I hope no one here is honestly dumb enough to have this take.

Attached: GTA-5-Online-Casino-UPDATE-Big-DLC-news-for-Grand-Theft-Auto-fans-this-week-790621.jpg (620x413, 69K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>buying games
What are you, a faggot?

>gambling bad
>$100 for a micro transaction that wont even buy you 1 virtual rocket bike is ok though

I remember my boomer parents would get made at me for buying Nexon Gift Cards or some shit, saying it's a waste of money, and i should buy a toy instead, but no that's stupid as fuck.

The real money i spent for in game currency allowed me to buy something in game that added to 1000s of hours of play time.

Some dumb toy would last me 100 hours of my life max, and it'd probably break or some shit too.

The items i bought with in game currency are still on my account fucking 10 years later

>3 gambiling options with 1 being a gay ver of poker
>slots and a wheel are there for your dopamine

And the game still suck tadaaaa

+10 social score

Nobody cares about the casino. We care about a greedy developer that already made hundreds of millions of dollars in microtransactions and still wants more money. The mission payouts, even for arena wars is terrible. GTA5 had the potential to be the best videogames of all time. They ruined it.

Yeah, assuming i'd spend that 100 on some form of entertainment, or something to bring me dopamine in my brain.

Shit I bought in WOW has lasted me much longer.
Brought much more entertainment and repeated use then some $100 toy, or maybe $100 worth of snacks of w.e the fuck parents would rather kids buy.

When you try to make the argument that spending real money on games is a waste of money, you're invalidating video games as an entertainment medium.

>Recently hit the highest most consistently player count and hours in it's entire life span
>T-they ruined it...i swear!

yeah yeah keep going, i'm sure your feelings with beat out facts someday

this stone statue of Ratchet from the game Ratchet and Clank was $100
now i can sell it for $400 to someone else who grew up in the ps2 golden era
good luck selling your ebin mount my dude

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They're children, and people who've been playing since 2013, meaning they have their accounts with high ranks and a lot of money. Most people are vocal against the game. Fanboys are in the monorry

The Rockstar Fanboy Checklist (GTA5 Edition)
>the cops aren't overpowered
>the AI aren't bullet sponges
>I never bought a shark card
>you're not forced to buy shark cards
>it's not pay to win
>shills for microtransactions
>online review scores
>mission/race payouts weren't nerfed
>the prices are fine
>the controls are fluid
>name a better game
>it's Take Two not Rockstar
>San Andreas was overrated
>GTA5 has the best radio
>it's a single player game
>the characters are good
>Trevor is well written
>reddit spacing
>defends blowing up CEO crates online (griefing)
>Rockstar sold x amount of copies
And their personal favorite
>if you don't like it, don't play it
If you think you're arguing with a fanboy, simply resort to this checklist, call him a fanboy, then ignore him. Watch him cower and recoil as he's been found out.

You're still not making any sense.
Lets say the average kids has $100 to spend on entertainment a year.

Would you rather spend it investing in a game you play regularly and know you'll enjoy, or buy some dumb shit that will break in a week or they'll get bored of, with much less total play time.

You socialist commie larpers always focus so much on corporations making money, and this makes you seethe, without thinking about why microtransactions are so popular in the first place.

Can we cash out if we win and turn the ingame currency back into cash?

GTA is bad because you use real money for video game money

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Since when was the value of an item, based in if you could sell it or not.

I'd say the personal amount of joy and entertainment it brings the customer is far more important to regular people.

mutts, chinks and austrohuns (aka chink nomads) are dumb enough

The majority of the people that play GTA5 are children. It's as popular as Fortnite. Adults don't support shark cards, and you're not a grown man just because you can gamble in a virtual casino. I used to think I was cool when I played GTA too.

No? and why would that matter.

If I spend 10 bucks on a cheesecake the rush of dopamine as I take a bite is the only justification I need.

I don't need to turn that purchase into the same amount of money I spent on it, I'm exchanging money for momentary happiness.

But in the case of video games, money spent there has greater potential to bring me entertainment or joy, as i've said I can still enjoy shit i bought in online games years ago, but the joy i got from other entertainment purchases have been short lived.

any other horse racing chads in here? How much money did you make so far?
I left my PC on for the whole day and when I came back I had 16 Million

Attached: betting 200 winning 30000.jpg (960x640, 120K)

I too am looking forward to upcoming release of pokemon sword and shield as it must be good since its the highest grossing media franchise of all time.

no it's not.
You use real money for entertainment all the time.

I used real money, for gta money for entertainment, and that entertainment has lasted me 100x longer, then anything else i could've bought with that same amount of money.

You have no way of justifying the average consumer of GTA you're simply talking out of your ass.
I've seen an abundance of squeakers in every online game i've played ever.
You've failed to making any convincing or valid arguments here.

sure goy

Which video games do you recommend for someone who hates Firearms, hates the National Rifle Association, hates Cambling, Hates Violence and is totally against the carrying of weapons?

