VHS Tapes & Game Magazines

Really putting a lot of faith in you guys, but is it possible to get a thread going about old game trailers, VHS tapes, & game magazines, or has Yea Forums gone full zoomer? Does anyone here even own a VCR?

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Do I really have to go to /vr/ to discuss old game tapes?

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i used to have that. watched it countless times. grew up with a ps1 so i never could play it. i could easily buy an n64 and banjo now but emulation

Are old demo discs game for discussion too?

SEGA BTFO again!


I used to have this growing up. I kept the tape for a very long time too. I lost it though.

I also had one of those N64 tapes that showed off Kirby's Air Ride back when it was conceived as a N64 game.

I used to have a fuckton of EGM and, PSM and Nintendo mags. Fuck son they're all gone and rotting in some landfill now. I used to take the Christmas EGM issues to my grandma's every Christmas with my gbc or gba and play ffta or pokeman or pour over every little blurry picture and snippet about games as I could. I miss it bros

also I jerked off a bunch to the PSM swimsuit issues

You have no idea how much I loved the videos on those things. Shame what happened to MST3k.

Fun times. Didn't have many of them, but they were amazing.

>The Power of N

>they're all gone and rotting in some landfill now
Everything will eventually./

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Nah, the universe will probably end as some equally distributed soup of maximum entropy.

I used to record all the cut scenes from PS1 and N64 games on VHS. I had a 13'' Sharp CRT/VCR combo unit in my room. I don't think I ever got a VHS promo though.

I remember one old magazine called Gamers’ Republic that was rumoured to have a pair of naked breasts hidden in every issue.
I didn’t believe it until a friend brought some issues in and pointed them out (sotn succubus and some anime chick’s boobs).
3rd grade me’s mind was blown.

I have the Majora's Mask tape. But it's not that special of a thing. I'd sell it to some Majora obsessed loser for $20 if I could.

I can't remember what the video was called, but the first half of it was PS1 stuff and it showed off RE2.
And the second half was N64 stuff.


you'd be lucky if you got $10 for it.

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I had a few of these that Nintendo Power sent me and I had a demo tape for the Sega Saturn

Well, it's fortunately all on Youtube, so what would be the point?

The two tapes that stick out most in my memory are Diddy Kong Racing (got me hyped as FUCK for that game) and the absolutely incredible Star Fox 64 tape where two guys in Sony and SEGA shirts kidnap a Nintendo employee and torture a Mario doll in front of him to get him to talk

$10 is good for something that was free

Only one I remember getting was for the game wild 9. I ended up renting and enjoying it though it flooped.

>for something that was free
Nintendo power magazine subscriptions were like $20 weren't they? Or did they give that specific tape out for free at Toys R us?

>Nintendo power magazine subscriptions were like $20 weren't they
Yes, but they sent all kinds of free shit
I had a few of those tapes sent to me for free

>Star Fox 64 tape where two guys in Sony and SEGA shirts kidnap a Nintendo employee and torture a Mario doll in front of him to get him to talk
Holy shit. I remember that now

I hoarded a shitload of old magazines, but I never got sturdier shelves or organizers to put them in. They've just been collecting dust in the attic for 10 years.

>ash's aunt hillary


I threw mine all away, was getting to be too much stuff. I did tear out certain articles like LamePro though


>EGM and, PSM
I never subscribed but before the internet got really big I'd browse the heck out of those whenever we'd go to Walmart or somewhere and if they had some with demo discs with interesting games I'd buy those. I miss demo discs.


I had this come with Issue #0 of the Official Dreamcast MAGAZINE

I got rid of all my magazines years ago, I do have some of the old cheat booklets around somewhere and I still have this cassette of cathy dennis reading cheats out over her own songs.

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>I'm just gonna pirate this magazine...

It isn't vidya but pic related

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Wow that’s pretty based

I actually have a promotional tape for Starfox 64 I found at a thrift shop for 5 bucks. Never actually watched it, just bought it on a whim.

Probably showing my age with this, but I have a bunch of old Tips & Tricks and Nintendo Power magazines in my closet. I remember the first NP magazine I bought had cheat codes for Goldeneye.

>Published on Feb 18, 2018
How long do VHS tapes even last anyway?

What the hell?

>reading cheats out over her own songs.
Please tell me someone has a recording of this song.

Forever, if you take care of them

>only two series
Your power level is pathetic. I've got two boxes of anime tapes.

