Do Gamer Moms really exist?
Moms and Video Games
it must suck being so uninteresting that you have to post porn bait on Yea Forums just so someone can talk to you OP
I tried to get my mom into halo as a teenage, it didn't work out so well.
I don't understand what it is with moms and not being able to understand hand-eye coordination to play with controllers.
Stop shilling this dogshit anime already
>name of that cluterfuck of isekai?
Thank you user, but I don't have a title for it yet, sorry. It's all in pieces on a google doc. Thanks for the interest, though. If I make any significant progress on it, I'll post it in the Yea Forums iskeai thread. Look for the post with a bunch of replies telling me to fuck off to Yea Forums and/or stealing art that I'm clearly using as a reference.
No. They're to busy taking care of your NEET ass
>don't understand what it is with moms and not being able to understand hand-eye coordination to play with controllers.
Women in general struggle with spatial navigation in 3D space. It's why you rarely see women who olay anything other than platformers and puzzle games in 2D
>ywn have a threesome with your real mom and substitute mommy figure
why live
>Do Gamer Moms really exist?
Because my mom is funny like that.
Yeah. My mom plays retail WoW daily. Has a bunch of characters over level 100, though her main is a night elf rogue.
Do you play with her, though?
How does she feel about WoW classic?
yes, but not in the way that you think. every single gamer mom i know is a shitty person & an even shittier mom. so yes, some women who have birthed biological children play video games, but no caring-mom stereotype does.
based mom dabbing on closeted gay child
some games my mom has played
assassins creed
tomb raider
dragon age
batman arkham
>no third panel where the anime mom stares mockingly at the real mom
Why even bother with the first two panels.
They do as the 90s girls that are still gamers are now having kids but it won't matter until like 2030.
It's the best anime of the season
She says she'll play Classic, though she also told me she loves retail and its story(English isn't her first language and she struggles with it). Spends her time getting exalted with certain factions so that she can fly around in new regions.
My mom actually bought herself a Wii not so long ago and plays Harvest Moon a lot.
She's 65
More isekais with rpg video game mechanics need moms
My girlfriends mom. She destroyed me at Street Fighter 2 when I stayed over
I recently saw my mom playing some Atelier game on her PS4. Don't know which Atelier game since I haven't played any Atelier games.
Can you please stop spreading that bullshit? Any person that hasn't played games before struggle with 3D games.
>there are adult men who still have parents who invade their privacy
You just have to stand up to them at some point. I completely sperged out over my parents entering my room when I was 15 and now they almost never set foot in it.
>My girlfriends mom destroyed m when I stayed over
God I want that to be me.
This, ever single one of them I've met online generally neglect their kids.
Why would she be upset that a nice lady was looking after her lost son?
My mom used to play Peggle and Plants Vs. Zombies everyday. Recently I think it's just been solitaire though.
And I thought I was obnoxious with posting the same shit. I've been playing vidya since I was kid and just haven't stopped. My daughter and I have really bonded over splatoon.
Worst you baiting subhuman scum
Worst anime of the season
How old is your daughter, sir?
My mom used to play Runsecape way back when. She had a couple of 99 skills too.
Please ruin this thread Yea Forums
So Yea ForumsCucks seeth to death
wasn't the woman who said "get off vent or ill have you bent" a mother?
There are plenty of gamer moms if you count Candy Crush.
Unfortunately my mom was already an adult before video games was even a thing.
My grandfather who was a WWII pilot liked to play flight sims though.
Yeah, I'd be a terrible mom so I'm fine with never getting a man and having children because I'd just be playing games all day and force my kids to play Minecraft with me or something instead of doing mom-like things.
Found the woman.
14, and the thread is literally about mothers How did you get sir out of that?
wholesome mom
what a lovely woman, take good care of her
what anime
Listen, we've all been on this site long enough. Everyone is assumed that anons are all dudes, if you try to prove that you're a chick in any regard, you get a bunch of
>tits or gtfo
even thought that's more of a Yea Forums thing, then the white knights come in and try to defend your honor, even though you never asked them to, and it all devolves into a shitposting mess
It's saves everyone, including your own sanity, just to not bring it up on Yea Forums. Other websites would be more receptive to those kinds of posts, unfortunately. No disrespect to you user, but I'm just trying to cut the crap out before it happens.
My mum loves Plants vs Zombies and also Snakebird. Note: Snakebird is lowkey one of the hardest games out there. She also finished Sokobond. I'm proud of my mom.
>Literally just drama for the sake of drama
>"Oh no! He accidentally teleported away instead of getting to explain anything!"
Not my pic, but thanks.
My mom likes Zelda and has played almost every single one.
She hated Breath of the Wild.
>this is where he ended up
It's like you have a dude in your raid who keeps hording all the good shit and not using his ults because "there might be a harder boss later" instead of using it now so you don't outright fail the raid in the moment
It's fucking frustrating and I'd call him out on it.
It isn't even in the top 5
>I'm making your favorite, sausage
Every fucking time, that mom is a treasure
My mom played Tetris and Sonic 2 with me when I was in 3rd grade. She also used to play DDR but that was 16 years ago and now she's too old to do any real physical exercise
Understandable, this board is a shit heap but it's still a thread dedicated to mothers, I don't see a problem in admitting I'm a mom.
Best outcome
My mom is a gamer mom, we played through jak and daxter and donkey kong 64. We also have a very close relationship and thanks to her, I'm no longer a virgin, but that's a story for another time.
Kek this shit is funny as fuck
Makes me sad tho cuz my moms dead. Dont worry it happened before all those "reply or else" posts lol.
But I'm glad she never saw my hentai (AFAIK)
My mom have our dog and my sister.
She doesnt need my love.
Old People aren't as used to handling a joystick as you are, user
Different poster here. The problem is that this hellsite is filled with incels who bristle at the very possibility that women exist. Just post whatever and enjoy the angry (you)s.
My mom was the only one I could play Yu-Gi-Oh with as a kid, and we played once or twice a day after school. A card shop opened up nearby that hosted tournaments, and I remember my mom laughing her ass off at me when a dude pulled out a Dark Hole and wiped my field.
>used to play ddr
man, I could never do that shit, not coordinated enough to really get into rythim games, let alone real physical ones. Props for having a cool mom
Halo was baby's first FPS though
>he still lives with mommy
Cut the cord
Growing up my mom would play snes with me and my brother, she was great at tetris and used to co-op goof troop with us, she got hooked on animal crossing on the DS and my brother gave her his old one when he upgraded to a lite. Now she plays animal crossing on her iPhone and is absolutely hooked on it.
back to chapo with ye
Yeah, that's true I guess. Sorry for trying to act like thread police, I was just enjoying the discussion from these two threads and didn't want to see it devolve into >female shitposts.
You do you.
When I was younger me and my mother would play PvZ together
redpill me on the mommy fetish
My mom used to play NES pretty regularly, and is still ludicrously good at a few older arcade games (namely Ms. Pac-Man, Mr. Do, and Crystal Castles).
But she really only plays Mahjong Solitaire and Tetris on her tablet these days, she did say she was planning on picking up a switch for Tetris 99, but she hasn't yet.
