Gonna start playing this tonight after hitting the gym, what am I in for?

Gonna start playing this tonight after hitting the gym, what am I in for?
What are some good starting pro-tips?

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heroes are your only free resource, spend them

Witch Doctors and Occultists are shit, never use them

Remind yourself that overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer.

What a fucking pleb, don't listen to this guy.

Listen to this guy, he knows what he's talking about

Stop by Bestbuy and pick up some spare keyboards.

witch doctor? You mean plague doctor? What happened to 'em?

Do NOT listen to this asshole

listen to this asshole

This guy is dumb
Pick a few characters you like and prioritize leveling them up safely to high levels and send bulk teams of adventurers on suicide missions for loot
Keep at least 1 person who can heal and one person who can buff on each team

Git gud and prepare to get reminded
Game wont hold your hand, learn to make the best of a bad situation
Persevere or fall

why do you keep posting this?
i don't see the point in shilling a dead game

Don't forget torches and food!

Yes user, clearly we should only talk about the latest AAA garbage and e-celebs here.

>Witch doctor
It's Plague Doctor, retard.
>Best blighter
>Second best stunner
>Excellent bleed
>Disappears corpses
>Only one who can cure blight in battle
Ask me how I know you couldn't beat the game on radiant.

i don't care that you want to talk about darkest clunge but it's weird that you keep pretending you haven't played it before

Don't complain about rng. There's no rng in this game, the game's out to fuck you with a cactus and there's nothing random about it. Your job is to be prepared to stop it.

>the game's out to fuck you with a cactus and there's nothing random about it. Your job is to be prepared to stop it
The game even tells you about it, it's honest and very upfront

Spot someone who was REMINDED that he's a scrublet loser.

Remind yourself overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer

grave robber is best girl

Play like a man

>dead game
This term refers to online multiplayer games where one can no longer find anyone to play with. Learn what words mean you faggot retard 12 year old

>What are some good starting pro-tips?

>good tips
play a good game instead

Rain in the forest.

Early on, Heroes are very expendable. Grind the dungeons until you have a lot of gold and discard them when they get bad traits/ ptsd. Vestal is very important early on, don't discard her until you get more Vestals.

Use the gold to upgrade the town and then eventually start maintaining/upgrading some good heroes.

She is my waifu and I love her dagger throws very much