What is the saddest and most soul-crushing video game you've ever played?

What is the saddest and most soul-crushing video game you've ever played?

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thread closed boys, pack it up

Red Dead 1 & 2


Game's depressing from beginning to end. Sure there's some bits of humor and nice parts and a tiny glimmer of hope at the very very end but still, what a fucking downer all around.

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I like when saddest is unexpected, not predictable.

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I know it's the "generic" response and being a prequel makes you already know how it's going to end, but doesn't stop it from being a hard experience.

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Transformers: Rise of the Dark Spark because it marked the end of good Transformers games.

So why did he take all the women away and make the planet shit?

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Did you play the Transformers game on PS2? That shit was hnnnnng.

I don't even consider Mass Effect: Androgynous disappointing because of all the memes that came out of it.

Fragile dreams is up there.

Terranigma tore my heart out.
Nier Gestalt probably wins overall when it comes to tragedy, though.

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>current objective: survive



Bioshock Infinite

I'm not telling other what they should and shouldn't write, but that can be such a cheap, contrived trick when done badly. Indie games do this shit a lot, I hate it when it gets to a point where it's like the sad equivalent of a jumpscare.

Nier Gestalt on NG+