>CapGOD confirmed to be at Gamescom 2019
Yeah, I'm thinking he's in.
CapGOD confirmed to be at Gamescom 2019
Other urls found in this thread:
dragon's dogma 2 announcement baybee
Why do people like this ugly prick
He ran out of charm in his debut game
Don't get your hopes up fag
weebs always love serious katana guys
Well, that's just it. He didn't run out of charm in his first game, he was outstanding in his first game. Then DmC happened and they started to add snippets of THAT Vergil to this one, like the whole teleporting thing. Vergil never used his sword to open portals to fucking nothing, that was a DmC thing that they decided to add. Same for some of his dialogue and personality. Vergil was a colder version of Dante and he might've said one or two theatrical things but in 5 they really went overboard. DMC3 Vergil would've never said 'make haste.'
Whatever charm Vergil had they weren't able to replicate it for 5. He almost became a punching bag for Nero's bullshit and Dante's dialogue. In 3 he was formidable but in 5 he is stock.
you don't have to sound so jelly vfag
It's just a new Iceborne trailer
This is now a Dragon's Dogma thread since obviously that's what they're going to announce.
>make haste.'
of all the tings to complain about you complain about him using a fancier version of hurry up?
>He didn't run out of charm in his first game, he was outstanding in his first game.
He was an overdone cliche even in 3. I played 3 when it was first released and never particularly liked him, he just wasn't that interesting and I had already seen a bunch of other similar characters done before.
It's called having an example. It's how you back up an argument or point. Otherwise anything I say would lack merit. It helps to emphasise things.
Portals were in the manga and dmc 1 novel although he was gilver at that time.
Your loss.
I read both and I don't recall a single instance of Vergil teleporting through a portal made with his sword or a description of him coming out of one.
DD1 took several years to make on MT Framework, can't imagine how long DD2 will take on RE Engine.
And the rest of his dialogue isn't what he would say?
His experiences as V clearly show when he comes back. Any softness I feel can be attributed to that, and this actually gives his character a reason for why he was so hell bent on gaining power and disregarding his humanity over the course of the whole series. I personally liked it.
All but confirmed already.
>DDO shut down
>DD netflix show
What the fuck else would they do that for?
Now give me playable Vergil.
Don't start this shit retard.
it's the final iceborne trailer and an announcement of the pc release date, it comes out on consoles a few weeks after gamescom
Just save it for the next-gen special edition at this point
I suppose. I still appreciate what Itsuno has done with the combat system but everything else he's done feels mediocre or uninspired. Dante's look in 3 was even just copied from a Japanese boy band, and nothing about Vergil is particularly original or interesting either.
>ran out of charm
imagine having this much shit taste
>we're done with dmc5, it is no longer in development
>everyone: ok thanks for the amazing game
>Yea Forums continues this for the next five years until, completely independently of the decisions made now, a special edition is made
>Yea Forums: kek, always right
Just release it as DLC, then resell it to consolefags as complete edition come next gen. Works every time.
He has coke bloat and stupid hair, every other male in the game is much more attractive
>His experiences as V clearly show when he comes back
Yeah trying to kill your kid you just found out about and your brother and not worrying about civilians dying was very V
Vergilfags are all mentally ill I swear
That also raises the question of how complete is Vergil now. He disposed not just of his 'humanity' but his memories and 'nightmares.' V was just the largest part of himself he disposed of, the other familiars and the other parts he killed in the events in the manga might be long gone.
>Yea Forums misses entire point of dmc5
>bitches that vergil is diferent after remergining with the experiences of both Urizen and V, despite that being the entire point of the game
>DMC5 is never going to happen
it happens
>new content is never going to happen
>Yeah trying to kill your kid you just found out about and your brother and not worrying about civilians dying was very V
Dude, relax. If the game doesn't care about civilians why should we. Nero didn't even try to save one person during the game. Neither did Dante of V. They just let that shit happen. It's fiction, they'll emphasis on what they will not what should.
>Yea Forums misses entire point of dmc5
Is this why we get so many brainlets complaining about the story? They need shit spelled out to them. Like everyone thought Dante was going after Vergil to keep him in check or Vergil didn't change because he doesn't act like V.
>coke bloat
Never heard that before. You seem to know a lot about drugs. As for the others, it was literally stated they spent the entire month protecting civilians. All 3 of them.
You only agreed with what I said. Enjoy 5SE in 2025. Doesn't mean they have any plans of working on it now.
>civilians dying was very V
They're demons they don't fucking care
Literally no one cares about humans in any of the games. DMC3 is the same. So is 4. Nero never cares. Dante never cares. Vergil never cares. Stop pretending they're heroes or something.
>trying to kill your kid
Play the game
>worrying about civilians dying was very V
Now you're just pretending. You forgot he didn't save those civilians in the beginning of the game that got skewered by the plants?
Imagine being this mad about getting more content for a game you like.
I just think Yea Forums is full of autism and you're literally sitting here begging for content that they said, hey we're not making this content right now and development is done. Delusion, insanity, whatever you want to call it. It's not healthy.
DMC3 Dante by endgame immediately contradicts this. Cope harder shills.
what the fuck's going on in this thread
He's cute and has a lot of charm still.
>capcom tells us to beg for vergil
>we do
>wahhh why are they asking for more content
Holy shit lmao. He actually cares about the story of a DMC game look at this faggot.
