests like finding a needle in a fucking hay stack? Been flying through nebula for like 20 minutes now. Wtf?
Frigates/Cruisers/Destroyers/Capital Ships
Also civilian grade hulls have a modifier which you can suppress with militarized subsystems mod.
>first pirate raid incoming
>panic, buy two Atlas MKII off the nearest station, throw whatever guns on them
>pirate raid also has two Atlas MKII's
>huge slugfest I only barely won
>leave the giant hunks of junk at my colony for future use
Satisfying as hell. Based scrapships.
Read where the thing is located in the same mission you accepted
If its on the outer reaches... good luck!
Apogee lasers are either short ranged or anemic. What do I fix that with?
It dosen't work with mod factions. It feels more immersive finding strange and peculiar items in some far flung pirate hideout or inside invaded markets
read the mission info, it should give you an idea of where to find it in the area.
You automatically start your own faction but you keep your original commission.
Doing delivery jobs from bars should be enough for supplies/ general low easy cash. Also salvage everything for free supplies.
>all those (d)
Well, at least it'll be cheaper if it ever escapes a defeat
you'll want to invest in that sensor skill and get a neutrino detector ability to do scan missions that don't give you a pretty good idea of where to look in the system. you need volatiles in your cargo bay to make it run, it consumes them
hapl, the time is short!
>get mission to survey abandoned ship
>map shows it's near a system
>pointer takes me to a system
>when i'm in the system, the pointer just takes me to the nearest jump point
>back in hyperspace, I just get lead back to the system
>ad nauseum
I've already physically swept the system head to toe, what am I missing? Is it just
>keep searching
or what?
>Atlas Mk II
is this a mod or did the game get a new update
You fucked up. Looking for a good planet to establish your colony takes a very long time unless you get lucky.
by dumping gay ass shit like beams and getting a plasma cannon like a proper man
>Atlas MKII
the game got an update. there is also a prometheus mk.II and looks sexy as hell.
new vanilla ships
why the fuck did you take the loan before finding the planet? you're fucked unless you find some pirates to kill ASAP.
I used to run tachyon lance+hurricane mirv on it+2 medusas with phase lances, worked p good
Read the mission. It should give you more details.
What does the mission description state?
If it says something like "outer reaches" of the star system then it can be literally anywhere in that system starting from the outermost planet or asteroid belt.
>sell everything I have to buy one of these
>slap two mjolniers on it
>Maulers for the mid sized mounts
>press F
>everything goes boom
>bombers are approaching
>too much flux
>barely survive the bombers
>Everyone is launching missiles
OOoo is this tthe thread for the epic game of the week promoted by epic youtube man seth? i love how he speaks to me and my sensilibilties as an epic 4channel user!
>wave after wave after wave of pirates running headfirst into my star fortress and getting annihilated
I'm starting to get concerned. They just won't quit.
Sorry for talking about a fun videogame. What other videogame should I be talking about to conform to Yea Forums in order with people like you?
>Everyone is launching missiles
Every time
Is there a reason to buy the game beyond supporting the devs when the DRM seems to amount to a CD key?
I know, right? he speaks to my soul.
I can't let go of my starter wolf because anything bigger feels sluggish as fuck. But on the other hand the fighterspam and massive amounts of missiles in larger fights are fucking me up.
Wat do
So if I don't use an AI core on my colony I won't get so many fucking niggers try to fuck my shit up?
Because I just finished destroying the 6th invasion fleet in the last hour and I'm getting a little bit bored desu
What specialization tree should I go for early game?
>pick scavenger skills
>buy scavenger ships
>accept scavenger missions
>get ass-fucked by remnant defenses
The tutorial was very misleading to say the least
Get a phase ship
bad form
>some distance away
So basically
>fucking anywhere lmfao
Use Unstable Injector, Safety Overrides or both. Auxiliary Thrusters hull mod and Evasive Action skill (1) improve overall mobility but not speed. Then stick with high tech ships or any midline with Maneuvering Jets to stay fast.
Let the AI pilot your big ships while you intercept the enemy frigates in your wolf
>c. 206
>not using ludd's blessed hammers to destroy those who serve moloch
Another option is to just mass up on Tempest frigates since they shit on fighters and missiles with their Terminator drones, and get phase ships like says. If you find an Aurora you should be able to chase down Wolf frigates while being able to take on bigger fleets or ships with ease.
How the fuck do I end this garbage?
Is it possible to build stations around your colonies?
Ordnance expertise from the technology tree is useful for literally everything.
Fleet logistics from leadership tree is likewise a massive boost to your entire fleet.
yes, its one of the structures you can buy.
You can make an Orbital Station around your colony and upgrade it to a Star Fortress, keeps it safe since no one can raid or disrupt industries from orbit without getting rid of it.
Pirate raid? Just have to survive and get rid of the big fleets, usually it clears faster if you have a couple colonies or more with patrols to clean up faster.
Buy any high-tech ship.
You're playing the outdated version. There's a bugged amount of raids in that
Update to 0.91
Is there any downside to just filling up every planet in a system with colonies? Is there even a limit on the amount of your colonies?
How do you collect on local bounties, like the pirate hunting contracts in Corvus?
Are they just automatically paid to you at the end of a battle?
Get a Medusa or Shrike
Yes, but if you are in the middle of nowhere you won't receive a notification until you get back into comm range
Initial cost and babysitting is the downside, most colonies can turn a profit but its easier if there are some decent resources to take. The limit is how many you can find administrators for unless you use that other option.
Does anyone know which mod adds a fuel production enhancing nanoforge?
I found one, saved, got wrecked by a huge fleet of pirates and after reloading it was gone.
I doubt that is intended and want it back.
I can't find it via console and mod pages are apparently barebones as I checked all of them and didn't see the item mentioned.
I believe they are automatically applied at the end of a battle.
Does anyone know who to do an escort mission? I show up at the area and nobody is there to talk to, hailing the ship does nothing, and going to the planet has nothing new.
Heron is my shipwaifu
It ain't the best, but it's honest
That's a vanilla item
it's alright. seems a little simple.
no bugs and small total filesize.
i feel like i'm missing out too, but here's what i did so far:
>run 50~100k missions when available
>intercept convoys when available, preferably high value items so there's more space
>start first colony in a system that happily
>>had a 100% hazard planet
>>has multiple class >3 planets
>build colonies
colonies now gives me ~100k. which isnt anywhere near the amounts needed to do fancy stuff, but it pays any upkeep problems i have now. if i decide to stop reinvesting in colonies at any point, there's the spending money.
first colony had the best name too.
faction name got set to laus saint claudius.
why didn't you just evade them and be stealthy?
Spam sensor burst to find it.
Welp, thanks.
I just assumed it wasn't because I never saw one before.
I love space truckin, exploring, trading goods, smuggling drugs and weapons for terrorists
So I know that if you sell blueprints to pirates they'll use the ships, but what about other factions?
thread theme
i found a fucking sleeper ship but i can't build the cryosanctum, what did i do wrong?
I don't think so, although i can see why its not possible for them to do so.
When will this trash fire game be finished?
Colonize the system the sleeper is in
Why would you care if you don't like it?
i did but its only letting me build cryo revival facility
i don't care about growth at all, just gimme my organ harvesting
>Started playing just the other day, feel like I'm just getting the hang of things
>been dunked on enough times and tried enough playstyles that this is probably my fifth save
>Best I got is a Condor
>Shitty ship survey mission from pirates that barely pays on the ass end of nowhere that I'm doing on my way to other survey missions
>It's a massive ship graveyard of decent stuff
>This was the mission objective
So what the fuck do you build this thing for, straight bullet sponge with a fuckton of PD?
