Gaming MBTI, which one are you? INFP here.
Gaming MBTI, which one are you? INFP here
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INTP, like everyone else on Yea Forums
Do you actually play as a tank most of the time?
Don't you mean INTJ?
no, DPS, but depends on the game, tanks are usually too simple.
When will you people learn that these personality quizes are bullshit?
ENFJ healer reporting in. And I'm the only fucking ENFJ on this entire fucking site.
Damaged INFP.
Fuck, INTJ and that definitely sounds like me
There is nothing better to do in this shitty hole of a website user.
Are the stereotypes on ENFJ's true? Such as OP pic.
You can accept yourself, work with your strengths and weaknesses, and become an INFP that's aligned with your true self.
INTP irl but INFP for that chart. I play support or healer in pretty much any game except Splatoon, where I go rogue and take command most of the time. As a roller.
this, also intp
>once went one week without showering or going outside
>one week
What fucking normie wrote this? My record was a month and a half for showering and 4 months for not going outside. That ENFP one is hilariously accurate though. The only ENFP I know loves Parappa and once showed me her tabs...over 90.
Easy way to understand ENFJs: Don Corleone. They're mafia bosses. When I'm healing, I heal really well. I'll go to the ends of the earth to heal you. But as soon as you hurt my feelings, I suddenly forget how to heal and you have a happy accident.
Infj here, someone end my torment. I just want to be happy, but the whole damn universe wont let me.
I've been like this for 10 years.
So is anyone going to link the quiz?
INTJ tank here, stop trying to talk to me during the dungeon
I'm an ISFJ. Thoughts/Questions?
Never bothered to really read into it, but I guess that means I'm a mean healer!
INFP is there any hope for me Bros?
>tfw INFJ but hate healing
Why the fuck you make me walk everywhere?
But as a demo main I do put out the fat damage
Why couldn't you have me give something to the guy down the street instead on the other continent?
Literal societal dead weight
I got that, but T instead of A, and don't understand the difference.
T = turbulent. You're fucked up.
A = assertive. You're well put together.
Should change summoners for necromancers, they are an icon
ENTJ like everyone on Yea Forums bruh
yeah it fucking sucks being one
There's always escapism
I went from ISTP to ISTJ
Reminder that if you’re an E or an F you don’t fucking belong here
this MBTI is fucking weird, specially these free tests you can get online, some months ago when I was really depressed I took one and ended up with INTP and now that I'm a bit better and did one recently I ended up with ISTP
fuck this fucking shit man
I'm an ENTP but I only play DPS.
Does this mean your chart is totally wrong, OP?
Your best bet is to stick with the results of your first test. The MBTI tests are extremely sensitive to your mood. So if you're in a shit mood, you might test as something entirely different.
Can confirm, Parappa the Rapper is fucking great, and I dont even know whats on my first dozen tabs anymore
Are you an ISTP?
INFP nigger
Why yes, how could you tell?
Who /fullyrealizedENTP/ here?
Low level ENTPs take their extraversion and argumentative nature out by being contrarians on the internet. They have few friends IRL and kinda come across as dickish and only very occasionally funny weirdos
On the other hand, level 100 ENTP:
>sociable with tons of friends
>quip master, like a Marvel capeshit character, except normies love it IRL
>perfect ratio of flirt to bully with qt grils
>never afraid to argue
>gets along with a wide variety of people, even people very unlike themselves, due to ability to appreciate the contrast
>able to put feelings on hold and move on quickly from sadness, if there was even any effect to begin with
>at level 100, has the best Chad-like qualities of ESTP while not being an enormous brainlet to boot
What are some traits of other LEVEL 100 fully self-actualized types?
extroverted 49% introverted 51%
Does this mean im a cuck boy INTP?
you have to realize it's on a scale
for example I am INTP, but I lean also into ENTP. I don't relate to any of the other personality types but i relate super fucking heavy to INTP and fairly heavy with ENTP.
it's just a test to really help people identify how they think, it's not hard rules and you often cant be categorized as one thing.
but seeing as how you got INTP and then got ISTP, it can be assumed that IxTP is pretty accurate for you
I welcome you, blessed brother, for I am here with you.
I wonder what has compelled us to cling so dearly to Yea Forums of all places. Our skills and charms are far too superior to be able to relate to the majority of these weaklings.
I know a few ISTPs who would say exactly the same thing.
it means take these two
and mash them together
unlike the 100% full sociopathic and god complex ENTP, and the100% full social-retardation and god complex INTP, we have self reflection, self-awareness, and control.
I am a healer but I'm generally pretty okay, just very quiet
Do you remain quiet when you're pissed off?
My experience with INFPs and INTPs is they never speak up about their grievances and take them out by clearing the guild bank and gquitting, wiping raids, backstabbing, etc. Not saying they're bad people, just that's their flaw.
>they never speak up about their grievances
>and take them out by clearing the guild bank and gquitting, wiping raids, backstabbing, etc.
What no, never.
intp here
we just don't want to cause any issues for anyone, and due to lack of social understanding are unable to gauge levels of severity about issues, so it's best to not bring up any at all
we also realize the issues as a whole are pretty insignificant in the grand scheme of things, even if at that moment its upsetting
also lazy
INTJ. I have never played on online game in my life.
So if someone does something fucked up, you don't realize it because you can't gauge the level of fucked-upness about the behavior? So the next thing you do is pretend it didn't happen, bury it because you don't want to make waves? But you're okay with that because none of it matters?
How can you say it doesn't matter if you're also unable to gauge the severity?
I currently play FFXIV, what should I play as a ISFJ?
INTJ and very autistic.
ISTP, don't insult the party but I do get buttblasted when things fuck up and have just walked away before.
