It was a fun ride.
It was a fun ride.
The Global Version of Star Ocean Anamnesis was announced today to get killed in november.
Don't fill in the grave just yet.
This is why global versions of gacha are always bad
sucks for anyone who invested a lot in this
Oh, that sucks. How long did it last?
Post the farting potato.
Why do the chinks and nips even launch "global" versions when they purposely make them the worst versions then shut them down
Who knows. For the meager amount of text in most gacha games you think one of the interns in the jap office could translate the new shit every patch rather than make a western branch release it months later with less content.
I only fuckin missed Lezard
rip. It was fun for a few weeks. Then I realized I wish it was a full fledged game ala Tales of Radiant Mythology.
I'll remember this every time I see a gacha on twitter and get a little interested in playing. Happened with SO:A about 2 months ago but I never pulled the trigger on it (went for Dissidia instead)
Everyone should prob just play JP versions of gacha now, outside the one's you've already invested a bunch of time into.
>Gachatards get cucked once again
please this is what happens when you localize an already failing gacha
This is a good thing.
Fuck gacha shit
Fuck mobile gaming
Fuck jannies
Play Star ocean 2 instead.
Puzzle and Dragons is next
I think you mean Star Ocean 4, the best SO game.
>the star ocean general is completely dead too
Good riddance
I tried playing Star Ocean 2 and I tried really hard getting the Claude and Celine ending and they fucked me over and gave me the one with boring ass Rena instead
wtf is there a new one!?
Bait, but I'm still seething anyway.
>Extremelly niche series's gacha flops
Who would have though?
Star Ocean doesn't have good games
Well then you fucked something up. It's not like it's random.
Don't mind me, just being the best JRPG that ever existed. And play the original ps1 game, not the psp remake.
You complete me.
But the PSP version has better audio and graphics
The combat was fun, everything else about it was garbage.
Maybe if they didn't censor it everyone wouldn't have quit.
Anatomia came out years before Anamnesis in Japan, it only recently got localised, this is why it's a total kusoge.
>better graphics
No it wasn't. People need to stop supporting these shit gacha titles already. I would rather a company make some decent games instead of this copy pasted garbage.
It being Star Ocean was entirely irrelevant to what it was.
Defiantly in my top 5.
>tfw you will never play and hear this for the first time again
But it actually has worse of those two things.
About 1 year. They just did an anniversary event and now the global version is going to die. Gacha is a brutal market in the West now just due to so much competition.
Because there's literally no risk. Almost all the time the Localization is outsourced to some SEAmonkeys who are paid whatever is the minimum wage in their shit hole. At most there will be one in-house QA editor and that's it. DEV costs are close to 0 (same games, minor changes only), publishing cost are scaled according to revenues and if the game fails you just can it. If it succeed, then you keep it running. See Dokkan Battle or FFBE global who are both bringing in decent amount of revenues.
Sorry, I love me some Nana Mizuki, but not even she can save that art style. On a side note, damn I saved this pic back in 2007.
Come play Last Origin goys.
Gacha is even more of a brutal market in Japan.
For every FGO or GBF, there are 20+ failed gachas; many of which outright kill their developer when they fail.
please tell me it is possible to save the 3d models sonewhere
They still exist in the jp version
Kinda glad.
Star Ocean should not be condemned to being a gatcha.
I just replayed SO4 HD 4K and I fucking loved every minute of it.
Now play 5 and find out why it is condemned to gacha.
more of these
I did, it was pretty fucking shit.
Then I downloaded and played the SO3 and SO4 HD remasters on PS4. Good stuff.
Apparently they censored Meracle in global.
What a bunch of actual idiots.
You can't fucking do that.
Nope, and the serious voice acting and dumbed down difficulty is fucking horrific compared to the original.
Great, now play an actually good gacha game.
Try 100+. And that's not specific to Japan really, it's the same in the US just with different kind of games. The top 200 grossing games represent pretty much 90%+ of the market in term of revenues. Everyone else just share the leftovers. You had already 21K+ games released each month worldwide and this was in 2016. It's probably 2 to 3 times that now...
