>Echos are not clo-
If Mortal Kombat's Ninjas and Street Fighter's Shotos are called clones, Smash doesn't get a free pass for lazy design either.
>Echos are not clo-
If Mortal Kombat's Ninjas and Street Fighter's Shotos are called clones, Smash doesn't get a free pass for lazy design either.
SF and MK characters haven't been clones since the early 90s
None of those are real, the FBI committed all these shootings and they will commit more
Can you guess what these gentlemen have in common?
>Yet another /pol/ thread
They're all invisible to women.
Imagine being known for the rest of your life as the garlic shooter.
the guy on the right isn't even the alleged shooter, its just a guy who shared his name that some retard found and ran with
They all posted on Yea Forums.
This. Shooters target political officials, not fat walmart shoppers.
never trust slack jaw four-eyed skeletons
That was one of the suicide ones so he won’t have to deal with that luckily
What video games do you think they played?
Blade Runner 2049 is their favorite film.
Number 3 had a gf so no
Garlic shooter was half Iranian half Italian aka le 0% face
Ohio shooter was fat white antifa fag
El Paso was a spic looking mutt
Blade Runner 2049 is incel repellent.
left one didn't do anything it's just a kid with the same name
They all look Jewish?
They're too ugly for this doggy world.
kino movie tbqh
Why do white boys shoot up schools and big events? Fucking crazy man. Just castrate those bitches because they got no balls anymore and can't handle a little bit of bullying
>This is what americans consider white
>just be urself bro
the El Paso one was but the other one wasn't
>wants to get rid of illegals
>killed mexicans visiting and americans shopping
>not a single illegal was killed
Why are americans so retarded?
Left one is a different guy with the same name as the shooter.
>/pol/ don't even post here, you schizo!
They complain about niggers on Yea Forums
How does a Xbox prevent them to pull the trigger?
It wasn’t real
>it wasn't real