What’s the video game equivalent of The Last Jedi?
What’s the video game equivalent of The Last Jedi?
Other urls found in this thread:
Halo 5.
Pokemon Sword/Shield
> Terrible sequel that retcons the events of the original out of existence & kills all excitement for the sequel
Mass Effect 2
MGS4 or KH3
kill yourself
gta v
LEGO The Incredibles
TLJ was a good movie.
Homestuck Act 6
MGS4 and 5 in their own way
here's your (You) faggot
Yeah, like Dragon age II is a good video game :^)
i liked it the first time i saw it
and then i thought about the whole thing and got angry
still better than TFA
dark souls and breath of the wild
no and go neck yourself
EA's Star Wars Battlefront 2
Bubsy 3D
Wolfenstein Youngblood, New Colossus was the prequels
DmC: Devil May Cry
As someone not that mad about the movie, it was boring as fuck.
even mass effect andromeda is not as bad as TLJ
All Zelda fans can agree with me on this, Skyward Sword destroyed the Zelda timeline & lore beyond repair
>TLJ was an utter atrocit-
My experience exactly.
Zero Time Dilemma
I havent watched any of these gay movies since I was a child, I just watch the Plinkett reviews.
I honestly like TLJ just for how much it triggers /pol/.
In 10 years TLJ will be regarded as positively as other cult classics of this generation like Nightcrawler, The Social Network, Manchester by the Sea, etc
Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies
>caring about the Zelda timeline & lore
>t. autist
>pretty cgi space war make me forget it movie for dumb dumb written by retard
yaya yada neck yourself
it was, that script was a fucking trainwreck and no amount of VLC player scheenshots will change that
This is the truest answer.
>sci-fi franchise that gained massive popularity
>tons of books and comics expanding on the setting
>story finishes and original creators leave
>company rips the souls of the game out of heave to cram it into a corpse and parade it around like a puppet
opinions can be wrong dear user.
literally how
>implying Nintendo has ever actually cared about the timeline
There was never a sensible timeline. It was bullshit they made up to sell a book.
Bro, it's a star wars movie, do you really have high expectations for the story?
Majority of those shots aren't even kino, especially not the one with the baboon sparring against a nazi.
>the social network
Please god, no.
justice for all is far worse, and fits as the second game in the trilogy
By being obsessed, that's how.
If anything, the cinematography was truly wasted on such a shit script.
>first game in the third trilogy of the series is not very good, but not the worst thing in the world either, gives hope that the devs can recover
>next game utterly annihilates that idea and completely kills any and all care left for the series
>The Social Network
There's a single person on the planet who's seen that more than once? It wasn't bad but I have absolutely no desire to watch it again.
here's a (You)
you worked hard for it
Nice call.
they suck and I don't like them
Me, I liked the soundtrack.
I've never heard good things about any of those movies, they're mediocre hipster bait at best.
>t. post prequels zoomer
Yes, yes, I know you were born into a podracer with the clone wars action figures crammed up your ass.
There used to be a time when Star Wars, despite its simplicity, was genuinely evocative shit.
Instead of over-produced, cringe-inducing comedies written retards.
my problem with the sequel trilogy is
>called star wars
>still no star war
we got ONE (1) battle and then one glorified chase scene and that's it.
where is the WAR
Let me guess, you think it's too political or some shit
Kill yourself. instead of Skyward Sword we should have gotten Wind Waker 2 & Twilight Princess 2. But Miyamoto cancelled Twilight Princess 2 because the development was "Taking too long" & made SS instead
>Episode 8 had huge hype leading up to it
>this means that there's gonna be a huge contrarian swing to the "it's shit" side
>swing was so large that it's now popular opinion and now there are contrarians to the contrarians who say it's a flawed gem
wow classic
Episode one has a power-hungry corporation impose tariffs on a defenseless planet in order to create political turmoil in the space government so a senator can usurp the current reigning ineffective chancellor in order to take his place and begin laying the foundations for a Galactic Empire because he belongs to a secret spess wizard order that hates the current status-quo space wizards.
Being a brainlet is no excuse for hating something, faggots
>autistic OTfaggot
Eat shit, the prequels weren't perfect and TCW is garbage but stop pretending that they ruined the setting.