>an actually good gacha game
Based aizen i really need to read the last bleach arc just to see him
>gacha game
Haha, good joke
After the colossal failure that was 5, and the mediocrity that was 4, and the actual fucking series killer that was 3 (the game was great but holy shit, there's a reason 4 and 5 are set before 3 and not after), this is it.
Star Ocean is almost certainly dead. We will probably never see a new title again, unless SE dredges up its zombie in another 15 years in a desperate bid to bring back some retro gamers. And whatever that title is, it would be made by people who almost certainly had nothing to do with the previous games, and we sure as shit wouldn't be getting girls like this in it.
One more part of your childhood is dead forever
Bleach Brave Souls is pure gacha kino for any fan of the anime youtube.com
I thought 5 was fun
Manga characters are the hypest shit youtube.com
and nothing of value was lost
>for any fan of the anime
That's fucking embarrassing.
It was too short, too shallow. It had some great characters (Fiore holy FUCK) and the setting might have been okay, but they just cannonballed the story down your throat and it was over before it had hardly begun.
I understand the zoomer generation has the attention span of a fruit fly, but sometimes you need to let the story simmer for a while, develop side plots, flesh the characters and the world out. There just wasn't enough of that.
I'll never get over Sophie's fucking unzipped pants.
It's not even that its actually unzipped, there's just a ridiculous gap between the zipper and the button that makes no sense
>that makes no sense
I price women's clothing at a thrift store all day long and I can tell you with absolute certainly 90$ of women's clothing makes absolutely no sense.
I understand completely, I just never went into a star ocean game thinking it would have an interesting story or characters.
>implying literally everyone wasn't watching bleach, naruto, one piece and dragonball 15 years ago
%. I meant %, not $.
It's garbage. Bleach especially is worse than the rest except for Dragonball which is by far one of the worse anime I've ever sat through.
>And whatever that title is, it would be made by people who almost certainly had nothing to do with the previous games
That would probably be for the best.
>Gacha is a brutal market in the West now just due to so much competition.
And Anamnesis was a mediocre offering as it had decent combat by mobage standards (but still inferior to HI3) and decent character models, and everything else about it was complete shit.
She was advertising. But Fayt wasn't buying.
The jeans were made for a woman that wasn't as fat.
>and the mediocrity that was 4,
Don't see what people thought was so bad about 4 other than edge and the awkward barbie-faces of the characters.
The combat was great, so were dungeons. The plot was interesting and visiting 7 different planets was dope.
He was a true Yea Forumsirgin.
i feel sorry for square, pretty much all gacha under them is a failure
>so were dungeons
Nigger what? The dungeons in 4 were all just fucking corridors with nothing to do in them, they were a massive downgrade from 3.
>The plot was interesting
The plot was boring as shit and made far more unbearable by the god-awful characters, everyone except Bacchus was intolerable.
>Don't see what people thought was so bad about 4
Oh wait you're retarded. Let me give (you) your last reply so you can brag to your mom you gottem on Yea Forums today.
You kinda have to establish really good characters before you can make a successful gatcha.
Square has very few genuinely good characters.
>Oh wait you're retarded.
At least I'm not a Bleach fan who thinks its shitty gacha game with those fucking terrible character models is good.
He was just saving himself for Nel, even before he met her.
>the god-awful characters
This. SO4 was the only one in the series where you couldn't hook up your protagonist with the girl/bro of your choice, and that was fine, because everyone was horrible anyway.
I never played a Star Ocean before SOA, but I got quickly attached to Sophia, Rena and Eve.
The real problem here is tha SE never tried to market it.
>Letting the token loli ruin your entire game because she has a verbal tic and speaks once every five hours.
They have a couple of good ones. I just think they maybe have too many gacha under their umbrella for all of them to be good. KHUX, Dissidia Opera and Record Keeper have good support inside and outside of the game through community involvement
>mobile shit
How did you get attached to anyone in a game where the entire story content is just "oh look there is a big enemy we defeated at some point who is here because of space shenanigans, let us defeat big enemy good now he is defeated good bye eve you were our best friend"?
