She's in

She's in

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what's the point of open-toed thigh high boots?


Crazy to think 10 years ago Yea Forums would hate this character

Now everyone just faps to fatasses. Shows how slowly over time people as a whole become more accepting of degenerate fetishes

her toes are in my mouth



Attached: 76100875_p0.jpg (885x1252, 1M)

Obviously so you can jizz on her toes without the hassle of removing her clothes.

Thick thighs save lives, indeed.

I prefer lila desu

speak for yourself, I've always been a THICCman

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I'm in.

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She shouldn't be working out while pregnant

I wanna put a baby in Ryza.


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She wants you to appreciate them

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Alchemy and combat look solid but it's hard to say anything when 80% of the footage we do have is showing off character designs. That one's on Gust.

nothing wrong with that

i am going to masturbate to this image

This. Ateliers are supposed to be flatties not cows like this.

Atelier is piss easy in a way that's almost insulting once you realize you can complete the game in 36 minutes or less without even venturing outside the kingdom, all you have to do is sell your equipped clothes for some money, buying just enough alchemy ingredients to produce enough alchemy goods to get 3/10 stars in the evaluations, and then sleep your way to the next chapter, and you can get through most of the game doing only this, and all the time limit ateliers are like this.

Attached: atelier lulua2.jpg (1920x1080, 367K)

based and jizzpilled

but user, then you'd be naked!

Try doing that shit for the post game
That’s where the real challenge is

Not to mention later evaluations have materials that are only found outside
Do you only beat the first eval and consider the game complete?