digital future everybody
Digital future everybody
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It got a physical release
Which was just a little keychain thing and a download key.
Thankfully there's always means of still playing them after the fact, plus you're still able to download it if you purchased a license prior to it being pulled.
Fucking why?
>plus you're still able to download it if you purchased a license prior to it being pulled.
>or re-download it if you've previously purchased it
Seems unlikely.
If you buy digital you dont actually own anything. You're just buying a pass.
Because it's a licensed property. Capcom doesn't own the rights to DuckTales and so they can only sell it for so long as stipulated in whatever contract they signed with Disney.
There's a crack available as well I think
>the "just" brigade are defending this already
if you buy physical you run into disc rot after a couple decades. and then you're in the same boat as anyone who MAY see their digital service shut down
guaranteed physical deterioration
or digital that MAY eventually be unavailable through OFFICIAL channels
seems like an easy choice. i'll stick with digital.
Why the fuck would Disney not want to continue selling the game?
the contract for the use of the ip probably expired. And this is Disney we are talking about. They wouldn't lose a second before filling a lawsuit to take it down.
If you buy physical you run into disc rot after a couple decades
lmao no you do not. This isn't a batch of music CD's from the mid 80's
Good. Discs are dead anyway due to patches and downloading updates and half of the game in lots of cases. Only manchildren care about having discs now.
Is there a best version? Do any of them suck? Should I just go PC?
>that MAY eventually be unavailable
you mean WILL eventually be unavailable
Fuck off industry plant
Two possibilities.
Either Disney wanted more money for distribution rights in perpetuity than Capcom was willing to pay, or Disney was paid a flat or short/one-time payment structure in which they don't make money off continued sale.
Reminder that Disney let LucasArts just blanket tell old devs that they were allowed to work on their old projects again, which is why we got a plethora of compatibility patches when the takeover happened, so it's not the Mouse being a cock here.
You don't shit either way. Enjoy trying to play RDR2 ten years from now when the servers are shut down and you can't download half the game from it. Obviously ignoring how this is also just stupid boogeymen talk and there will always be a way to play most games.
EU PS3 version came on disc, it wasn't just a code, I'm unsure on whether or not this applies to other regions though.
This. Absolutely disgusting. Company worth billions got their money, fuck yours.
>People "pretending" to be retarded for attention.
It stays in people's Steam library.
It was free for PS+ years ago. Still, why is it being pulled? Does it have to do with the new show? You'd think its success would be a good thing and add to the sales of the game.
Yes fucktard, but no one can buy it again. Digital was supposed to be "never goes away!" But ironically at least old physical games can always be sold. What you going to argue? "Had your chance"?
I believe you still have a right ot make backup media of any media you buy.
>It stays in people's Steam library.
Depends entirely on the contract Capcom had with Disney.
>can't buy marvel ultimate alliance 1 again despite 3 just coming out
the digital era sucks ass
music can skip and halt without stopping. game data cannot.
nintendo is notoriously bad for online/digital shit and they don't get my money as a result. one bad egg is not sufficient to slaughter a whole flock for it
lmao this is the usual response when people learn their shelves of shit are a ticking clock
skip and stutter without halting/stopping i meant
Except that's bullshit because CDs have limited printed runs and they rot too. In either case you can still find the games online so why does it matter?
No, retard. Literally no game has ever been removed from steam libraries. Don't try to give us that contract bullshit.
the wiiu version came with the disc
>there will always be a way to play most games.
That is a dangerously naive take
Congratulations on missing the entire point of what a digital "future" was supposed to convey. Thanks for stinking up the pots with your retardation.
>music can skip and halt without stopping
No it cannot. Because im not an ape and the disc is in fantastic condition. Nice try though.
piracy is the solution to all of this and the only way games will ever really be preserved going forward.
Disney will put it back on Steam again right?
I gotta know I can play my fucking pixels 50 years from now when it'll be rereleased 700 times in this timespan
It's autism, entitlement, stupdity. Or you're poor.
Order of War: Challenge.
