I mean, God forbid they try something new

I mean, God forbid they try something new.

Attached: Banjo-Kazooie_Nuts_&_Bolts_Game_Cover[1].jpg (283x352, 28K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Name one (1) time a franchise trying something ended up for the better.


It wasn't good for what it was, regardless of slapping a beloved franchise onto it.

>"it's a good game, just not a good Banjo game"
>same repetitive mission structure
>almost no NPC variety since they're recycled
>worlds have multiple entrances for almost no reason (one door sends you to the location at night)
>game about creating whatever you want restricts your creativity at times thanks to missions with mandatory prebuilt vehicles and the hub preventing you from using anything but the trolley
>clever humor thrown out the window to make a mountain of self-deprecating jabs at how much the game sucks

It was the best banjo kazooie game.

try something new by making a new IP

Nothing wrong with trying something new, but there is something wrong with making something completely irrelevant and slapping an established brand on it for recognition.

Monster Hunter: World

>open world was a brand new unique concept

Mario, Ninja Gaiden, Metroid, Castlevania, Duke Nukem 3D, Grand Theft Auto.


Says it all.

Banjo & Kazooie

Nuts & Bolts >>> Tooie


You can get away with cute spinoffs if the main series is still going strong; do it when there hasnt been a game for years and everyone will hate it

If the new thing SSUUUUUCKSSS, then yes, God forbid


Another banjo game was never ever released, and this sticking turd is exactly why

Never post here again you stupid worthless heathen

Fuck off Stevefags.

Resident Evil 4


Alright m8s, Microsoft has come to you and wants you to reboot Banjo-Kazooie as a 3D-platformer again. How do you do it?

Attached: 1560322765758.png (1280x1011, 1.17M)

The missions sucked. The worlds were large and empty. The only good part of the game was messing around with your creations in the garage.

>Opinions I don't like MUST be shitposting.

Trying something new comes with the caveat that the new thing can't suck balls.
>Shit missions
>Shit driving
>Shit bosses
>Shit levels
>Shit writing
>ATROCIOUS artstyle
>The music, while decent, is still profoundly mediocre compared to all but the fucking GBA games, the best track is just a medley of the previously existing good Banjo songs
>"B-But the building menu was well made! Who cares that driving the vehicles sucked dick?!"
Stuff it, you whinging contrarian zoomer stain.

Attached: 1530290424107.jpg (1920x1083, 185K)

Opinions this bad and detached from reality must be shitposting*

I hate Redditcraft though.

Banjo-Kazooie needs a movement mechanic over-haul for a new game, the old games are fun but there isn't a whole lot of room for improvement or advanced movement compared to something like Mario 64 with long-jumps and physics manipulations. Tooie actually touched on something like this though, Kazooie (when split-up) had a ton of fun, freedom of movement options from the Wing Whack, improved double jump, Glide, and improved back-flip to name a few which let her move crazy fast in all directions and maintain momentum in the air.
Take those moves and slap them into their base form options so that players can move fast and freely both on the ground and through the air without necessarily needing a flight pad if you are skilled enough. Give Banjo a wall-jump for extra climbing shenanigans and some slight speed increases, you've got a formula for a fast-paced 3D-platformer with a unique aerial maneuverability aspect to it.

Attached: D9RtIPKU0AAQd3-.png orig.png (647x746, 310K)

If a company releases a spinoff for a series while said series is suffering a console generation+ hiatus they deserve all the hatred and scorn that is guaranteed to come their way.

Attached: fed force metroid.jpg (950x814, 204K)

Ape Escape 2

Literally not the problem, dickshit. It would have been entirely acceptable if it was a good game.

Experimental spinoffs are only acceptable if a mainline game is also in the works. That way fans disappointed in the spinoff still got something to look forward to.

Tooie is actually really fucked up, backtracking in DK64 can take a few seconds to get the right Kong, in Tooie backtracking can take hours of walking to another world to unlock the stupid fucking train, the worlds are also terrible, there's good ones like witchyworld and then there's fucking dinosaur world and cuckoo land.


The devs themselves have said they wished they made it a new IP rather than tarnish the Banjo name.