I watched someone finish JFA the other day and I forgot how fucking stupid the last case is with having you present the same evidence over and over again, not to mention how none of the new characters save for Franziska are likable
how am I wrong? shitty tutorial case, meh second case, third case is the worst in the series, and the last one is great. all in all its shit except for the ending
It was literally mocking the series. There's just a fraction of that fanbase that's so retarded they continue to defend it anyway.
I'll never not be mad at what they fucking did to Luke. How do you misunderstand a character that fucking much? I'm serious. I can't understand how you could interpret the character Luke was in Return of the Jedi with his character in TLJ.
What's the vidya equivalent?
I notice you didn't include the delicious alien titty milk. Can't forget about the most memorable scene of the movie.
>ohhhh pretty colors!!!
Liked and reblogged :^)
The Yakuza series
No u.
>guy fucking runs up and whacks Kylo's lightsaber afyer he thrusts it down
>not the now defenseless Kylo
>but does an intentional running strike to his lightsaber
>runs through it as well as if it never even connected
This gets dumber every time I see it.
No it won’t, those movies work because they are stand alone films. TLJ will forever be the movie that ruined the original trilogy. People can over look the prequels because they don’t change the story of the OT but nu-stars ruins or kills all the old characters because “subversion”.
Does it? I honestly haven't noticed. Most everyone I see triggered by TLJ are people with any kind of standard whatsoever for storytelling in movies.
Why? He's completely right
>endless wave of helpless mooks run onto the end of your sword with flashy animation that look cool once
Dynasty Warriors.
I've only seen it once, and I enjoyed it most of the way through. What really got me though was how it refused to end. There were at least half a dozen scenes in a row that felt like the final scene of the movie.
You can always just pretend the new movies don't exist
That's what I do for most ruined franchises
Final Fantasy XV?
I kinda find it weird that some people defend TLJ by saying its different and fans only want the same thing when TFA was criticized for being the exact soulless thing they trash talked.
But a vocal minority of its fanbase refuses to move on, trudging along in a feeble attempt to manufacture their perfect individual version of Star Wars for the satisfaction of their wet dreams. The Force Awakens may have been dangerous because it reinforced reminders of the old, but the backlash was strong, even though it utilized structural similarities and plot developments for the sake of mystery-box subversion. Many viewers hated Abrams’ film because it exposed their reverence and mythologization of the original trilogy to an absurd degree and refracted it back in the characters’ personalities. Cries and whimpers of “It’s the same thing as the original Star Wars!!” might as well be re-worded into “I didn’t like it because it gave me exactly what I’ve been worshipping for the last thirty years!!”. While The Force Awakens, in a sense, weakened those who have never moved on from the original trilogy, The Last Jedi leaves them in the blood-red dust. It soars off into the galaxy with a fresh twinkle in its eye and a comical, sly reverence for Star Wars itself and not the version so many people have fabricated in their fantasies. The characters have been freed from their ties to Original Trilogy characters, and while they will always carry them within their hearts. Johnson showcases that no progression can be unearthed without change, and change is the opposite of stagnantly committing to ancient fandom favorites just because that’s how they’re remembered. The truth hurts for the personalities in The Last Jedi and the audience observing it play out across the screen; they have realized their stories are just that. It’s what you take away from them, and where you go from there that matters. This gargantuan space-opera train is finally back to square one freed from the constraints of its sickening fanbase and bursting into hyperspace towards the future. Time to let go
>That guy on the front left who just runs away when mary sue's back is turned.
Care to explain?
Star Wars is not a franchise about plot points, logic, or actions; it’s a franchise about ideas and feelings. And the point of Rose/Canto Bight/the casino planet is the idea of oppression and inequality, and the feeling of righteous indignation about it, and giving Rose the opportunity to vocalize those points and establish herself as the voice for that in this new trilogy. Because, again, it’s been a missed opportunity for a long time that Star Wars has been preoccupied with the experiences of royals, elites, religious orders, and other upscale characters at the expense of less privileged minorities. It’s a really cool step to have this character, who’s essentially a one woman get-over-your-bullshit machine, come to this glamorous place and point out that the villainy isn’t just the space Nazis, it’s the privileged upper class that lets the Nazis get away with stuff because they stand to benefit, as is the case with the Trump administration. You see, it’s the non-mystical, on the ground component that allows the film to get away from the narrowly classist vision of the Force going on in the Rey-Luke stuff
people can talk shit all they want about the pre-quels but they had some of the best and most memorable fight choreographies around, especially compared to this trash, which is more of an embarrassment than anything else... ANd it's only gonna get worse with age.
