Already better than Cyberpunk 2077

Cope CDPR, shills.

Attached: jdrx0f0gtqe31.png (640x476, 301K)

Nice, 2 good games to play.

Really, making a nu-vegas is such a smart move on their part, I can't believe they didn't do it sooner

But can I ravage the tired looking blonde's tits?

Fallout 1 would like a word. Also betting, you can't kill children in Outer Worlds.


How CDPR will recover from this bros?

Attached: 8oJV37z.png (3200x1600, 3.53M)

Truly the El Paso of games.

it won't have kids

user i know you forget sometimes and its hard but Fallout came out over 20 years ago its not a recent release you have to stop doing this to yourself user your family is worried

>lets you kill anyone you see
Why am I not excited?

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>role-playing means doing whatever the fuck you want including murdering children and story npc's
this is the worst kind of autism, you don't know what RPG's are all about

Why would I want to kill everyone? I’m not some white supremecist death cult psychopath.

> role-playing doesn't mean doing whatever you want
t. faggot bootlicking apologist for shitty games

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The comma goes before the subject interjection, user. 'CDPR shills' is one subject, similar to how one might say "Cope, gay gamers."

>roleplaying means playing a Telltale game with combat (Witcher 2 and 3)

kys CDPR shill

STALKER already allowed this in 2006.
Original Fallouts allowed this in the mid 90s.

Why is this a new, hot shit NOW?

>Cope, CDPR shills

Can't even write properly.

Oh man there's nothing more fun than soft-locking a game and then loading a quicksave

Attached: zoom.png (212x238, 7K)

You're right, I was in a rush.

Fuck CDPR drones though

Because it should be standard for the genre and isn't a new idea. Maybe also non-interest in the game to begin with so such simple news does little to change your mind.

God I just hope these games bring the genre somewhere betheshit isn't capable of doing.


Attached: morrowind-character-death-59a5b6f156361[1].png (639x610, 100K)

Can i kill kids? i think not.

hey man you can't have that outlook here you're either a fan of one game or the other

>not softlock picking your game instead
Weak players make me sick.

Well if they were Japanese devs they'd make killing everyone an ending to the game.

2 times wrong

Oh shit
Incoming CyberTranny shills

Oh shit I'm sorry

noice sauce! this is how i go about life also.
i dont just pity the retards who like to make everything a VS thing, but i know for a fact they will never stop just makes it all that more laughable.
i laugh because i love. i pity because i love twice

The only thing this means is that the story is going to be short and shallow, because they have to account for people who will simply kill every NPC they see on sight without making the game unbeatable.

What a shame.

>kill every story NPC
>Unlocked: The Dark Timeline

Both games are going to be terrible. Cyberpunk looks bad, and Obsidian is hot garbage.

You can't even type out a sentence right, Jesus. It should be cope, CDPR shills.
Fucking dumb inner city education showing its ugly head

Why would you want to kill anyone in a game, then? Are you some kind of nigger from the hood?

you either never played a true tabletop rpg or are the worst kind of p&p players imaginable

Cyberpunk is looking like a total moviegame. Not that I mind those but I also like actual RPGs and I trust Obsidian not to fuck it up too bad.

heres your alternative ending bro

Attached: Zion Canyon Map.png (242x70, 10K)

Is this coming to GoG after the exclusivity ends? Or is it exclusive to Steam and the Ebin Store?

what if i want to roleplay as a psychopath who murders almost everything, including children?

Even if its a bad idea, you should still be able to.

kill good

why is this ''feature'' so important?

I remember that time in an obsidian game where killing an NPC actually prevented me from completing the game's story


>noooooooooo, follow my rails and be enthralled by these super interesting npcs I made!
>come on, are you not enthralled by the super cool and unique looooooooore I've created?
>go on, converse with my super cool oc
Fuck off, fag. Your campaign is shit, just like your life.

then people aren't gonna want to play with you because the GM won't be able to continue the campaign while some retard kills everyone they encounter

>You can kill ANY NPC
>and then you get a game over or fail a mission for killing said NPC before restarting from last checkpoint

Also didn't Fallout 3 did something similar?

>The only thing this means is that the story is going to be short and shallow

Uh, where did you get this logic? From your ass? Mass Effect and Witcher 3 are less complex than New Vegas, a game that allows you to go after every NPC

Attached: Fallout_New_Vegas.jpg (256x315, 37K)

Love “that player” who does game ruining things and then goes “what? Its in muh character stop railroading omg”

kek you probably have nobody to play with because you're an autistic cunt you seething incel

People act like Obsidian has drastically changed but their core tenets remain the same, that game is a spitting image of new vegas but on a smaller scale.