Haha! I just beat my alpha AI core in chess! Take th
you might need to upgrade that building in order to get the results that you want.
use neutrino sensors if you have the skill and the volatiles to fuel it
but if you don't you need to read where it's likely located in the mission brief and spam sensor burst
yeh its meant to be the giant fuck you ship in the middle of a 50 ship fleet
Do colonies NEED administrators or is that just something to give buffs? Because there's a limit on admins, and if that's the case it means there's a limit on colonies.
space truckin ain't what it used to be
It works with pretty much every type of large energy weapon, so depends on what you want.
Not quite, just circle around about a screen away from the furthest planet or asteroid belt. Spam the sensor skill each time it's off cooldown. If you haven't found it, move out another screen or so and repeat.
Everyone's been through this. Just never accept any missions that state vague shit like "outer edges" and "some distance away". Only pick those that say "orbiting a planet/whatever" or "located in an asteroid belt"
>take th
oh fuck
why shouldn't I always use the black market to offload goods? It seems like they pay full price instead of the regular market TAXING MY ASSHOLE OUT! FUCK!
Well, I've got a Condor, a Mule, a Vigilance, a Lasher, two Omens and two Kites, Freighter/Tanker not included.
I'll make it work, somehow.
Nah sseth did a video
It might actually be unavailable to build normally in that case, I forgot there was that other facility.
iirc no administrator defaults to you and going over the limit reduces stability.
>there's a limit on colonies.
You can probably mod those numbers though.
colonies need admins.
there is a max limit to how many colonies you can have = however many you govern + however many admins you can handle.
you can have more, at the cost of either:
- stability reduction.
- ai cores, which means dealing with inspection fleets.
Where can i get this beauty
taxation is theft, never pay a tariff ever
>tech mining has a chance of producing pristine nanoforges
suck an overwhelming amount of hegemony officer dick
How do I make an AI core an admin? The only options I see are for infrastructure.
Doing that too often will have the factions get mad at you. It's half the rep hit of actually smuggling shit, and it'll quickly add up.
At least sell some token shit on the open market to cover up your illicit affairs.
>make an AI core an admin
my eyes were fucking burning from playing this game due to the static effect, I went to the files and replaced them with empty .png files since the devs are nice enough to leave everything easy to edit
but holy shit my fucking eyes
>How do I make an AI core an admin
is there a general trend between the tech levels of different ships other than their aesthetics?
Which ships/weapons should I look into first?
Before I try and colonize and be a big dick dude what should I do first to keep things on a solid pace?
Why does the wolf ship feel more beginner friendly than the big boy? Space drifting behind ships and lighting them up feels so good
Just found an Alpha core, do I sell it/hand it over to a faction?
memeing aside, what's the problem with that?
Low tech - mainly ballistics and missiles for munitions, small, weak or no shields, low upkeep
High tech - majority energy with some missiles sprinkled in, strange yet powerful abilities, huge or powerful shields, expensive as fuck to field
Mid tech - gay
Gee user I dunno, you should totally do it, what's the worst thing that could happen?
You're right, I'm dumb. How do I do it?
you never played space station 13?
>tfw disabling "enableShipExplosionWhiteout" in settings.json
Its nice that there are a lot of options to work with,
it would be a lot easier if some of these options are available in-game.
The only thing AI does in that game is call you a faggot and shuts doors in your face.
no, but i know everything ends up dead. so i assume my colony will die or be borg-ified?
Let's give control over an entire colony to a poorly understood AI we found in some abanadoned ruins on some random planet whatever could go wrong
There is a reason those things are Super Space Illegal, and it's not because they're so fun.
>salvage ruins on volcano planet
>get this shit
all these space drugs, jesus christ
See what happens when you hand it to the Luddies.
Free Ahne
Go to the colony management section, click on the portrait of the administrator and put the AI core.
For AI cores, you need to be in the colony while doing this, and have the core on your inventory.
Those bastards didn't feel a thing when the lava flowed over them.
The AI will try and blackmail you if you attempt to remove it and you will have to continuously bribe off AI inspections to retain it in the colony.
Just started out and I have a pretty decent hauler fleet I guess. However, my actual combat ships consist of 1 apogee(sp?) and 1 large combat drone and then like 2 support drones. I am really afraid of pirates raping me for my hauls. I have two freighters. All of my ships so far have been found via scavenging so they all have some broken shit in them like busted cargo storages and what not. Is it possible to fix that?
that doesn't sound so bad. i thought that the AI had a chance of converting the colony into a [REDACTED] planetary base or something like that.
I see, thank you. I guess I didn't have one in my inventory before because I never saw that option. Plenty in storage though.
yes but its usually not worth it. in the retrofit section there is a restore button that removes the D mods, but it usually costs the same or more as a buying the same ship.
Can admins level up or are they stuck with their initial skills?
admins are stuck with their initial skills.
What if I don't give a fuck about inspections and fight any faggots who come near me?
*ting ting ting ting*
May I have your attention please?
Ahem, FUCK hyperspace storms.
>he doesn't ride the storm
weak as fuck, commander
I've pretty much gotten all the utility mods I think I'd find useful.
What are some good mods available? Would people here recommend Nexerelin or any other mods? I have't started the base game yet, so I've mostly been trying to get mods that simply improve what's already in the game rather than modding in new content.
This, I'm already hostile with everyone for saturation bombing faggots who wouldn't quit raiding me. What's the downside of just sprouting up a gorillion colonies and making them all administered by AIs?
>leading pip
Lmao shitter
Note: The core has to be alpha level.
this ship really grew on me, i personally like using hammerhead torpedoes on every single missile slot and devastating other super heavy ships. I think the onslaught is unique in the fact that you can aim the missile slots in a wide arc
REMOVE TRITEC remove tritec you are worst human. you are the tritec idiot you are the AI smell. return to Eochu Bres. to our persean league cousins you may come our sector. you may live in the zoo….ahahahaha ,hegamony we will never forgive you. tritec rascal FUck but fuck asshole AI stink Ludic path sqhipere shqipare..tritec genocide best day of my life. take a bath of dead AI cores.ahahahahahTRITEC WE WILL GET YOU!! do not forget the Collapse .Tritec we kill the cooperate council , persean league return to your precious kazeron….hahahahaha idiot tritec and AI smell so i can smell it. REMOVE TRITEC FROM THE PREMISES. you will get caught. Independent+Hegamony=kill Tritec…you will The Collapse/ Ludic alive in Jangala, ludic making album of jangala . fast rap ludic jangala. we are rich and have lobster now hahahaha ha because of Ludic… you are ppoor stink Tritec… you live in a hovel hahahaha, you live in a shuttle ludic alive numbr one #1 in Jangala ….fuck the Eochu bres ,..FUCKk ashol tritec no good i spit in the mouth eye of ur flag and planet. ludic aliv and real strong wizard kill all the tritec AI aminal with rap magic now we the hegemony rule .ape of the zoo Port mastrer Hathor Hellas fukc the AI and lay egg this egg hatch and tritec wa;s born. stupid baby form the eggn give bak our clay we will crush u lik a skull of pig. Hegemony greatest faction
Selling ai cores on black market or handing them in?
C'mon TARS!
Hand them in or use them to help manage your colony structures and industries. Never just sell your cores, it's a waste.
Keep em' or hand them in to tri-tach for 300% base market value.
Sold. Can I only get it off their website if I'm not a dirty pirate?