>Depends entirely on the contract Capcom had with Disney.
Nah, game is staying in the library until steam dies.
>and they rot too
I am 30 fucking years old and have NEVER experinced disc rot. Not once. Has ANYONE in this thread had their collections puff info dust here? ANY of you?
Name (1) game you can't play right now, boogeyman
>Literally no game has ever been removed from steam libraries
Literally untrue, it's happened at least once before.
Sure, it was an online only game they took the servers offline for, but they clearly stated that it can be done at the behest of the publisher.
Yeah, and I got it on PS3. But this is still BS. Fuck man, I wish people never started buying digital.
t. Industry plant
Scott Pilgrim
Dance Dance Revolution Karaoke Mix
remember when shills were saying that digital games will be cheaper?
Most online games. The Mac """port""" of Metal Gear Rising.
Disc rot is not a "guarantee" nor is it purely attached to care of disc. Disc rot is usually a factory induced quality control issue where contaminates got into pressings and barely any occurs in PS2 era on. For the most part if you're gonna get it, you'll see it now and in particular with certain games and systems with Gamecube being the last kind of hurrah in disc rot risk with very particular titles.
The thing that will die long before disc rot becomes a mass killer is moving parts of consoles, in particular the disc drives and lasers. There's also the threat of bad capacitors rotting out the boards on certain consoles like Xbox or Gamegears. As long as parts are replaceable and decent clones are made we're fine, Dreamcast is fucked as shit.
Maybe not on consoles, but Steam's never removed a game from your account before. It's taken off the store, but not your account.
Afro Samurai 2 : Revenge of Kuma
PS3 version has physical here
Fucking yes i do, and i have been buying physical games off shelves on launch cheaper than digital storefronts ever since.
Nice try.
>Update: It appears that contrary to what I first believed, the single-player portion of the game---Order of War without the "Challenge"---is still available on Steam, and only the multi-player content has been removed. (Because the servers shut down).
IIRC anything for the BS that wasn't saved to a cart is lost.
>mfw console-fags actually get their games removed from their library's
>Scott Pilgrim
>No PC port
>Dead or non existing emulators
Truly a lost game.
Yeah, that's bullshit.
im glad someone on this board is smart enough to say it
don't believe the physical fag's lies
>Truly a lost game.
Nah, runs perfectly on rpcs3.
It's not, faggot.
And? Unless you plan on killing yourself today, why would that matter?
>Hurrrrrr my cds are fine that means theyll be fine FOREVER
>industry plants relpying to themselves
I was just using basic reading comprehension user.
>the day Steam lost a bit of SOUL
>without the "Challenge"
Challenge was a expansion, dense retard.
Digital Media was a mistake. If my ps3 dies I don't even think I can redownload scott pilgrim.
Actually yeah, Icons Combat Arena is a lost game now.
What? No we dont? Thats more a Nintendo and PC thing.
Um, delete this sweaty
Why though? I though the new show put it right back into the spotlight
Alice: Madness Returned was taken off the steam store ages ago and I just went and tested it. It's still in my library, I redownloaded it and played through a bit of it just to make sure it works. It certainly does.
Serious question, how fucked are we once "le epic streaming" and subscription passes goes full blast?
at least we can pirate, user
Literally nothing lasts
Make no mistake: on August 8th, the mouse would come to your house and round that copy up at gun point and march it down to the city video game fire with all the other copies if it were legal to do so.
They delisted the classic Lion King and Aladdin games in and Steam in the wake of the live-action movies.
No, it isn't. I have Metro 2033 and Metro: Last Light on Steam. The original versions that were removed because "Redux" editions. I also have the original Sleeping Dogs that is no longer available to purchase.
>how fucked are we once
Me, not at all, have a backlog of 1000 games or so.
>maybe tho!
Wouldn't they want them up because of the new movies?