Because it's nice to kill everyone in a city/settlement just to see if you can.

Don't think the game will even have kids, though.

>Also didn't Fallout 3 did something similar?

Literally fucking no you goddamn Bethesda shill retard

Why should some characters be protected while others aren't? To tell a very specific bullshit narrative? Lame

I don't like that guys either, but this is a single player experience where they can't really fuck anything up. And a few "that's what my character would do" things have actually turned out well for my group.

can't wait to play both and have twice as much fun as everyone on this board and there's nothing you can do to stop me

New Vegas still has an unkillable npc to guide you to a final sequence full of npcs you couldnt kill before.

lmao it looks like "we happy few"

I'm not a huge fan of CDPR's games, but Obsidian's never made anything worth half a week-old shit.

>when being able to kill any npc is headline making
God I fucking hate modern videogames

Have sex

Attached: centrist.png (640x480, 14K)

Those tits are way to big to be realistic. I hope their internal ethics committee will correct that massive oversight.

Unless they're story characters vital to the plot

Yes, interacting with a narrative is ultimately the point. If you want a blank canvas to kill npcs forever in you can do that on your own. Just thumb through the bestiary and roll dice.

the fuck. they all look like 14 year olds

free will and choice
They just need to make the game, not decide how I play it for me.
That one of the biggest reason why "woke" games are shit. They try taking choice away from people in order to force an opinion/action on the player.

>When the most popular RPGs are ones that don't let you do any roleplaying (Witcher 3)

That's why it is special.

read nigga

>To tell a very specific bullshit narrative?
this is literally the point of RPG's, if you don't like that just play some sandbox with no content

Okay. This is how these kinds of games should have ALWAYS been. You don't get brownie points for doing what you were supposed to do in the first place.

It's wrong think. These leftist pussies will tell you how to play.

I swear, the faggots in this thread protesting this shit.. Are you morons seriously claiming you didn't go on shooting rampages in GTA? GTA is literally the mass shooter simulator. So shut the fuck up.

More RPGs should strive to let you break away from the main narrative, like letting you retire as a rich mercenary. Doesn't require doing the main quest, just collection dosh.

I'm sorry I don't play railroaded RPG shit like you do - I bet you always go to Klamath then the Den in your play-through of FO2, right? (If you even played it)

Attached: fallout 2-min.jpg (500x500, 68K)


The only downside is that I have to play it on my switch since Epic games store is a thing

>then people aren't gonna want to play with you because the GM won't be able to continue the campaign while some retard kills everyone they encounter
but this is a videogame nigga there shouldn't be limits to my role-playing

why is Jared Leto's Joker in there?

>One player keeps wanting to do bad things
>Other players beat him down, hold him down, etc

Essentially like giving Mr. T milk like in the A-team. Was that so hard?

There's a switch version?

oh, did your players bully you?

The Outer Worlds also lets you side fully with the evil corporations, unlike CyberTranny
Not only that, but The Outer Worlds isn't open world trash like CyberTranny is
Doesn't matter, though, CyberTranny will sell millions and have fanboy drones all over the place. Few of us will have taste refined enough to appreciate proper RPGs instead of that garbage.

Attached: file.png (498x498, 164K)

play Kenshi

Would it kill them to include one woman who doesn't look like a complete dyke?

I guarantee Outer Worlds is more open world than Borderpunk 2077

Attached: borderpunk smaller 2.jpg (1517x2156, 244K)

what other players? what the fuck are you talking about?

Yes it probably would

I haven't seen any attractive women in Cybertranny either so it isn't any better

In a tabletop roleplaying game you nigga.

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I have.

Nah, CyberTranny is gonna be actual open world garbage. Miles of emptyness as far as the eye can see. Recycled bandit camps (hacker hideouts, in this case) trying to pad that shit up. Brainlets are gonna love to walk through that enormous wasteland for MUH IMMERSHUN (And also, they'll be really pissed that you can't enter every single building you see)

The Outer Worlds will be properly scaled, with a good amount of map that will be filled with enjoyable content. This is Tim Cain and Leonard Boyarsky, they don't fall for the modern open world standards which are awful.

>but their core tenets remain the same
yep, fuck QA the fans can find game breaking bugs for free

play it more

Obsidian has never made a good game.

But will this game have a Yes Man equivalent? Surely someone has to exist to interact with so there can be an ending.
Maybe it's some kind of voiceless macguffin.

>In a tabletop roleplaying game you nigga.

>Leonard Boyarsky
user, he was one of the leads on vanilla diablo 3

I imagine that's gonna be the Ship A.I.