>my ship dies
>suddenly my fleet ai gets smarter and starts doing stuff
I don't understand
Why is my heavily armored cruiser afraid of engaging the enemy? Why do two destroyers and two frigates go off to chase a single frigate? I don't have any timid or cautious officers
is the tempest good? i just started but managed to get some money and i want to buy it because it looks cool
yes, they have said they dont want to push it out on main platforms until its ready
>exploring or smuggling with civ-hulls
Do you enjoy going slow as shit and lighting up half the system as soon as you jump in?
yep. there have been talks about moving the game to a store, but i don't think we'll see any thing regarding that on this year.
because you're not giving them any orders
don't expect the AI to do anything intelligent of it's own volition
What happened to New Galactic Order? It was the perfect faction to RP the First Order playthrough I was planning on.
I did give them orders, they didn't care despite me having command points
it's great you're quick and agile plus you have two drones providing you with a PD ownzone
Can someone explain the purpose of Command Points to me? Do they just exist to keep people from playing this shit like an RTS, or what?
tempest is one of the best frigates
do you even augment your drive fields?
Reminder to install the Ruthless Sector mod if you want to make the early game less of a cakewalk
you and i both know what happened to NGO, user
cute shortstack!
You can basically solo any medium sized pirate fleet with it.
b& for being an ebul nahtzee because it's actually illegal to speak freely wherever the dev lives.
early game, plus ive made well over 4 mil now from doing stuff, all you need to do is play smart and use terrain to hide and move. now I shift to bounty hunting
>arbalests in the large slots
What are some must have skills besides the In-system jump drive
san fran
No, most people just picked this up. No one knows
what mod is this Chaika-class hull from?
this sounds iffy. What does it do exactly. Does it turn it from cake walk to annoyingly hard and make you do weird dumb shit in order to survive. I don't mind difficulty but I don't like being forced to play a very specific way to survive.
>ever selling AI cores
The future money, trade, and military strength from AI supported colonies is worth infinitely more. Hold them until you can use them.
Nah isn't he russian or some shit? Could have sworn he wasn't american.
I just bought it and slapped on autofit for the trip home, that's all the station had
Definitely not American, loads of translation errors in the game.
>that loadout
is there a command that lets me orbit?
Probably a germoid because you cant even have 30-40s anything in that commie shithole
just stop by a planet/object and you orbit
I think hes talking around ships like some dirty eve spreadsheeter
My next run is gonna be pirate themed and I'm gonna grab an Atlas as soon as I can.
it really depends on what you want them to do and if the order will get them damaged. for example, if they are scattered and you order them to retreat, they'll do so by taking the path that damages them the less. the same happens if you tell them to move to an specific point, they'll try to move around the enemy instead of going straight for the marked zone.
ok thank
Main changes is that is reduces the free welfare checks you get, adds remnants to hyperspace so exploration isn't easy money anymore, and makes the domain probe defenders a little better so they aren't free xp (though they're still fairly weak)
tfw no religious zealot qt3.14 gf
Onslaught is loev, donut girl go home
Dominator is a fit muscular tomboy. Notice how shes part yellow and part red? Thats her tan.
Well the last time I used the engage command, not eliminate
Then I burn drived in with my dominator to soak up everything
would've been great if any of my destroyers followed me in with supporting fire
guess I'll try the full assault next time
Russian who lives in US as far as I know.
"Nazi stuff" is theoretically can get you into trouble in Russia, but on practice nobody gives a fuck unless you act outright retarded. American outrage culture on other hand can ruin your life if yo do something to provoke all those people with college degree in art of being offended by everything, so make that shit disappear was lesser evil.
Aurora sounds like your kind of ship, good luck finding one
About to build a combat fleet, what are some ships I should look out for and buy ? mainly looking for a list of shit to avoid so I dont get ships that are hot garbage
Everything you ned to to know (there is a KEY in the video too:
Either way it's a fag move, even if an understandable one. Pretty much a demonstration of why mods should be hosted in places not directly associated with devs. Can't blame him though, I've lived in California for a few years and those fuckers are crazy.
>Dominator has tanlines
I never thought I'd see the day when I fap to space ships.
And yet, here I am
>most save end up with at most 1 good planet per system
>this save get 3 class V tundras in one system
Try giving your destroyers the order to escort you before breaking into the enemie's line. That will force them to follow you.
>Onslaught is a loving MILF that will always be there for you
>Paragon is a tempting office lady showing lewd cleavage
I'm jacking off so fucking hard right now holy ship
Is Onslaught quintessential Ork ship?
>LOTS of dakka
>Big GO FAST button
>Not exactly red but with reddish rusty hue
>Has no need for products of rational technology such as shields
The anime one.
The whole "command points" system is garbage and needs to be removed.
You CANNOT prove me wrong.
Yeah, I was just wanting to make sure, plenty of these blueprint sets I'll never want to make, and I'd really rather not see say Diable flying Luddic Path ships
oh hey that's a good idea
really I don't want to pilot this big clunker but otherwise it just sits in the back afraid to utilize its armor/shields
Yeah, it is. Just edit settings.json and give yourself as many command points as you want.
>only good planet i can find to colonize is in the beta despair system
hh-ha ha....
Using multiple lashers feels dirty but they are super fun.
>I am a filthy casual and cannot play the game without cheats
should I have my transponder off or on when in a populated system? I imagine on when in a system and off when traveling in hyper space and less populated systems.
Also, loving scavenging right now. I just watch a larger fleet SHIT on a smaller one and then I went around and picked up the bones of the dead fleet. tragic.
Literally how do I bribe the AI inspectors? Every time I talk to the fleet the guy just tells me to have a nice day and that's the end of it. I tried bribing him before he gets to the planet, as he's inspecting it, after he takes my cores, and in hyperspace. Nothing works.
Nah, pirate ships are the most orky. All dakka and missiles, usually salvaged from hegemony fleets and kitted out with shitty gubbins, and the red color scheme to boot. If Luddic Path didn't have their wacky jihadist lore I'd pretend they were space orks since they're green and use them.
No thats luddic path.
Did you try the intel screen
>yeah I'd love to do that but sadly we don't have any more """"""""""""""""""""""""""""command points"""""""""""""""""""""""""""" so we can't do that, lmao
You have to pay attention and click on the intel soon after it appears, the option to interact and bribe them should be there.
>holy ship
fuck you, pather
Look at the intel menu in the "colony threat" tabs. If you wait too long you will miss the time window that's given you to bribe them off. It can only be done when the expedition is in the preparation stage. Your colony response should also be set to "submit to inspection". The inspection will conclude and nothing will be discovered, even if you have 20 ai cores. If you bribe the inspection, but your colonists still meet them with firearms bared, it's gonna be a waste of money.
>big "full retreat" button
>yeah nah let's not use that
git gud fag
I just want to give some of you struggling lads a bit of advice.
Early game, run some contraband/camp some fights to pick up a few ships, definitely going to need a few freighters, 3 or 4 shepards, a tanker, and a handful of combat ships.
Then what you're going to want to do is keep an eye out for promising exploration missions AND bounties in the same quadrant of space. Go ahead and accept the exploration missions well before you actually go exploring, let 4 or 5 of them bunch up so you can swing out and hit as many as possible and maybe pick up a bounty or two while you're out there. As a massive bonus? You'll be able to loot all kinds of stuff and do surveys on planets real cheap if you have enough ships with survey equipment. Couple runs and you should have a fat bank account and a few real nice ships with luck.
Never go anywhere for a single mission, and try to have a plan for making some money on the return.
