Ky Kiske
Ky Kiske
Jack Price
Nathaniel Reed
Fucked a 4 year old child while an angel and a skeleton watched
Nicholas Moore
Connor Miller
Don't forget that he is also a very religious man...
Julian Ward
is my husbando
Evan Nelson
>Daisuke finally growing out of his chuuni phase and realizing chivalrous neckbeard long-haired samurai designs of the past looked embarassing
I mean, they still look like gay yaoi characters but at least he's toning down the shittiness in the designs.
Joshua Kelly
she was three. get your lore facts straight
Blake Reed
What? I never played the games so please give me a rundown.
Noah Phillips
Dizzy is hot, so much so that Ky dropped his moralfag routine to fug her. He then handed his kid off to his angry irresponsible rival who gave him sugar water as a treat.
Jace Ramirez
I can't blame him there.