No one said that, and your comparrison is flawed.

Pokemon games sell off of name brand alone, it's also a single player game.

Online games are a different matter entirely, when an online game fails to remain interesting the player numbers will drop.
An Online game success banks directly on weither or not it can consistently entertain people and keep them playing, so when a game 6 years into launch is seeing record breaking numbers it's a testament to how consistently interesting it's been.

GTA can sell on name brand too, but if your game is actually "ruined", then you wouldn't be seeing record breaking activity.
Your claims are pure fallacy and you're an absolutely incompetent buffoon whom argues with his feelings.

And here you are. Unable to form any rationale arguments, LMFAOOOOOO staying seething retard

Ask yourself why the online gets negative feedback from almost everybody, yet the game is popular. Same thing as Apex and Fortnite. I play RDR2, because it's relaxing. There's more people my age that I can have fun with.

Candy crush

>You can use real money to win fake money

Only retards do this

>Ask yourself why the online gets negative feedback from almost everybody,
Because it's cool and edgy to hate on things that are popular.
If the games was actually bad, people simply wouldn't be playing it, especially not in record breaking numbers.

Sorry, but facts dont care about your feelings


That poker wih the dealer really is the weakest part of this whole update, the lack of interaction with other players is annoying.

Explain why?
The "fake money" can be used to in game to buy items and things that will shoot up dopamine into ones brain.

How is that any different from using real money on something else for entertainment?

The only real difference is that online currency will give you a lot more entertainment and dopamine in the long run, so it's actually probably better.

10 shillbucks have been added to your account

Most people would agree that Siege is full of team killers, but it's still a competitive team shooter nonetheless. A contrarian would be somebody that was vocal against Halo 3 in 2007. Every player, both good and bad loved it, because it was a good game, and put dents in movie ticket sales. Most adults do not play GTA5. It's a kids game like Fortnite, hence the flying bikes. We have jobs, and refuse to support a pay to win scheming developers that charges 60$ for their game. You wouldn't understand, because you don't have to put food on the table yet, and your brain isn't fully developed.

Nice argument retard

We have fanboy, boys!

>most people would agree!
>A contrarian would be!
>Everyplayer loved it
Completely anecdotal, and subjective non arguments
yawwwwwwwn, next

try learning how to write a competent argument first, retard lmfao

Simply read each game's reviews. Visit their forums.
Proving my point again. The game is full of kids.

You didn't prove any point, your making arguments based on anecdote and pulling player populations out of your ass, both argumentative fallacies, that's lets me know you're a child incapable of forming rationale arguments.

it was a valid point. And you do sound like a kid

It's not a valid point, it's a dumb anecdote that proves nothing, peppered with subjective opinion.

Didn't they make it so shark card money cannot be used in the casino?

Who cares, that's completely besides the point.

You just said earlier that GTA5 hit its highest player count, kid. Way to go. Fortnite is that way.

That's just an objective fact of reality, this fact makes you upset and so you lash out like a child and throw around nothing arguments and appeals to subjectivity.
You need to read a book on debate or something, you're such a child lmao

>since when was the value of an item the value of an item?

I've proved my point...well you sort of did it for me. I'm not arguing with a child. Bye, kid. Fortnite is that way.

I already used real money to buy the game, don't make me use more real money to actually play the game.


No one is making you use real money to play the game, it's just an option, and there's plenty of ways to make more then enough money then you'll ever need, just playing the game regularly.

That's completely besides the point though.
I'm talking about those who choose to spend the entertainment money on microtransactions, and how that purchases is arguable more justified then anything else they would could irl with that same money.
Again this is money in your budget you'd regularly spend on some form of entertainment.

the poker is at least fun to play with other people and doesnt feel like im getting my ass fucked by the game like i do with black jack

Dream Daddy ;)

That's a check!

I'm playing gtao again after 2 years not touching it because it's shit, at least there doesn't seem to be as many modders around now

if you want to chill in gtao just turn auto aim off. 90% of free aim lobbies are chill as fuck/flat out empty because the auto aim is like a low IQ magnet.

>there's plenty of ways to make more then enough money then you'll ever need, just playing the game regularly.

It's a grind, unless you're a NEET who has all day to devote grinding out the activities that you're best at, you'll have no time to actually enjoy the game, as anytime you engage with the sandbox, or less profitable activities, the game will drain as much cash as it can from you, as fast as it can.

It's not a grind, I would spend maybe 2-3 hours every other day, playing any heist and having tons of money in no time at all.
Not to mention r* has been litterally giving money out like once a week, and they switch bonus money/exp for different playlist so you're playing something new to make the most money.

All of this again is besides the point.