Tried to get my mother to play Ridge Racer on the PS1 after I got it for christmas as a kid, but she kept holding the controller upside down and for some reason this infuriated my child self so much that I told her to stop and go away. Harsh.
I hope you save all your kid's school stuff.
When I turned 30 my mom gave me a large folder full of my school work and put together a photo album of a lot of the photos she took.
I still treasure them and look at old school paper work my mom had to fill out.
It really sheds new light on what was going on in my early life that is just a blur to me in the present.
Fuck off back to /r9k/
I do enjoy yous more than I should
I get where you're coming from hun no need to apologize!
My mother 100%'d the Crash Bandicoot Trilogy.
Over a period of a few months
My mom used to play Super Mario, Tomb Raider, Resident Evil, Silent Hill & colin mcrae rally
and then she became a dead beat drunkard
It makes dong into larger dong for some.
This is some painfully bad dialogue. Your attempts at explaining it don't make it any better.
If you think about it, every man's image of a perfect woman is a mom
>always loves you unconditionally
>cooks for you
>cleans for you
>listens to your problems
>can give birth and raise kids
Now if you can fuck her there's a perfect woman
My friends mom played Tetris and neglected them to play sims
Of all the things you could write, why would you choose isekai?
The perfect woman is the one who doesn't exist because females just get in the way of playing video games
guess he wants sales
A mother should never ignore her kids for entertainment
Other way around, this is my home board unfortunately
My dad saw my search history once when I was around 15 or so and asked why I liked cartoon porn. He was genuinely curious and didn't get it.
I told him it's because you can draw angles and features that wouldn't be possible in real life. He seemed mostly satisfied with that answer. Frankly I'm surprised I was able to say anything coherent at all.
My mom used to play StarFox and Mario Party with me when I was a kid, back on the N64.
That reminds me of the story about Vince McMahon when he was genuinely shocked that Asian porn existed.
What is this? You’re making a manga?
>billy, don't grow up to be a faggot. billy?
>bing, bing, 1-UP, WAHOOOO.
My mom is entirely indifferent to them. She never played them when I was a kid. A couple of years ago she tried Left 4 Dead but is entirely unused to any kind of FPS so she didn't too well. I think she used to play Candy Crush but I don't think she even plays that anymore. She doesn't really ask me anything about any game I happen to be playing whenever she sees me playing one.
I bought my mom animal crossing with a 3DS, also ocarina of time 3D. She loved animal crossing but couldn’t figure out how to get to the Deku tree in ocarina
beautiful handwriting
i wish i had it
There's no girl on Yea Forums, only trannies.
its literally proven by science
Have you considered fucking your daughter.
You've already lost. And what the fuck is that excerpt? One of your MC's concubines calling him out on his OP bullshit? And some stupid RPG spell being learned? Good grief, what a stupid genre.
Hmm. I expected better from you user.
Nope, got a wife for that
You'd be surprised.
I screwed a chick during my college years and I found out she browsed /v and other boards.
She was missing a few screws and addicted to painkillers but sex with her was great so I didn't care.
I would sometimes just chill with her and play Smash Bros.
Cut ties before she became a full blown drug addict.
I later learned she died of a drug overdose.
Some of the most messed up people seem to be the most entertaining to hang around.
my mother was never satisfied with anything i did no mather how well i did and now i want a woman to hold me and tell me she's proud of me. it's horrible, don't aspire it.
I dunno man, my mom struggles with everything technology so I haven't even tried to get her into vidya.
My dad is a manual guy and is quite skilled in various fields, is a decent shooter and generally has no issue with any manual work and he's somewhat interested in videogames but I've yet to make him use both hands at the same time. He likes Crash Bandicoot but will either move or attack. It took me like 2h one evening to get him to move and jump at the same time to get past, well, any hole. He only ever played racing games before that and he's always holding the accelerate button, it's like he can't process 2 things at the same time.
My Aunt plays games, played smash bros with her and my cousins a week ago.
Kek based mom
Its a manifestation of the desire to be loved by who you are. Only a mother is capable of loving that way, and she only loves her son in this manner.
I'll hold you and say I'm proud of you
Yeah, I've met a few playing FF14
My mom generally sucked at video games but she was stupid good at Dr. Mario. She's dead now rip Mommy
If you move out of your parents' house before you can buy your own and go ahead and rent from mr. Shekelstein you're either retarded or just hated by your parents.
I mean, looking at the tiddies on the two of them, no wonder the son is over with the other chick.
Do moms get jealous if you start hanging out with other moms, maybe younger and prettier moms?
buying a house is a bigger scam than rent
>Some of the most messed up people seem to be the most entertaining to hang around.
Because they are interesting. Sure, a good,reliable person is good when it comes to having a stable life and a family, but if you're not into that, there's hardly anything they can offer you.
Funny because for me it's because she was too coddling and did everything for me and I want that feeling back but also with sex.
>I'm a mom
As in you did the minimum requirememts to birth a child? Or do you actually bother to be a parent and raise your offspring to some extent.
Because I fucking hate thinking of the word mom as the first
My mom still plays old isometric games and Morrowind. She's incredibly intelligent and makes up her own word games and solves sudoku for fun.
Not in the long run, and the land is worth 100x more than the house itself.
Growing up my mom left the snes on all day while i was at school just to show me she beat kirby's avalanche when i got home
I just want to find hot milfy looking women but everything's always an incest angle. I blame Game of Thrones for ruining MILF porn this way.
It's why Freud is a fucking hack.
Idk. Most mens relationships with women basically are mom or daughter. I like tinder because I can find soulless husks to cum in. I'll just go sexbot when i can.
Other way around actually. We adopted her recently and I'm doing everything in my power to be the best mother I can be. I want to replace every garbage memory of foster care for her with something that makes her smile.
Please be my trap mommy and let me nuzzle my head into your lap.
My mom played Diablo and Halo and plays dr mario occasionally nowadays
Japan has some, and in the midwest you can find a few.
Europe and the urban areas are unfortunately gamer mom free.
It's not especially weird in the japan and the midwest because you already wield social responsibility and don't compensate for it.
>it's the tranny freak ''lesbian'' couple
fuck off people here want real mothers
So you're not a mother, and you have a wife.
Enjoy that lesbian "mom" household abuse rate.
Chiyo > Mamako
Prove me wrong. You can't.
I'm disappointed. I expected better from you two. Does it make you feel better for trying to put me down?
>I'm disappointed.
You're not my mother, why would I care about disappointing you? I'd kill myself before disappointing her.
>Does it make you feel better for trying to put me down?
Honestly, no. I'm just stating that lesbian households are very prone to violence.
>Crystal Castles)
BASED and REDPILLED bearnigga.
good job bitch, you just HAD to make this thread about you. Congrats on derailing a halfway decent thread
But the mom on the right is cuter
>tranny freak trying to act motherly
Embarassing. You're a freakshow which explains why you needed to adopt, you can't be a mother. You're just a tranny with a braindead tranny son who should have been aborted.
>Your new doll is very nice!
>Love mom
Kek is this real?
Press D to dab on the retard tranny.