>Openworld=instantly bad

Why do cum.brains do this? No offense, but there are good examples of open world and examples of bad open world, like any other genre like good platformers and bad platformers

I was quoting the wrong person, I meant the person who is complaining about the player griefing the game I guess.

>redditors are excited for a rick and morty game

Attached: 1549828074438.png (522x348, 283K)

Bad bait, if you arent an incel than you have never played a tabletop rpg.

>liking games on Yea Forums
Get your contrarian ass out

Obsidian has never made a bad RPG

Sorry for what?

If you don't like him, blow his fucking brains out, bitch boy.

Yeah, but that was him working alone for Blizzard on games that are barely even RPGs.

He, along with Cain, made Fallout, Arcanum and Bloodlines, and those are all masterpieces

There's not one good game that is open world by modern standards. Not one. The best shit you can come up with is Morrowind and New Vegas and both of those games SUFFER from being open world trash and would be a million times better if they were more compact and dense.

The Witcher 3, Breath of the Wild, any Elder Scrolls games, etc, are all garbage

>There's not one good game that is open world by modern standards

GTA: San Andreas
Saints Row 2
Fallout 2

im not buying an obsidishit game. im not a redditor

>y-you neeeeeed me to direct your games of pretend, you losers!
For every dm worth anything, there’s 200 of pretentious fags like nobody wants to play with.
I bet you blame the players when they ditch your session to jerk off.

>there are people so fragile they can't handle dirty limericks.
What a world.

again, you don't know shit about RPG's

When is the switch port scheduled for release? I wonder how poorly it will run

Damn look at all those why pepo!

I cant wait to laugh at you fags when this game finally releases. Nuobsidian is SHIT. You've been warned for a long time now. This game is cutting corners so hard with what little budget they have, the new Vegas nostalgiafags have no idea what they're walking into. This will be the blunder of the year

that was decades ago, his recent work is far from good and you should tone down your expectations

The blunder of the year is Anthem easily the Outer Worlds has little hype it could turn out better than expected

Thank god, it might be worth a pirate after all just to see how much can you fuck all the shitty quests.

The Lesbian Worlds

you really entered a sect, not a fanbase, holy shit.

>Jim Sterling retweeted

Because you’re not a 10 year old boy who’s easily amused by retarded shit like this. WOW I BLASTED HIS HEAD OFF HAHAHAHAHAHA WOW I BLASTED HIS HEAD OFF TOO HAHAHAHAHA THIS IS SO AMUSING BECAUSE I HAVE AN UNDERDEVOLPED BRAIN!!! Shit gets old real fast. Still should be standard for RPGs like this though

>thinks he invented the genre

Be quiet, nerd. I don't care about your book and tabletop adventures you had in highschool and whatever etiquette or rules you set for yourselves. I want my computer RPG to have freedom. That means the ability to kill anybody - which doesn't necessarly mean kill everybody in a playthrough. But if I do want to roleplay as a psychopath I will. If I want to only kill kids, I will. If I want to go hunt down every nigger character, I will. What's it to you, whiny faggot?

get this shit out of here

Lmao you sound like the kind of fag that gives plot armor to his DM self insert.
Call me when you have a player fuck up your entire campaing by betraying the group to side with a crazy malk prince and you roll with it because you realize it is a fucking great development.

Why do they all have the same facial structure?

Dude Outer Worlds looks generic as fuck and pretends to be edgy so faggots like you think it’s cool and good. Have fun 100%ing it in the 30-40 hours that it’ll take to do everything in.

They are two different types of games


I pre ordered cyberpunk and will pirate outer worlds. Get fucked epic shills

>It's a brainlet that thinks a 400 hour long game where he spends 250 of those hours doing the same shit over and over again and going through copy pasted recycled content is better than a 20 hour game that is actually fun and full of unique content all the way through
Congratulations on ruining the RPG genre. Or trying your damn hardest do, anyways.

Then you don't get any games lmao
Most groups get buttmad when you kill people for no discernable reason. If you have an actual reason ("he insulted my honour") a good GM would understand.

>GTA: San Andreas
>Saints Row 2
>Fallout 2
Not open world by modern standards, uses an overworld hub map system

Again, his recent work was him alone working at Blizzard, it's not comparable to being the lead developer of a RPG with Cain

I'll pirate both. You get the rope too.

Attached: judgement of the chinaman.png (493x392, 164K)

Holy shit, can anything be a movie-game nowadays?

>be retarded stoner hippie
>friend comes up to you
>"yo dawwg, you seen the new trailer for that rad DOOM game?"
>"nah not yet man"
>watches trailer
>sees one of the text scrawls
>"hey what the hell man, hows that game rad if its just gonna be one of them movie games?"