>Released on October 10, 2010, Order of War: Challenge was mostly a multi-player extension, only its specific tutorials worked in single-player mode. This additional content required continued access to special servers for continuous DRM validation and play. The expansion was moderately well reviewed with a Metacritic score around 70. Square Enix announced in September 2013 that it was shutting down the Challenge servers due to the low popularity of the game. After these servers were shut down, Challenge became unplayable (in a legal fashion) and was completely removed from Steam, including from the on-disk libraries of users that had purchased licenses for it. While other games have been removed from Steam's distribution channel before, Challenge has the dubious distinction of being the first game to be removed not only from the Steam store, but also automatically wiped from the disks of its users.
So will this inflate the price of physical copies?
t. someone who owns a physical copy and almost put it in a yardsale a few days ago
>if it were legal to do so.
bitch please. the law fears the mouse
>in a duck-blur
lmao, why make a joke out of it
yeah but rdr2 is shit so who cares
PC chads can keep their de-listed games and can re-download them at will while also being able to redeem old keys. PS/Bone peasants dont even get to keep the games they already bought on delisting, sometimes even if its still installed it gets ripped away
dont know about Nintendo's policy on such things
>without the "Challenge"
well aren't you just the gayest retard, see:
stop trying to use anti-tranny insults when you yourself are the tranny to cope with reality
I give you one more possibility: Disney vidya storefront incoming
>Order of War: Challenge was mostly a multi-player extension
>It appears that contrary to what I first believed, the single-player portion of the game---Order of War [[[without the "Challenge"]]]---is still available on Steam
buyfags tears are delicious
Prob capcon dindt want to renew the contract
>nobody will care about the history of video games in 2050+
too real
I still have Metro 2033 in my library.
If we're not careful, we're going to see an influx of indie developers who have already got their main sales, and just "shut down" the game, and make people buy the game in fear. "OH NO...YEP.. THIS IS BEING TAKEN OFF DIGITAL STORE... GUESS YOU'LL HAVE TO -ALL- GO OUT AND BUY IT RIGHT AWAY"
Massive influx of sales, could work with a few gmaes. How much you betting DuckTales gets a few hundred thousand/even a million sales JUST because of it's been announced to be going away?
I always refered to the Challenge expansion. Not my fault you have can't read for shit.
Digital distribution is by far the biggest cancer on gaming, on top of being cancer itself it comes with so many other cancers.
Just having the option to pay for a game digitally has ruined gaming, it allows for what is plaguing the industry today such as rampant DLC and mtx, games being intentionally released unfinished or unplayable without a patch because they can easily patch it through whatever platform which further encourages them to be released that way, being charged for a download, having to go through some console wannabe platform to legally play games on PC, easy access which means more casuals play games which means games are made for them which means lower quality games, etc. Games being sold physical only has already proven itself to be the best environment for great games to be made. Digital distribution should not be paid for, don't care about physical copies? Fine, then you should be exclusively pirating. Even if you exclusively pirate you should want all games to be sold physical only because that has already proven itself to be the best environment for great games to be made and you'll still be able to pirate anyways.
People have been tricked into thinking that because sometimes digital games are lower cost means they are a better deal, even $1 is too much for a download. The standard prices we have for games was based on the fact that games used to be sold physical only and all the logistics, effort, and extra money that comes with that, playable without a patch (at least on console), and DLC and mtx weren’t rampant and didn't even exist for most games. On PC it used to be $50 max for an actual physical copy that was better than today's collector's editions, now they want you to pay for a download.
I've been pirating ever since PC went digital only because (((Gabe))) had his way
No physical, no buy. A download code is not a physical copy. Console players should resist digital distribution while they still can
By law you cant make copy or reproduce the product
Unironically this. I expect to see more digital games being taken off the store very soon. Ones that are already probably just dribbling sales and not making a profit, but if you put fear into the consumer and say YOU WON'T EVER BE ABLE TO BUY THIS AGAIN, it'll make people panic buy.
Hopefully Yea Forums won't either.
Should i get it or is it trash?
>terminate and remake their publishing contracts with Steam and everyone else for a few thousand dollars.