Yes. That's why they do it. They get a sliver of excitement putting you in your place or so to speak. What kind of rhetorical question is that? Anyways. I had gay mom's. Don't fuck that kid up with domestic abuse, yelling, or neglect. All I really gotta say on the matter.
Also opinion on men's love for futa?
for me at least, it's not about literally fucking your actual mom. It's about a huge titted, child-bearing hips woman who showers you with unconditional love and affection, like a mom would. Plus things like lying in her lap, sucking on her tits, etc. Just shit that's really comforting and safe. Deep down it's what 99% of guys want
Are you lads fucking new here or what? Stop feeding the attention whore
Both of my parents played Tekken Tag with me as a kid. My dad played a good amount of vidya before I was born which is how I played an NES & Genesis despite being born in 1996 and why we got a PS1 when I was still a toddler. Beyond a bit of Tekken back then my mom has only played casual puzzle games on her PC and phone.
are there any doujins where a mom gets jelly that her son is hanging out with another mom, so she does anything to get him to spend time with her instead?
shut up retard I'll do as I please.
lol 11/10 mom material
>mfw I couldn't stop myself from crying like a bitch when my ex put my head in her chest and said how proud of me she was
It was like a torrent of pent up emotion just came out all at once. I couldn't stop myself, it was kind of embarrassing at the time, but I would kill to have that experience again
Do you have no preference between BR and NBR then?
Science is racist.
This guy gets it. Actual incest is bullshit and probably only prevalent in guys whose mothers were exceptionally attractive with a certain kind of attitude (or just plain abusive).
I want to date/fuck somebody else's hot mom. Maybe a mid-late 30s woman who just sent their son off to college and has empty nest syndrome amplified by being single.
It's why he was right.
for me personally, definitely prefer NBR. If it's in porn or some shit it doesn't matter though.
best 3DPD mommy is Xev Bellringer hands down
So you'd rather a kid be in a foster home than a loving home just because it's two women?
I'm replying to people. How have I ruined it.
Go on, I'm sure you've got more than that.
Of course not. I treat her like any kid deserves to be treated, with love and respect. As for futa, I think people can be into whatever, I don't see an issue with finding dicks attractive it's just who they are.
It's impossible to suspend disbelief when reading greentext these days because you porn addicts make every woman, even your old-ass mother, act like a teenage anime girl.
My mom doesn't really game in the normal sense, as she doesn't really play anything new despite my attempts to get her into it. But from what I hear of my family she was really into and was really good at Pac-man for a while. I also remember growing up that my family would try to beat this obscure PS1 title and most of us would die pretty quickly except my mom. She was the one who was into it the most out of all of us, think she made it to the final boss too. She wants me to track it down for her sometime but the title is pretty expensive and hard to find now, maybe I can find an emulator.
>these days
That’s a 5.5 year old post
started with a big sis fetish and femdom but my gf actually was the one to get me to call her mommy, i loved it ever since and i dont want anything else. It feels great to be loved for who you are and to be found cute but also manly at the same time. (Im also younger and have a baby face)but yeah its my fav dynamic
that's cool as shit user, count yourself lucky
Incest is very much like bestiality. Shit IRL but really hot in hentai.
my gf introduced me to Yea Forums. she does browse Yea Forums but its not a lie that Yea Forums in particulair is incredibly infested with trannon freaks.
my Mom is bi-polar, she doesn't play games at all. Hasn't really been the best mom since I was like 8-9, so I've basically cut her out of my life
This show is just an excuse for guys who wanna fuck their moms to vicariously live out their fantasies.
That sounds like she'll eventually find a "daddy" because you are stuck doing the same thing.
ew that's disgusting user. We don't wanna fuck OUR moms, we want to fuck HIS mom
This. Just so refreshing to have someone treat you nicely.
thank you my friend, i am very grateful for everything i have, i went trough years of solitude and depression and this really made my life worth living, i wish you the same luck and joy.
What show? In OP?
>your dom will eventually find a dom because you are a sub
Top logic
She likes pinball. Thats about it.
>all that my mom's played is Mario Kart 64 and Just Dance-style games
im flexible as fuck, work out and am taller than her, i was originally a dom and can go back to doing just that if it gets boring, ya cuck.
>Just so refreshing to have someone treat you nicely
fucking this. I had some random woman I passed on the street say I looked nice a couple of months ago (I was wearing a suit for work). I literally did a double-take, look around, and ask if she was talking to me. She said yes, smiled and walked away. I swear I was on top of the fucking world for the rest of that week.
Link her twitch channel
My sister has two kids and plays vidya, so yeah, gamer moms exist. It's just not as special as it sounds.
it sounds like she fucks black guys behind your back
what games?
also is she hot? this is important
ha ha. She doesn't even know what that is
>There are adult men who will take money and a room from their parents but feel like a big boy for telling mom to stay out of their room (unless it has to be dusted)
Great job standing up to your parents two weeks ago user
>You're being a meanie, user-kun! Your mommy is very upset!
I mean, I do fuck black guys, but I don’t think you can call statistical certainty projecting.
Affectionate older women with rockin bodies, Experienced and eager to please.
>I'm making your favorite, sausage
Based mom. fuckass son.
What happened between you two
I miss Zero Two. I'm also still mad that she's trapped in such a shitty ending
hopefully the manga will fix it
some people speculate their reincarnations remember everything.
What the fuck do you mean the manga? Don't tell me Franxx is still on fucking going.
we were on and off for years user, we tried to make it work, people just drift apart. I'm a much better person for having met and dated her though, it was a completely amicable breakup at the end
Kill yourself xigger
oh user, you don't know? There are already changes from the anime, and they're a little over halfway through I believe
My mother used to play games with me, games such as: Zelda, Mario cart/party, Guitar hero.
My mom played boatloads of Atari as a teenager, and started me with it. Played games with me regularly on NES (usually Battletoads, Ninja Turtles 2 and 3, and Trog). After that she stopped playing with, but would watch me. Had a few months long stits where she worked her way through DKC 1 and 3 despite being awful at platformers.
And then Animal Crossing came out. She put so many hours into Animal Crossing that it burned out my gamecube. She has over 400 hours in New Leaf and is stoked for the new one.
that's pretty cool tbqh
>that pic
That's something my mom would say. Cute.
Oh come on you didn't even try to hurt my feelings. At least give it your all.
I just started it the other day, and the fact that Hiro pilots with Zero Two instead of Mitsuru is already a great fucking sign. I hear Kokoro is even thirstier and it makes me so happy
I'm one of those people, but Papa and VIRM lived and Hiro and Zero Two never got to see their friends again. Also, we didn't get 100 dino children maybe more
thank god.
Here's how you make your generic forced drama interesting: Instead of letting the MC be a wet paper bag with no personality beyond blubbering uselessly and then accidentally making things worse, have him get mad. Just kill the woman. That'd be interesting. I bet no one would see that shit coming.
more raikou pls
that's what trannies want you to believe
t. user with a shitposter wife
Did...did you meet her here?
how often does she peg you
My mother had no short term memory, so instead of doing anything with her, the carers would just sit her at a computer and leave her to play solitaire for 8 hours.
All I want is a cute GF who likes to play the same video games as me and can get me into stuff that I normally wouldnt.