Just put some points into that skill and you'll have more than you ever need without some autistic attempts at micromanaging.
I don't want a full retreat, I want my niggers to pull back so we can all attack at once.
But oh no I don't have any more command points (???) so I literally can't use my ship's communications to tell them to get back in positions
Theres a Avoid order that you can put on enemy ships.
But yeah, sometimes things can go south and you lose like half the fleet from not having enough command points.
for the most part you want it on so they dont fuck with you
if you need to get to a black market just find a place out of range of any patrol ship or somewhere in terrain that blocks your detection range then turn off your transponder.
If you have your transponder on when you go to a black market, the patrols will stop and check you more often. Theres a skill that makes your going dark skill more useful and its very worth it.
There's no reason why I should waste valuable skill points into a skill that effectively allows my commander to use a communication device more than once, because the very concept of it is retarded and gay.
Does anyone else love the Mudskipper? I want her to be more battle ready without turning her into a fucking monster of a ship.
Always trade them to TriTec.
Why is Kite such a piece of shit of a ship?
Thanks, I was able to get it while they were in transit. I just think it would make more sense to bribe the inspector personally.
not really. You have administrators and workers to do that for you. It's already bad enough you have to personally defend your colonies before orbital stations and patol HQs are up.
can you spoonfeed me a link
It's in the official website
I've colonized a few planets now. How do I get more fleets for my faction?
Patrol HQ and upgrade it in each colony.
>paying for early access
You niggers never learn.
number of fleets and strength is determined by colony size and military chain size.
Its a nice and humble ship, but I find it too funny that the pirate version exists to mount weapons as big as the ship itself.
FTL mod when, offensive Flak would be great. Too bad mid-combat boarding doesn't exist.
A skill that allows your commander to actually be good at commanding, you mean. It's not like organizing a dozen or two people at once, much less effectively communicating orders on the fly is something that's particularly easy to do without practice.
Is the map always the same or is it rng?
Is internal trade efficient? If I've got a habitable world that's growing quicker, and a mining world nearby, putting heavy industry on the larger world to encourage ship growth should make sense, right?
yall got a quick guide on combat and weapons? I know about the different types but there are so many different kinds of weapons and ships I can't be fucked to do anything beyond autofit and kinda guess how many ships im sending into battle.
I don't even know when to fix or salvage a new ship cause they all look the same
Anyone knows where I can download New Galactic Order?
any beginner tips for a brailet like me?
im still having trouble getting used to the controls
What's a good load-out on the Wolf? I want to see how far I can go with my starting frigate.
Core systems are largely the same; the exact placement of stars varies iirc but the systems are mostly static, barring Duzahk / whatever the other uncolonized system is. Everything outside that is randomized. There's sector creation options after all, it has to be randomized.
Does the game have a decent tutorial?
Does the game have ending(s)?
Can I destroy factions?
Can I create a faction?
Can I create a religion that worships an AI God and spread it across the galaxy?
Do prices non-commodity stuff like ship blueprints and nanoforges vary for different factions? Bout to give this bumfuck nowhere pirate base the deal of a lifetime.
>tfw no ghost ship mod
the controls are the easiest part. there's less than 10 key bindings you absolutely have to remember, all the others appear on screen
You’re sticking it to corpojews like Valve
>space game
uh, guys?
use going dark and avoid patrols to go into the black market without suspicion
click f1 on an item in store to see where to buy low and sell high
drugs are fantastic for smuggling
when you do get to exploration, sometimes youll find data on where to find more things to explore like probes or survey ships.
use your map and go to the exploration tab to see where these star systems are located to know where you can find some good stashes
>Spending months out in the frontier with a salvage fleet scanning planets, avoiding [REDACTED] fleets and finding blueprints to sell for bank when you finally return.
Peak comfy.
Great tune user.
fuck this, I'm out
i just fought one of those a few hours ago
be prepared for some big cruisers but overall they arent too bad if you have a decent amount of bombers and such
i hope you get luckier than me because i didnt find anything useful
write it's location down and come back later with a big ass fuck off fleet and loot the SHIT out of that thing
they have no shields just come back with loads of missiles
How can you spend so much time without running out of fuel or supplies?
yes no yes yes sure
do some missions in main menu to get a hang of ship control.
Lasers are cool and all but absolutely nothing comes close to watching your fleet fire off a neverending stream of ballistic firepower.
Also lasers dont have any good middle ground, the only good stuff is large slot and difficult to find, at least with ballistics you can get it anywhere.
You can download the game for free there and then crack it or use the key sseth left at the end of his video.
No, only AIs. Factions will use the equipment you sell them if they can, so I hope you're ready for a pirate buttfucking.
you can find alot of both off of wrecks out in deep space
>Lasers are cool and all but absolutely nothing comes close to watching your fleet fire off a neverending stream of ballistic firepower.
Hmm I got you, senpai
I'll never forgive the pirate scum for harming mudskipper.
tyvm senpai
Thanks for this, user.
Are there any mods that add more carriers?
Exploration is easy to find objectives, the mission will tell you where it is i.e. 'it was last seen orbiting a gas planet'
The only one which is near impossible is 'it was seen a fair way from the star' which means it could be anywhere, you have to use neutrino sensors to find it.
>i will never live in a peak comfy space ship
fucking kill me
god i need elite dangerous to release space legs already
Almost every major faction mod comes with its own carrier, small, mid and capital grade. Shadowyards, SCY, Kadur, Imperium, Dassault-Mikoyan, all of them.
Diable Avionics. They are almost exclusively carrier ships with some missile support. Its the only ship mod pack i've used which actually works properly with every feature including proper blueprints and ship selling in their stations.
Their fighters are a bit OP, but its expensive as fuck so it sort of balances out.
Try Diable Avionics, they are pretty much a carrier based faction fielding juiced up not-Gundams. You can use their ships with fighters and bombers not belonging to their faction too, but you lose their special bonuses if you do.
The skills that reduce supply upkeep, fuel use, and let you salvage more fuel can go a long way. Right now I've got two Prometheuses and three Colossi filled with fuel and supplies that have efficiency overhauls and expanded fuel/cargo bays and I can stay out basically as long as I want to, only coming back when I eventually want to offload all my salvaged shit or if some pirate faggot is fucking with a colony that can't defend itself. 3-4 badgers with surveying equipment on them and you can get good value out of anything you come across with the salvage bonuses while you're searching for good planets.
>tfw did a challenge playthrough piloting a Versant as Char Aznable
That little beast packs a punch way above its size with the right weapons, especially if you use it correctly as a hit and run vessel. It outruns most missiles too when you switch to boost mode.
>order full assault
>all ships sit comfortably out of enemy range despite outnumbering them
>use more command points to specifically designate their ships as "eliminate"
>go in and destroy the enemy in 3 seconds
you'd think full assault would be the most aggro command to give
>like spaceship games
>but absolutely fucking afraid of the infinite emptiness that is space
>start my pirate run
>everything available is a giant piece of shit
This is already unironically great
Is there a warhammer mod?
>not having Underworld installed for a pirate run
If you're moving between stars fast enough and looting things properly your only problem will be not having enough space rather than running out of supplies. I have to keep returning to the core systems because I get full of supplies in a few stars, often I just leave any metal I find behind because I find so much it takes up all my space.
Take every skill which affects supply/fuel management, speed, scavenger and sensors.
there's a really shitty and not updated one
How do I git gud at avoiding patrols?
I enter nebulas/A.Fields and go dark, but they always seem to spot me regardless.
hello brothers I have come to destroy
What is it that scares you? Just the idea of an endless void, or the thought that maybe there is something out there in the void, watching you?