Don't feel sorry for them, they're making that gacha shit instead of good games to begin with.
How are FGO's 5*-rates compared to Granblue's?
Far worse, but FGO doesn't have the world's worst UI to make up for it.
N-nani!??! How to make english?!?!?
Abysmal but in FGO a character is all you need while in GBF a character is dogshit without a proper weapon grid.
Also FGO rateup is .8% while GBF is about .6%, so it's harder to get a specific character. That said, sparking in GBF is viable while it's impossible in FGO, and at the same time in GBF some of the most powerful characters you get by plain grind.
They cute.
I've gotten about 500 free draws this year in Granblue, at either 3 or 6% drop rate. And I barely play, only logging in when there's summer events and the like.
FGO will give you far less once you're past the initial 'surge' (I use this term very fucking loosely for FGO) of free currency. And the rate is 1%.
Granblue has it's share of issues, but it's still fun, has good music, the girls are all fuggin hot, and there aren't 50 different Saber clones.
>How did you get attached to anyone in a game where the entire story
because nobody really cared about the story in the first place. fans already accepted its just generic anime/jrpg bullshit.
FGO has ltierally the worse rates of any gacha game on the market.
That combined with it´s awful gameplay makes me wonder how that piece of garbage it´s so popular.
>FGO has ltierally the worse rates of any gacha game on the market.
>SO goes to shit after 6th gen
>gacha goes back to being JP only after a year
What's actually wrong with this series
That was Epic Seven Moonlight Summon until the uproar raised forced the devs to promise to change it.
>FGO has ltierally the worse rates of any gacha game on the market.
There are actually many gachas with worse rates, like the SMT one.
Holy shit the SMT one is bad. Their rates were worse than FGO's and they actually LOWERED their rates further.
I still find it hard to believe that the talk about rates at a Epic 7 panel apparently made someone break down and cry because they realized how bad the game had gotten.
well its one of the worst, i brought a 1k sq account only got 2 5* in the end, im a tmfag still can`t understand why this game so popular
>Chance of getting Alice in the gacha is like 0.0001%
>It also has types where if you get the wrong type she's worthless
"Better" in the sense that you're much more likely to get SSRs.
"Worse" in the sense that Granblue's actual rateups are deceptively low; usually lower than FGO's .7% for a rate up SSR. I've sparked twice this year and both times I didn't get something on rateup. (didn't get either Valentines SSR on Valentines and didn't get anything on rateup last legfes; not even the SR character).
Have you considered that people don't just use it as a gambling simulator and actually enjoy the non-gacha aspects of it such as the story, characters, and gameplay?
Did someone ever ripped the iso from the star ocean 3 ps4 remaster? Supposedly they rebalanced the game.
>LOWERED their rates further.
Why the fuck would they do that knowing SMT is not popular enough to sucker people into that faggotry?
Most likely trying to further milk the few whales still playing.
I'm curious if a Persona gacha is ever going to be a thing. I'm sure it had to be on some table, but the SMT one probably made them rethink it.
Only a matter of time. I think you underestimate how greedy humans can be.
i'd like to see her anatomia
The story and gameplay are shit.
Some characters look good but most are shit.
i don't understand why they couldn't just make more games similar to this kinda like how pokemon has been fundamentally the same game since 1996
lol theres a reason why its on top grossing every time, no one want to stuck with 2* 3* forever and the gameplay story wasn't anything special
Just came here to remind everyone that SO3 was the best game in the series and I'm glad it filters out the plebeians.
>the gameplay story wasn't anything special
It is by gacha standards, which is exactly why it dominates the market and inspires so much bitterness from fans of other gacha games.
Granblue has an absolutely monstrous pool of potential SSRs to draw at that 3% rate, plus the banners with 6% rates have even more.
So it's not surprising that units on the rateup are difficult to obtain, even with 6 times as many drops as other gacha.
