How does Yea Forums feel about 2019s GOTY?

How does Yea Forums feel about 2019s GOTY?

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I'm with this guy


It's a little too persona-esq. The new system has it's merits and it was an interesting idea, but it's a little too wordy and after a few days of playing I just wish battles were more frequent.

Auto all school sections, I always wondered if its going to be totally random or preplanned


are the story and maps good in golden deers? I heard its the meme house

It's honestly the most fun game so far, but i doubt it's going to be nominated. Too ''problematic''

I heard people saying the opposite and say that is the most wide house. I have only played Golden Deer, for about 12 hours, so i can't speak for the others, but i t. hey seem to be the typical goodies, ''for the people'' kind of thing.

Problematic? Says who user?

>Anime game that openly sexualize women and lolis and it also portrays mostly white heroes in a predominantly white world

>The only dark skinned lord isn't even in the two bigger houses.

I can already hear the left media REEEEEing.


also smash since it was excluded from last year edition

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Fire Emblem Three Houses is fuckin HUGE.Persona 5 is small indie game in comparison to FETH.

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Played it for 8 hours and I have to call it quits. It unironically feels like a poor mans Trails of Cold Steel which was already a poor mans Trails in the Sky / Persona crossover.

The writing is pretty bad but that's expected of most JRPGs. The combat is easy and the battles take too long. The monastery is tedious and unrewarding. The cast is too segmented into personal relationships to feel like a crew you can care about. The characters lack nuance and plot relevance. The plot is too watered down and the "shit happens once a month" meme is one of the worst aspects of calendar games. It's also one of the ugliest JRPGs I've played in years.

One thing it has going for it is that it's a much better written game than Persona 5 but that's an extremely low bar.

I can see why strategy lovers like the game, but a someone who is more of an RPG/Persona 4/story game liker, this game had very little to offer.

Many of the designs are toned down compared to Fates and Awakening.

hot opinion astral chain won't be very good

>8 hours
>The writing is pretty bad
Are you retard? You didn't see writing at all.

Kojima movie already won, there's nothing to do against that

Do the romances/supports got better and have extra scenes and stuff? Do the other characters recognize if a support got S?
I hated Awakening’s and Fate’s because it was basically “you reached S and romance, thats it” type of thing.

Thank fuck your shit opinion stays in the lane of this cesspool of a board

>Persona game liker
>G-g-guys, adults are baaaad! Let's save the world with our toy guns!
>No-no-no! World can wait! Exams first!

Persona 5 was fucking trash as I said in my comment. Read it, nigger.

Shut up russian pig

How long do I have to wait? The amount of filler I have to go through to get to the story is fucking ridiculous.

>Persona 5 was fucking trash as I said in my comment. Read it, nigger.
Why in the first place i should even read a comments of stoopid retards?

Go back to youtube faggot

>Why in the first place i should even read a comments of stoopid retards?
Well, I presume you've read the text in Fire Emblem Three Houses? That was written by stupid retards as well.

They have by far the best maps and characters.

Is this the real boxart? Why is the fag in the middle upside down lmao looks fucking retarded

It would be GOTY if it launched with a harder difficulty, one that removed the school bullshit

You are keeping this fragile, delicate flower safe in the back lines, right Yea Forums?

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>Is this the real boxart? Why is the fag in the middle upside down lmao looks fucking retarded
No. It's a fanart. In real boxart your dad, and your uncke banging your little sister.

>Well, I presume you've read the text in Fire Emblem Three Houses? That was written by stupid retards as well.
No, text in feth is masterpiece written by pro.

Who of those characters are going to be in Smash?

All of them

Yes user you have said this multiple times now

you're a retard and somehow bad at fire emblem

Edelgard unironically

byleth, the MC

literal libtard house


it's really fun but way too easy
they really need to hurry up with that patch that adds more difficulties

I'm still kinda confused about the whole crests thing. If you can put a crest on a stone, how does a crest a person have work? Is it just some random tattoo on their body like the Brands in other FE titles or do you only find out via machines like the stuff Hanneman has? I get that you inherit them but then how does putting them on stones work? Also it's weird to me that the whole conflict centers around Edelgard and Dimitri when Claude wants to remove prejudice and racism from Fodlan but he's not going through extreme bloodshed like Edelgard is to get the same results.

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Bad opinion

i don't see why
>made by the same guy who made nier:automata
>good graphics
>the gameplay is not just mash button braindead
>actual variety


Breddy gud, I'm 40 hours in and just beat the first mission after Blyat's big sleep

Why do you faggots always dream about theoretical scenarios where people you don't like get mad, and then proceed to get mad over them?