One 3d Mario game per console

One 3d Mario game per console
One 2d Mario game per console
Two Zelda games per console
The Switch uses it's 3d Mario game for some shitty collect-a-thon and it's 2d Mario game for a fucking port. And Zelda is also a boring open-world game with zero story and no enemies and now we get a straight sequel to that awful game.
Nintendo EPD everyone.

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Britney bitch

>Galaxy 2

Get fucked

You have keen eyes

nintendo has also diverted epd's resources to smartphone games and (until this year) 3ds games instead of supporting the switch.
nintendo knew as soon as their full-price zelda and mario kart ports from the wii u sold like crazy that they'd never have to put effort into supporting the switch with new games.

Attached: consider.png (600x451, 205K)

Galaxy 2 was originally going to be DLC. The Wii had DLC capability that was only used for a few eshop titles.

Source: Dude trust me

Same thing for the upcoming BOTW2
They had "too many ideas"

>Literally says they had too many ideas and they made it a sequel

That's not the same thing as planned DLC dumbass

You're a special type of retarded, aren't you?

Thank you for in no way countering my point.

Also by your own logic there'll be a third Zelda game on Switch.

2D Mario of this gen is Mario Maker 2 though
As for Zelda, as a long-time fan of the franchise that liked it for what it was and not for what trenders wanted it to be, I'm super sad about the state of BotW and its sequel. I don't want this and no one is making Zelda clones either.

>Alright, lads we need to make a content pack for our game.
>Well shit we've got a whole lotta ideas here
>This has really gone beyond the scope of what we intended to do
>Fuck it, let's just make another game

my life

Yes that is literally what they did, good job.

there was no way it was gonna be DLC

the wii shop had a hard file size limit of 40MB for devs due to the wii's limited internal memory of half a GB. This is why meat boy on the wii was canned (they didn't want to compromise the game's quality and compress or remove assets to fit it within the limit) and why you never saw retail games on the wii shop. Mario Galaxy 2 is like 1.3GB big. The wii did indeed have "DLC" capabilities but it was for very small files like individual guitar hero songs or bug fixes.



So Galaxy and BOTW 2 were going to be DLC.


I was being sarcastic, retard. You pretending to quote a meeting you weren't part of to prove your point is fucking retarded

>I don't like them so they're bad

Seething boomer won't get over his n64 nostalgia, lmao. BOTW is a good game.

Okay, but that's about what happened. They planned to make DLC and it turned into a stand alone game after a while.
So Galaxy 1 and Galaxy 2 being on the same console doesn't mean the point about there being one mainline Mario title per console moot because Galaxy 2 wasn't meant to exist in it's current form.

I fapped to britney spears a couple times

>Okay, but that's about what happened. They planned to make DLC and it turned into a stand alone game after a while.

Where is your fucking proof, you have still yet to post ANY proof that Galaxy 2 was originally DLC