>Dante still tries to save his brother and names cried for him
>Dante in 4 let everything happen so he could check out Nero
Family>deh hoomans
The only thing Capcom said is that they're done with development. You're confusing Yea Forums with Capcom, or are a schizo
Don't forget, AFO is this weekend. They're going to do Karaoke and have a Q&A panel.
Last panel Dan already spilled that Vergil will be a protagonist in the next game. The DMC anime is still happening, but they haven't been offered any roles yet. Lets hope we get some more good news or leaks.
gameplay is most important but dmc1 still had a decent (but minimal) story, good music, atmosphere, etc. which made it feel even better to play.
You clearly don't know shit so maybe you should just shut the fuck up then
>doesn't post proof, ever
>Reveal Trailer at Gamescom
>Gameplay footage at TGS
>Holiday release
My dad works at capcom, trust me
Only the panel is worth the watch and even then it'll probably be the same thing as the last panel. So nothing really new.
>Last panel Dan already spilled that Vergil will be a protagonist in the next game.
He really can't contain himself
Yes, and in 4 instead of preventing Sanctus and the Order from awaking the Savior or destroying it right after he captured Nero Dante decides to have some fun.
It's japanese media, they do this kind of shit - major area destruction, tons of civilians dying and no one cares - all the time, be it a game, manga\anime or a film. It's not some fucking Avengers.
Reminder that they also said in an article in 2017 that they had no plans for DMC while DMC5 was in production. They're not above lying to keep a secret.
Let's not forget the update they did in June without any announcements. They stated it was just for "bug fixes" but made some obvious changes to Vergil's in game model. Added more moves to the boss fight and made him more aggressive. The most telling change was to the debugged Vergil you can play with cheat engine. He suddenly has more moves, and the beginning stages of a motivation mechanic.
It's called google, try it out some time.
is the panel on youtube? what time does he do it
It's on Dan's Facebook, there's 2 parts.
>Let's not forget the update they did in June without any announcements. They stated it was just for "bug fixes" but made some obvious changes to Vergil's in game model. Added more moves to the boss fight and made him more aggressive. The most telling change was to the debugged Vergil you can play with cheat engine. He suddenly has more moves, and the beginning stages of a motivation mechanic.
Reminder that this is all false btw
This is a stupid take for dlc though because they could be generating hype and having people hold onto their copies instead of selling them, while also potentially selling season passes. Gotta agree, there won't be dlc and anons are just too hopeful thanks to 5 finally happening
>Last panel Dan already spilled that Vergil will be a protagonist in the next game.
He can say that, right?
>Reminder that this is all false btw
Reminder that it's not and you can load up the game to verify that. It's not that hard.
It's just Monster Hunter
He's done it twice before what's a third time.
>major area destruction, tons of civilians dying and no one cares
Is it because of the nukes? :(
>Only the panel is worth the watch
>Dan and Reuben doing Karaoke wouldn't be worth seeing.
Come on, user.
What's Arsenic and Old Lace?
>guy muffles into the mic
>dan makes fun of him for being a sperg
jesus dan
also is there a version of this with better audio quality anywhere?
>implying implications
Sadly no. Dan's wife was the only one to live stream it.
>Dante, I...
Give me footage other than the same old webms from that one guy and then I'll believe you
It won't be streamed I think. And Reuben's doing a panel on ayys too
I like to think of it as "complete" Vergil basically keeping everything from V that he wanted (memories of messing with Dante as a kid, good memories of Nero helping him, etc.) and then discarding everything that he despised or saw in a bad light (the Mallet Island Trio being a bad remnant of when he was at his weakest and fully controlled by Mundus).
Basically just take it however you want until some DLC or DMC6 explains it better.
>griffon's personallity wouldn't have been there without dan writing his lines
He gained a dad bod
according to the actors the script would've been a travesty without their intervention
>Dan was essentially bullying his own character
Poor Brian really liked being apart of this game and his character was just a one shot.
He's talented enough to voice other characters in the future so it's not a big deal.
They could always bring him back, and make him voice Vergil's doppelganger or something
>instead of preventing Sanctus and the Order from awaking the Savior or destroying it right after he captured Nero Dante decides to have some fun.
Firstly it was a well known and admired fact years ago on this board how Dante's first instinct is to just end Sanctus, it didn't stick though, there's no way he could have known.
Secondly they couldn't destroy the Savior because Nero, Sparda and Kyrie were in it, and the real problem was the hellgate left open by Yamato.
And the first things Dante gets done are agreeing with Trish to go keep the civilians safe while he destroys the order's unholy HQ, even if inadvertently, so no more nonsense comes from there, killing off the serious demons that had escaped so they don't just fuck things up while he's dealing with Sanctus, getting rid of Agnus, getting back Yamato and then earnestly attempting to cut into the Savior to get Nero out, but due to plot bullshit it's too dense and limber for him to find an opening outside of sending in Yamato so the new kid can waste time proving he isn't dead weight.
dmc is trash
>dan constantly getting annoyed at reuben for always bringing up alien shit
drawfag get on this
the fuck is this
If they don't add Virgil DLC to dmc5 i'm uninstalling. I was trying to be patient and wait but its just a waste of space, I can't get motivated to play without ma boy Virgil
Because they are into mpreg.