Keep trying to meme, maybe you'll get it one day.
Just not today.
What the fuck.
Tell me you're joking.
I lost my mom when I was 11 and life has been cold and unforgiving ever since
The fact that in a little under a year I'll have lived longer without her than with her is baffling and horrifying
I suppose that's why I like women with more "motherly" features
I don't know how much longer I can last without the warmth of a compassionate woman before I give up and wander into the woods to become some animals lunch
guarantee you that's not fun. Find a chick that has different hobbies than you do
I'm not, she had a brain aneurysm so she couldn't form memories properly from after that point.
As for the carers, most people who work in aged care or similar fields are pretty lazy as normally they don't really have any way of being caught.
I want to be amommy so bad
Someone post that Gosling-bait image of the girl who started stroking her boyfriend's head only for him to burst into tears.
Afterword from the author:
This is my first meeting with everyone. Inaka Dachima, Inaka Dachima is my name. On this occasion, I thank you very much for purchasing my work. In this book, mother is the main heroine. Regarding this, even the editor-in-charge also described it as [Quite an innovative idea]. That’s, well, also quite true. Heroines from light novels were existences that were born with the goal of being loved passionately by their fans. Her being a mother......unless one is quite the veteran, it will be quite impossible to make her a waifu.
However, that’s fine.
Mamako is not the heroine that you should love, but the heroine who loves you. She is a mother who will acknowledge everything about you, accept it and love you deeply.
As such, to those that may think “but I already have waifu(s)......” as well, I hope that you will feel free to place this work in a corner of your bookshelf. She will not hinder you. Mamako will gently watch over you, while you are making out......
Eh, that’d be hard to do? Well, that’s true. But please do something about it. Please do it.
I will borrow this occasion and thank everyone.
To the dear members of the selection committee that have chosen this work to be the winner of the 29th Fantasia Grand Prize, thank you very much.
In addition, to Iida Pochi-san in charge of illustration, people engaged in publishing this work, and K-san in charge of editing, let me offer my apology and gratitude, please bear with me and take care of me in future as well.
Lastly. To my mother who returned after becoming a contracted employee after passing the age of fifty and obtaining a forklift license, I wish to offer this work to you.
It may be troubling for you, who is already a grandmother with a grandchild, to dedicate your time to light novel......Eh, read it? You will read it?
Then, go ahead. However, please spare me from giving your feedback face to face.
Fall 2016, Dachima Inaka
My mom threw me off the level over powerups in Super Mario 3D World.
I'm disgusted by the mommydom fetish, possibly because my mom was batshit insane
That must be tough. I'm sorry to hear user.
Man, it's depressing with how frequently shit like that happens. I did contracting work with a company to help them figure out how to track their employees so they didn't just abandon the person who was suppose to be in their care.
At least the people with your mother had the decency to leave her with a game so her mind could be stimulated instead of just dropping her in front of a TV.
Oh fuck
My mother was hospitalized in the Looney bin six weeks after I was born and never left and you don't see me crying about it
>make something interesting
>shill it
>someone wants to find out more
>lol go on this scavenger hunt
Kill yourself.
That one still makes me cum buckets no matter what
>you don't see me crying about it
>six weeks after you were born
>versus losing a mother who was a pillar of your life for 11-12 years
I used to play Super Mario Bros with my mom when I was like 4 y/o
>mom caught me watching lesbian porn when I was 12 and first learned how to masturbate
>mfw now I’m into shit like traps and guro, and they don’t know shit
Thank god I don’t use my desktop anymore
That mom fucking rules.
>Mamako will gently watch over you, while you are making out......
It got depressing over time as she could no longer recognise me as her memory of me was that of a kid and not an adult. It hurts quite a bit having your own mother not even knowing who you are despite spending so much time together.
Remember to cherish the time you have with your mother people.
Your mother's should've taught you reading comprehension
isn't that what you're literally doing right now
we're here for you user, it sucks to not have a parent around
My mom will play just 2 games, Frogger and Asteroids. Ive actually set her up with the original Game Boy versions of both. She doesn't play often but she is really good at both of them. My grandma loves PC ers games. Especially Age of Empires and Mythology. Its funny how she grew up in a 1 room shack in backwoods Texas in the 50s, yet she's the one who got me started on Empires back when it first came out. She also likes point and click horror games like Phantasmagoria and Inherent Evil, the entire Kings Quest series, and Katamari. But she especially loves Age of Empires, she plays it every day, and we even go to the coffee shop and play it together on their wifi.
I feel really bad for masturbating to mom/son shit so much. I love my mom, I don't want to be corrupting these sort of relationships, I wish I didn't find it so damn hot.
They varied quite a bit between the different people. The worst one I remember would just go to a bar with her so she could play slot machines all day.
It's moreso that mom-son is the shittiest, laziest, and most widespread form of incest smut, so it attracts retards who don't know how to form a sentence and at least make their greentext believable.
Which is also why the best incest smut that's not just garbage for you to beat your meat to and is actually decently-written is almost always bro-sis stuff.
Mom and uncle grew up playing shit on the SNES and Genesis, so she'll play Sonic, Mario, and Street Fighter of all things.
Pretty alright. She also likes Crash Bandicoot.
Mothers are quite simply, the best. Also my mom played old school games but stopped after the N64.
I'm truly sorry to hear that user.
Does the bottom one fuck her master or make allusions to it? Your answer will influence whether I get Grand Order.
>playing gacha shit
have (actual) sex
I know a mom who's in her late 40s, maybe early 50s, who plays World of Warcraft. She's not my mom though.
My mom is a crazy neurotic bitch that I'm pretty sure has some sort of undiagnosed bipolar disorder or some shit. She always gets fucking livid over the tiniest things and has basically turned my dad into a giant beta that just takes her shit and swears under his breath at her. He's a big guy and could beat the shit out of her but instead he bottles up his rage and gets mad as fuck at the tiniest things also. I am very surprised they haven't divorced but I think they both know they aren't going to find anyone else this late in their lives and they have 4 kids that wouldn't forgive them if they did.
That said I'm still very much into every single facet of mommy hentai, from mom ntr to mommy incest or mommy /ss/. Funny how that all works out.
Porn with good actors and good writing can turn a decent fap fest into questioning all your entire life choices.
yea they do.
god, i remember all my middle school classmates having hot milfs. some people wonder why they love milfs but i'm not one of them.
you fucked up user, some Yea Forumsirgin is going to masturbate to that now
maybe I will too
This is one grass is always greener moments. I WISH my mom went to the looney bin. She was a witch, literal sense, and fucked me up for life. I had to basically run away to my Dad by means of acting out so hard she just rage quit on me. She scarred my thinking for life. I now believe that all women who go through divorce should NOT be allowed full custody of their children at all cost. They all deserve to hang, and widows and those who divorce under extreme circumstances need to go through a full psych evaluation before they get full custody. Impossible and autistic? Yes. But its still my opinion.
>Which is also why the best incest smut that's not just garbage for you to beat your meat to and is actually decently-written is almost always bro-sis stuff.
