Looks like violence is back on the menu boys
New Krinkels video
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Krinkels is the only furry I like, bless this man
I don’t know about you guys but i like the new guy.
Resurrection of the Messiah soon.
>Holed up in Hank's house
>Description mentions him being called "Doc"
Could he be the one who patches up Hank when the Higher Powers aren't involved?
sorry nigger but M:PN 2 already has a steam page.
so this thread gonna die?
>Stun bomb through window
Seems like they wanted to capture the new guy alive.
is this true?
dont make me hate this guy please
Yeah but he keeps it all on his deviantart.
Unlike others (sonicfox) he doesnt feel the need to shout at everyone his preferences.
found the reddit fag
here say ahh im gonna spoonfeed you with this simple answer
what a coincidence, I literally just binged the whole madness series for the umpteenth time the other day
Jebus did nothing wrong
>Comes to Yea Forums
>see all those Sonic and Digimon threads
>Yet, still hasn't learned the art of coexistence
Grow a spine user.
The plot thickens, I like the new AAHW redesigns, how detailed.
Also Nexus 2 fucking when?
wasn't there supposed to be a madness game? what happened to that?
Soon™. They are just releasing the OST on the youtube channel
Still in development, Planned Late 2019 release now.
MPN2 is even farther in progress than that now. The game just had cover art revealed.
fuck me that looks cool as shit
>that Sanford
Game still coming to Steam or is it now an Epic exclusive?
god I LOOOOOOOVE his cyborg furry stuff, hope to commission him eventually uwu
Why bother.
He’s a fuckin jobber and utterly useless.
I’m glad he’s dead.
You mean Yea Forums you fucking autist.
>Couldn’t initiate the Restoration Process right
He did everything wrong.
>that vintorez
>Be me, a baby
>Parent comes with food stuff
>Ask in toddler noises if the stuff is the good stuff(steam) or the vomit suff(Epic)
>It's the good stuff
Krink just keeps on delivering.
this is now a thread about the madness game so that this thread doesnt die.
wtf was it called i cant remember
Don't mind me, just best song in the series coming through.
Madness: Project Nexus 2
Madness Interactive and there's Project Nexus + Project Nexus 2 (currently being worked on)
>In one year Adobe Flash will die
>Newgrounds will die
Why is the world so cruel?
While I won't deny that MC6 soundtrack was a banger, I find myself preferring 10's ost
MC7 soundtrack was the best and had the best designed Hank desu
Hank + the Ninja from Maximum Ninja would be KINO. Make it happen Krinkels, I know you read these.
best song and best episode
I respect your preference and can agree that this is well made, however I simply cannot pretend that this is not the singular best track in the madness series.
So there is still hope...
>Newgrounds is not going to die but thousands of Flash games and content will due to Motherfukking adobe
It's a spiritual death, not an actual one. Kinda reminds me of Yea Forums before m00t left. Times are changing and it sucks.
i am so fucking happy
krinkels is so sexy
my nigga
you DID watch it on newgrounds with adblock off right user?
Is this really the only old NG "franchise" that's still alive?
t. auditor
No, Salad Fingers is alive too I think.
I suppose this is vidya because it has a game, but is it any good?
Not just one game, it had multiple. Madness combat has tons of flash game content. It's rather unfortunate that those will all be lost due to adobe.
Brakenwood is kinda kicking around.
It's still fucking beautiful
Arena Mode is fantastic.
Campaign Mode is a massive wasted potential.