Attached: grayons.jpg (720x736, 32K)

When someone posts they killed someone they shouldn't have they get to call them names.
That is the big selling point.

Can't believe people are falling for this.
It's gonna be the same thing as in Morrowind where you can kill an important NPC, but your game will be soft locked and you'll have to reload to a previous safe.
The game tells you that you CAN kill anyone but that's really only on a technical level. If you actually want to complete the game it won't work.

Yes they are going to release yet another overrated buggy game.

>New Vegas is garbage
>Every Elder Scrolls game is garbage
>Witcher 3 is garbage
>BotW is garbage
Now I’m not saying these games are perfect by any means, but the fact that you think all those games are trash but actually think The Outer Worlds looks even remotely better than any of those is so fucking unbelievable that I can’t help but think that this is bait. Nice one user, you got us.

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>This game looks pretty nice
Guess I'm pirating it.

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Relax, the devs already said it wont be political.


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What am I supposed to be seeing bad here?
It just looks like they ripped off VATS for crits

please tell me you can turn those killcams off

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>role-playing means doing whatever the fuck you want including murdering children and story npc's
Yes. Yes it does. Now fuck off my vidya.

>What will CDPR ever do against all these highly-clothed brown dykes featured in this game???

>no discernible reason
Except we’re not talking about motivation, we’re talking about the ability to act on it.

shame, because I wanted to role-play as an apathetic angsty anti-social teenager who just wants everyone to stay the fuck away from him in Persona 3, and it wouldn't let me.

except yes man and children

But can you kill children?

Reminds me of the days playing Morrowind with cheats murdering everyone

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CDPRdrones have been so mind raped by the Witcher games, they can't even fathom actually roleplaying an interesting character - they hate thinking.

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yeah, you could do this in morrowind. i dont remeber any fucking articles on it.

Nope, the game will be finishable as you kill everyone.

D&D nerds misunderstand the benefit of being able to kill any character in a game. It's not about killing EVERY character, or even having the option to kill EVERY character. Its about being able to kill that one specific character that you really want to kill, for whatever reason.

Take Skyrim for example. One of the most infuriating things I have ever experienced in a video game was when I went to the town that has the Thieves Guild in it and I tried to clean up the town by killing its corrupt queen. But she cannot be killed, she just gets knocked down and then comes back up. You have to either join her side or just ignore her altogether, which is retarded if you're role playing as a good/lawful character. This is immersion ruining and nearly game ruining in an RPG. I want the option to kill any character so that I don't have to ever run into that situation again, not because I want to be a murder hobo that slaughters every NPC I come across.

Attached: Courier.jpg (1136x639, 516K)

>phone rings
>hi im the npc you'll interact with for the rest of the game for everything remotely important
>you'll never see me in person ever
>phone rings again
>and we are the 50 other npcs you'll never see but are vital to gameplay

Attached: 1561747528667.jpg (314x314, 10K)

Wrong. You can't kill children, shill.

you can absolutely do this, what the fuck are you saying?

relationships aren't forced

Better yet
>The story NPCs only appear in cutscenes or areas where you can't use weapons.
I'd fucking laugh

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That part of the discussion was within the context of tabletop games, where anything is possible if the GM allows it. The only situations a GOOD gm is likely to allow it is ones where you have an understandable reason, even if that reason is retarded.

Ofcourse not, it would be allowed to sell in most european countries if it had killable children. So probably no childern in the world.

Even yourself?

A smarter fix than non interactive worlds like Mass Effect and Witcher 2/3

I recall reading they had to change that in the euro release but did they just make children invul or did they just remove them in FO1?

>You can kill any NPC.
>Story-important NPCs appear in rooms where you can't use weapons or cutscenes for most of the game.
You know it'll happen.

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hell yeah senpai

slaughtering the thieves guild would be evil not good

No, whether the gm understands your character’s motivation is irrelevant. Show, don’t tell. If the dm needs you to spell out why you do anything you do so he “allows it”, he is a worthless fucking faggot.
The world should not function by his whims, but by an internal logic. You commit an act, you suffer the consequences. If he at any point conjures up some bullshit to “allow” or “disallow” your actions for his own wants, he’s a shitty dm who should stick to writing fanfiction.

