americans are strong!
I love this webm so much.
Floridians are the true master race
What a p*ece of shit
How rude can you be
I want a pet alligator so bad
No you want a pet baby alligator. Come on let's not lie to ourselves
cute gator
>Quality build
>Implying I wouldn't raise him and let him roam around my house
This is the enlightened man's build.
okay, enjoy losing a finger or toe or something
As long as you keep them fed, and raised from birth. They seem pretty docile.
not that user but thats fucking terrible
None of those fucks ever have even a remotely correct set up
Alligators need a fuckton of water( atleast 2x their length both ways) and enough to dive under and swim
They also need UVB to process calcium so they dont get MBD or rubberjaw
And proper temperatures of around 80+ for the water and a basking spot on dry land around 90
t- louisi/an/a autist with alligator pipedream once I get some land I can fence in
>low int
>high con
Hi IQ play
i can smell her getting wet from here.
>It's actually a hidden high INT strat that plebs write off as low int
Florida man has been working out
I like how there's nothing particularly malicious about this webm. It's just a dude who escorts a gator back across the road and returns it to the water.
henry cavill is so fucking handsome, no homo.
Not the entire time of course. I also have a dream of owning a pet alligator. I have the land, but not the building, irrigation, or seasonal temperatures. Hope you get your gator friend one day user.
Florida master race
we gatta show those fukkin gattors who's REALLY at the top of the food chain
That thing is overweight and has either burn marks or some skin conidition
It also doesnt look like any spectacled caiman ive seen as the coloration is wrong I thought it was a cuviers dwarf caiman if it wasnt for the shape of the eye or possibly a stunted black caiman
The cage he has that thing in is extremely unsatisfactory also
what a chad, he could have fucked her right there.
>not playing as a tank
Looks like a tasty burger.
She's underage right?
>slaps your gf's ass
Opinions on this?
The pythons?
Thats snake discovery(ive watched them for several years)
They do it right for their situation
That alligator was severely neglected before they got it and had a worse curve to the jaw and glass like teeth
Its over 30 years old and around 1/3rd-1/4th the size it should be
She does good by it but that isnt a normal situation at all
Where my Florida bros? I'm bored and wanna go for a drive. Probably gonna cruise to Sebring for breakfast tomorrow morning. It's about 2.5 hours away.
I'm here user
This is how it was kept for over 20 years before she had it
Opens season on Iguanas boys. Get your .22lr ready for some backyard shooting
Is it bad I wanted him to punch the alligator in the stomach before tossing it back in
Nah iguanas are bros
>have the same hairline
>same height
>same hairy body
>same body type
>but 215 to 230 pounds up and down
Well, guess it's time for me to go back to the gym
Iguanas are invasive species devastating the ecosystem just like pythons. Governer's office orders to kill onsite. I already have a trash barrel half full of them fucks
>so long
>0 results
so long gay bowser
Florida is a place where the most dangerous wildlife are Floridians.
It has surprising balance on 2 legs, mist be the tail
what a good boy, i wanna pet him
What else are you supposed to do in a situation like that?
Florida is based for not censoring crime news..
you fucking faggot thanks for nuking the thread god I hate you! post more
this image needs WaWa added to it
>sneak builds
Yeah but what if they are a cool invasive species?
Wawa isn't a Florida company even if we are one of like four states with them.
I have several questions, number one being "how?"
>animal thread
neat so Im thinking of getting a beared dragon you guys got any good starter tips on how to look after them?
>1-800-ASS GARY
>Morgan & Morgan & Morgan & Morgan
Fair enough. I like feral cats that hang out at bars/restaurants even though cats are far far worse.
but do you have that godly jawline?
whats wawa?
The damage iguanas do are extremely minor and the "reason" they give is that they burrow and destroy infrastructure is complete bullshit, they are an arboreal species that only digs to lay eggs
People are just showing how fucked up they are by jumping on the chance to kill them with no repercussion
Florida is fucked regardless anyway
You got shit like lionfish on the coast, peacocks tegus several python species inland, cichlids and plecos in the fresh water(not including shit invasive all over in water bodies like red eared sliders
It just further lets people slip into doing heinous shit like this
No but I have a cute smile
Based Florida Man
Don't forget the worst four invasive species, old people, jews, niggers and hispanics
Nice, first lol of the day, I needed that.