The thing that frightens me the most about space games personally is shit like getting too close to a star or a black hole.
First time I played Elite Dangerous I didn't know that when you make a jump from system to system the ship looks for big gravity masses, mainly stars, so when you're approaching that system the first thing you see is an absolutely massive sun rapidly approaching you.
Nearly shit my pants the first time, and that feeling of dread never went away.
>find Diable blueprint for my colony
>set faction ships to carriers only, low cost and maximum number of ships
>20+ units of (D) carriers with Diable fighters per fleet
Nothing quite like watching a swarm of OP fighters blowing up pirates.
>does zero damage
sex mods when
Is there a way to permanently mark a spot on your map? I found an abandoned station and I wanna use it to dump supplies and ships I'm not using and I don't want to forget where it is.
when you make them
>So inefficient even the description says it'd be cheaper to just field multiple Maelstroms
Gotta love the Gulf class though, one of the strongest ships in the game if used correctly.
Just remember the system
based broadsider autist
I'm not scared of any entities. Black holes and such are terrifying too, but I really meant something like
>outside the ship fixing something
>something like depris bumps my ship
>I am sent flying away from my ship with no way of getting back
>in space no one can hear my screams
I guess it's the same type that the fear of drowning is
Open notepad, write down the station name.
You can then look through the planets tab and automatically plot a course there.
Can I roleplay as an ai that is slowly trying to spread universal peace in its own unique way by inserting ai's into everything it can get its hands on. Kind of interested in it after the latest Ace Combat.
By the great Ludd brothers, i hope you're having a great day.
Commanding a dozen people much less starships on the fly is very much a skill. Effective radio use and communication skills is much more complex than just yelling into a mic.
tfw no macross mod ever. I wanna blow shit up from across the map with one huge fuck you laser!
Holy fuck.. its possible to profit off of war in this game!? Literally sat and watched a big battle take place. Saw a bunch of fleets attack a station, then I picked through the wreckage for shit tons of stuff. I had 3 of those salvage gally ships which was nice I guess. I saw that fleet break the station but then I was still able to go to the station... Can stations not die? Also pic related. Its how I feel going through all the wreckage.
However, what do I do with all these D class ships? Should I even be using D class?
look for Pirate Falcons on the black market short term, they're cruisers that run 90 base speed with a +50 speed ability
long term suck tri-tachyon dick til you can buy a Doom, Dooms are damn fun
Kyyyyaaa, you're going to ram your big cruiser into my small engines
>tfw you finally find a planet that doesn't suck ass
Where can I get some better early game dakka? I feel weak as shit
stations around planets are kind of a building on the colony so it'll provide no bonus to the planet but get rebuilt a while later. pirate and pather stations you find out in the rim will die when you kill them but they'll build another someplace else eventually
>Buy a ship with fighter bays
>low tech because nigger
>Buy the highest grade of bomber available
>No idea how to combine them
am I a brainlet? does the tech level difference wreck me?
Is this game still "free" with that guy's code? I want to try it.
Damaged ships can be decently good depending on what their damage is and what their role is. Reduced combat effectiveness doesn't really matter if its a dedicated freighter that you'd never take into a fight in the first place but now it costs less upkeep to use. One of the Industry skills makes them even more efficient and reduces the maluses from the damage effects.
Since the Degenerate portrait mod got shut down on the mod forum, does anyone have any good portrait packs?
>what do I do with all these D class ships? Should I even be using D class?
at early game yeah but they're very expensive to maintain and a drain on your resources
you can restore them but it's often more costly than buying a new one, you should only restore ships when it's a very rare ship
Check the black markets, I usually find some good stuff in Persean League worlds as well. Tempest is an amazing frigate and the Hammerhead is solid and common enough to effectively use medium ballistics. If you can find Heavy Maules and Hypervelocity Drivers you can outrange most destroyers and frigates, even a Brawler frigate can equip them and do well. If you have the balls you can use Safety Overrides and equip Assault Chainguns, with or without HMG but at least some form of kinetic to take down shields.
dclass cost less to field so you can shove more of them in pointless mass attacks and not care when they die.
you can repair them but its not cost effective unless its rare its cheaper to buy a new ship.
go to the outfit screen, the boxes to the left of the ship are the fighter slots
>find 5 freighters running after their fleet gets owned by an armada
>shoot em n loot em
>find this
>friendly station is barely 2.5 clicks away
>ie it may as well be a trillion lightyears away
War pays extremely well in Starsector as long as you're not the one waging it, unless it's for bounties or destruction of outposts. You can salvage a ton of loot, good ships you can use to then make even bigger bucks trading, you can rob trade convoys that can sometimes carry millions in goods, always watch your intel if you want to make money that way. There's nothing wrong with using D-class as long as it's not something that influences flux or maximum speed. Compromised Hull for example is literally irrelevant because if it has come to the point that your ship is taking hull damage, you're probably dead anyway, but with D-mod talents picked, it greatly reduces upkeep and deployment costs of any ship that has it, so you can have a fleet full of d-mod ships that actually perform the same way as regular ships, but cost you much less.
>pirates flying their own bootleg 14th battlegroup like a cheap chinese knockoff
Just drop em and put them into stable orbit, come back later.
I thought damaged ships had increased upkeep?
>implying they won't be looted by a passing scavenger
The fuck are you doing outside your ship with no tether, asshole?
Damaged ships have decreased upkeep unless the damage mod is "Increased maintenance" that does the opposite. With specific skill choices you can further reduce the upkeep of D-mods and also halve their penalties which makes d-mod ships the preferable choice for massive fleets.
Do tech mines ever run out or do they just hit a base level after a while?
Do people REALLY do this? Because that would explain the Underrail threads I've been seeing lately despite nobody else on other sites really talking about it.
Hm, I seem to have been at least 8 versions behind. Was running .9aRC10, while the blog is sitting at .9.1aRC8
Underrail got a big update a few days ago didn't it?
>inventing conspiracies where there aren't any
Sseth made a video on Starsector. It has seven hundred thousand views as of now. Most people that watch Sseth also browse Yea Forums. Now I know it might be difficult, but even a 80 IQ waste of space like yourself should be able to put two and two together.
Look around, they probably drifted off. Do some scans, look for the pings on the map.
>finaly make my own colony
>everybody atacks it
>im with 300k dept per month
i thought this game was confy
What should I be trying to do in this game? I'm generally a bit directionless, my first few mission have been shipping contracts but those aren't very plentiful. I've picked up a few freighters at least, and my cargo capacity is up to 1100, but I'm quite lost. Can't do bounties because I get blown out of the water.
Only comfy as long as you keep being a nobody space trucker. Aspire towards greatness and the powers that be will do their utmost to crush you.
How do I use intel to tell where fights are going down at? Its crazy. I have been playing star sector for like 8 hours now and I haven't been in one fight. I am not even avoiding fights or anything. I don't even know how strong or not my fleet is.
what you think making your own colony frees you from TAXES AND SHIT!? HELL NAH. pay up boyo and you better not be having any AI cores and shit. FUCKER
I found this instead
Star Sector has also had on and off popularity here for its entire lifespan. Every year when the update rolls out we get a bunch of threads, then people get all huffy about fucking off to /vg/ if threads are going to be regular, then it dies on /vg/ because /vg/.
Do regular trade runs, with your cargo capacity it should already be more profitable than all but the most lucrative trade contracts. Do the basic shit, buy low, sell high. Look for what sells best, which is marines, guns, narcotics and see where you can smuggle it best. If you don't want to smuggle, you might want to trade things like transplutonics or volatiles.