This. FO4 is a great example of getting this so wrong. I want to annihilate the minutemen and I can beat the game without them but it still doesn't let you. There's also some side quest npc Cabot or something that acts really sketchy. I tried to kill him and he's immortal too. A fucking npc that only offers side quest. Retarded

Most likely scenario

>literal shill complaining about imaginary shills as a vehicle to shill

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I'm sorry, user, but real life doesn't work like that. Someone who kills a random plot NPC for no discernable reason is much more likely you're a shitty player who does things to get attention than a deep iceberg-theory roleplayer. Unless you've been friends for a while and you've built up trust together, the GM should act on the more likely possibility. (Obviously, those shitty players shouldn't be allowed to play)

Of course there should be you retard. Video games are finite and have a budget dumbass, you can't expect them to cover every role-playing possibility.

You could still finish morrowind after killing a vital npc as long as you did not kill Yagrum Bagarn before he fixed the Wraithguard.

Attached: MGS2-Our-Beloved-Monsters.jpg (800x450, 42K)

Both "games" are glorified movies anyway. I'd much rather environmental storytelling than watching motionless people chat back and forth for minutes on end, especially in rpgs where those conversations are largely meaningless drivel instead of genuine plot progression. Cutscenes ruined gaming, but at least Obsidian has the decency to let you skip any and all dialogue if you so choose, unlike the pollocks at CDPR.

>all of the characters designs are so horrible and all of their animations are so amatuerish that I go on a killing spree and can no longer complete the game

Wow, thanks Obsidian

Nice, 2 shit games to avoid.

This says to me more that the game won't have a lot of differences each playthrough
>Ending where you kill everyone
>Normal ending
>Good ending where you kill the baddie and disestablish capitalism or whatever
Maybe a few joke endings if you kill some important NPCs in the tutorial

Attached: 1564021175461.png (392x464, 293K)

Why do they look like fags

>inb4 edgelords kills anyone that remotely looks jewish and makes a meme about it circlejerking all the virgins on Yea Forums who can't handle a real woman


It's been a while but I recall FO1 doing it like that as well. You get the whole grab the water chip quest from the overseer and later kill the mutants but you don't ever interact with his NPC until the very end of the game with the optional ending event.

no you get to talk to him again. never tried to kill him though

Obsidian games are fucking dated. All the footage I’ve seen of this just takes me back to 2011 and Skyrim. It’s over man... the allure of these types of games is gone.

You're making me sick

>I'd much rather environmental storytelling

The cry of the retarded Valve fanboy who doesn't know good storytelling, as environmental storytelling can only tell you so much. Games should use multiple methods like Deus Ex, not just Half Life 1 and 2's stilted, shitty way.

Stick to walking sims, you Valve fagboy fuccboi.

Just Cause 2

>Todd makes it so psychos can't massacre every NPC they come across in TES because they break the game campaign
>obsidian is like "see that character? you can shoot it. also you just made the game's campaign unresolvable by killing a plot-mandatory character, ha ha. make a new character."
from a certain point of view, that certainly does give the player freedom to fuck their character's life up in a very impactful roleplayum way.
i swear I think the "murder everything in TES games" philosophy was rooted in how fucking shitty daggerfall was and how you could wipe out whole cities without any single negative repercussions due to how you could just move to a new procgen city that's exactly the same as the last one.

>>Not open world by modern standards, uses an overworld hub map system

tl;dr you don't want to admit you're wrong

Also disliking SR2 and GTASA means you're a hard faggot to please (and nobody should try you no taste faggot)

I think we’re looking at this in different scenarios.
Why would you play with someone you’re not friends with in a campaign where killing nods might be relevant?
At best, you’re going to be playing a 2 or 3 session game with randoms/passing acquaintances, and in those, you can just be as retarded as you want, whether you’re the dm or a player.
Nobody gives a shit if the shitty adventure the demo threw together or just ripped is going to devolve into being bandits hiding in caves and trying to run across the border from danger.
Secondly, any dm that isn’t retarded knows who he’s playing with. It’s a group activity, the players are not there to ride the dm’s dick any more than the dm is there to facilitate their oc donut steel fantasies.
Killing npcs just to fuck the dm is retarded, but you won’t be at the table if the group’s not about that kind of tomfoolery. If an npc is fucking annoying, and the group decides to kill him for no other reason than not having him in the game, tough luck, the dm can’t cry and have rocks fall down and then claim he’s not a shitty dm.
If you cannot work around an npc or two being killed in your campaign, your campaign is not good.

Whoa, BASEd!

Now I can fulfill my incel murder fantasies!

>it's new vegas, but fruity

>Why would you play with someone you’re not friends with in a campaign where killing nods might be relevant?
Online groups, my dude. I have a core group and I have a few GMs who randomly message me when they want to run a new campaign. The core group each other well enough now, but of course everyone's new at some point. And the other GMs are throwing new groups together all the time. So there's plenty of situations where taking the cautious route (even just asking "so why are you randomly killing this dude") is the best route.
>but you won't be at the table if the GM's not into it
isn't true, alas. Session zero should weed 'em out, but it won't always.

