> game has character customization
game has character customization
>Game has /pol/lacks
we had this thread before
I kinda like the orthodox crotch pad
What do the sharks mean? Great White?
You're right we need another thread crying about Cyberpunk 2077 and white incel mass shooters, don't we Hirschel Liebowitz?
OP, you're dumb phoneposter
0 please
Gimme the fucking dragon
I literally can't see how thats aesthetically pleasing to look at even from someone who supports being a /pol/tard
absolutely based
>reports You
>Devs take away your $60 game
Eww they're all too fat
>Bro I got a really dark sense of humor
>Is just racist
Its always the same
Just gives me something to shitpost about and more evidence that They're out to get me :^)
This is soo over the top it's awesome.
any is good
s-seven please...
it's all the same lame boring tired cliches.
Hurr muh niggers, muh jews. Back in the early 2000's. Trolling was at least clever and required some decent thought. Now it's just low effort racist memes. Stupid people ruin everything.
>ywn get the quads girl
its not a strawman if its true though
>Another /pol/ bait thread from a faggot who can't stay on his containment board
Any of the above
Consider suicide.
Rolling for muscle or flat
Please 7
Why do you think you're welcome here?
finally a good post.
Is 1 just a head?
Don't make me whip out the statistics, retard.
>can't even do the Nazi salute properly
next time try reading about them
>leftypol tranny still crying for an anti white safespace
Rate mine
1 is also ok
Made up pseudo trash aren't facts.
Good post bro.
Ah shit, here we go again
lets get this bread bois
>no argument
Why do you leftypol trannies hate the white race and worship niggers?
i want to sniff all the braps
Bro, that’s freaking epic xD
You’ve won the Internet this day, good sir
God i could really go for some quads
>no argument
>tranny stiil seething
Have sex
if this were 4 years ago, i would laugh, but with recent events, im just sad and worried.
Lets go
cringe. Why are /pol/fags so cringy?
Screw the numbers, I'm taking Oga-San by force. Ogre girls love force.
Why do you leftypol trannies hate the white race?
Where do you /pol/hicks get the notion that "white" people are hated? "white" isn't even a fucking race by the way.
That article doesn't actually exist btw
>why don't you feel upset about this too?
Because I don't take everything I see on the internet as a personal attack you flimsy faggot.
what we got
rate my emblem
Why do leftypol trannies demand that white should betray their own race for the benefit of non whites?
>Where do you /pol/ Hicks get the idea that white people are hated
Only uneducated bourgie morons think otherwise. Racism goes both ways you sheltered dip
You're a niggerfaggot. Also roll.
>op has nazi imagery and the word niggers
>cuckchannel loses its shit
lmao absolute state of this faggot nigger reddit site
El Paso wasnt personal either, it was fucking random
wow he really craves for attention
>I can't shoot up school therefore white people are hated
school shootins, festival shootings, walmart shootings
global warming/climate change/alaska melting and on fire
concentration camps, police brutality, endless spying
endless war, secret courts, secret laws, torture
endless stupidity, corruption in front of your faces, denial of science and facts, destruction of institutions
shouldnt you be writing a manifesto OP?
It was another faggot /pol/hick like always
ok retard
>dude I can take jokes
>except that, that's not a joke and should be banned
Clearly the trolling still works if it annoys you
What game?
>no argument from the pro white genocide shill
Why should I hate my own race just so that non whites can profit?
Yeah randomly someone just randomly had a gun and randomly started shooting randomly out at a random location at random people.
>racism being funny
back to /pol/ with you kiddo!
>why isn't the whole site like /pol/??!
lurk more leddit
Why do you leftypol trannies want an anti white safespace for your nigger worshipping leftypol propaganda?
You're not white though. White does not exist. Are you an Anglo or something, you're probably an American mutt which would actually be hilarious.
Lets see
That looks like it took way too much effort to sit through some shitty in-game editor for the sake of making people you'll never meet hoes mad
I'd wear it
Just an anti russian bot space
Jesus, conservative nazis need to get a life. Dressing as women to get near kids is pathetic.
>on Yea Forums
Give me everyone at once
i want a big girl
>tranny tourists still crying for an anti white safespace
Go back to leftypol, trannies
>no argument whatsoever
Why do you leftypol trannies want to genocide the white race for the benefit of non whites?
>Repeating the same crap
literally a bot
>private NSFW account
Oh God
You don't know the difference between trolling and being boring and predictable, do you?
What a damn shame.
Rolforme babiti nigger
Why leftypol subhumans want an anti white safespace?
>leftypol trannies clearly hate the white race and want an anti white safespace
>ask why they want want to be the slaves of non whites
>they refuse to answer
These girls all look like shit
>you're "boring and predictable" if your not an anti white sjw tranny
>game allows too much freedom and has to correct its bigoted fanbase