Whats your favorite vidya and how far will you go to stay a gamer Yea Forums?

Whats your favorite vidya and how far will you go to stay a gamer Yea Forums?

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look at any other country w/ guns and vidya, moron.

You don't need to shower every day unless you're either doing a lot of exercising, or have shit tier diet or genes that makes you perpetually a smelly faggot.

you guys forget trump plays 5D chess. hes blaming video games because he knows gamers can take it.

just take a shower pajeet

>punched a hole through his mother's bedroom door to get video game controls she confiscated

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would you rather blame a group of basement dwelling losers, or gun fanatics that would absolutely lose their shit if u came after them?
problem is neither side is at fault. we live in a melting pot of different blood and ideas and as we project ourselves into the future many more minds are going to reach a level of almost-intelligence where theyre intelligent enough to get really pissed off about topics but also still dumb enough to do this kind of shit.

>meanwhile consuming drugs or mutilating yourself is perfectly well adjusted behavior
What to do when the guy who decides who is sane and who is crazy is both mad and retarded himself?

>That nigga like "you guys seeing this shit, right? The empty eyes and shit? Yo, where's my manager who booked this wack-ass event. This kid bout to go columbine on our asses."

Fuckin white people man. Crazy shits.

Enjoy your greasy ass hair Kumar.

>literally every recent mass shooter was on the same medication
>"it's a guns/violent video game problem"
the libs and the republicans are fucking puppets


When has abusing yourself considered sane?

he uses headphones, so, headphones users are potential mass shooters

/pol/tard trumpets literally have to post fake news pieces on Yea Forums to excuse their wannabe dictator's stance on vidya.
How pathetic

Republicans and Democrats are all under the thumb of the pharmaceutical giants. Blaming vidya is easy and its not going to change anytime soon.

>all notable mass shooters in past two decades have been heavily associated with videogames
>headphones are mostly associated with videogames

You may be onto something here,

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Since 2019 apparently when they decided "gender incongruence" is not a disorder.

>They are all on the meds for crazy people!

Oh word?

Literally never happened.

>days without bathing
y-yeah imagine doing that haha

>get excercise
>strengthen your immune system
>This is bad according you journalists.

>crazy people who aren't on medication haven't caused a mass shooting in the last decade

why would you bathe if you never leave the house?

You should take your meds

It's time to take a shower HIPPIE

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hair gets greasier if you wash it more often. I only wash my hair every 3 days and i get complimented on it all the time how soft and pretty my hair is, although part of that is my rare hair color.

sometimes it feels good
especially when you turn the lights off and lock the door
there be a certain solemn peace about it

All hair is different, Buzz. If I washed it every day, it would turn into literal straw and catch fire.

FFXIV and I would literally shoot up my workplace if it meant more time to play or getting Lucian Prince's set.

>daily fail tries to get me to feel bad for some old cunt who split her family apart then bailed on raising her shitty kid
yeah nah

>yo u sure u searched dis nigga before you let him in here?

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