Not him but I've been using the test nat glitch to get solo lobbies. anyway to exploit or cheat this game I'll do it. Rockstar deserves it for being money grubbing scumbags

what are microtransactions, you fucking gamer faggot

How much is Rockstar paying you to say this?

Why are you lying on the internet? Its ok if you work for rockstar, you can sleep soundly knowing that the rest of the world thinks you are literally worse than dog shit.

It is physically impossible to make more than 6/700k/hr in gtao without exploiting. this is by design. so you get board playing the same 3 maps over and over and buy a shark card.

>defending micro transactions in any form

just chill

Get a load of this shill faggot

What on odd arbitrary number "6/700k an hour"

I never said that was the amount, and i dont even think that "should" be the amount you make an hour.
I would make close to 2 million, just playing 2 heist every other day, they maybe take 3 hours all together?

I'm not lying because you can't make some weird abirtery exploit amount of money lmao wtf

keep seething, literal children

ironic considering only children play the game lmao

>only children play games

just gta online. nice straw man faggot.

It is bad because everything in the game has a real dollar value due to shark cards. You spend $100 at the casino trying to turn that into $500 so you can buy all the businesses, as opposed to just spending the $500 out of pocket. When that doesn't work, you think "well $200 is still less than $500 so I'll try again". And there you have the beginnings of every gambling addiction in the world.

The game is 18+ so I really don't give a shit, but I wouldn't say they're being very responsible.

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Just your favorite game. nice straw man faggot.

>It is bad because everything in the game has a real dollar value due to shark cards.
I fail to see the bad part? Everything in real life has real dollar value, and weigh that value with if it will bring us whatever amount of entertainment we desire.

>gambling in San Andreas was the only time in GTA that you could actually do something with the assload of money you have by the end of the game
>they put it in V but it's online only buy more shark cards goy
Right into the big fat trash bin

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u mad?

You are lying out your ass.
>2 mil in 3 hours through heists
>without doing the exploit
Do you think you get the first time bonus for heists every time you run them? Also the value user gave wasn't arbitrary, there are only so many ways to spend your time in gtao. Optimum money grinds exist and they're around the $700k/hr mark, less if you're being realistic with failures/bad mission RNG/etc.

>It's not gambling because you can't make money from it
Doesn't that honestly make it worse? Using the psychological manipulation design to make money like Gambling does but with no way for the customer to get any kind of return?

Attached: The fuck.jpg (1280x720, 83K)

No one said it's not gambling, it is gambling, i'm just saying it's a more justifed purchase then anything else.

The bad part is that some people will shoot hundreds down the drain on this shit through gamblers fallacy, when it could EASILY be an in-game-only thing. It isn't any worse than a real world casino, but those aren't exactly on the up and up, and there's no reason for that comparison to even be in the discussion due to GTA being a video game.

Stay shill fag lol


Grand Theft Auto Online sucks and only literal underage and niggers play it

>be me
>play gta online
>find out gta online is literally "no fun allowed - the game"
>buy hack $15 for a month of access
>teleport around dropping money on everyone
>have so much cash i can afford everything
>underground bunker, yacht, all the most expensive gun mods
>game no longer fun
>join races and spawn busses everywhere making huge roadblocks to grief people
>check account
>still not banned

fuck u rockstar kekeke

Gta5 fan here
don't think I am
>cops aren't OP
>ai aren't bullet sponges
well, peds run away, the others are easy to kill
>never bought a shark card
never bought 1, but I don't play it enough to grind
>you're not forced
>get shit on by a big spender and his 200 vehicles
nah, I'm against em
>online review scores
don't care about reviews I like the game, at times
>nerfed payouts
Oh yeah, forgot about that, used to do rooftop rumble for 30k
>prices are fine
nah, overpriced for the good/fun stuff
they're fine on ps4
>name a better game
story wise, GTA VC, graphic wise, BF4
>GTA5 > GTA4
I agree here but GTA4 has fun physics
>SA was overrated
yeah, I agree, might be biased for VC
>best radio
nope, SA and VC
>it's a single PLAYER game
it's 2 games in 1
>good characters
ehh, bad execution, but likeable
>trevor is well written
he's a walking duality and a paradox, while being cliche
>reddit spacing
dick moves, but its sometimes fun to be a dick
>sold x amount of copies
nah, there may never be a perfect gta but they all have their pros and cons
>don't like, don't buy
up to you, the grind will be annoying though, just wait for gta6

I answered honestly, someone evaluate my post?

Can I transfer my PS3 data over if I buy the PS4 version of GTAV? Haven't played for a few years, but I need something to scratch that open world itch.

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>buying hacks
my fucking sides

>Microtransaction BAD
>Gacha GOOD
Absolute state of Yea Forums

Gacha has waifus though.


>best radio
fuck off. nobody except consoleshitters think that 4 rap stations makes a good radio.

unironically saints row 4 has better radio than gta 5