Too accurate
Reminder this shit is just horoscopes for people pretending to be smart.
ISTP is spot on baby
It’s still better than Big 5 which is just “all non-normies are scum” -the test
eh, i cant really tell how accurate this is
This isn't true unless your a cuckboy intp that never spent time reading and evolving.
i am none of these
I pretend to be INFJ but i'm really a INFP
unironically main healer in every MMO I play
ENTJ. I don't play MMOs though.
INTJ chads wwa?
>Take this test
>First descriptor is "Happy to be who I am"
what a crock of shit. I literally hate everything about my existence, and the only thing that's kept me from killing myself is my fear of death and the afterlife
My indecisive self wants to know.
Doesn't matter what job you pick since you'll be a lala sprout erper
What are the best INFP games?
I do play a lala but I am not a sprout nor an RPer.
I got INFP-A, and while I can certain analize things, have some deep thinking and be well worded in conversations, I'm most of the times a massive cunt that goes for the confrontation
At these heights, I stopped questioning myself and roll with it
wtf is a dps class?
i dont play team based games
Something that does damage instead of healing.
so whats the difference between a dps class and a tank?
DPS does tons of damage but low life and tank has low damage but tons of health and usually has some way of protection others, either from making enemies attack then or shields and stuff like that.
I was INFP, now I'm ISTP.
Tanks taunt enemies to draw attacks towards them and absorb the damage with heavier armor. DPS wear lighter armor and have fewer skills that protect themselves so they would die much faster if the enemies were attacking them instead of the tank.
What kind of games DO you play if you're not familiar with this at all?
hi its me the other enfj
Don't be mean to me. I'm very sensitive
Nier Automata, VNs
>Prefer tanking to healing
INTJ in every game I play, regardless of genre
Nier was cool but I didn't have the patience to get through the 9S part. VNs are a scourge upon the world and I wish cancer on the people that make them. Thanks for the answer though.
INFP, used to be INTP. My best friends are ENFP and a fellow INFP. I'm also good friends with another ENFP and INTP
Do you guys tend to be friends with people with similar personalities?
Fightan, but when i play team based games its usualy a shooter that is not really all that focused on teamwork or hard classes roles.
I did play a lot of TF2 back in the day.
Trying to be more of an INTJ player but in actuality I'm more of an ENTP player. Exclusive tank player lmao
well like me everyone here is fucking tank get out healer fags.
ENTP-Ts, where you at
how do you even end up like this? what purpose does an ENTP serve?
I got a job in a science lab and it feeds my autism pretty well. If you have a good PI that lets you do your own thing, being a research assistant is one of the best jobs for an INTP.
Right here
cool, just keep doing your thing man
>implying being an introvert equals socially retarded and introverts cannot be normies
The most common personality type begins with I.
Introverts can be normies but all extroverts are normies at heart
I remember a few years ago I was INTP, anf funnily enough I've been called a Sociopath a few times but I'm still confused about that, like I sometimes can act wrongly but if I say I have regrets then it's all good right?
More accurate.
Oi you wut
I'm an ENTP
>used to prefer tanking, but found DPS + support role more effective and fun
>if possible, will play tanky DPS with support options
>unironically plays better when not caring
I'm an INFP, but I like playing DPS as a mage.
INTJ just the same like I score in the MBTI, funnily enough.
I've gotten both INTP and INFP before
INTJ, but I do DPS not tank
Never tried tanking, don't really want to start now
The most pissed off I've been I've said "can dps please dodge aoes? thanks"
I've looked up guides on for stuff I didn't know how to clear (or the group) and taught them how to beat the boss just from that, effectively helping them to victory
I don't really take out my frustrations, and instead beat myself up emotionally
This is riddled with inaccuracies.
Last time I tried the test, I got ISTJ. This time, I got INTP. Did I fuck up? What kinds of game should I play?
I may be an asshole but nobody would ever promote me to boss
>My experience with INFPs and INTPs is they never speak up about their grievances
usually true for me
>they never speak up about their grievances and take them out by clearing the guild bank and gquitting, wiping raids, backstabbing, etc. Not saying they're bad people, just that's their flaw.
definitely not the case, what happens with me is usually I just bottle up all the negative emotions but if the dam breaks I kinda lose my shit, be it in anger or crying for a couple hours
I'm mage>healer>tank personally
though druid is definitely my usual go to if available
>goes on long shit breaks
This 4 letter shit is literally meaningless drivel. Not sure why you tards care so much about your "personalities". It has no more value than horoscopes.
>leaves the second something goes wrong. This, especially in total war. Even if i lose a battle that isnt that important and can easily recover, i have a habit of save scumming anyways
ISTJ here, have you heard of the high elves?
The description was pretty accurate. I generally think people that put emotions over logic are dumb and I’ve had 3 seperate girlfriends that all approached me first but later broke up with/ cheated on me because Id always try to fix a problem which apparently nobody wants. Also I only play Tanks and Healers when available.
I was autistically repeating STONEWALL JACKSON all morning today and I think it started last night and maybe months ago.
I'm a very strong INTJ.
>psuedo science horoscopes
this chart sucks. INTJ's good at talking bad at thinking? Whaat?
It puts you on a vague spectrum that is somewhat based on the questions you are asked, which is more than a horoscope does.
It's still stupid and pointless.
>probably stoned
You got me, I'm smoking reefer right now.
bruh, are you me? Gf's hate how I notice all their flaws and try to improve their life.
I also only tank and heal. It's fun because I'm real good at it. other classes are always much easier
People don’t like the idea of others being so critical of their own thoughts that they are willing to question literally anything to figure out what is true. Most people feel comfortable in their happy little emotion bubble and aren’t autistic enough to leave it.