Two questions about this game.
1) Does it take as long to gear up as Wow (and do you have to be a full time autist raiding every week at mythic like you do in WoW to get the best gear)?
2) Does it have decent pvp (and do you have to be a full time autist raiding every week at mythic like you do in WoW to get the best gear)?
Two questions about this game
bump you fucking incels, get in here.
1. no, you can usually substitute other gear depending on the build
2. pvp is pretty ass and isnt a focus
>Still playing MMOs where the endgame is running the gear treadmill
Why do you do this to yourselves?
So I don't need to treat the game like a full time job to get good gear and actually enjoy the game?
Not at all. The minimum ilvl to clear everything can be farmed in one week casually.
What other MMOs are there to play, then? I'm open to suggestions.
Jesus finding practice parties for E2S on EU is pain. Looks like everyone were filtered by DPS checks and spooky mechanics so no one tried. Others already cleared.
I reached second flares today. It's more easy compared to E1S desu
Old ones actually.
>2. pvp is pretty ass and isnt a focus
Does it have arena and battlegrounds?
>Only got to 2nd flares
user the reason pug parties fail at e2s is everything after 2nd flares
Yes. PVP is ok only if you play ranged/caster.
There are mmos where vertical progression plateaus at some point, usually the max level or its equivalent. The most popular one at this time is probably Guild Wars 2. Then there's Albion Online, which is not quite as lively but retains a niche audience nonetheless. If you want something entirely different, you could also play EVE.
The endgame in these games is what you want it to be, rather than being railroaded into a single activity if you want to stay relevant as new content is added.
What's the "best" eu realm?
*cups your bulge*
No idea. Just avoid Odin, Moogle and Ragnarok
Rate my waifu bros
Does s(he) have a dick?
Started as an arcanist
Thoughts on Estinien?
Why are you not a catgirl instead out of 10
A bastard
living proof that eleven are the most powerful race on eorzea.
Make a maceo that spams Ruin ad nauseum during the early levels if you want to avoid carpal tunnel. At least until you get more spells.
One of the most based chads in the MSQ.
Potato magnet
>making your own character your waifu
wtf is this
don't play ff14 for the endgame it's fucking trash. just more tired braindead cookie cutter rotations, raid strategies are just as cookie cutter and require zero creative problem solving, and the game somehow manages to have even less class customization than WoW does nowadays which is pretty fucking impressive in the worst possible way.
Gear/stats/spells are scaled up and normalized in PvP which makes it easily accessible but the gameplay is objectively degenerate and uncompetitive so nobody cares about it. The ONLY thing remotely worth playing through is the main story quest, the story is... okay. But it's an MMO so the pacing is fucking painfully slow and filled with mind-numbing fetch quests. The entire leveling experience has this issue but it's twice as bad from 1-50.
Overall it's a decent single player experience if you can shake the MMO instinct to rush to max level.
is 345 good enough ilvl as a WHM to start working on savage? I did tittyx and innocence no problem but I noticed earlier today in a PF group on E1S the amount of damage going out was extremely hard to deal with consistently.
Considering 450 is E4S req, then yes.
>the game somehow manages to have even less class customization than WoW does nowadays
"nowadays" is misleading because XIV has never given the player any real agency in how their jobs play. 2.0 role actions were the height and even that was only a tiny handful of skills with no meaningful choice to them. Square is pretty committed to having every player of the same job to have the exact same kit with no changes, forever.
PLD, so you don't have to double weave everything perfectly without drifting in a raidbuff-heavy comp as a DRK just to do .5% more DPS than a PLD. TBN is a fucking meme skill for how much DRKs overrate it nowadays. It's only a little ahead of other tanks in terms of personal mitigation compared to SB when it was leaps and bounds ahead on fights without physical TBs
t. former drk tranny before ShB ruined the class
yes i know, I guess it was worded ambiguously but when I said that I was referring to WoW which used to have a variety of viable playstyles for every class but has been steadily moving towards pidgeonholing classes into specific builds dictated by streamlined abilities and arbitrary game mechanics like overpowered tier sets, azerite traits etc. It's made every class feel pretty much identical to play and FF14 always had that problem right from the start
It's pretty comfy so far less than an hour in. Nice graphics and runs very well maxed out.
>WoW which used to have a variety of viable playstyles for every class
When? There was elite a best spec and stats. For example, in WOTLK, mages were expected to be arcane for pve and rogues were expected to be combat spec for tbc, wotlk, and cata.
there was more to the game back then besides your spec. you picked up different talents from multiple trees which could admittedly get a bit cookie cutter but you had more options with things like weapon specs and the various ways abilities interacted with weapon speeds, etc. And builds varied in effectiveness based on the gear/stat breakpoints you had access to, so you were consistently tweaking them as you progressed. Now everything might as well be combined into an Item Level stat, nothing changes as you acquire better gear except your numbers.
Sure, you can play any of your 3 specs you want in a raid now. But all changing specs does (for DPS roles) is replace everything on your action bar with spells that do the same thing but have different icons.
I skiped the 7th Astral Era quest line, will I be okay going into Heavensward?
>Sure, you can play any of your 3 specs you want in a raid now. But all changing specs does (for DPS roles) is replace everything on your action bar with spells that do the same thing but have different icons.
Demo, destro, and affliction lock are completely different.
well, congratulations - you're braindead enough to actually believe that casting a few spells with different names makes the spec "completely different" lmao. i guess you must be blizzard's target demographic
>one spec is completely dot damage
>the other is about big casts
>the other is completely pet damage
>not different