>Waging the holiest of Jihad across the stars.
It is Muad'dib's will.
Someone explain why it's so blurry
Look at "bounties" tab and see if any faction issues pirate bounties or bounties on other factions, something like "1200 credits per frigate". If there's one, that means there's hostile activity in that sector. If you're looking to intercept trade convoys, look for things like colonies experiencing shortages of something and "relief convoys" being sent, those always pop up in your intel feed.
The beauty of having your own colonies is being able to take fuel and crew for "free". Abuse that and start wiping out other factions one by one. Eventually there will be nobody left to organize attacks against you.
is it even implied that that the luddic path is basically jihadis? or "space isis"
Colonies are a pain in the ass to make worth your time unless you have the supporting skills maxed and find at least one really good planet to serve as your starting point. Just keep an eye out for a nice class IV or V while you're doing your shit and nab it when you have the money and supplies to stick around and make sure nobody fucks with it for the first few months it takes to get defenses up. Then its just easy money as you go back to doing whatever you want.
Jokes on them, I almost exclusively used the black market anyway.
Hmn, makes enough sense. I'm mostly trying to build up enough of a nest egg that I don't get burned if I try and fail to move into mercenary work, which is my current goal. Short-term... that capital-class fuel tanker looks so sexy, I need it.
Grab it, good for starters, although I wouldn't be caught dead flying that lategame.
they're religious based primitivists using the tools of their enemy against them
They're more along the lines of Space Amish. They just do Jihadi shit.
>take on excess crew to complete a survey mission
>mismanage my supplies and realize I'll run out long before I get back to an inhabited system
>end up having to eject my excess crew into space
Only thing I've actually felt bad about doing in this game.
This is one of those games that are deceptively big. The first 5 hours you think there's hundreds of hours of content. Then it shatters and you realize it's a puddle and you've already seen it all.
>Starsector threads are popping up more
>This is actually an A.I. doing this
>Slaps some video together to make us think a youtuber made the game popular
>A.I. is trying to make us one of its many pawns in Starsector:tm: (formerly Starfarer)
Entirely to
thats some fucking hot ftl artwork
Isn't that basically every game?
>install mods
>explore the entire sector
>have plenty of colonies
>"won" nexerlin by being friends with most everyone
>still not even have all the vanila capital bps capital blueprints
that run really bummed me out. what other sources are there for cap blueprints/ships?
Also, any way to disable the comissio with faction requirement for buying stuff? its already annoying enough to get the realtions up.
If you're not playing on the latest patch then update, it tones down the immediate buttfuckery that assaults your colonies, however they don't immediately make you millions anymore
Is this game like kenshi but more complete?
Purizu respond, I'm on vacation and can't look it up on my own.
which star station is best
its way more like mount and blade but sort of and not as punishing as either
Recent update made it so civilian ships got actually relevant shitty d-mods like significantly reduced speed, cargo/fuel capacity and increased maintenance.
I wouldn't compare the two except for the fact that they're sandboxes. There's no skills to level and the combat is more involved. There's also less wacky stuff that can happen like having to escape from slavery with no arms or something.
When's it coming to Steam?
>Each crew member receives a monthly salary of 10 Credits
Man things sure are rough in the sector
Any but midline
Is it a good idea to pick a fight with remnants?
When it's ready™ I think I heard 1.0 release but I'm not sure.
Got like 9 levels from 2 trades. What perks are essential verses useless? Also what are the better mid level combat ships? I'm sitting on 900k creds and 2 foxes and a drone tanker.
No, its not "effective radio use" its pretty much effective radio maintenance. It just poops out on you after a few calls and ur fugged lol
If you can take them absolutely, getting ai cores is great. Even if you're just dumping them onto a faction for cash and rep they're great.
Navigation and Sensors are both essential imo, both in technology. Getting the supply use one from leadership is great too. Though it really depends on what you want to do.
Midline's gimmick is that it only has guns on one side but spins really fast
Its kinda gimmicky while the other stations are just murder machines
In the end, it all really depends on what weapon blueprints you have since the stations draw their weapons from that
Skipping EA entirey, huh? A reasonable stance to take. Funny how motherfucking Dwarf Fortress ended up on Steam too, now we get to place bets on which of the two become available first. Please no EGS deal.
The SCY mod adds Prism Freeport to their home system. By talking to the station admins, you can trade blueprints for points to buy other blueprints with. If you don't have SCY, then Nexerelin can add its own Prism Freeport to hyperspace if you enable it when making a new character.
I think raiding colonies with Heavy Industry/Orbital Works has a chance to drop blueprints as well.
Starsector\starsector-core\data\world\factions > select a .faction file > set "offersCommissions" to false to disable the commission requirement. You have to do this for each faction you want to buy stuff from though.
if its the brownish/green ones just murderize them, they have crap guns and no shields
if its the bluish ones prepare your anus if you dont outweight their fleet
Oh God no
Even with a full fuck off fleet, unless you're chasing smaller mid to low tier remnant fleets, you're better off booking it. Given they have max-burns of like 10 for the bigger fleets, you should be able to outpace and out-maneuver them with a tugboat on you and you don't carry anything with less than burn level 9.
They are good for AI cores, but given your ships are probably not going to survive the onslaught of you get careless, again, not worth it
neat, thanks.
I was using prism, but didn't know about the blueprint trade-ins.
At this point I keep running black market goods to the same 3 stations/planets that are in deficit for basic shit and marines. I can't fight for shit, only being able to defeat the weakest of scouting pirates and pathers which is annoying because theyre who I sell to the most. I'm trying to move towards surveying planets and holding off actual enemies instead of constantly retreating.
>expanded missile racks
for your swarmers?
you should probably take that off, as well as the swarmers, and put some more medium ballistics on. But that's just me
If they have the capital ship, then get the fuck out of dodge unless you've got a really good fleet
those things simply REFUSE to fucking die, entire barrages of torpedoes do jack shit to their shields, and tachyon lances might as well be spitting on them
>tfw went to red planet
>had like 2 cruisers, some destroyers and a bunch of frigs/shuttles
>big battleship shows up
>it goes absolutely terminator on me
>call in everything, its still not enough
>pretty much soloed my whole fleet and barely got it to about 2/3 hp
i loaded back and never went back there again
Is there any way to turn off the scrolling look in combat? I keep trying to use the Shift-key all the time to orient myself but I'd like to keep the map centered on my craft when I'm controlling it.
>sunder chan
More like tsunder chan, I hope...
Are carriers a meme ?
after grinding so hard and dumb luck my fleet is 1 paragon and 2 doom phase cruisers and 1 harbringer.
currently curbstombing the hegemony by camping hyper space,got ahold of one legion,doesnt do much really.
most of my skirmishes consist of paragon sponging all the shit while plasma fucking ships that dare get close while the 2 dooms literally commit warcrimes,harbringer to get them pesky small fast ships.
i wanna try a full carrier build,how can i make it op ?
I wish you could make random frigates in your fleets actually aggressive. I just want to grab like 20 Kite (D)'s, a single Atlas MkII to not die, load all the Kites up with the billion Reapers I find lying around and go give the all the bounty'd Pather stations a taste of their own medicine. Unfortunately bomber Kites just sit around and never engage a station, even on eliminate.
also why can't i glass pirate scum w/h being branded as literally space hitler ?
and why are the remnant such spooky fucks ?