I remember back when I played Soccer Spirits, the game had several standard banners- it had a general banner with a slightly higher drop rate, and individual banners for each element, each with their own rateups, typically of the latest character added to that element.
The elemental banners had lower rates, but if you were trying to build a specific element team, or get the rateup character, they were worth pulling on sometimes. Granblue really needs to implement something like that. The SSR pool is insanely large.
They will.
They all fall to the gacha menace eventually.
Pisses me off we didn't get the nurse.
I was planning to quit as soon as she comes out anyway so this really doesn't matter, but I still feel like I got robbed.
Yes but the story is head and shoulders above pretty much every other big franchise's gacha game so it just has to be a little less shit than its competitors.
It's like the joke about two hikers in the woods who bump into an angry mountain lion, one of them starts booking it but the other one stops to put on running shoes.
Wild Arms: Million Memories localization when?
The sentence still holds true with a dollar sign in it.
Just give me a new fucking Wild Arms, it's been TWELVE YEARS. Or just a port of Alter Code F.
rerolling for jp right now
>inb4 jp shutdown announcement
>So it's not surprising that units on the rateup are difficult to obtain, even with 6 times as many drops as other gacha.
user, you don't get it. The rateup isn't a better chance for x rarity, it's a better chance for x character. The percentage of that character rateup is the important number.
I thought that died already.
Dang I was thinking about getting back into it. Shame.
I'm surprised it lasted this long, Star Ocean was never a very popular franchise.
Meanwhile, this game has been going for over 2 years now in Japan.
They managed to keep it going for several months by letting you roll for Nier Automata and other crossover characters.
I'm playing another eden too. I really like the "no energy system". Story is also nice, almost like a lite chrono trigger.
Still fuck the gacha rate & fuck the tome/chant grind
I can only see decsions like this leading to a death spiral. Like, if you know a company is bad about supporting global (nexon) wouldn't you be more inclined to ignore the premium shit? only a fraction of the people who play gatcha ever pay into it in the first place.
You're not really getting it either. The individual odds of any particular SSR are so low, that even if they doubled or tripled or pentupled the rateup increase, you'd STILL need to draw eleven thousand times to get it.
Real talk, unless it's a must have unit, I just don't give a shit. I draw, and what I get is what I get. If it's the banner, great. I just got summer Europa the other day. If I don't get the ones I want, then I either suck it up, or buy a surprise ticket if applicable. I only spark the game breaking units, and they're typically few and far enough between that there's plenty of time to save a spark.
You underestimate the spending habits of whales.
>only a fraction of the people who play gatcha ever pay into it in the first place.
Low spenders are more common than you think. Lots of people who call themselves 'f2p btw' still buy things like a 5$ monthly gem pack or something like that. Most games have a pretty large incentive for first time purchasers as well, so even if there isn't a monthly card or whatever, they might buy the minimal (1$ or whatever) pack just to get the freebies.
The grind is actually not bad once you have a decent party. I lucked out and managed to get 2 Chant Scripts while trying to get the upgrade Tome for Azami.
>The individual odds of any particular SSR are so low, that even if they doubled or tripled or pentupled the rateup increase, you'd STILL need to draw eleven thousand times to get it.
Are you fucking retarded or what? The point of a character rateup is to increase the odds of getting a specific character. In FGO the 5* rates are 1% total and 0.7% for the character on rateup, Granblue has 3% total rates but lower individual rates, that's the entire problem.
I wish I liked the gameplay of azur lane and girls frontline more because I like the way they handle it. The rates aren't that bad for a gatcha and you can roll however much you want because it only costs common materials.
The games makes their money with alternate costumes but other than that it's completely fair.
this game had some of the hottest girls
>21K+ games released each month worldwide
Sweet jesus.
It's kinda crazy to think of how many games, albums, tv shows, books, movies, comics, whatever are getting churned out. How many of these exist already. It's not possible to archive it all. It's a vast sea which will be left forgotten and unneeded by future generations. What does it all mean? Is there no real point to life if you're too small to make a change to this planet?