You stupid or some shit? There's literally a physical limitation on the amount of role-playing options you have in video games.

>Video games are finite
well duh you stupid fucking idiot, but seeing as other games allowed it, why not put the option? christ you're dumb

>online groups
Why would you even bother?
The atmosphere and in-person interaction is 70% of the fun. That’s like watching movies on a phone.

Cutscenes are fine and you can skip all dialogue in CDPR games.

It's a different kind of feel, but so long as you've got a good group it's still fun. Anyway
>why bother
because I joined 'em when I was a friendless loser who could barely talk to ticket officers on the train. Years later I'm now procrastinating on getting my own group together out of normie friends in uni, but I still keep up with 'em.

The fact that he said GTA:SA and SR2 aren’t open world proves how fucking delusional and unworthy of discussion he is. He’ll suffer a long, unsatisfactory life and writher away in disappointment until his death.

Still looks like a game made a decade ago...

W-what are you doing? You can't say that here!

Attached: flaming_dragon_byong.jpg (300x357, 14K)

>If you cannot work around an npc or two being killed in your campaign, your campaign is not good.
Almost every single great story that has ever been told relies on 4-5 important characters that are essential. You don't know shit about story telling.

I can guarantee there will be a moment where you bust in some corporate office to take down some big bad ceo but you just end up talking to him on a big screen and then robots swarm in to fuck you up afterwards.

No, he said they were shit open world games. I just don't know what would make him happy.

Because by putting that option in you take away other fucking options that could've been there moron. What's the payoff of being able to kill every single NPC when the only way to do it right is to dedicate massive resources to it. And no, just having them be killable but then soft locking the game is not doing it right, you should just make them immortal at that point.


All those gun free zones like Sid's Bunker, the Bar, Faction bases, and the main hubs?

go back to playing vidya you fucking faggot, we're here to hate it

With the abominations in that screenshot, I guess being able to kill them truly is an essential feature.

Not even just the quality (or lack) of the graphics, but even the aesthetic and design choices. This is like something a 14 year old would think is cool in like 2010.

Attached: 4F954E40-89EF-46A8-8411-BFFA6E05F970.jpg (449x423, 62K)

You are literally fucking obsessed holy shit

Because devs love to tout the amount of choice in their "RPGs" but then they put in abhorrent obnoxious characters that don't die when you kill them. Fallout 4 is the best example of this, with the Museum of Freedom gang being a group of absurdly killable people, all of whom have no impact on the main story but cannot be eradicated for some reason.

Did they say how killing plot NPCs affects things?
For example does the story continue the same but other NPCs take his place like Mass Effect?
Does the plot just come to a stop with no more plot?
Does the plot continue and change with each spiraling effects?

I thought that was talking about my own character. now it ameks sencse

>tl;dr you don't want to admit you're wrong
No, I'm serious. If Fallout 2 is what you consider open world, then you might as well say that Metroid is open world too. A game with the map hub system of Fallout 2 released today would not be considered open world. Is Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire open world? Of course not. Who says that?

No, I didn't. I said those games were shit. Retard.

I didn't say they were shit open world games. I said they were shit games. And a big part of them being shit is that they are open world games.

>I just don't know what would make him happy
No more open world garbage. RPGs are now properly sized so that the maps you're in are very dense with fun unique content instead of it being the same exact copy-pasted bullshit spread for miles designed to waste your time.

go frame by frame before the kill cam turns on

GMs are like cops sometimes. They think they have the talent but they are only there because of the power trip. It's hard to find a good GM that wants to make engaging adventures and not just some random generic adventure and see what the dice tells you. The last ones get frustrated easely but it's much more fun to play p&p when you can challenge other people's imagination.

Obviously, if you start an adventure and start killing everybody is really lame but being CN and having an outburst murdering someone crucial for the adventure can be an interesting twist (again, if it's not just for the edginess and goes with the character). Bad GMs that think they're hot shit will stop the adventure, good GMs will find a way to continue from there.

That the models need to spawn in?
i dont know what I'm looking for spoonfeed a retard plz

It’ll probably be like New Vegas
If you kill a key NPC, certain quests would be failed and locked out
Kill a storyline NPC, and their ending is locked out
The game would have an immortal robot character that allows you to get a basic ending if you kill too many storyline npcs
The final boss simply doesn’t show up until the final battle, so you can’t kill him early

Because the story+writing is going to be super-lame and bad

>killing NPC
Retarded gimmick. You gain nothing from this. Only lose game content.

Probably the second best option of the 3. I can get behind it.

