Gamers... we were too cocky

Gamers... we were too cocky

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Is he a teenage cute alchemist girl?

So he's a terrorist? Weird to admit it so openly on Twatter.

I didn't know Orcs were fucking real wtf

>boot licking shit head spreading provably false anti vidya nonsense

Sorry, but facts are facts

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Gordon.... Freeman?

I'm scared, bros.

I have no idea who that is.


He doesn't look like a busty woodelf.

He's a texan manlet who builds sentry guns?

This is him

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Boy with Earring??

Is that real? Please tell me it's real

>ban first person shooters
>have to go first person shooting in real life instead now

We need to stand with our orange overlord, USA USA USA USA

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He's a short asian lady with a cryogun?

I don't play first person shooters so i'm ok with this.

This man has killed more brown people than any of you. Show some fucking respect.

Gang, I've been thinkin. While video games probably aren't good for you either, could the real problem maybe be the guns?

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lol dude's got soup for brains and is talking about mental illness.

Why are people fucking parrots? How many times can someone possibly say mic drop? Jesus meme culture was a mistake.

Now show racial correlation.

*blocks your path*

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i don't get it, does he even know the person was nepnep fag?

>less than 5 per 100,000
>most are criminals
what's the issue again?

Neither do I
who IS this person? Not even memeing now.

No but who actually is this checkmark guy? I don't know the name and I'm too lazy to search him up.

Its real

Nah not even my vidya let me commit war crimes mr navy seal.

It isn't games, it's white supremacy and domestic terrorism that's to blame

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>The difference is (noun)
What you put here depends on your biases.
For me? (noun) is lack of cultural cohesion.

We should all be dying for Israel

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How do you have a non-violent gun death? I guess accidentally shooting yourself when cleaning it or something.

holy shit it's raziel from legacy of kain

>lets not talk about mental health
>lets not talk about how the signs are all clear that someone is unstable
>lets talk about video games

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they're both retarded

Wtf I thought Trump was based

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The sheer population of China (and sort of USA) makes me hesitant to believe that adjusted to a 'per-person' revenue would put them so high up on this list compared to Japan. Does every Chinese person spend a bunch of money on vidya? Aren't a bunch of them literally too poor for any kind of entertainment?

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>The difference is guns
Plenty of guns in Switzerland and no such problem

He claims to be the guy that shot bin Laden. Unfortunately, some Navy SEALs do actually become narcissistic blowhards that believe their shit doesn't stink.

>Put their life on the line so you can whine
People who sit in chairs operating defense networks don't put their life on the line, and they allow me to whine.
People who serve the interests of foreign bodies in the Middle East put their life on the line, and they're the reason I whine.

Yeah, actually. Let's talk about videogames on Yea Forums you fucking retards.


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Its the media thats peddling the issue. How come its not ok for US to upload footage of a mass shooting online but its PERFECTLY FINE if the media does it?! Its almost like they WANT this to happen.

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Now you've done it, seethe inbound

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Looks like tlou 2: return of the dyke is getting canceled

refers to suicide with firearms, accidents.

Guns save more people then they kill, so maybe it's the person holding the gun?

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What is unique to America with all these mass shootings?
>Video games? No video games are played everywhere, including countries like Japan and South Korea which have virtually no shootings
>Mental health? No, mental health issues exist everywhere, including countries like Japan and South Korea which have massive issues with depression and suicide
>Coverage of the shooter? No, coverage of shooters happens all over the world, not just the United States, yet it's the US that gets the bulk of the mass shootings
>The abundance and easy access to guns? Well... the United States has the single largest gun to person ratio on the planet (120.5 per 100 people, while the second largest, the Falkland Islands has 62.1 per 100 people) and over 393 million guns....
It MUST be the video games!

Everyone in that screencap is a faggot
Why is twitter full of obnoxious cunts I am aware of the irony here

Meanwhile in reality, mass shootings by blacks in this year alone outnumber your stat. Intredasting.

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That's not violent gun crime lol

What the heck bros... you told me if we voted for orange man everything would be epic and Hillary would be in jail? Didn't we start pretending to understand politics because of the SJWs ruining our video games in the first place? I think we have been duped.

It never occurred to me that Reggie now is free to say whatever he wants.



You realize Yea Forums, Yea Forums, and /pol/ are essentially the same goddamn board right? Not to mention this thread isn’t really vidya to begin with. Its a thinly veiled political thread.

Literally who the hell is he?
I don't think I ever heard of him in my entire life.
Must be pretty small game.

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WHOOPS, that doesnt fit my narrative!


>"White" Hispanics
Thanks again, FBI.

Stop harrasing mobile gamers!

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Why do Europeans disown American whites?

But the vast majority of shootings in the US are done by blacks.

>creating monsters
>I've been playing monster hunter exclusively for weeks
I'm doing my part!