>That one story written by an user on 8ch's /ss/ board about a teenaged drug addict molesting her little brother
Never felt so hard from reading fucking fapbait.
please tell me this is what i think it is
>Porn with good actors
>3D porn
>3D incest porn
When I was young my mom tried to get into gaming. She couldn't get into it, specially since I never had any multiplayer stuff. I probably also pushed her away from it since I wanted to keep it as just my own hobbie.
I have no words. That's just heartbreaking.
gonna need source, to verify these claims.
>8ch's /ss/ board
Good luck with that.
surely someone has screencaps???
8 chan got bombed. They used the shootings to false flag then attacked the site to shut it down. They posted the Huma/Hilary face slicing video on it before the shutdown to mock the users prior.
Mom had Alzheimer. I know that feeling. When she saw my sister's son, she called him by my name. The worst is that all you can really do is smile and nod.
RIP but fuck that cripple for splitting Yea Forums / /pol/
>my mom looks so young that she can be one of my classmates!
>and she is super hot! would t it be wrong if I want to fuck her?
Japan deserved more than two nukes.
Yes and thats what got me into gaming
Then tomb raider and some captain claw
We did every dynasty warriors game split screen, tomb raider games, tekken and whatnot, she liked star wars battlefront too
Now she plays some puzzle games on her phone when she waits for something or plays with the cat because she can't take the time to sit down and do anything thats not job related. Her retirement plan is a rig to play whatever she finds interesting
Agreed. But to be honest I cant blame HIM for selling out. He is very easy to target, cant defend himself, and frankly had a fuck ton of hurt that could easily have been done on him. I can forgive Hot Wheels...That faggot that shall not be named and Yakuza Mod can go fuck themselves however.
Fair enough m8.
Mom NTR with live birthing
Retard anime exists in the first place because japan got nuked.
>Mamako is not the heroine that you should love, but the heroine who loves you. She is a mother who will acknowledge everything about you, accept it and love you deeply.
The only decently-written /ss/ story I remember seeing on /ss/ is this:
And I'm pretty sure it was ripped from some random story on ao3.
Yuyu placed 65th out of 1900 in tekken at evo
okay, but whats the name?
i may require a sauce
I don't understand you at all. It takes way more effort to post asking for sauce than actually reverse image searching. You're not lazy, so why don't you just reverse image search. Use 4chanX or something to have the link for reverse image search sites just a click away. You could be saving yourself a lot of effort.
>tfw have mommy
>she's a lesbian
Why live brothers
Aggressive Mother or Aggressive Mama. Forgot which
This but also the subtle dominance aspect she'd have over me.
be honest, you like her because she's the mother you wish you had
what? Absolutely not. I don't want my mom to be fuckable and hot, I want my friends mom to be fuckable and hot
Topkek, I hope this is real. What an absolutely legendary mom.
Keep posting cute shotas, I don't care if they're straight.
This guy gets it
>try to rest on mommy's lap
>she flinches and gets up to grab the frying pan
>Topkek, I hope this is real.
>i hope my mother knows what fetishes im into!
thank god sanpanda is down, she'll never know the true extent of my degeneracy
>He doesn't know
>sanpanda is down
>He doesn't know
>sadpanda is down
>sadpanda is down
It's usually better to get them off with a slower paced game like Animal Crossing.
also, how can you live with your parents knowing about THAT?
Uhh, user.
It's been back for a while now.
>sanpanda is down
>want to make a proper fantasy manga with none of the isekai bullshit and JRPG stats and skills
What are your thoughts on fantasy stuff that doesn't adhere much to the JRPG shit?
>Game has a happy ending
That's not my photo, so they don't really know.
If my dad ever found out, it would be like pic related
>tfw know a lesbian that constantly lurks /vg/ and just gave birth
>To triplets
That was just depressing.
Do people actually jerk off to this kind of shit?
I can never get into sad/fucked up smut stuff.
>I can never get into sad/fucked up smut stuff
your loss
well, all I know is that I wouldn't be the first one to disappoint my father, but he'd still be disappointed
Aren't you a lesbian? And dead?
Yeah I used to play minecraft with my mom all the time
She used to kick my older brothers ass at Mortal Kombat too
My mom actually tried some NES games way back in the day. All I remember that sticks is Casino Kid and Milon's Secret Castle. She's actually taken to doing jigsaw puzzles these days.
You'd think I could convince her to try a simple system with access to puzzle games or something but she has that generational hiccup where she's too set in her ways to adapt a new long term hobby.
My dad back in the day was legendary bro-op partner. We beat Contras, P.O.W., Jackal. Tragedy struck when the SNES hit and he just wasn't a big fan of anything more complicated than "button that shoots, button that jumps."
>pochi girl
>with a shota
i know where this is going. god i fucking love /ss/
I mean, I'm all for the fucked up and disgusting side if you want some depression porn, but that seems like it was written to be jerked off to, and it's more fucked up and sad than it is sexy.
Right is far superior to left.
Seriously, why can't western artists get good at paneling or realize that sometimes less is more?
I don't even need the cooking and cleaning aspects, or the "giving birth" aspects.
I think that's fantastic, honestly. Sticking to RPG mechanics or typical tolkien fantasy is a huge crutch. I'm not a great writer, and part of any isekai is blatant wish fulfillment, so I know what sort of garbage story I'm writing. I'm just hoping I do it well and it's enjoyable, different, or interesting from the typical isekai stories for those who do like those types of stores
If you're doing your own fantasy thing, I would focus most of your efforts on worldbuilding, or at least making something fantastical about your world that distinguishes it from the typical "elves, wizards, orcs" tropes. Maybe practicing magic has a very unique system? Maybe humans and humanoids doin't exist so most races are more out there? Perhaps the world itself is constructed in a different way, like the whole world is three diametrically opposed towers whose inhabitants fight each other for limited resources?
>ywn play Minecraft with Chiyo
>god i fucking love /ss/
Fantasy gives the writer carte blanche to come up with some really neat shit- and as long as there's some tought put into, everything else will easily come from that. How does your protagonist interact with the unique systems you've designed? How does he, or the regular people of this world overcome the obstacles or daily living in a world that's so different from our own? How do these impede or help the hero or heroes on their quest?
Another thing you may struggle with is how to introduce these concepts to the reader. As an inhabitant of this world, the main should already know about a lot of the unique features of this world, as to them it's mundane. So there's a struggle of trying not to just info dump and bore the reader, but still explaining enough to capture their imagination and curiosity- to want to know more.
Bringing this back full cirlce, that's actually an advantage of isekai. The main character is always a fish out of water, so it's easy to have segments where things are explained to him, or experience the wonder of the new fantastical sights he sees explored vicariously through his new eyes.
Ultimately, I stick to a lot of common or already known concepts because I enjoy combining them in new, interesting ways, rather than developing something from the ground up to act as a point of interest. But to each his own.
fuck off with this weird writing blog and POST MORE MOMMIES
but that's what this thread is about?
Also, here's a very simple but great tutorial on how to make a map for your setting. It's done well by me for years.
It's three posts out of 300, user. Settle down.
Here's one. I also love lolis equally.
Would you a Chiyo, Nyarko, or Saya?