Even if they do announce him we're not getting him until next year anyways.
no user you're the trash
Vergil's alt-costumes for the DLC
>re3's 20th anniversary coming up
Nemesis time
I'm hoping it's not just Vergil DLC. I hope we get a whole epilogue with new missions, including more missions for Dante.
>Fucking sold 3 millions
>Only needed 2 fucking months to sell this good
>Will be the best motherfucking selling DMC game
>Capcom goddanm pleased with the profit
And this shit is only about the sold units, the in game animations l, concept art and models are there.
>people are okay with Dante becoming an uncaring sociopath despite it contradicting both DMC1 and DMC3
Not gonna lie, the dmc5 environments are uninspired and actually shit. Its a boring slog to play.
So how many playable characters will DMC6 have, and who will they be?
You can only stand your brother bringing up a tower so many times.
We have lived to see Rueben shit himself over Dan not giving a fuck multiple times.
That's exactly why I don't get people thinking it out of character for Dante to cut the crap and instantly try to slice up Vergil.
Source for last panel?
>contradicts 3 and 1
and how?
What do you mean?
The story has been retconned a bunch of times before anyway, it's really not that consistent other than following a general theme about silliness and demons.
vergil,nero and dante in the vanilla game, everyone else is special edition
Just fucking imagine if Vergil was to be announced for Smash over Dante.
I literally have no idea if the reaction would be bad or good
>Meanwhile i'm sitting here hoping Lost Planet makes a come back
Anyone else a Lost Planet fag?
I actually attended this panel and the entire crew was basically joking about a hypothetical 6th game.
It's obvious they're gung ho about it, but Capcom still has the final say.
That would be dumb they'd never do it.
to that user from last night's /dmc/, i've finished your drawing
very fun request if i do say so myself
>other than following a general theme about silliness and demons.
>he doesnt know the themes DMC has
Wow, I guess the story is pretty confusing for you guys
What are other franchises where the third game was so bad it killed them?
I can also think of Dead Space 3 and F.E.A.R.
I hope they announce retroactively letting you start off on DMD right off the bat. Unlocking difficulties is a tedium. Even if I'm new, if I want to be beaten to a pulp by demons before I learn to style on them, that should be my choice.
>Light the fuses, bitches!
I'd be more than happy with just a Vergil DLC that lets us play the missions as him. If they throw in Lady and Trish then even better. The dream for me is DMC6A and B, A being Nero's game and B being Dante and Vergil with co-op craziness.
I think that was just a joke.
>Can't escape Smash shit even in threads utterly unrelated to it
I can't even filter such a general fucking word, you faggots are like an infection that refuses to heal.
I dont even play the game user I just want a DMC character in and Master Chief cause I think it would be cool.
reuben said the same thing for 5 in that old panel
Thanks! Are you taking more requests?
>>DDO shut down
Really? I thought it got a new expansion recently.
I liked playing a bit of Lost Planet 2, 1 was kinda meh for me but fun.
>capcom was literally the laughingstock of this EVO
The only thing godly about them is their ability to fail.
>Itsuno really didn't like the scene
He'd killed her mother for a little bit of power, attempted to sacrifice her for more and didn't give one fuck about any of it, and neither did the rest of the world until she managed to pull Dante's head out of his pizza crusted ass.
What was she supposed to do? Just hope things worked out? That'd clearly not been working these past few her entire fucking life.
I recall someone here saying patricide is still viewed as a taboo in Japan, I can't confirm that, but I think even they should realize there's a time and place for societal norms, particularly when society is on the brink of being teabagged by a psychopath. Arkham even literally brought it on himself, it wasn't an accident he let her get so close, he boasts about luring Lady into the whole scheme right in front of everyone.
They better bring back V, my brain rotted because of him and now I am nothing but a zombielike fan creature.
but V is gone tardo, how would they bring him back?
not right now, sorry user
i thought the ruined cityscape was nice, but the tree got old really fucking fast
Japs don't understand what it's like to have to fight for your life against your own parents like redneck children do.
Dante/Nero/Vergil as the main trio. First two get fine tuning to their current setups and new weapons/breakers, but Vergil gets first dibs on an overhaul and new weapons.
Maybe a fourth if they're feeling experimental, but I'm not sure what to expect. V was pretty out there as is.
Start liking vergil
Just cut Vergil in two again, easy.
>Responding to retarded bait
Yeah, and you can see that stigma in 5. Dante, Trish and Lady all don't want Nero to go and kill Vergil, and just push him away from all of this. But instead of just writing a more coherent story, Nero just changes his mind and doesnt want to see anyone die, because now he cares about the father who left him.
It just all mish mashed together with no reason, and it felt weird how Nero acted like a father figure at the end to Dante and Vergil.
His face is pretty bad, but outside of that he's got a ton of stupid charm like everyone else.
Probably Nero getting cross at Vergil and splitting him off into two again
In what way did he become an uncaring socipath? Vergil has wreaked enough havoc. Besides, he just wanted Yamato, not to kill Vergil necessarily.
Because the bonds between family members are instinctual and deep. Lady didn't go through a lifetime of abuse either; it was a sudden betrayal, and that's what made it difficult.
Same reason it was difficult for Dante to defeat Vergil at the end: he remembered their childhood together, but ultimately they both put duty to justice higher.
Familial love is the theme of the game and yet people still get confused as to why Dante didn't kill Vergil.