Americans are so retarded they actually think access to guns isn't correlative with the amount of mass shootings they have in their country.

Imagine thinking this is true. How many lives do you think the average Am*rican has saved?

Only America has alphabet agencies whose main goal is to work against their own civilians, aint that crazy?

Suicide are counted and vastly outnumber mass shooting deaths

>only 113 mass shootings in 32 years

Based Crash Bandicoot

Almost all of the mass shootings are almost exclusively done by white people. The FBI even acknowledged that the majority of domestic terrorism cases are influenced heavily by white supremacy

Based marinemutt, FPS games suck, just ban them

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>fighting a war for israel is defending muh country?
>not fighting off the invaders that cross the border everyday

bootlickies need to get their priorities straight

Twitter posts should be a bannable offense

What's a mass shooting?


Because they simply aren't white. Both in looks and genetically.

Made up statistics from countries that hide their real numbers with unreported mass shootings and gun violence just to save appearances .

the fault is obviously from those evil videogames that are turning people in murderers psychopaths.

You're right, only the government can be trusted with firearms. Let's relinquish them to the state, for the children.

Now post which of these countries has the most amount of niggers and hispanics. Maybe we can find a correlation there.

>mass shootings
LMAO, everybody know that whites commit all the mass shootings and blacks kill the most through regular shootings that take out a few people at a time.

the shooter in dayton was active for just 30 seconds before getting shot by an officer and he still managed to kill 9 people and injure 27 others. the "good guy with a gun" concept is a myth.

Gamer's rights are under attack again... this time from the highest office in the land.

>Video games don't lead to violence!
>Oh orange man said they do? I guess they do, censor them now

Isn’t this using the metric that lumps Arabs in as white? It can’t be putting them in Asian there’s been more Arab shootings than that before you even get into actual Asian shooters like Eliot.

An incident that the media chooses to cover

the population of the world at the end of world war 2 divided by the population of american militants in world war 2.

Yeah you're right, let's have more Smash and Jim Sterling threads instead! Also heard about that one WoW game?

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That's wrong, most mass shootings are blacks and Hispanics. Most public random shootings are whites, but that's a minority of mass shootings

>the virgin /pol/tard cherrypicked collage of autism vs the chad objective data

We all know what the real problem is.

If you haven't had sex, you shouldn't be allowed to play videogames.

If you haven't had sex, you shouldn't be allowed to own a gun.

If you haven't had sex, you shouldn't be able to join the military.

If you haven't had sex, you shouldn't be allowed to use the Internet.

If you haven't had sex, you shouldn't be allowed to vote.

If you haven't had sex, you should be forced to register with the government.

If you haven't had sex, you shouldn't be allowed to live near a school.

If you haven't had sex, you shouldn't be allowed to leave the house without an armed escort.

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Yep, and everyone knows the FBI can always be trusted.

Why should i care if the orange man is censoring videogames now?

you faggots told me that if something i don't like is censored or banned then i should not care,

fuck westcucks

>Congress-members of color
how racist

If he killed that many in 30 seconds imagine how many would have been killed without a good guy with a gun.

Yeah the "good guy with the gun" shit sure helped with the Las Vegas shootings, right?

This argument is a massive fucking meme. If someone is going to go on a mass shooting, they are going to target places with high population densities (i.e. crowded areas, theaters, concerts, schools, etc) where it is too chaotic to know where the shooter is or who is shooting. All you'll hear is gunshots and people running around, screaming. Taking your gun out just confuses the victims and the police because now multiple people have guns instead of the shooter

Over 400,000 mugging and robberies are stopped just by a citizen flashing their firearm, not even drawing it. The amount of people who are killed by guns doesn't even come close.
Plus of the ~12,000 homicides, like 10,000 are gang members shooting each other. The "gun problem" is massively exaggerated in this country.

a real heros job is never done. thank you based reggie


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Just ban USA lmao

Mass shooting are a tiny fraction of total gun violence but retards like you don't care about nigger crime

wtf is this bullshit poll

Haha good one bro, up top

There's been more shootings than that this year, you're a retard and your data is shit

Look like /pol/ went outside again

So this user:Is the virgin?

Oh my god, Americans actually believe this shit don't they? No wonder your country is so fucked.

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whites are about 60+% so it seems like race doesn't play much of a part

It's a fake article.

Or is it you who will be killed?

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yes,but they save you from other people with guns

wtf I HATE nintendo now!

wtf I HATE violent video games now!