Thats the only reason I havent moved their myself
Cuban women can stay because they're hot and thirst for white dick.
please bros...
>How do fellow humans
>tfw got to peel skin off the Komodo Dragon today
you posted it!
Go to /an/ if you want legit help with this.
This isn't the right thread to ask about that
Go to /an/, they're the only board who know what they're talking about
>Komodo Dragon
how tf??
>Old people are a race
I once drove over an iguana, didn't know it was in front of my wheel until I heard something crack. Of course I got the fuck out of there.
okay bros thanks :)
Biggest #1 is use a thermostat for your heat sources
You will need atleast a 40gallon breeder tank or something of equivalent size for it when its full grown
You will need a source of UVB which has to be replaced every 6 months to a year
Balance their diet while young with inverts and greens(occasionally dust with calcium powder)
Dont use analog thermometers
Dubia roachers are much better for them than crickets if they are legal where you are
Leave it alone for the first 2 weeks or so outside of mandatory maitenance so you dont cause it any unneeded stress in its new environment
Set up everything before you buy it so you can dial in all the care parameters
>first enemy you defeat swears revenge against you and shows up at the end of the game
>I already have a trash barrel half full of them fucks
uh huh i bet you do, retard
As a hispanic living here, I know why I say it
For hook ups, yeah. Fucked a lot of married/in a relationship ones. Most colombian, cuban and dominican are dick hungry gold diggers
>dated a Floridan girl who moved to my state a few years back
>she stabbed me in the leg for talking to another girl
Fuck your gay state
Bears are so fucking cute and cool. I wish they weren't so dangerous but I guess that's part of why they're so cool.
Extremely based Floridaman on thot patrol.
he cute.
I had a bearded dragon named Spike that my brother never took care of. They require lots of heat/sun, and make sure to keep that heat lamp on one side of the cage. They love perching themselves onto rocks and branches. Also, they love shallow baths. I used to put her into a sizeable tub of water (not too deep) and had her sit in it for an hour or so outside.
They eat roaches/crickets, but never give them too many at once.
When it comes to constructing a tank, use Newspaper for the bottom, and add some terrain such as fake green. NEVER use sand, because it's extremely messy.
They also love clinging onto you when held. Overall nice starting reptiles.
As for snakes, NEVER get a ball (or jewel) python. Start off with a hognose or king.
Based self hating user. Let's be friends and talk about why we hate eachother's and our own people
Zoo intern
based thank you
My favorite spanish bar was closed down and I haven't found a new one. As a socially retarded Yea Forumsirgin the fact that I could get laid just by being white was pretty cool. The best time was when she couldn't speak conversational english at all and didn't care that we couldn't communicate verbally.
oh nice
The scary part is that they can be very fast when they want to.
even I would want to be fucked by him. what a God
This guy could totally have played Gaston in the live action Beauty and the Beast remake and nobody would have batted an eye
They're only fast for twenty feet. Keep that distance and you're fine. They get tired and stop after three seconds of running.
>hurr Durr I hate niggers and spics they ruin the gene pool and the country
>I'll still fuck thier women tho lol xD
this but unironcally
Ayyy fellow herp bro. Reptiles are the shit and I'd love to have a "pet" gator one day (let's not kid ourselves, they won't be pets but more of a novelty exotic animal that we'd take care of). I love all things lizard and lizard like, they're the best.
Pic is my baby girl.
>Yea Forums is one person
oh boy i am laffin
>Low CHA
She cute.
what does it smell like
waht lizard is that
It's not it's a collective of uninformed sheep unable to form a thought for themselves so they resort to group think via memes and edgyness
or you can turn on them and show dominance.
How can you resist the urge to run home and get some knight gear a shitty katana then run back and go full Monster Hunta on them?
>k rool crashes mario golf
what a cutie
i'm glad i'm not the only one who felt so strongly about this