You're alright in my books user.

Nice, I've got one of these saiyan saga box sets

Attached: Dragon-Ball-Z-VHS-Saiyan-Saga-Box.jpg (400x300, 34K)

There seems to be plenty of information on the tapes, but no easily accessible recordings.
Trying to think if I have a tape player I can record mine from.

I remember have this but the tape never worked. Think i got it off a thrift store.


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Not only do I own a VCR, I'm in the process or ripping an old recording from one right now.

>mfw this game came out 21 years ago

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Who remembers cdi infomercials? Id watch that as a poor kid thinking it was the coolest thing.

This tape sold me on the game back in 98. That and Jon Lovitz.

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You can still collect Tapes and Vinyls being released today anons.

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I mean I get that LPS are still a thing but tapes just seem like complete nostalgia

Those covers are fucking soulless desu. PlayStation magazines were much beter.

Tapes worked like shit, that's why they won't make a comeback. Same with DVD's

Where can I get those Miku tapes?

>Late teens-early 20s Zoomers who grew up on Bieber, iCrappy, Big Time Rush, Hannah Montana, Minecraft, RWJ, Justin Bieber, PewDiePie Web 2.0, and 7th gen and were still in school in 2013 can now walk and talk and are the vast majority of Yea Forums and the current Internet

>Those "Like if Nuketown was your babysitter" sarcastic shitposts from 2015 came true in the end

What do you think of this?

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I have a little over 100 game mags on my shelf. Mostly GamePro and Nintendo Power with some EGM and PSMs thrown in there, all from 1989-2009ish. I also have some newer ones like some later Nintendo Powers and Nintendo Forces.

I think you don't have to post this in every single thread verbatim

>Hiroshimoot trying to extort me for Yea Forums Pass
>Can't post any pictures of the shit I'm digging up
Fuck off already.

I have one for the n64 from nintendo power. Its still sealed. I also have a ton of the magazines as well

Some labels still put albums on tape. I bought one recently since my truck only has a tape player

>that's why they won't make a comeback
but they already made a comeback years ago

>What do you think of this?
That there are people who are younger than us? So?

He's not gonna listen to you. Autists don't learn from experience.

These PS2 demos were the shit, wish I still had all the magazines to go with them though

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When? Post examples

There's still a huge VHS industry because, especially in Central/South America and Africa, a lot of people don't have DVD players, let alone BD. Because it's so expensive. They scour used stores to buy VHS copies of stuff. As well as a huge bootleg market. VHS being a lot easier to copy things.

Not vidya but used to get tapes for 4kids in the mail where they show off several trailers and episode highlights for their upcoming shows that will end up on Fox kids or Kids WB.
RIP Saturday morning cartoons ;_;

I remember seeing this commercial on tv despite being born in 96.

Post the hentai ads.

>here's still a huge VHS industry because, especially in Central/South America and Africa, a lot of people don't have DVD players
I live in South America, and that's false. If they don't have DVD players, they sure don't have VCR either because they watch their content online anyways.

Man, I forgot about this one

For a while now. Even Kanye West released an album on cassette. I personally own Art Angels by Grimes on cassette. A lot of artists both mainstream and underground have been doing cassette releases for a while.

I bought it on ebay shortly after the expo for its cost for $20. Last i checked in october they were $40, probably more now.

I think Justin Bieber's 2015 album was good and I'm in my 30s

This was probably one of the first Internet videos I saw. I remembered the commercial, then searched it up, then found it on this website called Retro Junk.

I used to buy anime fansubs on VHS from people on Geocities using money orders.

damn thats fucking old school

What country do you live in? Because there's a huge VHS market in Mexico, the rest of central America and Brazil. Most of it is bootleg.

That was only 20 years ago.

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I have the donkey Kong country and Star Fox 64 one.

Loved the Star Fox one with the Sega and Sony spies.

>Donkey kong country
Is that the one with all the banana jokes?
I remember my friend had that one.

I remember spending a full day downloading one episode of a fansubbed series way back in the day.

bumping this for more nostalgia.

nice... i remember that one N64 promo VHS that showed off mario 64 and (beta) footage of zelda 64, with triforce and shiet. good stuff, I watched it so often as a kid

I didn't have that luxury because my parents only let me on the Internet for 30 minutes a day because it tied up the phone line.

The banana jokes and the Killer Instinct stinger at the end.