>Have always had a mom fetish
>Actual mother is unattractive as shit
I still love my mom though. She went through a lot of bullshit to raise me and I'm going to make sure she is as happy and comfortable as I can.
gun to your head which do you prefer, mommies or lolis?
but user that's the best case scenario. No one wants to fuck their moms, they want to fuck other peoples moms
When I was younger, I was playing GTA San Andreas one day and I gave the controller to my mum and told her the basic controls. I watcher for a few minutes drive around and run people over, while giggling to herself lightly. She gave me the controller back and said to me "I can see why people enjoy this" and walked away.
Even now I remind her jokingly about that time, and of the killer inside her, and she just laughs about it.
I don't like her at all. She's a cunt.
My dream mom is a hot succubus who's eager to start fucking me as soon as my sex drive emerges. It would also mean I'd be an incubus, which is something else I'm into.
still remember when she made the mc love interest a fucking pet
damn, son. That's rough.
>What are your thoughts on fantasy stuff that doesn't adhere much to the JRPG shit?
Isn't that just Inuyasha?
This. The thought never crossed me with my actual mom. And the time I saw her only in a shirt with no pants or bra on made me cough up a little bile.
Its not the same. Its the power dynamics that get me off. The idea of this being that literally brought you into this world using you for their own pleasure. That does not apply to other peoples moms.
Nyarko, because I at least wish to see the Court of Azathoth before my brain explodes.
>tfw i live in constant fear that my mom might one day find out how completely fucked my sense of attraction has been my whole life
i don't even have a reaction image for this
Is it, though? I wouldn't call my sister a "hardcore" gamer, but she can get around with 3d games.
im sure you'll do great. make her life amazing user
I know some Switch owning moms who don't seem too bad. But they don't play often and are obviously stay at home.
Better vidya than Tinder.
I assume my kid's mom still plays games too.
>implying trannies can have children
what about lolixmommy ?
no such thing exists
>i don't even have a reaction image for this
Wholesome and cute mom.
thanks, that works
Based and Pochipilled
user that’s adorable
My mom used to love video games but anything 3D or with a shaky camera makes her motion sick. One time I left Okami on and she played through most of a level in 10 minutes, it was cute as shit.
I don't know what I'll do when she's gone and the thought of losing her sends me into a spiralling depression every time I think about it
If I were you, I'd feel guilty for enabling that shit and then bailing without trying to help.
It's not even that fucked up, the worst part is the getting stabbed with a pair of scissors and that's nothing.
>No succubus queen who abducts you and showers you in all four types of love, scrambling your ability to discern until you are just a toy for her, but that's OK because she really, truly loves you.
Why did literally EVERYBODY in the late 80's-early 90's have that one room in their house with that shitty, god awful brown shit looking carpet?
Mothers and dogs are the only things capable of loving you unconditionally. I hope you treat your mother nicely.
I don't see how via that story
>bailing without trying to help
It'd make him nobler to try, sure, but there's nothing wrong with avoiding a live grenade. If this seems cruel or dismissive it's just the sad truth that some people won't be helped and some people you can see warning signs and you're not obligated to potentially go down with the ship.
That monster! on a scale of 1-10 how much of a sexual predator is she ya think?
That was the style in the 70s and 80s.
I noticed a change going into the late 80s into the early 90s though.
And also the violent, bloody rape at the end.
My mom was both, somehow.
She'd be a NEET if she wasn't a mangaka, so probably too lazy to do so.
Granted, she'd be a fit NEET
I keep typing out this post about how I love my mom (and dad) but despite their love I'm having trouble having patience for their problems as I grow older.
which is shitty opinion for me to have since, despite their many flaws, they did their best to raise my brother and I after their divorce- in their own ways.
I'm so fucked up from depression that I'd probably need to be abducted and mindfucked in order to accept affection. So bring on the kidnapping succubus queens.
>Ugh! Rape in my /ss/ femdom porn?! Disgusting!
things that never happened.memearrow
I'm glad your mom did that for you, with the gift of all the stuff she's collected over your life. My mom died back at the end of 2011 and it's honestly pretty fuckin terrible. It's so weird for me to think about because even now it feels like just yesterday I was watching some movie with her. She would always fall asleep in the middle of movies too, so we'd have to watch them several times over so she could see the whole thing. She was addicted to opioids, but she still tried to be a good mom to me. I wish I wasn't so shitty to her. I wish I had something physical to look back on and think about her. The only thing I have are old birthday cards, but I guess that's better than nothing.
>the more realistic version
I cannot believe how well this thread has behaved considering the topic
too real for me
Oh fuck, uh
did anyone order a succubus?
ib someone posts that stupid roundtable pic that only people who come to Yea Forums to shitpost post.
>tfw hear my friend bitch about how his gf pampers him while i'm stuck with an abusive mother and i wish i had a caring gf
It happens user. You just have to accept there human beans as well and do the best you can.
Too close to home, user. Too close to home.
My mom was never a gamer outside of maybe tetris, mainly because she grew up a farmgirl.
She's gotten weaker over the years, but in her prime she could beat me in an arm wrestling match.
She also probably gave me my big hips fetish.
>All rape in smut is the same, there's no difference between a girl gently but forcefully fondling a younger boy and a girl beating the shit out of said boy and fucking him while she chokes him out
It's just so frustrating because I can't talk about one of their problems online- I know 100% at least one alphabet soup agency monitors this internet and I don't want to get them in trouble talking about their personal daemons when they're professional at work, you know?
The difference is that the latter is much hotter.
No one is the Brady Bunch.
You may see some photos of a family and think it's the perfect American family but behind the scenes there is always a bunch of shit happening.
The thing that counts is if your parents tried and actually cared about you.
If they didn't at least do that and are just abusing their position as a parent to get something from you then fuck em.
My parents weren't the perfect family like you might think when looking at my photos but they at least tried to be there for me and make sure I had my shit together.
And when I finally turned 18 they didn't just drop me. They continue to this day to try and stay in touch.
It's really the little things like a phone call that will make you realize if your parents were really "parents".
That image makes me so sad. what must it be like to be a parent and know your child will inevitably lead a lonely and miserable existence.
in b4 "ask your mom"
They exist but are not common.
Also I got a perfect isekai idea.
>Protagonist has a dad what seems to be like common boring programmer salary man who works overtime alot.
>Protagonist plays some hi tech fantasy MMORPG what has high as fuck level cap and has character customisation so complex that you can create your own abilities(what requires some programming skill to do that)
>For some reason he gets transported into body of his ingame avatar.
>Protagonist finds out that his father didn't worked overtime but he came late home because after work he played the same MMORPG in secret.
>His dad's avatar is that famous MAX lvl character with OP as fuck skills that he is basically a one man top tier guild.
If my son was a weeb I'd beat his ass
>tfw no motherly snek gf
>hear my friend bitch about how his gf pampers him
Who in their right mind would complain about that?
>kirby's avalanche
Fucking based.