Ummm a-user, I t-think you picked the w-wrong image...yeah

>Videogame developers and big names pushing for gun control
I can't wait for this to actually work

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I'm sorry you can't have them :(

A leap of logic only an American would make
>"Objectively, access to guns obviously causes an increase in mass shootings"
>W-well that just means you think the government should have guns, and the government are bad and the only way I could stop them is if I had a gun and shot them
How the fuck do you even make that conclusion

That officer could have been literally any person with a gun you mongoloid and the kill count would have been much higher if they weren't there. Police badges do not give people the magical ability to shoot guns or teleport to active crime scenes


Remember anime makes you gay, lefty and a mass shooter. DRUMPFT BAN ANIME NOW!

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>believing Japan SK or China about their crime stats

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It wouldn't be that bad if they didn't have such a broad term, I've seen videos of americans talking about being "white" despite looking darker than a greek.

This image is photoshopped, you aren't going to get anyone to fall for this bait

Nigga what

Well, duh, faggots like him are why the shootings are a regular occurrence.

Ah yeah as if our european countries aren't orwelian socialist caliphates dedicated to woman and child rape. Don't delude yourself, Mehmetalin.

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>includes niggers shooting each other and suicides
it could be exponentially higher and I still wouldn't be willing to sacrifice a single bit of personal liberty. in fact, the higher it goes, the less willing I am to give anything up

none of these squeaky clean european countries have to be neighbors with mexico and all tho shitholes below

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Then what do you want? No "access to guns"?

Any hispanic, no matter how aztec, is white in the USA.

>72% of the population
>Only 56% of mass shooters
Based Whites

She's right but a huge hypocrite given that only a few years ago she was advocating for banning of violent games for the same reason.

Good thing I didn't say mass shootings, just shootings then.

Most of them are also smaller than Texas

A lot of those are niggers that only play 2K.

i dont get it
who is he?


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Didn't he literally chase a man off with a baseball bat? Violence worked then.

literally no one "pretends" to be a character in a game except women.

Rent free.
Not our fault your single mother is only satisfied by tanned macho greek cocks.

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Plenty of guns in USA and you are an international embarrassment.

I love the lefty mental gymnastics with shit like this
If there was an attempted mass shooting but was stopped with a good guy with a gun before anyone was shot or died, leftyfags would be in here screaming
>goodguys with guns didnt stop anything, It doesnt count because no one died so it wasnt a mass shooting. checkmate nazi's

oi oi oi wots all this then

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If you Reddit space and LARP as Jeff Foxworthy, you might be a cocksmoker.
>You're just hindering the police
The police aren't really going to do much against a guy with multiple military weapons in a vantage position, which is what happened in the Vegas shooting. They will be just as scared as you are until SWAT arrives and any cop that did otherwise would be going against his academy training. Would you rather have an insurance policy, a snowballs chance in hell, or entrust your life to a total stranger simply because they have a badge and a uniform?

>Then what do you want?
A country where people aren't shot all the time, as with a lot of other countries in the western world that suspiciously aren't ruled by totalitarian governments who use their monopoly on guns to silence dissent

He's the guy who shot Osama Bin Laden


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>what is Switzerland


>black people about white people: they're cheating and lying!!!
>white people about asians: they're cheating and lying!!!

The funny thing about Navy Seals faggots is that they go through all that war and yet lots of them end up dying in a bar fight against normalfags. Comedy Gold if you ask me.


because a sizable percentage of the US population believes that any sort of restriction on guns is infringing on "muh freedoms" and rush to shove the second amendment in your face as if a vague outline written several hundred years ago should actually be taken at face value today

>113 mass shootings in 32 years
WTF!!! Twitter keeps telling me there were nearly THREE HUNDRED this year alone!!!

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Remove diversity
gun crime drops 95%

If he was not allowed access to a gun, how many do you think would have been killed?

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It won't happen in the states even if guns were outright banned. People would find ways to kill each other regardless.

As a Canadian I blame USA for most of our gun violence. Mostly happens near the border surprise surprise.

Part and parcel

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I agree that it correlates, just not that it's relevant enough to bother doing anything about.

What does controlling guns mean?

A country with heavy regulation on gun use. Don't kid yourself just because everyone owns guns there, they all go through training and what guns or ammo you get to keep is highly controlled. But go ahead, try to make America more like Switzerland. It'd be better than doing nothing. I'd fully support that.

>All of these Yuropoors attacking USofA
>Your country lets women/children be raped and killed by immigrants that they don't report
>So both crime statistics and justice are irrational and unserved in your countries

Atleast you got some good boy points for letting the 80 IQ different species monsters live in the same places as you right?

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fair enough, I'd give you SK
China is fucked and I trust nothing from them, no matter the data
And Japan actually does lie about murders and rules them suicides if they can't solve them quickly to keep their numbers down

Fucking kek

Lel didn't a big shooting JUST happen in Canada regardless of their strict laws?

Hypothetically if I was him and I couldn't use a gun, I'd use a homemade explosive.

Dios mio, la delusionatura...

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If he killed that many in 30 seconds imagine how many wouldn't have been killed if he never had access to a gun in the first place.