Jesus fuck. More?
Censoring Meracle was the worst decision the global team made. It was unnecessary and only made the playerbase distrust them. Never having anymore $1 sales also made me never want to give them any money, too. Not sure why they couldn't have had those be a regular thing once a day or something.
>Granblue has 3% total rates but lower individual rates
it hardly even matters in granblue as long as you have a decent grid unless you're trying to draw the yearly zodiac girl or summer Zoe, because they're the only ones who really matter in the end. and a couple of the primals I guess
>tfw I just roll in GBF because I can't imagine amassing enough crystals for 300 rolls when quests only give 50
I made an alt to capitalize on how generous Cygames can be, and to eventually spark with, but is there some secret to getting enough crystals? I do a double-take whenever I see someone with about a million crystals.
Meracle fucking sucks anyway. Im just going to join japanese Anamnesis and reroll until I get Swimsuit Tika. Gonna be great to have her in my home screen, feature Global never got.
FGO is absolute shit. Shit rates, shit characters and animations, unvoiced story. Idola Phantasy Star is FGO done right.
>Idola Phantasy Star is FGO done right.
For the only main character catgirl in the series, they really dropped the ball with her in general, both in this game and SO4. Yeah, SO1 had one but she was absurdly easy to miss without a guide.
But that's just another wasted opportunity among many.
>It was a fun ride.
Not really if we're being honest
er, main cast, not main character
Do quests and events. Trophies also give crystals. Or just play the game.
People with absurdly large amounts of crystals generally got them because they are a part of the guild wars bet fixing scheme and always know who is going to win. That or they just got really lucky.
Literally just tried to play and it asks to update but theres no new update.
The fuck is going on?! Wheres the summer banners?!
Once again it seems SO hangs by a thread until Tri-ace somehow gets more money.
>Inb4 Jap closes
Easy or hard to play if I cant read moonrunes?
It's not failing in JP. Then again the IP is also bigger over there.
is this a character from a star ocean game?
>(the game was great but holy shit, there's a reason 4 and 5 are set before 3 and not after
Perhaps the subtitle [Till the End of Time] was supposed to mean something.
Caleen. She's an OC for the gatcha.
makes sense thanks
I mean true, SMT is worse with 0.5%, but 1% isnt realy great
>Star Ocean getting killed when it had actual good visuals, gameplay and fair gacha system
>meanwhile FGO still exists
This isnt fair. This isnt fair at all.
Anamnesis is one of the few gacha games I actually enjoyed playing and not just leaving on auto like every other.
I had so many lucky pulls too. Fucking hell.
I'll be that guy.
If you liked the game, you shoulda spent some money bro.
Developing and maintaining games like these aren't free. Even if they're easier to make than console titles, there's still a lot of work put in, which means programmers, 3d artists, voice actors and the like. Yeah, it's easy to assume that some whale will spend 20 grand a month pulling or whatever and pay for everything himself, but 4000 players spending 5 bucks each could cover that as well. And would have probably kept the game alive.
The day I got Devil Clair was a glorious one
I spent money on SO5 at full price and all that I got was a dogshit game and the series being put into gatcha hell.
Fuck you and your "spend more money" faggotry.
I'm literally hording 200k crystals in GBF right now, just waiting for the right time to drop everything at once.
Granblue is easily the best gacha to get free stuff. They give thousand of crystals and daily rolls like candy.
I've been saving for around 6 months.
In comparison, I started saving at the same time in FGO and that only net me around 600 quartz, which I spent a week ago and got nothing for it.
Dissidia and Mobius are both kino
>I spent money on a different game so I deserve things in this game
>free daily 10 pull during summer banners
>can get real life goods as well
I wish I could hug those developers. Never seen other gacha do this shit.
And I fucking got summer Cagliostro from a free pull the other day when I didnt even know she had a summer version. My waifu literally coming for me as a surprise!
Magia Record has FGO's rates but the EN version came with a pity system where if you roll 99 times on a banner without getting a 4* meguca then your 100th roll is a guaranteed one. It also gives out a lot more free tickets/currency.