>"resistance" ships that ran out of fuel just gave up and got shot after evacuating the crew.
>all of those "resistance" ships had hyperdrive
>don't turn them around and ram them into the "first order" fleet
Fucking why? They were lost anyways. They could have snuffed out the entire "first order" fleet and had no more than like 2 casualties by pilots even if droids or autopilot wouldn't work.
Unironically Dark Souls II
>It's unquestionably got huge problems
>I still kinda like.
>Consensus is that it seems to be the worst of its trilogy.
>Many locales just don't make sense for the movie/game they are in, even if they're cool on their own. (Earthen Peak and Canto Bight are cool places that are handled quite badly)
imagine actually paying to go watch star wars
the prequel trilogy was shit enough even before it became soi wars
go to bed Mouse
You mean a perfectly fine sequel that nostalgiafags cried about for autistic reasons? Probably Final Fantasy XII.
>Most everyone I see triggered by TLJ are people with any kind of standard whatsoever for storytelling in movies.
The Nintendo Switch
>that retcons the events of the original out of existence
it still amazes me that people thought this was a good scene, you don't even need to be an expert or slow it down to see the obvious problems with it
Don't ever post her while lying through your teeth again you literal subhuman. TLJ is probably one of the worst big budget blockbuster movies in existence, from a fan perspective or just a casual viewer. It's a sad state of affairs when the Jumanji reboot is better and treats its source with more respect.
>Ostensibly main character contributes nothing to the story.
Yep, sounds like TLJ and FFXII.
Nailed it.
1 is groundbreaking best-ever type thing
2 is preferred by some edgy cunts
3 is nobody really cares but it's perfectly okay
4 is gay
5 is gayyyyyyyy
I bet you'll defend Obi-Wan vs. Vader for being 'cool', won't you?
>Resistance fleet decides to sacrifice majority of its command staff just to have their ships explode
>Later on sacrifice most of its regular grunts because a roastie wanted to get blacked
>Only semi competent officer has been demoted several times despite making sound tactical decisions
>Only reason they are likely even alive is due to the fact that their adversaries are equally incompetent
Can you imagine being the middle of this shitfest and having to choose which incompetent side is the best
Nan Ollo is a fucking Chad.
Bioshock Infinite
Fallout 4
Metroid Other M
Halo 5
Pokemon S&S
TLJ was so bad it made me lose interest in the entire series. I dont think i'm even gonna watch episode 9.
I thought that pic related is an excellent choice but it was diffrent in Every Single Aspect while TLJ was still somehow connected to Star Wars, so I choose Halo 5.
Not him but I'd defend it for forwarding the plot and pushing character development forward, and even if it was clumsy at least weapons didn't no clip through a spine
>getting this mad because people like something you don't
Sonic Forces
MGSV for me too
>KotOR = Lucas' Star Wars
>ME1 = TFA
>ME2 = TLJ
>their adversaries are equally incompetent
This is by far the worst thing.
>The VERY LAST fleet of rebels within grasp.
>Stops extremely effective tie fighter attack because ???
>"Okay now just tail them casually for like six hours."
>"Also don't set up a blockade or anything."
>"Also turn off the scanners."
>"Oh and stop physically looking at the ships, they won't do anything lmao."
What in the FUCK is this Dr. Evil bullshit of a plot?
More like Halo 1.
>Nu-Wars raped the most beloved and iconic space opera franchise to cash in on braindead zoomers
>Halo raped the best genre of video games to cash in on braindead zoomers
If it's so bad, why did most of the critics like it? Let me guess, le paid shills amirite? Those darn jews at "the mouse" wouldn't let one of their movies get bad reviews, right? Except for Dumbo, The Lion King, Nutcracker and several other movies, but those don't count because that would contradict my narrative.
>le funny pepe wojack meme
Mmm you're assflustered. Shit is shit and lying about shit while posting my wife is a bad call.
TLJ is so bad that it's good. Literally The Room of Star Wars. The Force Awakens was just shallow, boring and soulless while TLJ is actually pretty fun to watch.