>His face is pretty bad
No it's not.
>Is a better and much more handsome Vergil with a third of the screen time.
Nero didn't hurt him in 5 and won't hurt him in 6.
It's not bait, I want V back. He was fun.
His debut game was DMC1 you retarded secondary.
Ignore the faceblind fagets.
That's not a Gamescom announcement.
Every year we go through this.
choose one, also Sam's fight is worse than any incarnation of Vergil, including DmC.
>implying you like him for anything but his looks
watching youtube videos don't count
To this day I believe the reason why Sam didn't get sliced to bits like the other bosses was so they could bring him back for the sequel.
>a new Capcom showing
Fucking finally, I'm gonna fuckin neck myself if it's just more MHW news
It probably won't happen for a year or two, when they actually have something to show off. If we're lucky we might get some DMC5 DLC, though.
Capcom is probably also planning to reveal its next big title, but they'll probably wait for TGS. I recall them saying a while back they're interested in reviving some of their unused IP's, right?
Don't count for what?
>I recall them saying a while back they're interested in reviving some of their unused IP's, right?
That's a lot of potential games.
Nero didn't care at the start of 4 when he held back demons to allow civilians to escape?
the fuck is wrong with the posting today
Wasted potential desu
His boss fight was shit.
low blow
Dante killed Vergil in 1.
>implying they aren't going to show that new game they trademarked at gamescom
>mind if I, cut in?
This smug motherfucker.
>Capcom is probably also planning to reveal its next big title, but they'll probably wait for TGS. I recall them saying a while back they're interested in reviving some of their unused IP's, right?
They have been testing the waters with Collections and remasters, so there's a good chance that they using sales to see what franchises are still worth doing
He let his entire fucking community he grew up with his entire life die in one day to chase dante, retard
What trademark? Only thing i remember from last year was the new guy in the fighting division teasing a surprising game, which ended up being Teppen
Too many Vergils overloaded the server.
He didn't know that Nelo Angelo was Vergil. And he was dead inside anyways and Dante freed him. If anything Dante literally saved him from being Mundus' sextoy
>doesn't think 5 Vergil is his best look yet
yeah, I'm thinking you're gay
remember when they said nero didn't give a shit about anyone other than kyrie? cuz I 'member
Okay, i am intrigued
Yeah that's pretty bad.
>I'm gonna fuckin neck myself if it's just more MHW news
user, I....
LP1 was my second 360 game, I loved it so much.
Yeah I know. I kind of wish it stayed with that rather than repeatedly bringing him back and just making him the bad guy because he wants power.
post yfw capcom's announcement at gamescom is more MHW shit
Sanctus DID seem to imply that Nero was most like Sparda.
What is that supposed to mean?
Nero holds family in high regard after living with Credo and Kyrie, on top of that he has come to know V and his opinion on his mistakes. Considering his feelings about family and spending some time with V, as well as both his actual uncle and father are planning to fight to the death, it's not an unreasonable stance to take. He stands to lose his father figure or his actual father in an ultimately meaningless battle.
It can't just be that..right?
>Epic Games
he's satisfying to play in 3 and 4, what's not to get
He didn't want power in 5. He wanted to be cured of mundus aids and kick dante's ass.
Not really since the entire reason he's on his own was because he was killing demon's while Credo and the others got the civilians to safety.
>tfw no buddy cop MGR2 with Raiden and Sam
>He didn't want power in 5.
it WILL be just that, mark my damn words
capcom broke my heart for the last time at e3. i don't trust those japs to deliver this time.
>He didn't want power in 5.
Except the entire schism that resulted into Urizen and V was literally because he wanted power.
Where do you see power mentioned?
Can you give me a quote, cause otherwise it's just fanfiction
His actual father could've been defeated by Dante and he shouldn't care about Vergil because he was the reason for the countless deaths of the city and the loss of his arm. But whatever I guess.
Doesn't V outright state how he wanted power while telling Trish what happened
Vergil was never going to stay dead. Kamiya was going to do a game with him if he could do a sequel.
its muh brother
>didn't want power
>his demon side literally says the line
>v agrees with him and rejoins for it
>urizen's last words are literally MORE POWER
>urizen says it
>but not vergil
We're reaching SSS tier levels of denials here
Urizen and V both want power, user. That's the only reason V rejoined with him to create Autism Boy.
user, just what do you think could give Vergil the ability to beat Dante?
Here's a hint: it's POWAH
I'm saying that's not the initial reason he separated, which is pointed out in the manga and video.
he didn't care if he died he just wanted to beat dante, he thought his human heart was holding him back and that's why he separated.
Fair enough, if that's how you read it.
I'm thinking he's in instead
You're all faggots.
this isn't the smash thread
TBF how could he have saved them? They were already skewered and the chance of them surviving was nilch.
which fandom is the worst? Vfujos or Vergil apologists?
>taps on mic, clears throat
The metafaggotry fandom.
so he gained more power, is that what you're saying
Reminder a new Resident Evil game is getting tested in September by fans.
no fucking way a new RE isn't announced at E3. Gamescom is still too small
kek autism boy. I don't doubt the V side wanted power too but it was probably also a mix of the fact his current body was failing and he didn't want to be trapped as V forever if Ergil was destroyed. That and I imagine being a skeltal twink would get tiresome if it's not your fetish.
v didnt want power he wanted his own body back
notice how urizen/v stopped caring about kicking dante's ass and were pursuing power for different reasons? but as soon as they both joined up vergil wanted his rematch with dante.