>"won" nexerlin by being friends with most everyone
>not winning by using saturation bombardments until only your colonies are left
I don't know how to get rid of commission/reputation requirements but if you do system bounties (pay per ship) you can farm reputation relatively quickly.
So have the devs given a canon explanation for why Domain shut down all the gates or is it le spooky mystery forever?
>le spooky mystery forever
This for now until we get more story content. There are hints for possible reasons f you look up lore category on the blog but for now there is no confirmation on why.
A single carrier is mostly useful for defending against other strike craft; fighters are some of the best PD but just a wave or two of bombers is likely to get wiped out. A bit like missiles, once you have enough to overwhelm enemy PD they become a lot more effective, especially as most bomber's missiles are vulnerable to PD themselves. A few good carriers sitting behind your lines can add a lot of firepower to a fleet. The legion's a weird mixed bag where it's not just half carrier half combat, but basically designed for all-out knife fighting retardation with all its small slots, retard armour and burn drive. Plus it only puts out as many fighters as like, two Condors.
Right click
>in combat
>50 ship fleet
Can't you only have 30 ships?
t. Twitch faggot
You can make edits in the game files.
man i love kites
i just grab every kite i find, give them whatever guns and rockets i have on hand +reinforced structure to endlessly rez them and just soviet rush fuckers
Killing them quickly with saturation bombardment is a big no-no, you have to disable their defense with tactical bombardments then starve the colony by disrupting their spaceport and industries. This applies to everyone, other factions are cool if you destabilize Chicomoztoc because you didn't coat everyone in antimatter. It still isn't okay but blame Alex.
If nothing else, the moddability of the game makes it worth a purchase.
Fortunately, the rest of the game is solid as well.
what should i name myself bros?
>recently sold off my Frigates to get more cruisers and destroyers
>bought cruisers and destroyers in their place
>Think I can take one on
>I could take one on
>I can't take another on
>Another couple zoom in and flank me
>lose my fleet
>he doesn't keep his fleet small, trim and perfect
>he doesn't have hotswappable homogeneous small fleets of antimatter Medusas, safety override mining blaster Auroras, expanded magazines ion pulser flux capacitor Tempests, armor-specced brawling Dooms, and reaper Afflictors
>Random Sector
>Derelict Empire Scenario
>Free Start, starter fleet of your choice
>Ensign for maximum fun
>Restart until you random gen one nice system full of Derelict worlds
>Objective: Invade and capture that entire system before anyone else does
It is on now
Filk is the ultimate space music.
The best way to kill them is to dump absolute shittons of damage into them.
The best tools are safety override Auroras with 3x heavy blaster, or Paragon with plasma cannons
Reading the blog, I I'm torn on the up-coming skill change.
On the one hand, I hate the point-sink aptitude levels... and I love the idea of presumably removing the OP cost for a pair of ship-mods (especially since at least one or two are practically mandatory...)
On the other, I'm worried the skills will actually be kinda shit all told.
Gonna start a new run after completing vanilla, Diable and Imperium. Between SCY and Sylphon, which do you bros think is more fun?
that battleship has 5 large energy mounts, a phase skimmer, and hull/armor slots on par with an onslaught they're fucking scary
>find a derelict Legion XIV while exploring
>take that shit even though it has 3 D-mods, fuck it we'll strip em
>keep exploring the nebula
>go dark
>jump into a star system through a nascent gravity well
>surrounded by Pathers when I come out
>can't emergency burn because the Legion XIV is mothballed
>can't transverse jump back out because it's mothablled
>get swarmed and die
Fuck me
any way to make the game run in borderless windowed?
They're a Front Mission reference down to the name of Diable themselves.
Pretty sure if you uncheck fullscreen in the launch options it makes it borderless window
You're flying along, your holds full of Volturnian Lobster.
You flip on the space radio.
What plays?
You're right you know.
>tfw you're banned from Argo
You're not a proper spacer till you are.
or lossless scaling on Steam if you want to pay $4 for the same tech + auto updates
this worked for me right off the bat
You start your faction but as far as the game goes your colony is technically apart of the faction you're commissioned to
Sir Lord Baltimore for me
>Set up a colony
>Find out there is a Luddic Path base right next door to my colony
>Go to destroy the base
>It's apparently fully upgraded and keeps wiping out my fleets.
Help. This base is insanely though, and shits out a metric shit-ton of missiles/rockets/etc.
Front Mission Wanzers are ground units though; Gundam Mobile Suits are primarily space units. Hell, there's probably more Macross in there than anything else with all the transforming gimmicks and missile spam. It's just general mecha.
i just made an Alpha core AI the administrator of my colony, i th
I meant Tough. I don't know why I added the extra H.
Literally nothing, don't listen to these guys, Alpha Cores are bros and rake you in mad cash
Do decivilized subpopulations ever go away? If so, how?
Welcome to pathers, go fuck yourself infidel.
They're orders of magnitude harder to deal with than pirate stations or most orbital stations. You kind of need a proper battleship or two to deal with them.
Hey hey people
How many times do you salvage before moving on?
I can't count how much good shit I've gotten from second and third passes but I don't know if it's worth it to keep going until you can't anymore.
how the hell do you get rid of this shit? for everything else if you actually find the thing it directs you to the info goes away but this just doesn't, but I have scanned every planet in the systems these are in including the gas giants but these just don't go away
Trading is powerful as fuck, wow. Now sitting at 300k credits. Now, how do I broach into actually engaging with the game's combat system? My modest trader fleet can't even handle dinky little pirate armadas.
Accessibility/stability for colonies is good if you want to jumpstart an empire. Otherwise it's going to take forever for colonies to grow and pull will actually cost money to maintain.
It really bugs me that there's basically no dialogue options in this game, the relationship meter with individual captains might as well not exist. Kinda takes away the RP from RPG. Hope that gets expanded on eventually
Pirate worlds are worlds ruled by pirates, not worlds where EVERYONE is a pirate, I assume. You'd be killing up to millions of innocent people.
On my last attempt I had an Onslaught covered in PD weapons to try and stop the rockets, and a couple carriers(I found a blueprint for the carrier with 6-wings). It was the closest I got to victory. I still died.
you can buy new ships from almost any station, get a couple sunders and/or hammerheads and you're good for most smaller fights
You need one of the following: 2 True Capital ships
4 Atlas or Prometheus Mk 2s
4 Dominators and a good bit of dakka destroyers/frigates
6+ non Dominator Cruisers that are in some way synergistic
How do you find the weapons you want in this game?
Im trying to find some heavy blasters and the tech jews dont sell any fucking real energy weapons
When's a good time to start settling a colony?
>Commissioned with the persean league
>Fight of three or four fuck huge invasions against kazeron
>all the activity means the system is swarming with defense fleets
>colonize the moon of kazero and install an alpha core on it
>anytime the homoney tries to inspect they instantly get btfoed by persean patrols
feels like i've already won. I think I need to mod nexerelin so factions dont go for peace so fast
Build up a destroyer at a time, try keep yourself at 9 burn if possible and start being able to take smaller pirate fleets on (not armadas, they're fairly high-end). Maybe take a commission and hunt smaller fleets. Grab a few more destroyers, a couple of light cruisers maybe and you can take on smaller trading fleets pretty easily.
when you have loadsa money
Once for standard debris fields, twice for orbital habitats, three times for mining stations, and as many times as it takes until I start getting almost nothing for research stations.
Did you know that not even the vaccum of space is necessarily empty? Its is filled with subatomic particles and other science bullshit that NASA and other space ventures will try to use as a propulsion medium.
If I liked Stellaris would I like this?