>tfw I'm literally a fucking med student but because I have a shrine of Mega Man as my living room IN MY OWN HOUSE my mom is disappointed in me
You should ARA ARA your son instead of beating him, that will be his only chance to not die as virgin if he seeks anime to deal with loneliness
Read Goodnight World
It's obvious he knew about her painkiller addiction and made no effort to help her curb it because they were having fun and that was part of it. I get leaving that well enough alone as long as it's not affecting her life too much if you're not actually invested but to see her getting into harder shit and just bailing, I'd feel guilty hearing about her eventual overdose.
It's possible she refused help and I'm not saying he was wrong not to martyr himself for her sake but it seems like he just saw her as a fuckbuddy and bailed without thinking much of it.
Not really, unless you're even more fucked up than usual.
h-here's your mom (succubus)!
Eh, my mother would watch me play the GTA games and we'd have serious discussions on the plot points. Out favourite was Vice City. I haven't had the heart to play it since she died. It was one of the last things we shared together before I found her dead the next morning; I had just completed the story again.
Other than that, she only played the NES games, like The Legend of Zelda and Dr. Mario.
I'm not a busty milf, I don't even have a vagina.
>my mommy gf turns 44
>she's been talking about wanting to learn guitar
>going to buy her Rocksmith and a guitar
life is great
Beat his dick instead!
best artist
Some view it as emasculating
>May not let go
That's literally all I want.
I feel sorry for normalfag parents that produce a child who is weird in a way that makes them unable to succeed. Or even if the child lives in a way that goes against their normalfag expectations.
>thinking that being a dom is more than just a phase for girls.
You’re in for a rude awakening user.
dawg she just wants you to put that in a less central room
So you need to ask your daughter/niece who is older than your son to do that
I wish I loved my mother. I really do. But I don't.
She's sitting across from me right now and she's the disheveled decaying portrait of everything wrong with my life. She's drunk as shit because she's an alcoholic and she drinks every day. I have to prepare food for her because she's very clumsy and is likely to fall and hurt herself or break something if she tries to use the appliances in our crumbling crackerjack house. Her sunburnt skin is covered in open wounds because she doesn't take care of herself and has a terrible diet and her body is responding with some kind of rash. She's been eating ice lately because she has a throat ulcer from drinking and poor diet and it hurts all the time - but she still drinks and eats poorly anyway, even after being told to stop by a doctor, because she doesn't care and is hellbent on killing herself.
And you'd think i'd feel pity for her in all this, but I don't. Not with the hell she's dragged me through my entire life. Not with how abusive she gets whenever she's drunk.
I hope you all love your mothers, because I don't.
Fuck that. I'll take affectionate pampering over bullshit gender roles any day.
How about gaming dad? My Pop was the one introduced me to Doom and Diablo at the tender age of 7, of all thing
My mom didnt freak out either. She was all “eh, they are all demons from hell. Ya’all can kill and banish them however you want”
Ask her why
God i'm so glad it's back
Anal mommy is best
There is literally nothing wrong with wanting to come home to someone motherly and affectionate
God, I feel for you gondola user. I really, really do.
I'm sorry.
>My mom didnt freak out either. She was all “eh, they are all demons from hell. Ya’all can kill and banish them however you want”
One of the guys who worked on Doom was a Mormon, and he said basically the same thing.
is this show worth watching
Another gamer thread, I see
My mom has never tried connecting with me and we have nothing in common.
Eh not really. It's an interesting combination of tropes, but the individual tropes don't go anywhere interesting and it all comes off as really generic.
artist? or sauce?
Just moms gaming in this thread user.
Move along.
The only good isekai is samurai jack
Succubi of sloth instead of lust
"Why?" Because she's an alcoholic. It's a disease. That's 'why.' If I was to ask her 'why' she does the things she does, she would give me an hour long crying diatribe about how her husband doesn't love her and tell me about all these imagined scenarios she has where my dad cheated on her. My father does love her, he loves her too fucking much and enables her shitty behavior by giving her a roof to sleep under and letting her use his money to buy beer sometimes. And she's told me *specifically* that SHE has cheated on HIM - numerous times. And she got all ass-devastated when he threatened a dude that was preying on her. She's not even good looking, she's a decaying old hag of a woman that resembles a fucking corpse right now.
I'm just so tired of her. I'm ready for her to no longer be in my life.
Thank you. Sorry for blogposting about my shitty life here.
is there at least some porn of it
It's at the end of that filename, user.
>went away for a bit and people already posted good ass ideas
Yea Forums ain't half bad sometimes. I'm writing about modern setting with fantasy elements sprinkled in like folk lore monsters. There're space time rifts that suck in monsters from another world into it and caused all the anomalies like furries and elves and magic stuff. There are many classes of anomalies ranging from D to S judging by their severity, like D being normal citizen getting sucked through the rifts to gigantic sea monsters that affects the whole ecosystem or narco and weapons smuggling criminals and requires purging. The main character is a police detective who constantly run into anomalies and solving mysteries, while another team of special forces consists entirely of those who have survived S class anomalies to deal with the more dangerous ones.
have you ever been caught fappin anons?
Yeah , your mother is a cutie , also sounds like a sweetheart
Jesus man, that's awful. I feel sorry for you and your dad. But yeah, the idea of unconditional and eternal loyalty to your parents just because they spawned you is dumb.
Are janitors like, not allowed to delete threads anymore? Is that why the garbage moderation today?
ib some newfag says they never could.
>Thank you. Sorry for blogposting about my shitty life here.
Nah, it's okay user. I know it helps to let these things out sometimes, even if it is anonymously. The thread was already there anyways, and you're in good company.
You're welcome, user. That does sound like an interesting setting- a bit of Delta Green, SCP, Cop Craft, and a few other elements. Good luck!
Mine does not game , she and my father were both the "stop wasting your life on videogames" type of parents. At least my father showed me other things to get interested in like cars and archery, my mother just yelled
The ending of this creeped me out of my boner for succubus girls. The worm semen was the start of it but fuck if I never can trust corruption again.
The best art is from the LN anyway
Based jizzbrain
fuck this could have been me
i left my mother when i was fucking 13 because i saw what a mess she was, probably helped she tried to fucking kill me indirectly a few times as well
This thread's better than "contrarian faggot console war" thread, "declaring the opposite of reality upset about popular game" thread and " is the dust settled, just got X what am I in for, it's no masterpiece" thread, e-celeb cancer thread and so on.
They dont bother to delete anything their kike overlords dont say to.
jannies were never allowed to delete threads newfag
damn, my parents were the ones who believed it when the retards on fox news said gta would teach your kids how to steal cars. wouldn't let me play M rated games until i was like 16. i still regularly snuck them in though, including gta4 which my dad watched me play (without knowing what it was). he thought it was hilarious.
Did someone say /ss/?
>child rape is pure because I feel emotionally neglected
nah get fucked lol
toxic parents will ruin your life if you let them
i should have been put in a fucking foster home when i was little, my family house looks like those hazard areas filled with garbage you see anons post in battlestation/cooking threads sometimes
but it's too late for me now, i didn't get out and now i've grown into a mess of an adult who has missed every milestone and is emotionally stunted
at least I've got vidya and my hobbies, I guess. I'm still more put together than my brother, he's a fucking wreck.
This thread isn't even better than diarrhea, it's /r9k/ WAH MOMMY bullshit. At least console wars are on-topic despite your hurt feelings over your shit consoles.