>always thought his humanity was weak
>gee maybe if I discard it i'll be able to beat my retarded brother
>I need more power
>we are connected by that same feeling
>Vergil apologists
No one here is calling Vergil a dindu nothing.
No it's not, you're pretty bad.
nevermind then
>Vergil is so handsome he has contrarians
No, he's right, it's pretty weird. It doesn't look like Vergil and that hair makes him look like a Japanese delinquent.
Vergil just wants to beat his brother up, what a dick.
>August 2019
>still falling for the meme that Vergil is ugly in 5
This is the best he's looked. Every time I see him I want him to fuck me senseless.
>Not bullying your younger bother after he kicked your ass twice
>tfw I found a porn video where the male actor looked like a dead ringer for Maxim from the side and I didn't save it.
>now I can't find it again.
And I'm sure Trish's nose is perfect as is. Not like the original model was perfect as she was.
Speaking of..
Does anyone have that recent video of Maxim smoking with a hookah?
I cant find it on his instagram timeline.
if urizen was already powerful why did he want more power? he didn't even try to go after dante with his muh power
Pompadours on Asians is peak aesthetics.
post some funny images please
He gave face for vergil?
He cute
I think this image is kinda funny
..which makes Vergil cute
here's one. made by dmc fans
Yamato is what let the Order make demon world portals in DMC4. It makes sense it could do small ones on its own.
I'm going through trauma therapy and cried this morning because my family doesn't love me. I'm tired of the pain and considering gaining power as a way to cope. Please pray for me.
Urizen needed the tree and the fruit to not die like V.
>trauma therapy
What now?
You will meet a dark handsome stranger
his demon side could have still died? I thought the point of separating from his humanity and nightmares was so he wouldn't die
You sure?
Let's hope we do, sooner than later.
>no more fortune teller Vergil
>not chocolate
fake and gay
Post cool art of V, none of that gay shit please. I have no clue which artists to follow on twitter.
cool V is cool
anyone save the screenshots people made?
Fuck no. Multiple characters is utter shit for the pacing of the game and it makes them less worthwhile because you only have a tiny handful of levels to use them in
We need a proper Dante only game again
I highly appreciate it.
It's not what we want it's what's going to be the reality user..
They aren't going to go back from 3 characters.
>DMC6 is set up to be a no-Dante game starring Nero
>His moveset is widely regarded to be tired and too basic at this point
>Itsuno thinks DMC is a fucking fighting game so he will never actually change a characters moveset list
Who's ready for another shitty teen successor?
take it to cm fagets
>DMC6 is set up to be a no-Dante game starring Nero
on what do you base this on? a no dante game wouldn't sell
V is a faggot fuck off and post vergil
>Dante took both Lady and Trish's weapons
Do you think that was intentional to give them entirely new movesets for the Lady's Night DLC?
How would you revamp them?
Why does he looks like James Franco?
no stop spamming the thread with pictures morons
>on what do you base this on?
>he called nero strong
you know dante and vergil aren't stuck in the underworld right
Of course there's no response to this post
Trish uses Alastor. Improved Lightning moves, has a DT based on Cavaliere Angelo moveset
Lady gets a new Artemis-like weapon, made by Nico. Her DT is also based on Artemis' moveset. Her weaponry turns into lasers when she DTs. Apparently she got influced by demonic powers while she was inside Artemis. DLC reveals a tidbit of her story as the daughter of a powerful Princess.
That's not a bad thing
I'm cool with multiple characters, just give us more missions for each.
Like a clean 9 missions each, in a row.
5's habit of hopping back and forth every 2 levels was irritating because you're always on your back foot, getting yourself out of the headspace of one playstyle, and adjusting to a different one.
If I could've played all of one character's missions, then all of another's, and all of a third, it would be a lot less disorienting. They had non-linear storytelling anyway, so it's not like the narrative would suffer, every cutscene had a timestamp anyway.
Fuck no. DMC4 and 5 made me realize how fun having multiple playable characters is. If you want to have a Dante only story mode that's fine, but I expect at least 3 characters to use in BP and in the campaign ala 4SE.
I think it was in his instastory. Those don't stay up permanently.
Yep. It's Maxim Nazarov.
That was a fun day.
Alternate characters as DLC or a Vergil extra mode is fine, but the game works best when the levels, enemies, and resources all revolve around one consistently growing moveset
So what's the Yea Forumserdict?
James Franco is handsome. I don't agree that Vergil looks like him though.
Yeah I think if they're doing 3 playable characters again then they should have separate campaigns, so each character gets their own potential.
That's true. In theory if the studio had enough time and resources it wouldn't be an issue, but they have to meet deadlines and DMC4 and 5 did suffer in some aspects because of that. Although to be honest I'm tired of Dante as a main character. His arc ended in DMC3 and he has no more room to develop. Bring me Vergil as the MC or Nero's son or daughter.
I fucking love DMC5. It is a good video game.
not memeing
It'll be perfect if we get more playable characters.
now what about vergil
I love it. Reminds me of the first time I played DMC3. I'm excited to see what's next for the series, let's hope they don't fuck up DMC6.