>calls him retard
>says GTASA is shit

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it gives the game huge replayability
>i hated this sidequest. how about i pop a bullet in your neck and just take your shit this time

it costs a lot of money to make those types of games.

>says it gives games replayability
>literally uses the skipping of playable quests as an example of replayability
Wow, sounds mighty fun user

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here you go

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Cybertrannies seething

Still going to pirate it.

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I can't stand obsidiots. You fuckers are a pest that needs to be exterminated.

No, it doesn’t, you stupid fucking nigger. Things just happen differently. There’s an entire genre of stories exploring this through time travel, alternate realities, butterfly effect etc.

Daily reminder if you preorder a game you’re a fuckin loser lmao

Yeah, i wasnt't refering to graphic fidelity either, i don't care too much for it..but for the impression this game gives ancient gaming design.

Traditionally that was what RPG's were about. A dungeon master would make a dungeon and part of the premise of the game was that you would go to that dungeon and try to get whatever treasure was inside, but other than that you can play your character however you want. The only other rule was don't be evil towards the other players unless you've all decided that that's ok.

Name 10 that don't rely on important characters being alive. You can't.

This is dumb, most GM's love it when players do weird creative stuff that they never thought of as long as it's in the spirit of the game and not out of character. So sure if you're playing a bunch of good guys and a player decides to murder random people that's not in the spirit of the game or in character, but if someone comes up with some creative solution to a problem instead of whatever solution the GM had in mind that's great.

>he hasn't played a tabletop game where at least two funny guys roll charisma to fuck everything in their way, every fucking time
Some people like ultimate freedom when they play a role.

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The killcams are your companion's special abilities that you order them to do..

What a crybaby, it's an rpg. It's clear you can actually support the corporations and share their ideals, shut up.

>not simply having a nihilistic "genocide ending" for full psycho playthrough

Will NPCs have day and night activities like TES and FO?

it defeats half of the purpose of the game by not engaging in them

They’d cover they’re heads and run away

I hope mods are a thing. These 'things' are all hideous.

I don't care if they get replaced by weird anime things, it would still be better than the current shlock.

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You'd have a point if we were talking about stories. The problem is we're talking about interactive stories. Disallowing player agency undermines the entire point of the medium. If you don't allow players to kill an important character and embark on that branch of storytelling because you wrote 300 pages of story involving that character for later on, you did it wrong. Good DMs strike a careful balance between preparation and not wasting time on shit they don't know the players will do yet so they don't have to throw out hours of effort.

An RPG is not supposed to have a prewritten story. If you want to write a story write a book

>noice sauce!
u wot

OP absolutely blown the fuck out

>epic games store exclusive
At this point they could make it billion times better and I'd pass. I'm not giving in to Chinese botnet.

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An RPG shouldn't have a set in stone story but you're retarded if you think the story should account for every single possible outcome. Some parts have to be mandatory or your story will be shit.

It's on the Microsoft Store and PC Gamepass too

cringe. grow up, be an adult.

I'd rather fuck anyone I see.

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I'm going to be forced to pirate it same as Cyberpunk 2077 since they aren't getting proper releases on PC - a DRM free physical copy.
I remember I bought a """"""physical version"""""" of New Vegas at the store, took it back for a refund after I learned it was a Steam code and not a physical copy then I pirated it when I got home. Lost sale.

I don't give a shit about either game, but this is the right mindset.

He’s not wrong


the planets in the outer worlds function as individual open worlds

combining them into one world just means you won't have a loading screen between them, idiot

>Some parts have to be mandatory or your story will be shit.
Which is why you don't make a prewritten story. RPGs are about improv. You set up a scenario with a villain and some important locations and people and then you wing the rest. Your job as a GM is to be able to steer the situation into something dramatic no matter what the players decide to do. At the end of the campaign the story should feel like it was something written by both you and your players, something you couldn't have come up with by yourself. Again, if you want to write a story just write a novel.

I doubt the Outer Worlds planets are going to be big areas to explore. Maybe something like Borderlands but I’d imagine even smaller than that.

>Enjoying video games

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I'm talking about video games where resources are limited. I agree with you if you're talking about pure imagination.

did you watch the gameplay, the footage I saw gave me the impression that a planet would be 1/3 or 1/4 of new vegas especially map, maybe more

having a bunch of smaller open worlds adds up functionally to having one big open world, the result is the exact same

the many small world's option just forces you to go through a menu and a loading screen, when they could all just be connected in the game world

Well hopefully I’m mistaken then. I know bigger worlds don’t mean better games but exploration and discovery is my favorite thing about these games, and bigger worlds are easier to get lost in. Might be the wrong opinion to have, but it’s mine.