>Money they can just make putting the game up on sale
Yeah user. I bet everyone will do THAT.
user, just say "stop projecting"
that's what you meant.
You shouldn't be using GOG or Steam. Either buy a physical copy if one is available and you want one or pirate.
Sucks to be a consolefag
Got taken down on PS4 entiretly (second time they've ever done this, first time being PT) but Sony also refunded all purchases of it.
Huh, wonder if that was on a second release. I only ever saw the $20 retail copy which was explicit about it just being a little charm included and a code. Reminds me of Patapon 2 on PSP which 'eventually' got a UMD release after the fact despite already having had a retail prescence with boxes that only had a code inside.
>telling me what to do with my money
By US law you are allowed to archive or backup any media which you purchase, you are not allowed to profit from or distribute said copies.
*blocks ur path*
when did disc rot become such a shitty meme you guys spout without fully understanding
No you cant its the first thing they show you when you boot the disc, go try it
yeah so what are you even argue anymore? They shut the servers down and the multi doesn't work. New flash retard: there are plenty of multiplayer games that you can't play right now even if you own the physical disc because the servers are long gone. It wasn't taken out of your steam library completely and you can still play the single player.
What shithole do you live in where it's illegal to make backup copies of media you own licenses to?
>It wasn't taken out of your steam library completely and you can still play the single player.
The expansion was taken away.
>The multiplayer aspect of Order of War and Order of War: Challenge have subsequently ceased to function, and customers will notice that Order of War: Challenge has been removed from their Steam library.
Was it free?
Wait isn't this the one where nvidia completely shit itself on the final boss?
I still have PT
You are protected by law when making a backup in the US. Just because some companies make a warning to the contrary doesn't just do away with the law idiot.
A tos or eula does not override US law user.
What happens if you make a backup and someone steals it?
If you had Order if War, yes. If you didn't had it, no.
And this is why we should support Epic.
challenge was a free expansion for those who owned the game already so you didn't lose anything because you still own what you originally paid for and it wouldn't matter if they had left it on your account or not because it can't work anymore because there's no servers.
Was Icons removed from Steam libraries? The game no longer works.
Steals your original, or the archival copy?
In the first case, that's exactly something that archiving protects you, the rightful owner, from suffering from. In the second, it's theft, or piracy if it's duplicated and not something like physical media or a drive being stolen. In either case, you aren't at fault for someone else stealing your legally held good.
So is Disney going to make their own vidya storefront now?
Didn't Disney killed their publishing division?
>inb4 it's 100% streaming, and exclusive to Disney+
>for an additional fee
Yeah it is shit.
Now people like me can torrent the game without any guilt or paying any money!
You could buy a steam key since they still work even if the game gets removed.
You could buy it standalone.
I can’t think of one disc I own that’s 20+ years old that stopped working besides having scratches.
who gives a fuck they're just fucking videogames.
I can still redownload scott pilgrim anytime i want even after it was taken down. Get fucked nerd.
>Capcom directly states to redownload it, something that in no way benefits them
>psh, nerd
>Digitalfags need to rely on pirating to justify their early purchases now
even still, doesn't matter because you wouldn't be able to play the game anyway if you had it in disc form. If you were one of the ones that bought it stand alone version your 10 dollars are wasted and your purchase gone no matter what.
>PC chads
Brainwashed corporate cum guzzlers that pay for downloads are not chads.
The point was made. Steam removed games from the library of players.
>pay for downloads
Where the fuck is my Scott pilgrim game then, Faggot
You're wrong. If a game gets delisted from the PSN store, I can still download it from my library.
>if it wasn't for emulation and pirating you would never be able to play Contra, Castlevania, or Gradius Rebirth ever again if your Wii died and you never transferred your crap to a Wii U.
and some people say emulation of even old consoles is bad.
Fuck indie developers, they are one of the main groups that pushed digital distribution.
>...please don't bring up the fact that games made plenty of money when they were sold physical only and that the top 6 most expensive games to make were sold physical only at release
Premade engines are what allow them to exist. Good games will sell even if sold physical only. Fuck them and fuck anyone that pays for digital distribution.