Absolutely. Look at that dude in the center and tell me that didnt bring a smile to your face.
Japan in particular is really good ad modding cars, too.
Theres a whole clasof deliquents that trick out vehicles just to troll traffic laws by driving slowly in front of commuters.
What I'm trying to say is: Tunnel Snakes rule.
That Dante outfit looks like a mix of his 3 and 2 pants and jacket.
Fugg. Thanks, user. I got to learn to make gifs out of those stories while the gettings good.
I have a theory about DLC, that doubles as my idea for a new gameplay style.
What if we get two new campaigns; "Sons of Sparda" and "Ladies Night". These two campaigns focus on the duos of Dante/Vergil and Lady/Trish.
The new gameplay gimmick would be that you would play as both characters. You can control one directly while the other either a) fights as a AI partner or b) follows close to you so as to not fuck with your comboes. Either way, you would be able to swap between characters with the push of a button, mixing their movesets and attacks for flashy comboes.
This new gameplay mechanic is why they're being so secretive, and why it would be taking so long to announce the DLC
>he has no more room to develop
Says who? We haven't even explored his time as Redgraves and he's not a story heavy character. The entire series is his day job FFS
It kinda does! I like the idea of the longer duster for Dante, even if it never quite translates in-game.
I'm glad they nixed the extra pouches, though.
What if it could be done like in 3 where a second controller can control them?
I don't see why that couldn't work
No playable vergil aside, dethroned DMC3 as my fav game of all time. A 9.9999999/10 until we get our boy Vergil in. Near-masterpiece. Best hack n slash ever made too.
>Yamato moveset is DMC 4 Force Edge + DMC 4 Yamato
>gauntlet weapon based on Shadow and Nightmare's moveset; Shadow is for fast movement but light damage, Nightmare is for heavy damage but slow movement
>maybe Summoned Swords v2.0 w/ Griffon based moveset
>SDT and maybe a DSV (Devil Sword Vergil)?
I really liked the thigh holster though, I dunno why it makes the outfit look cooler. Wish they kept it or have it with an alt outfit some day.
Pretty close, especially with Nero.
I kept seeing people beforehand saying they wished he'd get devil arms, basically just making him Dante, and I was disappointed how many fans of his missed the point of what he and Vergil's gameplay was about. They have 3 core tools (Devil Bringer's snatch and buster counters, Red Queen's exceed and Blue Rose's charge shots : Beowulf's short range power strikes, Yamato's mid range speed strikes and judgement cut and Force Edge's Summon Swords) that you're supposed to make the most of individually and together as opposed to Dante's more erratic system of two guns and two weapons and a style in 3, and just fucking everything in 4.
So when I saw the Devil Breaker I was a little apprehensive, thought they might end up just giving him a bunch of weird shit, which they sort of did but not really, but instead it was smartly an remix/expansion of Snatch and Buster w/ Nero's DT Explosion and buster enhancement modified into Breakages. Not all of it was as polished as I'd liked but it was a good step forward without straying from his character concept.
I'm still on the fence about Nero's DT though, like with Dante's style switch it feels like someone just decided to go apeshit.
I would say DMC5 matched my expectations. The only way DMC5 could've exceeded my expectations was if Vergil was playable with his own campaign
Nero's DT with quad jumping and the devil knuckles with attacks unironically made me go from a Dante-only player to a Dante and Nero player in BP now.
What even is Divergence mode, anyways? Did we ever dig anything up besides a name?
TGS 2019
it will come as a free patch, together with a fully fleshed Co-op BP
selling weapons as DLC is shitty and i'll forever be mad that matt tried to say you're a hardcore player if you buy them
All characters being playable in all modes
You can play any character you want in any of the missions.
play as any character on any mission. iirc leakers found it on a text file
I mean missions, god I'm tired.
Which should have been there from the start.
It's not nice to lie user.
Ah, thanks. That'd be pretty good, actually, increases replay value a ton and gives DLC characters something to do if they can't get mini-campaigns.
We just gotta keep the faith and the money flowing user. Eventually Capcom will see the error of its ways and start providing us with some quality costumes.
a man can only dream ;_;
Loading screens are shit
Not enough Dante missions
Bit too easy
First 40 levels of bloody palace are a waste of your time
Vergil fight isn't nearly as good as the 2nd or 3rd in 3 (lmfao stupid ass airplane Vergil)
I actually loved the story and don't mind the locations at all. 1 and 3 were just castles and towers and red / black too. Thought it really hit home with all of the references and bringing back almost every single thing of importance from 1, 3, and 4 and concluded every arc very well. Though I'm almost not retarded and understand Vergil changed by reabsorbing both Urizen and V, like some people somehow miss the entire point of the game. Nero and Vergil interactions were great and something I waited ten years for. Nico was awesome. Trish and Lady weren't used well at all. Music is my favorite in the series now, even Subhuman. Graphics are legit the most impressive I've seen.
It's pretty much perfect aside from smaller things. I don't like the line of "If I beat him, I beat you okay Dante???" in regards to Nero. It was fucking stupid and made no sense and was just so cliche. The scenes of the past, and all of the scenes with the apple until the end were astonishing to me.
So yeah absolutely BASED and almost perfect but really simple things get in the way. Also why is it so fucking easy, this is the same series that had to rerelease a game because it was too hard for casuals
Keeping faith is hard when they see 5 selling well and then they go an say that they stopped development knowing fans expected at least playable Vergil.