I admit that I'm a f2p player but I'm not at fault at all.
They took way too fucking long to make a global version. Everyone who actually cared about the game was already playing the japanese version and most of them wont double dip.
And if anything the fac that they can just end a gacha game like this without warning just makes me even more scared of throwing money at it. I have a lot of characters in Anamnesis that I spent time grinding for levels and shit, and now its all gonna get deleted. Imagine if I had also spent my money as well? I would be livid right now.
well no shit, only a few phones could run it, not even emulators could
FGO always win baby. But seriously, the game was hot trash, the action RPG gacha genre is tedious as fuck and the story is bonkers shit than the usual Star Ocean shit
All you filthy whale fags go spend money on Granblue, Epic 7 and Azur Lane!
They are literally the only decent gacha games right now!
Too bad it runs like absolute shit, and has the worst UI in gacha history. And I thought Rage of Bahamut was bad. Keep that shit clean, streamlined, and simple.
>to get to a quest
Dissidia OO takes 3 taps (Quest -> Act/Chapter -> Mission) to start, and Granblue takes only one more (Quest -> Mission Title -> Support -> Start), yet Granblue takes about a minute longer to actually get going. The game needs to stream from your phone and not a shitty server thousands of miles away. I'm sure it's fine in Japan, but here it runs slower than Doom RPG did on my Razr.
>Keep that shit clean, streamlined, and simple.
It is simple if you have all your braincells intact.
Also literally runs fine on my computer.
The only complaints I heard and I can agree with are the loading screens for almost every menu and how grindy endgame can be.
>Lowers the amounts of Large LB crystals that you could get per month
>As a result you're stuck playing with the same characters over and over again because they only work at LB10 and can take you months to get them there
>Powercreep is real so if you spent your LBs fuck you
>Prices were high as fuck
>Shady practices especially during the Valkyrie banner
>Stamina is mostly pointless since the game puts massive focus on co-op, but since co-op does not have a restriction or stamina bar you can just play the game over and over again, aka it becomes grindy as fuck
>Events were mostly boring and most of the difficulty of the game came from you not getting brain dead team mates
No fucking wonder the game is dying. Them releasing the Automata characters a full year before they released on JP was clearly a desperate attempt at trying to remain relevant. Good fucking riddance, hopefully Dragalia is next.
That what bothers you? And not the fact that Albel's skirt sports the same kind of gap but it's a skirt so there is no reason why there should be a gap there because zippers don't go in the front of skirts.
It's simple compared to every other Mobage game, but compare it to this
Look how clean and snappy the menus are. And you don't have to traverse an absurd amount to do the most menial things.
all gacha are grindy
>another gacha that markets to waifu lovers goes down the drain
Should have pandered to fujos instead.
runs like shit? what kind toaster are you using
Note 8, and pic related is my computer
Both are dumb, but Sophie's pants stick in my memory more because its the start of the game
imagine giving a single fuck about gachashit
too bad the company behind Granblue Fantasy is running out of ideas though
player powercreep is way too hard and every raid is actually babby tier now except for Hard Lucilius HL and Akasha
As someone who's made decent headway into granblue and just started Dissidia OO, this can't be further from the truth.
Dissidia makes you download indvidual quests for no reason once you start them and just getting to the home screen can take a long time
lmao how is this possible, im playing on cheapest huawei kirin phone max setting smoothly, make sure you running on chrome the apps fucking sucks
Too bad OO is a visually grotesque abomination
Gameplay changes can be easily implemented.
What I think they should do is more collab events.
Collab with shit like CCS and Code Geass is great but they should do with more recent popular anime.
>/vg/ is just gacha garbage
what a surprise
>the apps fucking sucks
That would explain it
I just want to let everyone know that I enjoyed playing star ocean 4. The combat was fun and I fapped to the catgirl in the mansion.
Better than chibi sprites
It's literally a single tap to get to home, like GBF. You can batch download...you DO know that, right?