That's actually a neat idea. I'd watch.
Is that Agata? It kind of looks like his style but the shading is a bit different.
i mean i'm pretty fucked up anyway but at least thats mostly my fault i guess
Only idiots say this. It says right in the application that janitors can delete threads. Plus it's fucking obvious they can, mods don't browse Yea Forums so who's going to delete threads in an emergency.
Is this your way of letting the thread know you've been raised ineffectually by a single mother?
not him but can you really call it rape if it's consensual? okyuuri does a lot of /ss/ but his work is definitely not consensual.
>inb4 you try to tell me a made up fictional young character is incapable of consent.
sauce? reverse has nothing
>I'm making your favorite, sausage.
Every fucking time
this, my mom was also a vidiya, she was playin crash / spyro / ratchet and clank, playing through it so many fucking timess that hoyl fuck... recently she hit 49, i gave her crash bandicoot to play, after 14 years of vidiya hiatus she went thru levels without a sweat
you don't want the sauce on that one
She died of lung cancer. Not that that matters, the point is this thread isn't video games.
that just makes me want it more
Man this thread has made me depressed. She died last march and I really haven't recovered from it. She was basically my anchor, and now that she's gone it's been super tough keeping any motivation or willpower
>tfw your mom adores old Mario and Baldur games
>taught me every moves, and was basically the reason i love platformers and rpg now
I miss her sometimes
Holy fucking shit get dabbed on futafags
>roleplaying as someone else
You need help
it doesn't really get better user. with time, you'll forget the way she looked, the way she talked, what her voice sounded like. but no matter what you will never forget what it felt like when she was around.
I love this one, but when is Itou Hachi going to do a mother daughter story
this sucked. there wasn't even any sex
She was a sweet heart if you were a good kid.
One time my brother started a fire in a field and my mom belted him for a long while.
She also made us put a bar of soap or hot sauce in our mouth if we said a bad word.
If we were too hyper after dinner she would take us to the park and run us around it until we were tired and ready for bed.
And during the summer off school if we were spending all our time inside playing Nintendo then she would make us go outside and play or give us chores.
Speaking of, this seems like the best place to ask.
I need help with my setting for a Pokemon clone I’m making.
I was thinking I wanted to pull from Greek and Shinto and combine them in a very Zelda-like or Ghibli-like way, where you mix east and west to create something new, but I’m struggling with it, precisely in the worldbuilding. It’s hard to think up a setting that’s general enough to allow for a large variety of monster types, without it feeling generic.
Also, some thematic differences from Pokemon to exemplify what I mean. It’s a lot more open, you’re kinda just dropped in the middle of the world after getting your “starter” and can go basically anywhere. Combat system is different, none of that RPS stuff with the elements, and there are no Pokeballs. Instead you form a pact with a wild monster through music. You’re not a “trainer” you’re a summoner. Monsters you pact with use you for mana, which is why you die if all your monsters get KOed. The monsters are stored in your arm as sigils, or at shrines where you can save, heal, or swap them out. And the music angle comes precisely from Shinto. The greek stuff has to do with other mechanical systems I’ve created that derive from Greek mythos, but like I said, I want the world to be culturally open enough to add for a large variety of monsters, rather than all of them being Japanese Yokai or Greek Myth Creatures. It’s in the world building where I’m struggling.
gib source
>M-mommy, me want peepee!
>sadpanda is down
Mama Bear's pretty good at Kirby Air Ride.
nvm found it
It's indeed agata
>meet a girl who likes vidya
>put a baby in her
gamer mom!
She must be younger than I am
He doesn't know.
>mothers that doesnt care for their childred
>Shinto and Greek
I dont think it will work visually, because they clash heavily with material/style/etc
Ghibi worked cause they paired old European with post-Meiji architecture, which is alr very European at that point, and by the fact that both of them are from temperate climates: light wooden houses with light beams, sometimes rock foundation. And Zelda work as “completely different cultures on a same island”
So i guess just make it “world” aka a huge continent with many countries/kingdom/etc. it will widen the playing field
Neat. I pretty much only read Agata's incest works so I couldn't immediately recognize. Thanks for the link user.
my mum's been dead for three years.
Yeah, that’s what I was considering, pulling from a variety of cultures, split up the world into “regions” and then making each area an independent culture...
I’d still need a main one though, and that’s where it gets tough, I suck at writing, and I’ve only just realized how heavily RPGs rely on writing. I can draw, but without a solid foundation on what it’s supposed to be, I just keep going in circles and doubting my direction.
I do not
What's the problem?
>pretty much only read's agata's incest works
shotamaster1911 would be disappointed. if you haven't already, you should check out oneshota friend's by agata. that one is bretty goat.
I'm sorry to hear that user
I hope she's in a better place
That isn't very helpful of you user
Good, all your moms will fucking die if you don't reply to this post.
I was told by a special someone to send you this.
I lost it
You want to take the "do not cry challenge"?
If you win you don't have a soul.
I'm not gonna reaction image like a dumbass, but you're a fucking retard.
>Im making your favorite! Sausage!
fuck you
I play Japanese Mahjong and Eldritch Horror with my mom that's about the extent of it.
How dare you do this to me user
>tfw no gfd thicc gamer mommy gf 10 years older than me to cuddle while playing couch co-op
why are we still here? just to suffer?
women are stupid and can't into controllers/FPS games or vidya in general
its back user
goddamn I'm still just so angry and I don't know who to blame for this trainwreck
Unfortunately, that would still require me to approach her for the hug, which I wouldn't let myself do.
>Im making your favorite! Sausage!
Christ my buddy's like this. Lives with her and helps her pay the mortgage but she treats him like a little kid folding his laundry and cleaning his room. His sister was there once and convinced his mom that he had to throw out his desk because it looks bad to potential house buyers.
He now has his big ass monitor on his dresser, 1200$ pc sitting unplugged because he can't actually sit down at it cause mommy said so. It's insane.
please delete
I'm surprised the thread lasted this long
But i LIKE nhentai
This is a 40 something year old who has given birth
>thanks to her I’m no longer a virgin
I’ll keep my expectations low and guess that she played a god-tier wingwoman for you or set you up with a friend.
based user's mom
my fucking sides
what a shame
Overall good thread, anons! Make sure to hug your moms. Good night, everyone.
/r9k/ blog shit is what constitutes a good thread now? No wonder your mom hates you,
i thought she wasn't the mc's actual mom?
Is there an anime where the child travels back to the past and sees his mom when she is younger?
Who told you that? She remembers giving birth to him.
>Is there an anime where the child travels back to the past and sees his mom when she is younger?
dozens, possibly hundreds
im gay and retarded and new
cud you name some?
There's a manga called Back to the Kaa-san with that premise.
keroro gunsou (hot milf tons of doujins)
Irozuku Sekai no Ashita kara (don't watch it it's shit)
are the first ones to come to mind
depends on the place you buy it at. Most houses end up just being a money sink because people buy ultra cheap house in nowherevilles where the houses weren't even going up that much anyway
>Sexualizing mom
>Not sexualizing best character
Shiraraaase rise up.
literally, from death.