>whereas most factions' portraits have a token white guy, the persean league's are all space mutts
what did space america mean by this?
They're very different games, but who knows, maybe.
Pirate it and find out.
reminder if you don't have the sensors skill tree maxed out you're asking for a raping
Jesus christ spoiler that shit
This is the fleet I've been using to hunt Pather bases
If I'm not piloting the Samhain it goes down every single battle, this makes me sad because it means I dont get to deploy the Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru
>that NASA and other space ventures will try to use as a propulsion medium.
It's far, far too little to be used on anything less that interstellar journeys, and even then it's extremely questionable and theoretical.
That's the super carrier right? 99% of the boss fight is killing enough escorts to where you can flank it, it has bad shield coverage so if you can get behind it with a few ships you can kill it quickly, barely managed with a Versant and a BRDY destroyer
zoom in
>start new game
>nexerelin random sector because i haven't done it yet
>decide to play as my own faction with a prebaked colony
>it's a 100% hazard water world with volturnian lobster pens
i see i have pleased one of the powers that be
what is this game like in comparisson to another game? It looks boring as shit
Where the fuck do you find Prometheus II's? The Atlases are everywhere, but nobody seems to sell the converted tankers for some reason.
Remember to download any mod you like because there's no guarantee it'll stay up once the autistic illuminati find out about it
So far what I've heard about this game and need some clarification on somethings.
Active trading, is it going to be like x game where station need x in order to produce y if no x then no y?
Convoy carrying goods to other station/planet?
Huge map?
Will there be some event in game like alien force invade the galaxy or massive pirate raid?
Lots of ship and lots of gun?
Their color scheme is definitely Islam-inspired.
I didnt even know that was possible
I dont think my random sector even has lobsters
>No tachyon lances for sale in entire sector
>Not a single fucking one
>Literally had to cross half a sector to a red beacon system and rip them from radiants
Situation with ship rarity in game is fine, but sometimes weapons are far too bullshit to get.
>Active trading, is it going to be like x game where station need x in order to produce y if no x then no y?
>Convoy carrying goods to other station/planet?
>Huge map?
It gets pretty big
>Will there be some event in game like alien force invade the galaxy
>or massive pirate raid?
>Lots of ship and lots of gun?
You bet
The closest similar gameplay experience is if Spore's space stage
It's much better than that but generally there's not much in common with 4X games
Please give me your anime portraits.
Make use of active sensor burst to significantly extend the range you get a radar hit at.
i'm not sure what you're saying and I may be misinterpreting what you said but pic related is literally the frost sans katana
Color schemes, names of (most of the ships) and some of the weapons are all lifted from front mission. The codex even says that they are wanzers retrofitted for space use. that said the capitals are a lot like gundam ones since they're made of paper
Is it worth getting a Hegemony commission for the sake of upgrading to cruiser-tier if I'm already running around smashing and salvaging pirates and the occasional TriTach convoy with my license plates removed?
I'd like some added purpose and access to warships now that my fleet is getting a bit too unwieldly for long-range surveys, but I don't want to be attacked on sight by my Persean and Independent buds.
There are space Wanzers in Gun Hazard. And many do mount boosters for jumping so being spaceworthy isn't that far-fetched.
I'm pretty sure at least one of the mainline games had a space station mission.
Eagles appear for sale quite often even on normal or black market, and XIV version can appear in bounty for hegemony deserter. Commission is only worth bothering with if you need capitals or something equally rare.
That Soren guy is just some nigger that showed up a few months ago. He trolls the overly-sensitive retards on that forum who can't even handle the basest level of shitposting.
I always name my flagship The Manatee.
is there any way to play this game like gratuitous space battles where i just set the battlefield up and the ships do the work automatically
Hegemony is the only faction you can find non-Atlas Capitals for without joining reliably
Hegemony Cruisers are damn common too
Slight tangent off my previous thought: is building up a pool of cruisers going to kill my ability to explore the fringes of the sector efficiently, or do I just need to work harder on my logistics?
Just set your flagship to autopilot and press tab
Turn on autopilot for your own ship and give some really basic orders right at the beginning. Not full GSB but very macro-style RTT. You legitimately do not have to learn to control a ship at all to win campaign if you're autistic enough.
the next big update's probably going to be actual story content
buy frigates/bigger guns
use the black market exclusively
learn to pilot
oooh cool ive been wanting to play this game for a while. i really loved GSB i dunno if im the only one
im sorry if this has been answered a thousand times but do i get to build and customize ships in a similar way?
try pather bases if they don't just blow you up for going there
pause dumbshit
Where the FUCK do I acquire hi-tech ships
I've been killing TTC convoy escorts for hours and haven't seen a single hull recovery
not build but you can customize weapon loadouts, modifications heat sinks and vents, and other stuff. doing it well enough to have a ship that's good is a art
Have you found any Cautious officers to keep it alive? You can swap the officer to another ship if it isn't necessary to be careful all the time. For the rest of the fleet, dealing with a Starfortress is tough. The Paragon can go in and focus more on absorbing damage with fortress shields, it needs to not build too much flux with weapons so the rest of the fleet can do damage. If you can't afford to add carriers (bomber + flare wings) then try something desparate like loading the Falcon (P) with Reapers to dump as many as possible if you find an opening. Then when you're out you can retreat and assume command of the Doom.
Somewhat. You're a bit more limited in terms of what guns you can mount where, and anything that isn't a weapon, flux capacitators/vents or
a fighter/bomber squadron is equipped as a single hullmod rather than into individual slots. You also can't customize fighter loadouts. Still great customization, though, and you can do some crazy shit with it.
I too liked GSB, despite most of the DLC stuff being OP as shit. Was the sequel any good?
The ships themselves are always the same, but the weapons and hullmods can be customized quite a bit
how come its still not on steam :\ i dont have any money to spend right now but i have like 40 in steam wallet heh
just buy combat ships you dingus
>cover frigates in PD
>cover larger ships in not-PD
>deploy all and activate autopilot
It is actually fairly similar to GSB for building except instead of a mostly blank slate you get a base ship with base stats which can have weapons and a ton of modifiers slapped on. There are a lot of creative configurations that can be used, and off-the-wall shit sometimes works well. The AI is also decently good with whatever you put on it, though for very specific setups you may want to use manual control.
the sequel was extremely bad and inferior, it launched with all these huge issues, and the guy literally said fuck you to everyone and just stopped updating it because people roasted him for releasing a super buggy game
really depressing, i had so much fun with the first one and i want something like it again
>getting dabbed on by TT heavy strike craft
>getting ion'd to shit on your major ships
oh I'm not bothered by the Atlas dying, I bought it to be the only expendable capital in my navy for the purpose of fighting Pather bases
the fleet is working as intended, I was just letting that other user know the kind of firepower he needs for the job
>get a lasher
>mod inject
>safety override
>slap as many machine guns as possible on it
>reaper torpedos
>press the dakka button
>shields are dead
>press the boom button
>ship is dead
sometimes the best offense is Point Defense
>Put cruisers in storage
>Explore with low-maintenance fleet
I don't see where is the problem
Im the guy who was just posting about GSB and shit, does anyone wanna buy me a code and ill buy you a $15 game on steam?
Oops, apparently I can't read today
that's e-bartering friend. i don't have liquid money right now but i do have steam dollas
get in here fags we're going to sell some illegal shit
Is there a front mission manga?
Just pirate it and buy it later.
....oh right, that terraforming platform near Jangala has free berths. Guess that solves the problem entirely.
Thread is locked and will be download links will be removed before too long.