>it’s okay when Nero does it

then you still cannot do whatever you want.
once locked into the psychopath role, you cant NOT kill anyone, even if you chose to as a player.
you have to kill, even if you say that you wont, adherence to the character you chose will make the GM declare that you keep killing.

roleplaying always comes with a set of conditions that force or limit your actions regardless of player choice.

even if you play a character devoid of any agency so as to preclude possible GM decision of your actions, you basically play an NPC whose every action is dictated randomly, eliminating all reason for you to actually show up for the game.

listen i prefer JRPGs over WRPGs but i wont pretend that in actuality JRPGs are basically just visual novels. being able to role play as the "bad guy" that randomly kills people for insignificant personal reasons is one of the main draws of games like New Vegas

>thinking this this garbo will somehow be better than Cyberpunk
It's ironic when the actual shill calls other people a shill.

Might as well compare Scarface to GTA5.

Fpbp i cant wait

Lord of the Rings
Any character can die and be replaced by essentially anyone else of their race. Even Gandalf, while important, can be replaced by another character.

Harry Potter
Harry died and so Neville becomes the new main character.

Any Superhero story characters are replaced to tell the same story multiple times

The Odyssey
The main characters aren't even important, it's just a collection of shit that happens to someone, that one is replaceable.

The Wheel of Time
Rand dies, but the Forsaken are killed, and as the Dark One actually can't do anything without people, everyone just waits for the Dragon to be reborn again.

Fight Club
Jack dies, but Tyler had contingency plans to enact in the case of his death

Star Wars
Luke died and Laia takes up being the jedi

Paul's sister is instead a boy

Naruto dies and we just keep watching what happens to the village and take the focus off any individual character

Literally the point of the story is shit just kinda happens and isn't about any central event, so removal of any important character just shifts focus

Doctor Who
The other part of the doctor that went to the other universe to fuck rose takes over and gets more reincarnations because doctor who hand waves everything all the god damn time anyway and even the main character is literally replaceable

Kingdom Hearts
Everyone already has a Keyblade, so Sora really can be replaced by anyone as long as Nomura was willing to make other characters important. The mobile game already implemented a new villain type character, so xehanort dying earlier doesn't mean shit.

I could keep going, but any writer can start to change the course of a story at any point. It can be bad writing, but don't act like it's impossible you simple minded retard.

imagine thinking someones a centrist because he likes multiple games

All of the stories you mentioned would be either over or completely ruined if main characters die. The fact that you mention LOTR and the fucking Odyssey(named after fucking Odysseus you mongoloid) just shows that you're grasping at straws. For crying out loud you said Harry fucking Potter, where Harry is literally the child of fucking prophecy. Neck yourself retard.

Disgusting design, look this shit. Every game company is going full el goblino lesbian fantasy nowadays...

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You’re wrong lmao

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That's utterly retarded and incorrect. You could have a backstory that requires you to murder occasionally, though you get no satisfaction from it. Saying if you murder once you must murder everyone you meet is nonsensical.

Harry Potter had two children that could fulfill that prophecy you absolute mouth breather. It's almost like a writer could make up any shit they want and write around the death of any character.

Do tell which other 2 children were one of Voldemort's not-phylacteries retard. Oh wait, none.

Dumbass. Outer Worlds is gonna be properly spaced, not like New Vegas which was miles of emptyness and copy-pasted content. That's what open worlds are.

based and redpilled

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bottom right qt as fuck

first thing I'm going to do is kill all of the lesbian NPCs, with the "just keep doing you" twat being the first victim. If I am not allowed romances in my RPGs, then women in said RPGs must all perish

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It's about having the option to remove anyone you want from the game's story. I don't have to go on killing sprees or be a murderhobo to want this kind of shit. When a character in an RPG pisses me off in just the right way, I want him to stop existing when I shoot, punch, run over, or stab him. I don't want him to fall over and go unconcious. The ability to kill every NPC is about player choice. The developers aren't handcuffing you and saying "No you can't kill Janice because she's vital for that one side quest you're never going to do" they let you make the choice to kill Janice if you so choose to, for whatever reason you choose to. Maybe you think Janice is a scumbag, or maybe you just don't like her shoes. Murder is a roleplaying tool, you should have the choice to kill any character in a roleplaying game.

wow, they even replicated the shittyness and jankyness of falloutts combat system

>epic exclusive
is there any more certain sign than this that a company doesn't actually care about it's game?
all corporations are only after money but if they're not even going to attempt to appear like they care, why should I care?

>see my own sad reflection on my screen
>kill myself


As this user already pointed out, the devs say this isn't supposed to be like that.

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