Every company with a backlog emulates.
Sony, Nintendo, Microsoft, Bethesda and Activision.
DOSBox is emulation.
>you cant burn a new copy of a game
Lmao big brain alert
I suppose it's a blessing, but it seems like the one market that Disney does not "get" is gaming. perhaps they want to evade the controversial nature of the industry or their management don't really understand it. Or maybe they'll just do a a major flex and buy out Epic.
The point is that this is something they do regularly.
>for "digital"
>paying for permission to execute a series of 1s and 0s on your personal computer
is there anything more hilariously pathetic and limp dick than digitalcucks?
steamcels, epichinamen, gognards
you're all fucking idiots
in a real round about way you're technically right but I'm not going to start worrying about my all digital library because of that one time with the challenge expansion
You're more likely to find DRM-free physical copies of indies than from AAA games these days.
Good for you. I just said that "Steam never ever took away games from the library of users" it's bullshit, even if it was just once.
Disc rot is a meme. If you store stuff in basic conditions and not in a shithole, they'll be fine. All my PS1 discs are still fine. My old music cds, fine. My PARENTS music cds, all fine.
Piracy aside, GOG is the only situation where digital > physical. Everything is DRM free and you can keep it forever and back it up and play it on as many devices as you want and share it with your friends.
While largely true, it's not purely environmental issues that cause it, but rather manufacturing defects.
"buy" game, lose access to it, be it physical or digital.
pirate it, and it is yours forever, regardless of disk rot or contract expirations.
On the other hand, most GOG builds of AAA games (and some indies) have its multiplayer features missing, not having either LAN nor DirectIP nor self-hosting; let alone matchmaking.
I've not experienced this. I even played DivOS2 with a steam bro no problem
>discs that take 20-25 years to actually rot
>even then is also caused by other factors
>digital game that is just gone in 7 years
Yeah, easy choice
BioShock 2.
Spec-Ops: The Line.
A Hat in Time.
I'm pretty sure the Wii U version is a disc.
Well ten+ year old games with dead MP doesn't seem surprising
PIrating is fucking gay though.
Literally asking for piracy
They could have added at the very least LAN.
My GameCube games will soon be 20 years old & they still work completely fine. Wanna know my secret? I CARE ABOUT IT. (& put them in their box when I'm done)
Piratefag = Physicalfag >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dumbfucks >>>>>>>>>>>> Digitalfags.
Not on GOG, not interested. I don't feel like renting it for a weekend.
>Enjoy trying to play *90% of modern AAA games* ten years from now when the servers are shut down and you can't download half the game from it.
ftfy, and you're right. We've already lost, it just hasn't sunken in yet.
Disney is fucking retarded when it comes to video games
"The establishment of a platform from which customers find it difficult or inconvenient to leave is a powerful strategy that underpins almost every successful technology giant. "
Says it like it is normal and there is nothing wrong with it. Further proves that paying for digital distribution is a mental illness.
You don't have to care for it, you just have to not be a clumsy sloven. I have old ass floppy discs and they all still work and I didn't even try to take care of them for most of the time I've had them.
Correct and based
GOG is just as bad, promotes the digital distribution cancer the same as the others.
No DRM free physical release on PC = no buy.
One of the many reasons digital distribution was pushed so they could release games then patch it later. Notice how this wasn't a problem ( at least on consoles) until digital distribution was popularized. Even the few "unplayable" older games people always post are still far more finished and less buggy than most games these days. Even "good guy" devs release patches after release of simple obvious things that should have been there to begin with and would have been in the release day game if it were a game when games were sold physical only.
Notice that the fat kike Gabe Newell said when he was pushing Steam that games being released playable with no patch was a bad thing and he was also a major promoter of patch/update culture when it is a bad thing.
This release will stay up for quite some time.
>Seems unlikely
Maybe if you're on Nintendo.
Good luck downloading Contra and Casltevania Rebirth without pirating.