>44% audience score with over 200,000 samples
Looks like the majority really thought it sucked dick user
Why did bioshock infinite get 10s across the board? I guess it really is the game of a generation.
>mediocre but not terrible
>tries to reference the past but fucks up
>twists are lackluster and have no impact
>badguy is a bitch
>classic sonic/casino planet forced into the plot for no reason.
>useless side characters
Keep in mind that critics shat on Solo, so "Star Wars bonus" is not a thing.
Dark Souls 1 is original trilogy.
Dark Souls 2 is prequel trilogy.
Dark Souls 3 is nu-trilogy.
Bloodborne is Rogue One.
Dragon Age 2. One of the best cases of "critics" score against reality.
Fuck you.
It was shit, but I can't help it, I fucking loved seeing Rian shitting on JJ and Disney works during the whole movie and killing the new saga with the same stone.
Eat shit forever DmC fags
Jak II
Ratchet & Clank (2016)
Pokemon X&Y
Final Fantasy X-2?
Hatsune Miku Project DIVA X
Mega Man Star Force 2
Fire Emblem Fates
Tokyo Mirage Sessions?
Kirby's Epic Yarn?
Shadow The Hedgehog
>arena bad
>glory kill bad
>monster closet good
>chaingunners good
I contracted autism from this pasta and will now claim autismbux.
See ya!
Bioshock Infinite
What are the video game equivalent of the following films?
>A new Hope
>Empire Strikes Back
>Return of the Jedi
>The Phantom Menace
>Attack of the Clones
>Revenge of the Sith
Bait or not, it is still wrong.
Baham fighting system
>sonic 3
I dont think sonic adventure games were good but they still had enjoyable parts of it. Thats how I view the prequels.
are those red guys dmc3 enemies?
Donte May Fuck You is the only good game in the series you weeb cunt.
Swap heroes and SA2 and you actually get the list pretty spot on.
but 3 was the most "entertaining" prequel
diablo 2?
Edit the spin out and it's masterfully done, better than any turd fight that came after the OT.
>Quake 2
>Half-Life 2
>The one to kickstart it
>The one that perfected it
>The one that was good but not as good the predecessor
>The out of the box experiment
>The one with the ideas but lacking execution
>The one that is a spectacle and while not as good as the originals is the best out of the previous 2
Honestly not a bad comparison
Because Rian Johnson makes films for film critics rather than general audiences.
Rian Johnson makes divisive movies for controversy, he's even gone on record stating as much in interviews.
>"I'd rather make a movie 50% of people love, and 50% hate, than a movie everyone likes."
t. asshurt swedcuck
time to delete your twitter
You'd have to be clinically retarded to pick this Mass Effect game when 3 and Andromeda exists.
100% retarded.
Donte the demon killer?! Son of a WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORE?!
Why so the sequel trilogy so creatively bankrupt? The prequels gave us a lot of stuff that is not only fondly remembered but also considered iconic to the franchise. The Droid Army, the Clones, aliens like the togruta and the zabrak, vehicles, and planets. The sequel trilogy has given us anything new and cool. The most recognizable imagery that’s pushed down our throats are either from the original trilogy or is a lazy rehash of something from the original trilogy.
Shit, the Gungans are more creative than anything Disney has given us since they bought the license.
Metal Gear Solid V.
>Beautiful visuals
>Old, beloved characters at their lowest point
>Some individual entertaining moments but with an overall bad story that never lives up to its potential
zoomers will say KH3 but it was really MGSV, it absolutely killed all interest in the series as well as the series itself
they did give the planet where luke is hiding although he left a map for people to find him.
Oh, and a silly villain that dies halfway through the story.
You're trying way too hard
>What’s the video game equivalent of The Last Jedi?
Kotor 2 is basically the last jedi except actually good.
Very true comparison. Knowing the fact that Last Jedi has some of the best scenes in all of SW but is overall meh and Halo having an overall great multiplayer but an absolute dog shit single player. Both the most controversial of their respective series.
take it
yeah whether you think the new trilogy is good or bad, its uncreative as fuck. I thought the casino thing was a good concept, with the immoral people of society being rich people instead of the wretched hive in the tatooine bar, but the execution was pretty bad.