>Vergil (+Dante) Story announced
>Ladies Night Story announced
>Divergence Mode and online Co-op Bloody Palace are announced now that Vergil, Trish, and Lady have finished the playable character roster
It's gonna be kino boys
its probably just gonna be monster hunter world stuff. hope im wrong though
This fanart didn't age well. :)
first come first served i already took grid 2 the rest are up for grabs
Basically this. There's also a bunch of minor stuff like stuff that I would've liked to have been in Dante/Nero/V's toolkit but it's still all good.
Doesn't matter Isuno should fix the game first. NEVER design your game for casuals
did capcom ever announce anything new at gamescom? wasn't it always either tgs or e3?
thanks I got the first one
Post your Hell & Hell and All S-Ranks trophies.
Cool, thanks user. I took the bird puzzles.
Post your playtime
>can't complain about base game difficulty unless you play it 50 times and play some gimmick mode
so defensive, I just wanted DMC3 difficulty and even SOS isn't DH difficulty and I don't want to play 5 more times
anytime, i hope this makes life suck just a little less
I'm touched, thank you.
PS4 doesn't have playtime stats, but I can tell you for a fact it's well over 700hrs at this point, I played it almost daily since release and even moreso when BP came out. Closest I can give you to my playtime is a cap of the platinum since the ETA of that is 120hrs minimum.
Not defensive, it's just funny to me how people lambast casualisation but tend not to have played even the hardest modes. I think to fairly critique a game's difficulty, you have to have actually beaten them and in DMC's case, mastered them to S-rank tier; if you've done that I'd be more willing to take your opinion on board and I don't say that with smug elitism, it's just more thorough and has more integrity that way. Much more merit.
Because I want to play a hard mode from the start, not after having played easy mind numb modes for 20 hours.
ItS jUsT fUnNy To Me, as if you can't understand a basic concept.
Yeah but you're just autistically gatekeeping. DMC5 is easy as fuck unless you go for S rank, which has nothing to do with what they're talking about.
Don't they have a game that's basically DMC x RE with gameplay like RE5/6 but you kill demons instead, with a protagonist who's a major gun nut? That shit sounded interesting as fuck.
You can unlock a higher difficulty if you beat the prologue boss.
>tfw I've only put in maybe 30-40 hours since I've started playing the game a few weeks ago.
I need to hurry up and git gud dammit.
Catering to casual has really screwed this game
They have a solution to that though, at minimum you need only do a full playthrough of Devil Hunter. Then, you can beat Prologue Urizen with Ragtime, Colour Up and Rawhide on SoS to unlock DMD early, then do the same on DMD to unlock He&H and Heav&H right off the bat. Only one full playthrough and two replays of a mission to unlock all modes, hardly a lengthy slog, Urizen in the prologue is piss easy.
IMO if you're not trying to be stylish all DMCs are easy. I've known people who learned "Beowulf + Jump button" breaks DMC3, and even DSP of all people abused the shotgun hopping in DMC1 HD. 4 is the worst offender, Nero's buster breaks everything and Dante can just DRI.
not him but why do you keep playing it if it's casual LUL
more like he's in nero's mom
you get it? :D
I'm testing how the cheat engine settings affect the game.
not anymore he isn't, he learned his lesson
>He'd killed her mother for a little bit of power, attempted to sacrifice her for more and didn't give one fuck about any of it
For a moment I misread this as being about Itsuno and had a good chuckle.
I love Sam but I didn't care much for his boss fight. His playable moveset though is fine as hell and I love his character.
yeah he doesn't another demon child kicking his demon ass
He IS Nero's mom.
Fujos are fucking nuts
>DMCucks still begging for something, anything, to give DmC2 a little bit of spark
he needed to make a less motivated child
male bugs can't lay eggs (also humans)
go away Diego
God I miss that time there was a DMC thread filled with variations of this image
>rebootfag still begging for (you)s
yeah that's true, he would have been another vergil if it wasn't for kyrie
Yeah but, who knocked him up in the first place? This just brings up more questions.
>This...is me. No, not the other guy, that's my son...yes.
>You're probably wondering how I got here. Well, it's a long story.
Who'd you think fujos would ship a twin with? It's starts with D and ends with ante.
V looks like my ex gf
Nexus mods is full of cool stuff for DMC5. Check it out.
I just downlaoded bayonetta pistols for Dante.
You know you can automatically unlock DMD by defeating prologue Urizen, right? Or was that just SoS?
It was an immaculate motivation.
Still one of my favorite trailers ever. The way it's cut to the music, which has always been hype as fuck, is just fucking perfect. Why are DMC trailers so cool and stylish?
Well, they went with the Rule of Cool, and that means pandering to the most popular stuffs of that time. It does reminds me of the designs and lore in the FFVII Compilation games.
Getting shutdown sometime in December. They stopped people from downloading the game's client back in July.
so you consciously save that shit into your hard drive and don't feel any guilt or disgust at all?
I should have saved more versions back then, but alas
No I look for weird fandom shit for the lulz. I don't take it seriously.
>only pairing i ever made drawfaggotry for
god they need more content
this image doesn't make sense why isn't Vergil just DTing to get out of the grab attack doesn't he know it does damage
>So we're gonna spoil DMC 6
>There's this character, his name is D
I like this pairing
if 0 patty is in dlc
so close
watch this 4
Yea Forums is so fucking sexy jesus christ
His body is FILLED with MOTIVATION
just short!
rollin for patty
Jesus christ these are so close
Watch this 6
>rollin for patty
The police are on their way.
if 0 Patty is a playable character in 5's DLC
When is Gamescon?
watch this 3
August 20
Plus next-gen is next year so we might only see it announced 2021 to release early 2022
he is sweet surrendering to her
patty please do not forsake me this time
>watch this 3
If 666 all your gets will scatter like dust.
fuck me that was close
So... he and dante can leave whenever...?
>trips on Yea Forums
dumb urizen poster
so close
You're late, just finishing up.
Sam is more of a dante personality-wise, but I prefer him any of the dmc crew so you’re still right
>Vergil just wanted to be protected and loved
>Dante just wanted his brother back
In the end they both got what they wanted, and needed.
now kiss
I didn't get everything I wanted from it but it's hard to complain when it's still a 9/10
Best ending.
Now we need more scenes with them and have them both be playable.
Why do you have to ruin everything wholesome?
The theme for their DLC:
>I'm thinking he's in.
Yeah, in Dragon's Dogma 2.
Vergil for DMCV never ever
Is Sparda dead?
>DMC3 Vergil would've never said 'make haste.'
Because having the combined experiences of being both pure demon and pure human has given him new insight. He's V as well as Vergil, and that's a very "V" thing to say. That's why he takes time to pick up the book and muses about if he and Dante were swapped, he might be different.
Also he's like 30 years older than he was in 3. Fine to change speech patterns over that time even if the merge didn't happen.
Breakers are shit
No, he's chilling in hell while watching all the tv shows he missed
It's scary that Yea Forums doesn't realize this game is a downgrade combat wise.
The adorable raccoon eyes make him a million times better looking than Dante tbqh.
Yeah, he died peacefully. Maybe it had something to do with dividing his power so many times into so many pieces.
>he doesn't know
fuck off Millz
He reached SSSS and ascended beyond the physical universe. That's why his sword in 5 is described as giving off an "almost divine" aura.
Exactly what?
Summoned Swords are so fucking cool.
I'll caught DMC3 it's a much better game.
fuck off Millz. seriously fuck all of you combo autists. go die a horrible death.
He's an irrelevant combofag.
behold, Force Edge in DMC 5
I like to think that they look like that because when Vergil was developing the technique he wanted them to match the sword he assumed he was going to get after his planned tower incident.
>being a nostalgia fag
DMC5 is perfect guyz don't hurt my feelings
>Accepting a downgrade
back with one last give away i grabbed warhammer since im a shooter fag but the rest is up for grabs
>hahha look guise inertia and guard fly xD XD a-and t-turbo mode and reversal fuck capcom xD
I think you miswrote upgrade
Woooooooooooow! Thanks for Two Worlds II.
You couldn't even get through Urizen or Vergil without using a gold orb on that live stream with Dan. You aren't good at fighting anything that isn't a ragdoll enemy.
>Guyz DMC5 is so good epic memes guyz lets ignore criticism The game doesn't feel like shit look at the combofag BTFO let's go kiss Capcom's ass guyz .
>Everyone who criticizes DMC5 is Millz
FF15 and DMC5 have something in common
6SE/DLC >> 6 = 5SE > 5 = 3SE = 1 > 4SE > 3 > 4 > DmC:DE >>> DmC >> 2
>dd2 announcement already only a couple months after DMC5 release
Onimusha baybee.
Are you from the future
3 is way better than 5
Are you serious
I want to know who the brave man was that managed to knock Vergil up.
I mean, who looked at this danger lizard and said -yep, my penis needs to be inside of that.
>Giant V on his chest.
Vergil you dork.
Anyone who isn't retarded will put 5 above 3.
eh, 6 has 10x more kino scenes than 3 due to Dante/Vergil/Nero bonding together and killing stronger demons, also the first 5 Missions as Nero/Vergil has way more character development than the Dante/Vergil rivalry in 3. don't forget the last 6 Missions has better environments than 1, 3, 4, DmC, and 5 combined because of a "False Paradise" heaven-themed area.
He lives on inside our hearts.
>Yamato handles on his HEAD
He just cant hold all the autism inside!
His head is also V-Shaped, and always has been
He needed to write his name or else Dante would try to steal it.
Itsuno pls release vergildlc.
Anyone who has played 3 more than an hour will
put it above 5
>Vergil unlocks his DT at a young age.
>Later in 3 Dante steals that form for himself.
>Now Vergil has to write his initials on all his powerups.
Brain damage
No taste. what's better about 5 then.
>Weapon equipping
>Style switching
>enemy roster
>Boss roster (none as good as vergil 2 or 3 though)
I prefer 5's weapons but that's more subjective.
>Weapon equipping
>Style switching
>enemy roster
Don't you mean SE?
What? How the fuck could you think that 3's camera is better than 5's?
I would fuck the shit out of Sin DT Vergil desu
Or let him fuck me
Vergil when
>dlc ends with Nero inviting Vergil to dinner with nico and kyrie like how the game started
3 camera doesn't swap my lock on to another enemy
I want to have sexual intercourse with Trish from
Devil May Cry 4, released on 31 January 2008.